弥生の風 多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道 


1 早春サイクリング

2 桜咲く日

3. 多摩湖一周自転車道

In the Wind of March on Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road

Between Hanakoganei and Kodaiara

1. Cycling in an Early Spring Day

2 Cherry Blossoms in Bloom

3.A Cycling Road Around Lake Tama




Only yesterday the boughs were dark and quiet. All of a sudden they are wearing the most delicate clothes of cherry blossoms. Usually cyclists go swiftly by and walkers pass in a hurry, but today they take time wathcing flowers leisurely. Trees belong to nobody but they are the treasure of all. They make everybody happy; the magic of cherry trees. The magic lasts only for a few days. See the difference cherry trees make! Wherever you are and whenever you are, you are fascinated with the charm of cherry tree's beauty.


大人も子どももぶらぶら歩く。/ The young and the elder all stroll leisurely on the lane.

車椅子も乳母車も自転車も仲良く行く。/ Wheelchairs, baby buggies, and bikes all go along friendly.

この道の左端には「タケノコ公園」。バーベキューで盛り上がっているグループもいた。/ On the left side of the lane is Takenoko-Park. A group of people were enjoying themselves having barbeque.

八分咲き。未だはなびらはしっかり枝にしがみついている。/ 80% of bloom. Petals are clinging to the twigs hard yet.

竹林の緑と桜のコントラスト。/ The clear contrast of cherry blossoms against the green bamboo bush.

昨日までは黒々とした枯れ枝だったのに。/ Yesteday, boughs were just dark and dry.

鳩も花見。/ Doves, are you watching flowers?

低木も一斉に開花。/ Bushes are also in bloom all together.

左側が遊歩道、右側がサイクリングロード。/ The left lane is for walking and the right one for cycling.

よそ見、スピードの自転車はよくこの白い柵に引っかかって転びます。/ Cyclists should wach the white fence so as not to trip.

周辺の畑も春の色。/ Fields around the road is spring-colored .

右手の枯葉色のスペースは「紫陽花公園」。もうすぐ緑でいっぱいに。/ The right side space is "Hidrangea Park." It will soon be filled with green leaves.

このあたりには寒緋桜が多い。/ There are several Kan-hi-zakura trees here.

濃いピンク色の寒緋桜。/ Dark pink color of kan-hi-zakura.

これも八分咲きと言ったところ。/ 80% of bloom.

緑とピンクが混じって。/ Pink and green are mixed.

麦畑の緑も鮮やか。/ Fresh green color of wheat field.

ふと途絶える人通り。/ A pause of pedestrian stream.

農作業する人の姿も見られる。/ Farmers are working in the field.

ほこほこした春色の土。/ The soft earth color in spring.

畑の彩り。/ The colorful field.

花々入り乱れて。/ The misture of flowers in vivid colors.

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