

国宝 正福寺地蔵堂

A National Treasure Jizou-Do,
Shoufuku-ji Temple
Jizou Festival

Higashimurayama-shi, Tokyo

November 3, 2006

Jizou-do of Shoufuku-ji Temple is the only National Treasure Building in Tokyo. Its roof has been re-covered once every 30 years. The latest re-covering was completed in September. The 7th Jizou Festival was held on November 3, 2006. Jizoudo was opened to the public from 10 to 16. Many visitors came to the festival.

臨済宗建長寺派「正福寺」山門/ The gate into Shofuku-ji Temple, a branch of Kencho-ji Section of Rinzai School

屋根の葺き替えなった地蔵堂(1407建立と推定されている。)/ Jizou-Do (originally constructed in 1407), the roof of which was recently re-covered.

雅楽と「浦安の舞」(東村山市無形民族文化財)が披露される。/ Gagaku (ancient Japanese traditional music and dance "Urayasu-no-Mai") is dedicated on the stage.

堂内では縁起の説明が行われている。一度には入りきれない人々が外で待っている。/ Inside of Jizou-do, the history of the temple is lectured. Visitors are waiting outside for their turn.

正福寺地蔵堂本尊地蔵菩薩像(1811)(東村山市指定有形文化財)/ The statue of Jizou-bosatsu (1881)--It is appointed as a cultural property of Higashimurayama-shi

地蔵菩薩像の横顔/ The statue looked up from the left side.

奉納された木彫り小地蔵の数々/ Small jizou statues, dedicated by people.

地蔵菩薩像の両側に並べられた小地蔵/ Small jizou statues are placed both sides of Jizoubosatsu.

地蔵堂内部、天井/ The ceiling of the wooden Jizou-do building.

古来、小地蔵は一体ずつ貸し出され、祈願する人々の大願成就の折りには新たな一体を添えて再度奉納されたという。これらの地蔵に因んで地蔵堂は「千体地蔵堂」とも呼ばれている。/ Since old times, small jizou statues were lent to people for prayer. When the wish was answered, people dedicated a new one along with the statue they borrwed. For this custom, Jizou-do has another name, "The Temple of One Thousand Jizou Statues"

赤い提灯に「千体地蔵堂」の文字が読める。/ On the red lantern reads "The Temple of One Thousand Jizou Statues"

山門の石碑に「國寶金剛山正福寺千體地蔵堂」の文字 / On the pillar at the gate of Shofuku-ji Temple reads "A National Treasure, Temple of One Thousand Jizou Statues"

【参考サイト.】「鎌倉街道上道埼玉編」中、「国宝正福寺地蔵堂」 Thanks to the info in the website above. (Japanese only)