むさしのすけっち /
Musashino Sketch
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春から夏へ Spring to Summer |
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Glamorous sisters of lilies |
In the shape of pistols
Into the depth of the scarlet hollow タチアオイ : Alcea rosea |
シャボンソウ: soapwort: Saponaria officinalis June 28, 2005 |
Leading the tiny flowers bursting
ガクアジサイ : Hydrangea macrophylla |
アリューム: Allium spp.
June 27, 2005 |
Thick and lively are タンシウチワ: Opuntia vulgaris
July 26, 2005 |
Wearing a pink dress
桃色海芋: Zantedeschia spp. |
June 25, 2005 |
Like a wise man in violet
アガパンサス: Agapanthus africanus |
チョコレート色の芯もつ花びらが Flower petals with the center
June 22, 2005 |
物陰に桔梗ひらけり喧噪の In the shadow of obstacles
キキョウ: Platycodon grandiflorum |
朝露を払うドクダミ背伸びして Flicking off morning dews
ドクダミ: Houttuynia cordata June 18, 2005 |
煉瓦塀覆う花咲き朝毎に Flowering red brics
Nandian is growing
ナンテン: Nandina domestica June 16, 2005 |
白妙の葉のみ愛できて夏に入り Shirotaegiku has been シロタエギク: Senecio cineraria |
In a wild garden
アカツメクサ: Trifolium pratense June 15, 2005 |
Under the tree of deutzia
ヒメウツギ: Deutzia gracilis |
Summer is comming
アカンサス(ハアザミ): Acanthus mollis June 13, 2005 |
![]() |
Bathing in the light
スイレン: Nymphaea |
選択を過てるかとナデシコに I ask dianthus sheepishly
ナデシコ : Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus June 12, 2005 |
"I'm going to Takachiho
Shrimp plant pushes out
コエビソウ: Beloperone guttata June 10, 2005 |
Outstanding is the color
スイセンノウ : Lychnis coronaria |
Cups of hydrangea
アジサイ: Hydrangea macrophylla form. macrophylla June 8, 2005 |
A cameria of summer blossoms
ナツツハキ: Stewartia pseudo-camellia |
Blocked by the fence
ヒルガオ: Calystegia japonica June 6, 2005 |
A town's doctor places pots
クジャクサボテン: |
吊り花をピアスに変えて装えば If the hanging flowers are June 5, 2005 |
高山のマツムシソウは遺伝子を I wonder if the gypsy rose in mountains セイヨウマツムシソウ: Scabiosa atropurpurea |
On the face of biyouyanagi
ビヨウヤナギ: Hypericum chinense var. salicifolia June 3, 2005 |
Scarlet spots are lightened one after another
ザクロ: Punica granatum |
With propellars equipped vertically
ゼニアオイ: Malva sylvestris May 28, 2005 |
Honeysuckle turns from white to gold
スイカズラ: Lonicera japonica May 26, 2005 |
Mayumi with small white flowers
マユミ : Euonymus sieboldianus May 26, 2005 |
Under the tree wearing a violet veil
センダン : Melia azedarach |
赤ブラシどこを磨こう何もかも What shall I clean
ブラシの木 : Callistemon speciosus May 25, 2005 |
ちいさいみはかげにひそむはかなさは Small berries are stealthily ? |
草群れは揺れる流れる右左 Grass is swinging in light May 24, 2005 |
イボタノキ垣に茂れば家覆い Privet grows over the fence イボタノキ(水蝋の木)privet: Ligustrum obtusifolium |
昇り藤どこまで天を突き上げる How high are you growing ルピナス: Lupinus May 23, 2005 |
ほっそりと左腕白きまぶしさに The whiteness of the sleder left arm
朝まだき旅立ちの刻清冽な So early in the morning
旧古河庭園のバラ 「聖火」(上)
May 19, 2005 |
武蔵野にエゴ咲きこぼれ五月なり Styrax blooms fully in Musashino
エゴの実の形の蕾房と垂れ Buds of styrax hang in the shape
エゴノキ: Styrax japonica May 15, 2005 |
通り雨含んで伸びる赤い茎 Red stems are full of shower drops
吹き出した白い滴を生き物と White fluid is issued 草むらにて May 14, 2005 |
ジャスミンの移り香まとい歩く街 I walk in town wearing
ジャスミン: Jasminum polyanthum May 13, 2005 |
生け垣に咲く....? |
格子戸の軒先守る苧環に Aquilegia is guarding the lattice
舞姫を呼ぶ苧環に束の間の Aquilegia reminds us of the ancient dancer 苧環(オダマキ): Aquilegia flabellata May 12, 2005 |
It's the lightest existance of the day
ヒルザキツキミソウ(white evening primrose) : May 10, 2005 |
ピンク色のオダマキ?: Aquilegia flabellata |
先客は羽音も立てず蜜を吸う There was a visitor quietly sucking honey
ハナニラに似ているけれどハナニラではない。林の中に群生している。五月二週目に突然咲き出した。スミレの姿は、もうない。何という花だろう。植物辞典・図鑑で特定できずにいる....。/ It looks like Hananira, but it isn't. It's growing naturally in the woods. It suddenly appeared in the second week of May. I wonder what its name is.... I've not been able to identify it in botanical books. May 9, 2005 |
Everywhere in town
クレマチス: Clematis May 8, 2005 |
照り返すアスファルト砂漠午後三時 It's three in the afternoon
街のシャクナゲ : Rhododendron May 7, 2005 |
モッコウバラ: Rosa banksiae |
They spring out all at once ナガミヒナゲシ? May 6, 2005 |
What a simple structure!
ムラサキツユクサ : Tradescantia ohiensis May 3, 2005 |
Don't look back
都忘れ Miyakowasure: Gymnaster savatiererii May 2, 2005 |
幾万の鈴振り鳴らし歌えども Sing and swing the bells
ドイツスズラン: Convallaria majalis May 1, 2005 |