[time 174] Re: [time 171] Re: [time 165] Prime numbers in pregeometry

Ben Goertzel (ben@goertzel.org)
Mon, 05 Apr 1999 12:18:57 -0400

>The idea about primes as 'minimal systems' resonates with my own
>thinking. I have also played with the idea about prime numbers as minimal
>systems, minimal system regarded now as elementary particle. Prime number
>decomposition for integer n= prod_k p_k^(n^k) is like many particle state
>containing n_k elementary particles (bosons) of type p_k.

Yes, this is sort of how I'm thinking, but my pregeometric minimal systems
at a level beneath that of particles -- particles are perhaps equivalence
of minimal systems or some such?

>In the construction of infinite primes this idea comes very concrete
>and a direct connection with the state construction of supersymmetric of
>QFT:s emerges.

Well Matti, I can't yet follow you into infinity-land, but maybe next month
after I get time to read your stuff ;)


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