臨済宗建長寺派「正福寺」山門/ The gate into Shofuku-ji Temple,
a branch of Kencho-ji Section of Rinzai School
屋根の葺き替えなった地蔵堂(1407建立と推定されている。)/ Jizou-Do (originally
constructed in 1407), the roof of which was recently re-covered.
雅楽と「浦安の舞」(東村山市無形民族文化財)が披露される。/ Gagaku (ancient Japanese
traditional music and dance "Urayasu-no-Mai") is dedicated
on the stage.
堂内では縁起の説明が行われている。一度には入りきれない人々が外で待っている。/ Inside of
Jizou-do, the history of the temple is lectured. Visitors are
waiting outside for their turn.
正福寺地蔵堂本尊地蔵菩薩像(1811)(東村山市指定有形文化財)/ The statue of
Jizou-bosatsu (1881)--It is appointed as a cultural property of
地蔵菩薩像の横顔/ The statue looked up from the left side.
奉納された木彫り小地蔵の数々/ Small jizou statues, dedicated by
地蔵菩薩像の両側に並べられた小地蔵/ Small jizou statues are placed
both sides of Jizoubosatsu.
地蔵堂内部、天井/ The ceiling of the wooden Jizou-do building.
Since old times, small jizou statues were lent to people for prayer.
When the wish was answered, people dedicated a new one along with
the statue they borrwed. For this custom, Jizou-do has another
name, "The Temple of One Thousand Jizou Statues"
赤い提灯に「千体地蔵堂」の文字が読める。/ On the red lantern reads "The
Temple of One Thousand Jizou Statues"
山門の石碑に「國寶金剛山正福寺千體地蔵堂」の文字 / On the pillar at the
gate of Shofuku-ji Temple reads "A National Treasure, Temple
of One Thousand Jizou Statues"