[time 640] Quotes from the Tao Te Ching

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 07:40:49 EDT

There are so many possible reasons for the state
of the world today that I thought that it might be
informative to see some what the Tao Te Ching
has to say. The part concerning knowledge is
kind of scary...

TAO TE CHING on Many-Worlds

1. "...the sage, in the exercise of his government, empties the peoples'
minds, fills their bellies, weakens their wills, strengthens their bones. He
constantly tries to keep them without knowledge and without desire, and where
there are those who have knowledge, to keep them from presuming to act on it.
Where there is this abstinence from action, good order is universal."

2. "There is no guilt greater than to sanction ambition, no calamity greater
than to be discontented with one's lot, no fault greater than the wish to be
getting. Therefore the sufficiency of contentment is an enduring and
unchanging sufficiency."

3. "To those who are good to me, I am good; and to those who are not good to
me, I am also good, and thus all get to be good. To those who are sincere
with me, I am sincere; and to those who are not sincere with me, I am also
sincere, and thus all get to be sincere. The sage does not accumulate for
himself. The more that he expends for others, the more does he possess of his
own; the more that he gives to others, the more does he have himself."

Perhaps Hitoshi can clarify this position on epistemology.



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