A Town Along
Tsukishima at Midday in Midsummer
勝鬨橋から隅田川下流を眺める River Sumida from Kachidoki Bridge |
白い船が停泊する浜離宮あたり A shite boat beside Hama Rikyu Park |
勝鬨小学校の時計台 The clock on the roof of Kachidoki Primary School |
隅田川縁築地市場ドック The dock at Tsukiji Wholesale Market |
夏色の空 The summer sky |
月島橋から釣り船を見る Fishing boats seen from Tsukishima Bridge |
運河の水門 A watergate of the canal |
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路地裏にもんじゃ焼き屋 A monja-yaki diner at the end of an alley |
街角の家 A house in a corner |
真昼の月島商店街 The main street of Tsukishima |
流石に暑くてお客はまばら Few shoppers go by in midday heat |
路地裏は陰に満ちている Full of shades in the back alley |
猫の子一匹通らない No allehy cats were seen |
月島名物もんじゃ焼き Tsukishima monja-yaki |
月島流もんじゃ焼き指南書 How to cook monja-yaki properly in Tsukishima |
鉄板の上、ジュウジュウいうもんじゃ焼き Cooking monja-yaki on a heating iron plate |
店頭販売の名物もんじゃ焼き Monja-yaki mix is sold at the shop entrance |
祭りの寄進札 Wooden plates of dedication to the local festival |
アーケードを行く街の娘達 Girls walking in the arcade of the town |
街角の交番 A police box "Koban" in a corner of the town |
和風洋品満艦飾 Westernized Japanese colothes |
祭ともなれば「お祭り洋品の店」が開く A specialty goods whop for Matsuri, the festival |
おとなも子どもも、祭の支度 Ready for Matsuri, everybody! |
空と祭提灯の配色は 夏 Contrastive colors of the sky and lanterns |
人はまばら 陰だけが濃い Walkers are rare, shades are dark |
工事現場の壁に貼られた祭のポスター Posters of the local festivals
表通りから路地を望む A back alley seen from the main street |
ささやかな陰に揺れる祭提灯 Lanterns in the humble shade |