本郷菊坂路地めぐり 3 「一葉の面影 霜月の町」 

Relics of Higuchi Ichiyou in November / Kikuzaka, Hongo 3

九月に始めた本郷菊坂界隈散策。訪れるごとに町の表情は親しみ深いものになってきた。霜月には文京区の主催で恒例の「一葉忌」が本郷通りに面した法真寺で開かれることもあり、町はにわかに一葉で華やぐ。2003年の秋は文京ふるさと歴史館が「特別展 樋口一葉 その生涯--明治の文京を舞台に--」を開催(10月25日〜12月7日)。肉筆原稿を始め、肖像画、写真、手回り品、縁の人々紹介、作品の舞台となる家屋の模型、作品初出雑誌の展示、そして一葉が歩いた町の案内など地元ならではの行き届いた展覧会となった。あらためて町を見回すと、一葉の面影がそこここにある。路地も建物もひっそりとどっしりと、時の経過をあらわしながら。晩秋の町を再び。

I started walking in Kikuzaka, Hongo, in September. Everytime I visit the alleys, the town has become more familiar to me. In Novmember Bunkyo-ku sponsors the memorial day in honor of Higuchi ichiyou at Houshin-ji Temple in Hongo-dori Avenue, which makes the town lively. In the fall of 2003, Bunkyo Local Historical Museum held a specil exhibition entitled "The Life of Higuchi ichiyou, at Bunkyo in Meiji Era." They exhibited her manustcipts, portraits, phoros, belongings, related people, miniature houses in her works, the magazines which published her works, and introduced the places where she lived and walked in her days. It was proved to be an impressive exhibition with a lot of local taste. I looked around to dixcover the relics of ichiyou here and there in this town: in its old buildings and lanes the passage of time is clear and eloquent. I walked again in Kikuzaka area in the late autumn.

「一葉展」ポスター。鏑木清方作「一葉」を中心に据える。/The official poster of the exhibition showing ichiyou at needlework drawn by Kaburagi Kiyokata.

文京ふるさと歴史館「樋口一葉展」入り口。/ The entrance of Bunkyo Local Historical Museum.

右の写真の裏側は一葉旧居跡のイラストと展示案内。/ At the back of the portrait above are illustrations of the spot where ichiyou lived.

樋口一葉(1872-1896)晩年の写真が展覧会の入り口を飾る。/A portrait of Higuchi ichiyou(1872-1896)in her late years.

家屋模型も特別展示中。/Miniature houses in ichiyou's works were exhibited.


文京ふるさと歴史館の看板とレトロな街灯/ The signboard of the museum with an oldfashioned light frame


「文の京・一葉物語」キャンペーン中菊坂は菊の花で飾られた。/In honor of ichiyou, Kikuzaka was decorated with chrysanthemums in November.

菊の鉢が菊坂に並ぶ。/ Pots of chrysanthemums along Kikuzaka Lane.

一葉旧居跡を示す看板。/ The signboard indicating one of ichiyou's residential spots..

菊坂町会の掲示板。会員の訃報と並んで張り出された「一葉さん」展覧会ポスター。/ A poster of the exhibition on the bulliten board of the town.

一葉旧居跡の井戸端を崖下の段上から見下ろす。/ The old well in ichiyou's residential spot looked down from the steps behind it.

崖の石垣は苔生している。/ The stone wall is covered with moss.

「鐙坂(あぶみざか)」の由来を示す看板。/ A signboard explaining "Abumizaka."

「鐙坂」は一葉住居跡の一区画の西端を通る。/ Abumizaka Slope is running at the west end of ichiyou's block.

人一人通るのが精一杯の路地。/ An alley wide enough for one person to go.

鐙坂は春日通り方面から下りてくる。/ Abumizaka Slope is coming down from Kasuga-dori Avenue.

崖下の路地入り口の門、内側。/ A gate into the alley under the stonewall (inside).

崖下の路地入り口の門、外側。/ A gate into the alley under the stonewall (outside).

一葉旧居跡に近い一角、炭団坂直ぐ下の住宅。/ A house right beneath Tadon-zaka, close to ichiyou's living spot.

