[time 155] Re: [time 154] Entropy, wholeness,dialogue, algebras

Stephen P. King (stephenk1@home.com)
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 13:39:00 -0400


Matti Pitkanen wrote:

> There might be something deep in induction of imbedding space
> tangent space octonion structure to spacetime surface [octonion units
> are projected to spacetime and their products which contain also
> part normal to surface are projected to spacetime surface so that one
> obtains tangent space projection C alpha beta gamma of structure constant
> tensor Cklm defined by IkIl = Ckl^mIm ]. But I do not know any idea about
> what deep consequences this might have. Quaternions appear
> in the construction of exact solutions of YM action (instantons): could
> octonions appear in the construction of the absolute minima of Kahler
> action if this construction is possible at all (just a free
> association(;-)?
        Is there a cotangent space here? What relations would exist between the
tangent and cotangent spaces?



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