Climbing Mt. Tsukuba
August 14, 2007

つくば駅(つくばエクスプレス)10:00 --シャトルバス --筑波山神社本殿 10;40--女体山登山道 --つつじヶ丘12:00 --ロープウェイ12:10 --女体山山頂(877m)1215 --御幸ヶ原13:00 --男体山13:30 --自然研究路--昼食13:50--御幸ヶ原14:20 --女体山14:30--下山 --波山神社本殿16:00--シャトルバス16:30--つくば駅(つくばエクスプレス)17:00

TX Tsukuba (Tsukuba Express) 10:00--shuttle bus--Tsukuba Shrine10;40--Nyotaisan Clibming Trail--Tsutsujigaoka St12:00. --roapway12:10--Nyotaisan summit (877m)1215--Miyukigahara13:0--Nanntaisan13:30 --Natural ObservationTrail--Lunch13:50--Miyukigahara14:20--Nyotaisan14:30--Tsukuba Shrine16:00--bus terminal16:30--TX Tsukubal17:00


Mt. Tsukuba is praised as "The Observatory of the Kanto Plain" and also as "Mt. Fuji in the West, Mt. Tsukuba in the East." I have been eager to climb this eminent mountain. I have been wondering what I would be able to see from the summit. Living and working in the middle of the Kanto Plain, Mt. Tsukuba has been a symbol of my adoration. Getting off at the terminal station of Tsukuba Express, we took a shuttle bus to the foot of the mountain. Thanks to the wonderful companions, I had a great time, clmibing the mountain. From the two peaks of Mt. Tuskuba, Mt. Nyotai, and Mt. Nantai, views were marvelous; plants, and air were all so refreshing. Let me record the precious summer day.

女体山山頂から霞ヶ浦方面を見晴らす。/ A view toward Lake Kasumigausa from the summit of Mt. Nyotai.

筑波山麓の駐車場から望む関東平野/ A view of the Kanto Plain from a parking lot at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba

登山の前から眺望に感嘆/ Before climbing, the view was supre!

筑波山神社山門 / The gate of Mt. Tsukuba Shrine

古い木造の山門/ The old wooden gate

山門をくぐると本堂/ The gate into the main court of the shrine

筑波山神社本殿/ The main building of Mt. Tsukuba Shrine


つつじ平と女体山山頂目指して登山開始/ A trail starts here (to Tsutusji-daira and the summit of Mt. Nyotai)

木の香が漂う山道/ Smell of trees is fresh on the trail

林間の草むらにはいろいろな植物が/ Grasses in the forest

山道の苔生した岩/ A mossy rock along the trail

「つつじ平」の標識/ Signboards at Tsutsuji-daira

「つつじ平」から女体山山頂へ行くロープウェイ/ A roapway going from Tsutsuji-daira to the summit of Mt. Nyotai


ロープウェイ山頂駅からの最初の見晴らし/ The first view from the roapway station at the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山展望台/ An observatory at the summit of Mt. Nyotai

少し霞んでいるが、広大な関東平野が拡がる/ A hazy view of the Kanto Plain

ロープウェイ駅「つつじ平」を見下ろす/ Tsutuji-dairastation of ropeway

女体山山頂から男体山山頂を見晴らす/ The summit of Mt. Nantai viewed from the summit of Mt. Nyotai

男体山の向こうの風景/ A view beyond Mt. Nantai

女体山山頂からの景観/ The grand view from the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山山頂からの景観/ The grand view from the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山山頂からの景観/ The grand view from the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山山頂からの景観/ The grand view from the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山山頂の岩場/ Rocks at the summit of Mt. Nyotaii

女体山山頂で景色に魅了される登山者たち/ Climbers are all fascinated with the overwhelming view at the summit of Mt. Nyotai

女体山山頂にて/ At the summit of Nyotai-san (KO)

女体山山頂にて/ At the summit of Nyotai-san (KO)

女体山山頂にて/ At the summit of Nyotai-san (KO)

女体山山頂にて/ At the summit of Nyotai-san (KO)

筑波山気象観測所/ Mt. Tsukuba Weather Station

御幸平/ Miyukidaira

筑波山名物「ガマの油」/ The famous "Toad Ointment" of Mt. Tsukuba

グライダーが頭上を旋回していた/ A glider was flying over the moutain

男体山頂付近の「自然研究路」/ Nature Observation Trail in Mt. Nantai

木漏れ日の道/ Light falling into a trail

木陰の散策路/ A trail in the shade

木の間から見え隠れする眺望/ A view between trees

男体山からの眺望 (A view from Mt. Nantaisan)

男体山からの眺望 (A view from Mt. Nantaisan)

男体山からの眺望 (A view from Mt. Nantaisan)

男体山からの眺望 (A view from Mt. Nantaisan)

タマガワホトトギス/ (toad lily)

奇岩「ガマ岩」/ Rocks "Toad"

トンボ (ノシメトンボ?)/ a dragonfly (Sympetrum infuscatum?)

トカゲ/ a lizard


奇岩「弁慶七戻り」/Rocks "Benkei Returns Seven Times"

高天原への道/ Way to "Takamagahara"

奇岩「母の体内くぐり」/ Rocks: "Mother's Womb"

奇岩「出船入り船」/ Rocks: "Sailing Out, Sailing In"

奇岩「北斗岩」/ Rocks: "Hokuto"

木の間の景観/ A view between trees

ロープやチェーンの助けを借りて/ Helped with ropes and chains.

岩がゴロゴロした急傾斜を下る/ Rocky descent

ひたすら下る/ going down, and down

麓に到着/ goal!

男体山からの関東平野眺望/ The Kanto Plain viewed from Mt. Nantai


4人組/ A Party of 4

Goal! (KO)

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