[time 315] Particle Structure

Lester Zick (lesterzick@earthlink.net)
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:49:08 -0400

The mechanical basis for particle structure can be found in the
analytical comprehension of three famous relationships applicable to
every elementary particle: Einstein's energy-mass equivalence, Planck's
constant, and the Heisenberg uncertainty constant.

Given the appropriate significance and interpretation of Planck's
constant in terms of changing angular momentum as opposed simply to
angular momentum, it becomes possible to hypothesize particle structure
in the following terms.

Particles in general represent rotating waves in space whose radius is
inversely proportional to mass. In other words, the more massive a
particle, the smaller its radius of rotation, and the smaller the radius
of rotation the greater the change in angular momentum per unit of time,
which is what causes mass through its equivalence with energy.

The radius of rotation is ultimately determined by the point at which
the velocity of rotation is equal to the velocity in space, falling
progressively toward the center of rotation. This is why particles are
particulated to begin with. They are not simply hypothetical monads
shooting through space with various properties pasted on them, such as
mass, spin, angular momentum, etc. as modern quantum theory supposes.
They are particles because they particulate a region of space over which
they rotate from approximately zero at the center of rotation to v=c at
the boundary of the particle.

Beyond this boundary, the same waveform persists in space but falls
progressively behind the boundary itself in angular terms because the
velocity of light is a finite maximum. As a result we can define the
size, mass, energy, and uncertainty of particles as well as the origin
of Planck's constant conceptually in strictly mechanical terms.

ref http://home.earthlink.net/~lesterzick under the section Analytical

Regards - Lester

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