「桜咲く坂道」とマンション建設予定地の現在 東京都文京区本郷 A Cherry Slope and a Consturction Site Today Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO |
2004年2月中旬 / February 2004
右京山頂上から望む文京シビックセンター/ Bunkyo Civic Center viewd from the top of Ukou-san |
右京山を下る階段。左手がマンション建設予定地。/ Steps to go down from Ukyou-san. The left-side space is where a new apartment building will be contructed.
桜並木伐採反対のポスター。 / Posters protesting against the cutting of cherry trees. |
電柱に巻かれた桜並木伐採反対ポスター。/ Posters put on an electric pole. |
春を待つ桜の木々。/ Cherry trees waiting for spring. |
子どもたちが描いた伐採反対のポスターやしめ縄の巻かれた桜の木。/ Cherry trees with pictures drawn by children and sacred ropes. |
反対ポスター。/ Posters against cutting. |
日だまりの木々。/ Trees in a sunny day. |
文京区設「真砂市場」。/ Bunkyo-Ku Public Masago Market. |
文京区設「真砂市場」内部。/ The interior of Bunkyo-Ku Public Masago Market. |
白山通りの桜並木伐採反対ポスター。/ A poster in Hakusan-dori Avenue. |
真砂市場・文京区民センタービルに張られた「後楽園競輪再開反対」垂れ幕。/ A banner is protesting against the bicycle race to come back to Korakuen Area. |
2004年3月下旬 / March 2004
桜並木伐採反対の幟。/ A banner protesting against cutting cherry trees and destruction of the environment. |
右京山頂から菊坂へ下る鐙坂の住宅。/ An old house in Abumi-zaka Slope from Ukyuou-san down to Kikuzaka. |
右京山頂にある「真砂住宅」。/ Masago Residence on the top of Ukyou-san. |
「真砂住宅」の春の庭。/ The spring garden of Masago Residence. |
マンション建設予定地。/ The site where a new aprtment building will be constructed. |
伐採された桜の木が横たえてある。切られた枝に桜の花が咲いていた。/ The trunk and branches cut down recently were laid down in the construction site. Flowers are blooming from the brancehs. |
桜の木は数本残して伐採された。新しい切り株が並ぶ。/ Some trees were cut down and stumps were left. |
坂道を見上げている人々。/ People were looking at the solpe. |
桜の木が伐採されて風景が変わった。/ Trees were cut down and the landscape has changed. |
石垣はそのままに、桜の木が消えた。/ Cherry trees disappeared from the slope with a stone wall. |
二本残された桜の木。/ Two cherry trees are left. |
坂道へ登る石段。/ Steps to the slope. |
マンション建設反対・東京都は元水道用地を買い戻せと訴え、支援の署名を集める住民運動。/ Local people are asking for suppot to their protest activities. |
伐採問題を取材する人々。/ People reporting the local activities. |
張り出されていた伐採関連新聞記事のコピー。/ A copy of a newspaper article reporting the cutting down of the cherry trees. |
枝を落とされた桜の木。/ A bough was cut down from a cherry tree. |
切り倒された木の切り株には花が供えられている。/ Flowers were decicated to the tree cut down. |
鮮やかな木肌を見せる切り株。/ Lively color of the stump. |
清和公園方向を望む。/ This road leads to Seiwa Park. |
斜面を利用した美しい庭。/ A garden utilizing the slope. |
山吹とシャガが花ひらく。/ Yamabuki and shyaga are blooming. |
山吹。/ Yamabuki. |
清和公園。/ Seiwa park. |
段差のある地形をうまく使った清和公園。/ Seiwa Park is on the split levels of the landscape. |
友人が子どもの頃忍者ごっこをして遊んだという清和公園。/ A friend of mind ued to play there when she was a child. |
曇り空にほのかな色を添える桜。/ Cherry blossoms are giving dilicate hue to the cloudy day. |