本郷・金魚坂 / Kingyo-Zaka, Hongo


There is a goldfish market called "Kingyo Zaka" (literally meaning "Goldfish Slope") in Hongo, Tokyo. People of Edo Era (1603-1863) liked to have goldfish as their pet. Since then it has been the favorite of this city to enjoy having goldfish in ponds outside and in bowls on tables inside. I had been willing to visit this market. It seemed I passed the entrance into the alley of no more than 2.5 meters wide without noticing it. To my surprise, the market contains a cafe, a restaurant, and a cigar shop even. I learned that the market is quite famous; it has been reported by magazines, TV programs, and so on several times. Perhaps I was just ignorant. As I have several goldfish at home myself, I enjoyed watching various kinds of goldfish with great curiosity. Although they are selling gorgeous carps, goldfish are their best merchandise. If we leave goldfish in a bowl with water weed, the small container turns to be a cool lake. I imagine people in old days loved their miniature waterside.

見上げれば、「金魚坂」の看板。茶処、食事処でもある。/ Look at the trade sign of Kingyo-Zaka. A cafe/restraunt is adjacent to the goldfish market.

せいぜい2.5m ほどの細い坂道中程にある。/ The goldfish market is in the middle of a narrow slope no wider than 2.5m.

「金魚すくい」の幟も鮮やかに生け簀が並ぶ。/ The red banner besides fish ponds reads "Goldfish Scooping."

こちら釣り堀。右手の扉がカフェとレストランへの入り口。/ Here is a fising pond. On the right side is the door into the cafe/restaurant.

冬日を浴びて金魚たちが泳ぐ。/ Goldfish swiming in the winter sunshine.

大小様々な金魚が入った生け簀。/ Fish ponds with various goldfish.

これは縁日ですくう一番ポピュラーな小型金魚。/ This is the kind most popular in goldfish scooping at a night stall.

小さい金魚がいっぱいいる。/ Numerous tiny goldfish are inside swimming.

赤白二色の和金。/ Two-tone colored Japanese goldfish.

この赤さが金魚の魅力。/ The charm of goldfish is in red l;ike this.

ぼってり太った「らんちゅう」。/A plump kind called "Ranchu."

金魚模様。/ It's the goldfish-pattern.

黒色が混じるのもまた面白い。「かんとうあずま」。/ "Kanto-azuma" with black color mixed.

少し大きくなった「サラサ三ツ尾和金」。/ Growing "Sarasa Three-tailed Japanese Goldfish."

何といっても愛嬌があるのは「三才頂天眼」 。これは稚魚。/ Lovely "Sansai-choten-gan" wich have large eyeballes looking up on both sides of their heads.

どっちを向いているのか、何が見えるのか。おっきな目。/ I wonder what these large eyes are watching.

水槽に入れられた金魚も気持ちよさそうの泳ぐ。「シルク桜」か。/ Beautifully swimming goldfish in a water tank. Are they "silk-sakura"?

どこかで見たような気がするのは、そうだ、メダカに似ているかもしれない。/ I feel I've seen their faces somewhere else. Ah, they resembles medaka.

優雅な尾を揺らしながら泳ぐ金魚。「はごろも」か。/ A graceful goldfish with a fluffy tail.

らんちゅうクロースアップ。/ "Ranchu" observed closely.

熱帯魚にも負けない「ミューズ」のこの姿。/ "Muse" can never be let down by the most expensive tropical fish.

何故かみんな一所に寄ってくる「りゅうきん」。/ Three "Ryu-kin" get together in a corner of a water tank.

お客のいない釣り堀。キャッチ・アンド・リリースが原則とか。/ A fishing pond waiting for fishers. They are supposed to do "catch and release" here.

この横木に腰掛けて釣りをする。/ A long bench for fishers.

丸い金魚鉢の憩い。/ Relaxation that a round bowl gives.

水草の深緑に映える金魚。「とさきん」か。/ A "Tosa-kin" colorful against the dark green waterweed.

陶製の鉢に玩具の金魚も浮かぶ。/ A porcelain bowl with a toy goldfish.

空気を送り込んでやると鉢も立派な流水の趣。/ Given air through a tube, the water in a bowl becomes a wonderful stream.

店の入り口に並べられた鉢。/ Goldfish bowls in front of the restaurant.

菊坂から入った金魚坂を上る詰めるとこの道に至る。/ You go up the narrow slope called "Kingyo Zaka" and come to this lane.

娘が持ち帰った展覧会土産の金魚のキャンディー。/ My daughter brought back from an art exhibition the souvenir of a bag of candy with the goldfish figure.

「プーシキン美術館展」のカタログ表紙を飾るのはマチスの金魚の絵。ヨーロッパの画家を魅了した東洋の金魚。金魚坂の金魚そっくりの色と形。/ On the cover of the catalogue of "Masterworks of French Impressionism and Modernism from The State Pushikin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow" is a work of Henri Matisse's "Goldfish." His goldfish show the same color and figure of those in Kingyo-Zaka.

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