[time 377] Blood flow and consciousness

Matti Pitkanen (matpitka@pcu.helsinki.fi)
Mon, 31 May 1999 19:36:00 +0300 (EET DST)

        Why periods of intensive consciousness are accompanied by
        intensive blood flow but low oxygen consumption?

Since oxygen feed is crucial for consciousness, one would expect that
intensive periods of consciousness are accompanied by high oxygen
consumption. Rather surprisingly, periods of intensive consciousness are
accompanied by intensive blood flow rather than high consumtion
of oxygen.

TGD inspired theory of consciousness [conscic] suggests a possible
solution of this counter intuitive observation.

         TGD based model for our consciousness

 TGD based model of bio-consciousness [qualiac] is based on the
hypothesis that epithelial sheets (double cell layers) are the loci
of our consciousness. Since our body is full of epithelial sheets, this
suggests that, not only the nuclei of brain, but entire body is
conscious. Skin, sensory organs and other organs (heart, liver,...),
nuclei of brain, etc., could be regarded as tiny conscious beings
in this picture. Neuronal consciousness, to say nothing about
microtubular consciousness, would not correspond to our consciousness
but kind of bit level consciousness taking care of routine tasks
like feature recognition. Statistical determinism of quantum mechanics
would be crucial in guaranteing reliability of this conscious information
processing [intsysc].

Nerve pulse patterns would not represent our experiences but names
for primary sensory experiences most naturally occurring at the
level of sensory organs (or at the level of nuclei of brain).
Brain would be central unit, where primary sensory experiences
coded into nerve pulses are analyzed at neuronal level unconscious
to us: typically pattern recognition would be in question.
Neuronal processing would be like the functioning of submodules
from the point of view of main program. This picture explains
elegantly the peculiar results of the experiments related
to the timing of conscious experiences (Libet, Radin-Bierman).
Strong NMP explains also synchronous neuronal firing as
a consequence of the primary sensory experience rather than
cause for it. The paradigm of four-dimensional brain allows to
circumvent various counter arguments against this picture (phantom
leg, dreams, ...)[timesc].

b) TGD based model for cognition relies on neutrinos, which suffer
primary condensation on k=169 p-adic level (p-adic prime is
p=about 2^169), which corresponds to the transverse
size of the epithelial sheets [qualiac]. Cognitive neutrino pairs are
identified as basic building blocks of cognitive representations giving
rise to thoughts. Neutrino Cooper pairs provide a good candidate for
the quantum correlate of auditory experience [qualiac].
Absolutely essential role is played by classical Z0 fields predicted
by TGD: these field change dramatically very low energy neutrino

        Z0 magnetic fields, blood flow and thoughts

a) Strong form of NMP [nmpc] requires that intensive periods of
consciousness must be accompanied by entanglement entropy feed.
There are several spacetime sheets, at which consciousness is possible
and entropy feed mechanism depends on the p-adic length scale
involved. Oxygen feed probably corresponds to rather short length scales
(neuronal, microtubular or molecular length scales). What is clear
that entanglement entropy feed generating the self-organization process
leading to quantum phase transition in turn giving rise to conscious
thought, must change the patterns of motion/wave functions
for cognitive neutrino pairs.

b) The change of patterns of motion of cognitive neutrino pairs is
possible via the generation of classical Z0 fields (purely TGD:eish
phenomenon) at k=169 spacetime sheets, where they appear first
time and are most intensive. Cognitive neutrino pair behaves
effectively as single neutrino in Z0 magnetic field since antineutrino
is at different spacetime sheet. Neutrino in constant Z^0 magnetic field
does not receive energy at all since kinetic energy is conserved in
constant magnetic field (Lorentz force is orthogonal to the velocity so
that it does not perform work). This suggests that the dissipation of
energy to the kinetic energy of neutrinos is extremely small. This is
also required by the fact that neutrinos can dissipate their energy
extremely slowly by ordinary weak interactions (which of course makes
neutrinos ideal for realizing thoughts).

c) Z0 charge densities of nuclei and neutrinos compensate each other
in excellent accuracy in incompressible flow so that Z0 electric fields
are effectively absent. Hence the only manner to control Z0 magnetic
fields is by hydrodynamic flow at k=169 spacetime sheet.
Indeed, since neutrinos do not follow the fluid
motion of nuclei, net Z0 currents are created and these in turn
generate Z0 magnetic fields. Blood flow is the obvious
candidate for the fluid flow in question. For instance, circular blood
flow creates dipole type field through the region closed by the blood vein
[whereas blood veins contain rotational Z0 magnetic fields].
 Neutrinos begin to rotate in this Z0 magnetic field and in this manner
neutrino wave functions change.

d) Since biomatter is of type I neutrino super conductor,
Z0 magnetic fields penetrate to biomatter in stripe like regions,
which become defects of neutrinos super conductor. These regions are
identified as cell membranes and endplasma membranes filling the
interiors of the cell [qualiac,tgdbioc]. This means natural
coupling to cell level information processing. Classical Z0 magnetic
fields associated with the defects are characterized by integers
and the topology of the blood flow pattern could therefore code
bioinformation via Z0 magnetic fields [tgdbioc] in turn coded to
the patterns of cognitive neutrino pairs and eventually transformed
to conscious thoughts in cognitive quantum jumps. It is quite possible
that cognitive neutrino pairs are also created by the splitting
of Z0 magnetic wormhole contacts generated by the penetration of the
Z0 magnetic field to the spacetime sheet of cell membrane.
It would be interesting to study the patterns of the blood flow
near various nuclei and organs to see what kind of Z0 magnetic
fields are generated by the blood flow.

        Cognition at the level of entire body and why we are mostly water

a) There is no reason to assume that neutrino based cognition
could not be present at the level of the entire body for which blood
circulation could be seen as a necessary prequisite! Our organs and skin
would be much more intelligent creatures than we are accustomed to
think! Indeed, intensive blood flow to various parts of body
accompanies situations, where those parts of our body are active.
Consider only what happens, when person flushes. Pinocchio effect is
second example: blood flows into the nose of a person who is lying!
The blood flow into genitals during sexual arousal could be also
regarded as a signal for higher level of cognitive consciousness in parts
of body, to which we usually do not assign very high intelligence

b) One can wonder what happens in the ordinary liquid flow, in which
Z0 magnetic fields and neutrinos are also present. How much conscious
intelligence one can associate with the flow of ordinary water? Is here
the fundamental explanation for why life evolved in sea and why we
are actually 70 percent of sea water?


[conscic] Chapter 'Matter, Mind, Quantum' of [cbook].

[itsysc] Chapter 'TGD inspired theory of intelligent systems'

[nmpc] Chapter 'Strong form of Negentropy Maximization Principle'
of [cbook].

[qualiac] Chapter 'About the problem of identifying the quantum correlates
of thoughts and sensory qualia' of [cbook].

[tgdbioc] Chapter 'Biosystems as macroscopic quantum systems' of [cbook].

[timesc] Chapter 'The problem of psychological time' of [cbook].

[cbook] 'TGD inspired theory of consciousness with .....' .
http://www.physics. helsinki.fi/~matpitka/cbook.html

With Best,
Matti Pitkanen

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