多摩6都北端 「金山緑地公園」への散策 |
A walk along the River Kara-bori in Higashimurayama City leads to the River Yanase in Kiyose City, where you can find Kanayama Park. Thanks to the preservation activities of these rivers, we are able to enjoy the woods, greenery, and the natural views in this area. We call it “The 6 Cities in Tama,” comprised of Kodaira City, Higashimurayama City, Kiyose City, Higahikurume City, and Nishi-Tokyo City (Houya City and Tanashi City were united) located in northern west of Tokyo. Although these cities have been developed mostly as residential areas, they are virtually producing vegetables and fruits for markets in Tokyo. They also respect the importance of the good natural environment as their indispensable resource and treasure. Being one of the residents, I’ve been interested in this area and finding something new whenever I walk around. “Nature artificially preserved” and “nature protected by human beings” might be different from the wild nature; yet, I believe it’s important to stop the development solely by man-made products based on economic efficiency which might likely destroy the rich views and matters in no time. Human beings should do more for the preservation and revitalization of our environment. Please let me report what I see during my walking once in a while. |
東京都東村山市の空堀川沿いに散策開始。 I started walking along the River Karabori in Higashimurayama City. |
大沼田橋 Oonumata-bashi Bridge |
柿の実がまだ残っている。 Persimmons are still hanging from branches. |
農地と住宅地が隣接する。 Farm fields and residential blocks coexist. |
空堀川は名の通り大抵は枯れているが、雨の後残った水溜りに水鳥が飛来する。 The River Karabori is, as its literary translation, almost always dry except for small ptaches of water where waterfowls come. |
カモが多いけれど、よく見ると... Waterfowls are mostly mallards, but if you watch carefully... |
真っ白い鳥が混じっていることもある。 You might find white birds. |
そう、コサギだ。 Yes, they are little egrets! |
コサギはつがいでいることが多い。 They are often seen in pairs. |
西武池袋線の下をくぐる。 We go through the underpath of the Seibu-Ikebukuro Railway Line. |
空堀川の護岸と掘削工事中 While the river is dry, bank protection and excavation works are going on. |
センダンの実 Tree nuts of Meliaceae |
曹洞宗大醫山円福寺 Enpukuji Temple |
清瀬市柳瀬川回廊起終点 Here Starts (and eds) the outdoor clositer of the Yanase River |
カタクリ自生地 Fawn lilies grow here. |
春になると、カタクリ見物の人でにぎわう一角 In spring people come to see fawn lilies blooming. |
カタクリの花見物の人たち用の手描き地図 A hand drawn map for fawn-lily-watchers. |
紅葉したガマズミ Linden arrow-wood turned red |
水と緑の回遊空間「柳瀬回廊」 "Yanase Kairou": the sapce for walking for water and greenery |
中里橋 Nakazto Bridge |
川縁の山茶花 Camellia sasanqua |
せせらぎの道 A lane along a brook |
すっかり紅葉したせせらぎ沿いの樹木 Trees all turned yellow and red along the brook. |
せせらぎ沿いには木道が設置されている。 Wooden lane is settled along the brook. |
ムクロジの木 a ritha tree
鯉が泳いでいる Carps are swimming |
きれいな流れ A clean blook |
木立の中を行く川沿いの道 A lane throguh trees |
ホタルの生息域 Fireflies are growing here. |
12月初旬は紅葉の真っ盛り The high season of yellow leaves |
日向と日陰のコントラスト The contrast of sunny side and the dark side. |
清瀬の自然保存地域であることのお知らせボード The board says it's a special preservation area belonging to Kiyose City |
せせらぎの脇の木道(下流を望む) A wooden deck along the brook (toward the downstream) |
せせらぎの脇の木道(上流を望む) A wooden deck along the brook (toward the upstream) |
せせらぎの道を抜け出た先の柳瀬川河原 Out of the promenade along a brook is the River Yanase. |
せせらぎは柳瀬川に注ぐ The brook runs into the River Yanase. |
柳瀬川と周辺住宅地 The River Yanase and houses along it. |
川辺の歩道はよく整備されている。 A walking path along the river is well paved.
初冬に赤い実を付けるこの木の名がまだ分からない。 Please let me know the name of this tree with red nuts. |
晴天に映える木々の緑 Green leaves of trees make a good contrast against the blue sky. |
丘の上にも家々が。 Houses on the hilltop are remarkable. |
瀬音を立てて流れる川 River runs splashing water. |
柳瀬川の東京都と埼玉県の管理境界地点 The border between Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture |
この赤い実はハナミズキ。 Cornus florida (dogwood) |
松柳橋 Shouryu Bridge |
崖線の護岸の様子がよく見える The protection of the cliff side is observed clearly.
やはり、この赤い実はハナミズキ。 Cornus florida (dogwood) |
未だ午後の日は高いと思う間もなく、影が忍び寄る河岸 It's still early afternoon, but the shade shows the decline of the sun. |
アオサギがいる! Here is a gray heron! |
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護岸工事中の柳瀬川 Protection work is going on along the River Yanase. |
水鳥たちが集う Waterfowls are gathering. |
マガモの中にコサギが一羽 A little egret is among mallards |
コサギ A little egret |
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黄金の水面に集う鳥たちは異形取り巻き呟きもせず |
秋色の柳瀬川 The River Yanase in autumn colors. |
光と影の川辺 The riverside in light and shade. |
金山橋 Kanayama Bridge |
テントを張っている人たちが左岸に見える Some people are camping on the left bank. |
金山緑地公園入口 The entrance into Kanayama Park. |
清瀬市マップ A map of Kiyose City |
清瀬公園の中央池 The central pond of Kiyose Park |
コイが泳ぐ Carps are swimming. |
池に注ぐ陽光 Sunlight in the pond |
中央池を一周 I walked around the central pond. |
池の端にはのんびりする人々の姿 People are relaxing by the pond. |
もう葉を落とした木 A bare tree. |
残照に落ち葉舞い散る椅子並び骨を休める人は何処に |
日没は近い Before sunset |
秋の木陰 Shade in autumn |
長い影 Long shades |
よく整備された緑地 The green park very well trimmed |
清瀬緑地公園全体図 A map of Kiyose Park |
【参考サイト】 |
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