Friday, March 31, 2000 春雪が陸奥に降る三月も今宵限りと地図を辿りぬ At the last night of March I open an atlas Looking for a northern land under the spring snow
Thursday, March 30, 2000 日向から猫の手借りて逃走すカメ三匹は主の座奪い Three turtles ran away while sunbathing helped by a cat They deprived me of the status of their mistress, alas!
Wednesday, March 29, 2000 慈雨を浴び手植えたひとの逝きて尚俯き咲けるラッパ水仙 After the planter passed away the merciful shower Grew a daffodil, which is bending in bloom
Tuesday, March 28, 2000 執拗な胸苦しさと同衾し夜の底さらう嵐に揺れる I lie in bed with the obstinate sickness in my chest Resonating with the raging night storm
Monday, March 27, 2000 地下鉄が地上を走る一瞬にドーム・パーク・ロード網膜に焼く In a moment the subway runs in the open air My retinae firmly catch a Dome, a Park, a Road
Sunday, March 26, 2000 卓上に潮騒招くキンギョソウ去年房総の春は幻 Stems of snapdragon call the sound of waves on the table Reminding me of the past illusory spring in Boso Beach
Saturday, March 25, 2000 父と娘は寄り添い何を語るやら辛夷満開夕刻の路地 Who knows what they talk, a father and a daughter Under kobushi in full bloom in the evening alley
Friday, March 24, 2000 疎ましき病と服を脱ぎ捨てて湯に四肢伸ばし魚類に還る Take off the weary sickness and clothes Put the whole body in a hot bath to be fish again
Thursday, March 23, 2000 蜘蛛の巣における朝露きらめいて宝珠は要らず一言を得る A sparkling morning dew on the web No jewery, but a precious phrase for me!
Wednesday, March 22, 2000 肋骨も肺も気管も定位置にX線の我がポートレート Ribs, lungs, and windpipes all in their position My portrait of an X-ray photograph
Tuesday, March 21, 2000 残酷な春の日は暮れ密やかに人を抱き取る夜はやさしい The cruel spring sun is set Tender is the night, holding a man in secret
Monday, March 20, 2000 最果てに「風の牧場」があるという詩に誘われ断崖に飛べ Fly soul, to the cliff led by the poem On the northernmost Wind Farm
Sunday, March 19, 2000 ウィルスと白血球の戦場に身を明け渡し自我は放逐 I've surrendered my body to be the battlefield Of virus and leukocyte, no place for ego
Saturday, March 18, 2000 満身に蜘蛛の巣めぐり泥沼の眠りに堕ちて春陽遙か My whole body is wrapped up with webs and fallen In the bog of endless sleep; spring light is too far
Friday, March 17, 2000 去るは去り春の儀式は移りゆくさざ波の間にことば鎮めて Gone is gone, spring ceremonies follow one by one Let my words be calm in the jabbles inside me
Thursday, March 16, 2000 熱の波うつらうつらに漂えば静かに光る湖に出る Drifting on the waves of fever in dreams I come to find a pond shining quietly
Wednesday, March 15, 2000 袴の緒胸高に締め髪を結い二十歳の姿誇示し巣立ちぬ The sash of kimono trousers tightened high under breasts Hair arranged dressily, women aged 20 proudly departed their alma mater
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 チューリップただ一輪にカード添え含羞の笑み「卒業記念」と A student handed me a tulip with a card "To commemorate my graduation," smiling shyly
Monday, March 13, 2000 幻に非ず旗立て車椅子交えて進むシュプレヒコール Together with wheelchairs, banners hung high A march of demonstration goes chanting, no illusion
Sunday, March 12, 2000 雨止んで動く影あり鶯と色を捕らえぬ声聴く前に After the rain I caught the moving moss green of uguisu The spring herald, before hearing their twittering
Saturday, March 11, 2000 黙々と敷布に散りし花の色洗う少女の痛き幼さ Washing the color of flowers scattered on the sheet Still too young is the girl to be called a woman
Friday, March 10, 2000 朝毎に蕾膨らむ白木蓮哀しき者の夜を照らせよ White flowerbuds bulging every morning on the tree Brighten the people in sadness like good lamps at night
Thursday, March 9, 2000 吹きさらし遠近法の構図なるホームの縁に燈火数える On a windswept platform in perspective I count the lights
Wednesday, March 8, 2000 暖求め手打ちうどんのカウンター見知らぬ人の狭間に一人 Longing for warmth, at the bar of a noodle shop I sit between strangers alone
Tuesday, March 7, 2000 清々と麦穂の混じる花束を瞳に抱いて一日過ごせり Bunches of bouquets with fresh wheatears mingled Stayed in my eyes all day long
Monday, March 6, 2000 風切り羽失ってより地に潜み飛翔夢見る雲雀の如し Since its flight feather was lost A bird on earth dreams of soaring high like a skylark
Sunday, March 5, 2000 横にしたペットボトルに棲むメダカ2リットルなる宇宙遊泳 A medaka in a plastic bottle laid down Swims in the cosmos of 2 liters
Saturday, March 4, 2000 やわらかに雨降る夜は懐かしく貧しきケースの雛壇覗く Hearing the soft rain at night I watch the doll court in a humble glass case
Friday, March 3, 2000 雛の夜を永訣の時と為してより父の微笑み浮かぶ雪洞 Since the Feast of Dolls' night turned to be the time for farewell My father's last smile has been appearing in pair of paper lanterns
Thursday, March 2, 2000 山上の枯れ枝空に掌広げ光集めて命育む A hilltop tree opens its bare branches to the sky Collecting light to foster Life
Wednesday, March 1, 2000 自転車の篭に桃の枝挿していく街は弥生に初化粧かな Branches of peach blossom in a bicycle basket The first makeup for the street in March!
Tuesday, February 29, 2000 黒髪の房切り落とす春の朝まなじり清く娘静座す Locks of her black hair being cut A girl with serene eyes sits motionless in a spring morning
Monday, February 28, 2000 「早春賦」喉につかえしホスピスの父の窓辺に淡雪の降る "Early Spring Song" stuck in my throat Snowfall out of a window of the hospice for my father
Sunday, February 27, 2000 冬眠を剥いで日向に亀の子を置けば薄目に風の香を嗅ぐ Deprived of their hibernation, turtles smell the wind with caution.
Saturday, February 26, 2000 職人の時計細工す白髪は技積み上げし時の冠 A craftsman bending on a watch, his art in his snow crown