Walking from Hongo to Nezu
down border slopes in Yayoi-cho
本郷には三十年以上も魅せられてきた。高層住宅を建てる計画が持ち上がると、必ず住民の反対運動の起こる町。経済優先の開発が嫌いな町。本郷は東京の真ん中にありながら地域色が濃い。現在、この町の一角で私は働いている。あたりをぶらつくのがこよなく好きだ。梅雨の晴れ間に、本郷から弥生町を抜け、坂道を下って根津に出てみた。 Hongo is a town where I have been charmed for more than 30 years. When tall residential buildings are to be constructed, people of the town inevitably stand up to declare their disagreement with the economy oriented development. Hongo in the middle of Tokyo has a strong taste of locality. In a corner of the town I work now. Strollig in this area always gives me a great pleasure. One day in the rainy season, I walked from Hongo down a border slope in Yayoi-cho down to Nezu. |
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古びた作りの店舗が軒を並べる「本郷通り」。東京大学の「赤門」はこの町の象徴のひとつ。通常誰にでも開かれている。大学構内には古い建物と新しいビルがひしめき合う。1969年に大攻防戦の繰り広げられた安田講堂は修復され、広場はきれいな植え込みになった。本郷のメインキャンパスと農学部の敷地は「言問通り」をまたぐ陸橋で繋がっている。渡ればそこは「弥生町」。寺や瀟洒な邸宅もあるが、裏通りには狭い路地が続く。急な坂、緩い坂を下ると、根津に至る。ここは近頃観光スポット。ツツジ祭で有名な根津神社はもとより、下町情緒が魅力とか。不忍通り沿いには背の高い新しい建物がずらりと並び、甘いもの屋の前にはお客が行列を作る。繁華な表通りの賑わいをよそに、裏路地には古色蒼然たるアパートや小さな家が密集している。けれども辻毎にささやかな鉢植えの草花が並び、人の暮らしの息吹が満ちる。平行に走る本郷通りと不忍通りの間を歩けば、東京の多彩な断片のいくつかに出会える。昨日も今日も明日も、営々と続く日常。 Along Hongo-Dori, there are shops quite old fashioned. They won't change for decades. The main gate of University of Tokyo, known as "Aka-Mon (The Red Gate)," is one of the famous icons of this area. It's usually open to everybody. In the campus of the University, you can observe buildings old and new. Yasuda-Koudou (the Hall) is where students in revolt and the police confronted in 1969. It was repaired and the plaza in front of it is now reconstructed into an elegant garden. The main campus of the university and another one for Department of Agriculture are connected by an iron bridge over Kototoi-Dori. Here you leave Hongo and find yourself in Yayoi-cho. Maze-like narrow alleys are everywhere as well as old temples and gorgeous estates. Down through slopes steep (beside Nezu Shrine) and moderate, you go into the town of Nezu. It is recently a popular spot for toruists. Its down-town charm attracts people. Along Shinobazu-Dori, huge brand-new buildings demonstrate the active business of the marketplace. In front of a traditional sweet shop, people are waiting in line. However, in back streets, old aprtments and small houses are crammed, wherel flowers in humble planters greet you everywhere as you pass by. The feeling of vivid lives of residents. In between the paralell streets, Hongo-Dori and Shinobazu-Dori, you may encounter with certain aspects of Tokyo. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, life goes on. |