もう一つの井戸。一葉縁の井戸より一回り小さい。ここも現役。/ The same type of a pumping well, close to ichiyou's living spot.

旧森川町の一角。古い家屋の表には町内掲示板が。一葉のポスターだけが風雨にさらされて色あせている。/ A bullitenboard in Morikawa-chou. ichiyou's poster is weatherbeaten

菊坂通りに面した木造三階建て。/ A wooden tri-level house facing Kikuzaka.

旧森川町の古い家屋。/ An old house in Moarikawa-chou.

森川町の掲示板に貼ってあった「文の京一葉物語」キャンペーンポスター。/ A poster of ichiyou campain in Morikawa-chou.

炭団坂から菊坂下道(きくざかしたみち)を望む。/ Kikuzaka lower lane viewed from the top of Tadon-zaka steps.

法真寺入り口に掲げられた一葉作「ゆく雲」草稿の銅板。/ A copperplate in which ichiyou's "Yuku-kumo (Clouds Passing By") is engraved at the entrance of Houshin-ji Temple.

法真寺の門 / The main gate of Houshin-ji Temple

法真寺脇にある「樋口一葉ゆかりの桜木の宿」(一葉幼少時、明治9年から14年まで住んだ家の跡地)を示す説明板。/A plate explaining that ichiyou as a child lived in rather wealtily in a house with a cherry tree for five years from 1876 beside Houshinji Temple..

桜木の宿は本郷通り赤門正面に位置する。/ Sakuragi-no-yado locates in front of Akamon of the University of Tokyo in Hongo-dori Avenue.

法真寺本堂。/ The main building of Houshin-ji temple.

法真寺本堂裏手にある「一葉会館」。/ ichiyou Memorial House behind the main building of Houshin-ji Temple.

人力車の絵柄のステンドグラス。/ Jin-rikishya of Meiji Era on the stained glass.

本堂正面。/ The front of the main building of Houshin-ji.

本堂脇の「一葉塚」。/ ichiyou memorial pole beside the main building of the temple.

仁王像の厳めしさとは対照的なお地蔵さん。/ Guardians of the temple.

一葉の作中にも出てくる「腰衣観世音菩薩」/ The statue of Buddha wearing a skirt, which is described in ichiyou's work.

法真寺入り口にて。/ At the entrance of Houshin-ji Temple.

法真寺山門。/ The gate of Houshin-ji.

11月23日「一葉忌」の案内、また、一葉展案内のポスター。/ Posters inviting to ichiyou's Memorial Day.

一葉忌を前にして飾られた菊の花。/ Decorative chrysanthemums are placed in the front of the main building.

「文の京一葉物語」キャンペーンポスター。/ A poster of ichiyou Campain.

菊の花とポスターで華やぐ本堂正面。/ Chrysanthemums and the poster decorate the temple.

寺の猫。/ A cat of the temple.

一葉忌のポスター。/ A poster of ichiyou's Memorial Day.

弥生町交差点。本郷には自転車がよく似合う。/ Yayoichou junction. Bicycles go along very well with this town.

町の猫。/ A cat in town.

「一葉展」図録。/ A catalogue of the exhibition.

図録扉。/ The front page of the catalogue.

旧森川町の木造三階建、御下宿「本郷館」。/ A logding house "hongo-kan," an old wooden tri-level house.

「本郷館」/ Hongokan lodging house.

見上げる高さの三階建て。/ The wooden building three-story high.

煉瓦の色に時を感じます。 / Red bricks show the passage of time.

木目が美しい。/ Wooden beauty.

自転車の持ち主は大学生?/Bikes of students?

「本郷もかねやすまでは江戸のうち」。三丁目交差点。/ Kaneyasu at Hongo-3-chome junction.

本郷薬師入り口鳥居。紅灯のともる頃。/ Hongo Yakush lanterns in the evening.

本郷菊坂路地めぐり 1 「市井」へ/ To Hongo Kikuzaka 1 / 本郷菊坂路地めぐり 2 「坂の街」へ/ To Hongo Kikuzaka 2

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