[time 775] Re: [time 771] Re: Noumenon and Phenomenon

Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:06:16 EDT


> > Kant believes that the category of cause and effect applies only to
> > phenomena; cause and effect does not apply to the noumena.
> >
> > The question is then, how do we approach discovery and analysis
> > of prospective mathematical candidates to represent the noumena?
> >
> > The key, I suggest, is in the mathematical meaning of a
> > "suspension of cause and effect" for the noumena. This
> > "suspension of cause and effect" implies at least two intuitive
> > features that the noumena might possess:
> >
> > 1) The noumena is an orthogonalization of cause and
> > effect, or simply an orthogonalization of appropriate
> > phenomena.
> > 2) Communication between the appropriate phenomena,
> > via the noumena, would be instantaneous.
> >
> I wonder how the ""suspension of cause and effect" for the noumena" implies
> the "orthogonalization of cause and effect" and how this
> yields the "instantaneousness" of "communication between the appropriate
> phenomena via the noumena." Could you explain more? I seem not to
> the word "noumena" in your context enough.

To me the noumenon is a pure mathematical object with invisible structure,
visible only through its properties; i.e., its appropriate phenomena. Since
supply intuitions only, maybe you can tell me what made you decide in the
first place, to orthogonalize QM and GR. If Kant didn't inspire you, who or
what did? Was it an a priori concept in your mind that managed to surface?
By instantaneous I mean, in your case, that a GR deflection is immediately
followed by an appropriate QM deflection propagated faster than light
(or infinite) speed, and vice versa for a QM deflection. Perhaps, we might
say that cause and effect for phenomena, is replaced with vice versa for
the noumena.



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