Sunday, April 30, 2000 鈴蘭に顔を寄せれば立ちのぼる森の香気に霧散する自我 Smell lilies of the valley Ego vanishes in the rising fragrance of forest
Saturday, April 29, 2000 雲間より光の帯は幾筋も湖に射し声も立て得ず From among clouds streaks reach the lake I just watch voicelessly
Friday, April 28, 2000 アコーディオン弾く男あり佇んで聴く女ありことば虚しき A man plays the accordion, a woman stands listening Away from all the vacant words
Thursday, April 27, 2000 怒りとはただ悲しみの別名と草は踏まれて漸くに知る Trodden weeds learn anger is only another name for sorrow
Wednesday, April 26, 2000 今生に袖擦り合うことも無き者のことば飛び交うサイバースペース In cyber-space words come and go among People who will never meet in reality
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 金星の瞬きの下埋葬す春の小川も知らぬメダカよ Under the twinkling Venus a medaka was burried Which never knew a stream in spring
Monday, April 24, 2000 花みず木咲く川堤街の影映す水見る橋の上から Dogwood in bloom on the riverside and the shade of town I watch them all in the water from upon the bridge
Sunday, April 23, 2000 父母の面差しよぎる丈高き少女黒髪束ねて立てり The tall girl with an evident impression of her parents Stood, with her black hair roughly tied
Saturday, April 22, 2000 洗われた空ただ蒼く直立す銀杏の若葉振るわす光 Pure azure is the washed sky Light shakes young leaves of a straight ginko tree
Friday, April 21, 2000 チュルチュルと鳴き交わすのは巣作りの協議か駅舎に燕到着 Twittering highly to discuss their nest building? Swallow pairs have arrived in a railway station
Thursday, April 20, 2000 合掌の仏弟子誦経する如く雨に蕾んだチューリップ群 Like Buddhists chanting with their palms put together Tulips stand with their petals closed in rain
Wednesday, April 19, 2000 漫然と歩む女の背後から低空裂いて燕伸びやか From behind a woman wandering slowly A swallow flies by cutting the air sharply
Tuesday, April 18, 2000 薄赤き朧な月に問いたきは抹消された心の行方 Let me ask the vaporous orange moon Where my deleted heart has gone
Monday, April 17, 2000 花わさびひとつまみずつ束になり隅で客待つ儚き夕べ Wasabi flowers in tiny bundles in a shop corner Wait for buyers feebly in the evening
Sunday, April 16, 2000 どの花が欲しいと問われ口つぐみことばの花と空を見上げる "Which flowers do you want?" I was asked "No flowers but words." said I to the sky in silence
Saturday, April 15, 2000 遺棄同然地中の球根死に絶えずチューリップ咲かす時の経巡り Time goes round to let tulips bloom From the forgotten bulbs underground
Friday, April 14, 2000 鮮やかな山吹深く闇を抱き人寄せ付けず寂しきほどに Yamabuki of fresh colors holds deep darkness in its bush My sadness is in the solitude of the plant
Thursday, April 13, 2000 常滑の壷買う味噌を寝かさんと光る土肌ひいやり丸い I bought a pot of earthenwear to keep beanpaste Touch the cool glimmering round body
Wednesday, April 12, 2000 街角で定位置守る猫たちの不文律なる不可侵条約 Cats keep their own areas of town blocks With their unwritten nonaggression pact
Tuesday, April 11, 2000 携帯にメール打ち込む若者が眩しく車中ペンの手止まる A young man pushes cellphone keys to send a mail A pen in my hand stops with envy on a train
Monday, April 10, 2000 岩走る瀬音も斯くや夜半の雨緑なるもの生まれ出よと Heavy night rain sounds like waters on rocks Calling all the green lives to be born
Sunday, April 9, 2000 散る時を選べぬ人のかなしさに音無く積もる花のやさしさ Over the tristess of human beings knowing not when to die Tiny petals of cherry blossoms fall gently in silence
Saturday, April 8, 2000 諍いの後で黙して花を見に樹齢枝振り人の小さき After a fuss we went dumbly to see the cherry in bloom How frivolous is human, compared to age-old trees!
Friday, April 7, 2000 夜桜に細い弧を描く朧月頬紅さした春の横顔 Cherry blossom with the moon of thin arc A profile of spring vaguely blushed
Thursday, April 6, 2000 微笑だけを散る花びらと吹き流せ重きことばの似合わぬ季節 Smile like petals blown in the air; no words fit the season we enjoy
Wednesday, April 5, 2000 淡彩に蘇る街急行は加速し仄かな情振り払う Through the city reviving in wash colors Express shakes off my subtle sentiments
Tuesday, April 4, 2000 液晶が映す道化の独演は雨足ドラム伴奏にして A Fool's solo performance on the liquid crystal display Accompanied only by the drumming of rainfall
Monday, April 3, 2000 八分咲き素足サンダル白レザーふるえる入学記念撮影 Against a cherry tree not yet in full bloom, freshies took photos A bearfooted girl was trembling in mini white leather suits and sandals
Sunday, April 2, 2000 春鯛を炊けば鱗は紫に白身守れる骨の切っ先 Scales of cooked tai glimmer purple Blades of bones protect the white soft meat
Saturday, April 1, 2000 波立てる荒川縁の桜木は時待ちかねて紅の靄引く By the wavy Arakawa River cherry trees wearing the rosy mist Can hardly wait for their time
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" (2/26 to 3/31, 2000)