「海を見に行く-房総半島鵜原理想郷散策」 To the Sea
March 29, 2007
JR外房線鵜原駅/ Ubara Station of JR Stotbo Line.
鵜原駅ホームにあるログハウス風待合室/ A log cabin (a waiting room) on the platform of Ubara Station.
鵜原駅を出てから三つ四つのトンネルをくぐってハイキングコースへ。/ There are three or four tunnels leading to the walking trail. |
ハイキングコースへ行く道すがら、草の上にボートが置いてあった。海が近い。/On the way to the trail, a couple of boats were placed on the grass. |
勝場港。ダイビングスポットも近い。/ Katsuba Port. A diving spot is nearby. |
狭いトンネルがいくつか続く。崖の下を通っている。/ Under a cliff, there are several narrow tunnels. |
鵜原理想郷ハイキングコース起点。/ The starting point of Ubara Risoukyou (Land of Ideals) hiking trail. |
ハイキングコース起点にあった案内板の地図。/ A picutre map of the area. |
緩やかな登り坂が続く。木々の間からはウグイスの啼く声がきこえる。/ A moderate uphill along which Japanese bush warblers could be heard. |
木々の間に湾が見え隠れする。/ A bay was seen between trees. |
登り坂の途中から見下ろした勝場港。/ Katsuba Port viewed from the hill. |
次第に視界が開けてくる。/ Gradually the range of view is expanding. |
と とうとう太平洋が眼下に開けた。/ Eventually the Pacific was in front of us. |
少し曇っていたので、海原は冷たい青。/ As it was a little cloudy, the sea was in cold blue. |
まだ枯れ草の残る手弱女平。/ Grasses were still in dried color on the top of Taoyame Daira. |
岬の先端に手弱女平の鐘が微かに見える。/ At the end of the cape, the bell of Taoyame Daira is seen. |
手弱女平道標/ The landmark of Taoyame Daira. |
手弱女平の鐘。/ The bell of Taoyame Daira. |
手弱女平から見るひとつ山。/ Mt. Hitotsu viewed from Taoyame Daira. |
篠田悌二郎句碑/ A poem by Shinoda Teijirou |
断崖に打ち寄せる波/ Waves against the cliff |
恐る恐る断崖を覗き込む/ Fearfully I looked down at the foot of the cliff. |
長い間海中の岩に砕ける波を見ていた/ I was watching the waves crushing at the rocks in the sea. |
日が差してくると海の色が濃くなる。/ When the sunshine came, the color of the sea turned bright. |
毛戸岬道標/ The landmark of Cape Kedo. |
毎日都市を右往左往していると、海が見たくてたまらなくなる。とうとう来た!/ While working in town, I'm eager to see the sea. Now I was in front of the ocean! |
岩山の間から望む海/ The ocean viewd between rocks. |
白鳳岬道標/ The landmark of Cape Hakuou |
枯れ草と断崖/ Dried leaves and cliffs |
断崖に砕ける白波/ White waves breaking agains the cliff |
石段の割れ目に咲いていたスミレ/ Violet blooming in a crack of stone steps |
崖の上からはどちらを見ても太平洋/ From the top of a cliff, you are surrounded by the Pacific! |
緩やかな下り坂を経て、次の岬へ/ To the next cape, following a gentle decent |
千葉県と言えば菜の花/ Chiba Prefecutre is famous for field mustard |
黄昏の丘から眺めた鵜原海岸の屏風岩/ Perpendicular cliffs of Ubara Bay viewd from "Tasogare-no-Oka" (Twilight Hill) |
鵜原海岸/ Ubara Beach |
渚に下りてきた。水面に近い。/ We were down tothe beach. Very close to the seawater. |
渚に寄せる波。今は誰もいない海。/ Nobody was around. |
鵜原湾の漁港/ Fisherman's port of Ubara Bay |
漁船が並ぶ/ Fisherman's boats |
色とりどりのブイ/ Colorful fishing buoys |
網とブイ/ Nets and buoys |
鵜原海水浴場/ Ubara beach |
海水浴場中央にある鳥居/ A shrine gate in the middle of the beach |
崖を洗う波に魅せられて/ Charmed by waves washing the foot of a cliff |
明るい海の色/ Bright color of the sea |
レースのように引く波/ Withdrawing waves like lace |
逆光の海面/ The water in backlight |
磯の水たまり/ Water on the rocks on the shore |
群青色/ Deep blue |
勝浦海中展望塔/ Katsuura Underwater Observation Tower |
海中で観察出来る魚たち/ Fish observed underwater |
海中展望塔から見る魚の群れ/ Fish ovserved underwater |
透明度は4メートル/ Transparency of the water was 4 meters |
深い色/ Deep color |
浅瀬の煌めき/ Shining water |
崖の地層/ Layers of the cliff |
荒磯/ Rough beach |
砕ける波/ Breaking waves |
いつまでも見飽きることなく、いつまでも見たりない海/ You can keep watching the ever changing sea for ever |
風速計/ A wind gauge |
海と空との境目はどこだ/ Where is the border between the sea and the skhy? |
ムラサキマムシグサ(Arisaema serratum);photo taken by Jackie うり二つの草だが、方や「ムラサキマムシグサ」、方や「ウラシマソウ」。違いはヒゲに。漁夫、浦島太郎に因んで、ヒゲを釣り竿に見立てたということらしい。
ウラシマソウ (Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima);photo taken by Jackie I found there is a big difference between the plant with the long stamen filament and without. The one without the filament is called "mamushi-gusa" (adder) but the one with the filament is called "urashima sou." I believe you all know the Japanese folklore entitled "Urashima Tarou." Urashima is a fisherman. The long filament is observed as a fishing rod. |
蛸を捕った漁師/ A fisherman caught an octopus ;photo taken by Jackie
浅瀬のウミウシ/ the maroon-colored sea slug, the umi ushi in a tidal pool;photo taken by Jackie
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