名古屋訪問-DAY 2 2023年10月28日(金)
A Tour to Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture (October 28, 2023) 

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DAY 2 蒲郡 竹島水族館 竹島散策










DAY 2 A visit to Takeshima Aquarium and Takeshima Island in Gamagouri

The next day we made a short trip to Gamagori by JR Toukaido Line. Gamagori is a seaside town facing Mikawa Bay, where exist Takeshima Island and Takeshima Aquarium. Along the seashore is a nice park from which we cross a bridge to the island. The Aquarium specializes deepwater fish and other creatures that people of all ages love. Their uniqueness is in the display of fish with funny (and academically precise) captions. Although we were allowed to take as many pictures in the aquarium, I forgot to take any because I was so fascinated with fishes! Beside the aquarium, "Festival of Deepwater Fishes" was held. The chief curator of Aquarium was performing a talk show on the stage. We enjoyed the show while eating fish fries and grilled squid.

After lunch, we explored Takeshima Island. It is a small island in Mikawa Bay, connected to the shore by a bridge. (It reminded us of Enoshima Island in Shonan Beach, Kanagawa Prefecture.) Yet, it was a hard job to cross the bridge due to the blowing wind. On the island, we climbed the long stairs to Yatomi Shrine on the top of the hill. At Ryujin Misaki, we climbed down the steps to a narrow promenade around the island. We had a gorgeous ocean view of Mikawa Bay.

We returned to the land crossing the bridge, we found "Memorial House of Writers at the Seashore" commemorating writers who loved Takeshima and its environs. They stayed in a hotel named "Tokiwa-Kan, Gamagori Hotel" and wrote about it enjoying the beautiful scenery of this place. The small stylish house, built in memory of writers and the hotel, is open to the public for free. We could have green tea and/or coffee at a table near the window facing the beach; a very god place to relax after taking a walk. By the way, Kikuchi Kan, Kawabata Yasunari, Tanizaki Jyunichirou, Murakami Haruki and many more wrote about Tokiwa-Kan, Gamagori Hotel in their works.


DAY 1 名古屋城、名古屋市内散策
A visit to Nagoya Castle and exploring the city

DAY 3: 「トヨタ産業技術記念館」探訪
A visit to Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology

DAY 2 蒲郡 竹島水族館 竹島散策 DAY 2 A visit to Takeshima Aquarium and Takeshima Island in Gamagouri

JR東海道本線特快岡崎行き電車で蒲郡へ向かう / A rapid service of JR Toukaidou Line bound for Okazaki

40分余りで蒲郡到着。駅前にはヨットのディスプレイ / After 40 minute-ride of the train, we arrived at Gamagori. A display of yacht in front of the station.

お目当ての「竹島水族館」。深海魚のユニークな展示で有名。 /Takeshima Aquarium, which is famouse for its unique display of deepwater fish.

隣の広場では「がまごおり深海魚まつり」開催中 / Festival of Deepwater Fish was being held in an open space next to the aquarium.

竹島へ行く道 / A way to Takeshima Island

三河湾にポッコリ浮かぶ(ように見える)竹島は陸地と橋でつながっている / Takeshima Island in Mikawa Bay is connected to the land with a bridge.

煌めく太陽、青い海―漸く浜辺に来られた! / My dream came true!: I was eager to come to the sunny beach!

橋の上は猛烈な突風だった。 / It was blowing very hard when we walked on the bridge.

島には八百富神社しかない。/ Yaotomi Shrine exists in Takeshima Island.

竹島から東を望む / East of Takeshima Island.

竹島から西を望む / West of Takeshima Island

竹島の北東海岸 / The north west beach of Takeshima Island

八百富神社への階段 / Steps to Yaotomi Shrine

八百富神社本殿 / The main pavilion of Yaotomi Shrine

龍神岬 / Ryujin Misaki (literally meaning Cape of Dragon)

龍神岬から三河湾の東方向を望む / A view of Mikawa Bay from Ryujin Misaki

西日の三河湾 / Mikawa Bay in afternoon sunshine

東 / Eastward

西 / Westward

石灯籠と島の遊歩道 / A stone lantern on a rock and a path in the island

島の磯 / The rocky shore of the island

陸地の海岸 / A shore of the land

竹島と橋 / Takeshima Island and the bridge

「海辺の文学記念館」多くの文人たちが愛した常盤館・蒲郡ホテルを記念してこの地に建てられた小さな文学館(無料で公開されている)/ "Memorial House of Writers at the Seashore" is open to people for free.

旧常盤館・蒲郡ホテルにちなむ公園「常盤苑」/ The House is in "Tokiwa Park" in memory of literary people who loved the saside hotel Tokiwa Kan, Gamagouri Hotel.


Kikuchi Kan, Kawabata Yasunari, Tanizaki Jyunichirou, Murakami Haruki and more mentioned Tokiwa-kan, Gamagori Hotel in their works.


Engraving parts of Japanese architecutre preserved from Tokiwa Hotel.

「海辺の文学記念館」/ "Memorial House of Writers at the Seashore" トンビが舞う / A kite flies.

DAY 1 名古屋城、名古屋市内散策
A visit to Nagoya Castle and exploring the city

Day 3: 「トヨタ産業技術記念館」探訪
A visit to Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology

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