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> 「いのちのすがお 3」へ / To Lives Around 3
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Boneset has started blooming. A flowerbed is calling various insects to flowers. On a leaf of four-o'clock is a tiny insect. Although it looks really like a ladybird, it has only one dot on its back and its whole body is green. When we look at it closely we realize that the former half of its body is free from the shells it is covered with. That part of the body has a two-tone pattern. Very fashionable! Even the sensory tentacles have a patchy pattern. I wonder how I can learn its name. I am just at a loss in the rich world of insects


Visitors to the young boneset. This moth has gorgeous wings: one pair is spread horizontally and another pair is standing vertically. However, I am not sure if this is when the moth is spreading the wings or closing them. As it was abosrbed in sucking honey, it didn't show how to fly with the wings. You might notice there are two more insects behind it, both of which are black and shiny. I guess honey of boneset is delicious.


October 9, 2005


 Visitors to the Boneset


Wings of moths are no less beauatiful than those of butterflies. Please look at the fantastic pattern of its wings. They look somewhat like a skirt of an ethinic costume, don't they? White lines both thin and thick are running across the body and wings in tires. It's a great pleasure to watch plants, and so is insects. They show us the wonder of natural designs. It's really surprising I'm getting to be interested in insects now in spite of my childhood without having any interest in them at all.

俗称バナナ虫、本名は褄黒大横這(ツマグロオオヨコバイ)Bothrogonia ferruginea と言うのだそうです。[半翅目・オオヨコバイ科] どこにでもいて幾らでもみられるように思っていますが、結構久しぶりに出会いました。この虫も(蝉のように)両目がとっても離れているようです。枝ににしっかりつかまっていました。

Children call this insect "a banana bug." It actually has a respectable name; Bothrogonia ferruginea or simply "dodger." Although I feel we can find one anywere anytime, I didn't see it quite a long time. This insect has eyes very far apart. It was staying vertically on the twig quietly.

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同じ色の花と蝶/ A flower and a butterfly in the same color

キバナコスモスに寄ってきた蝶は殆ど花と同じ色をしていた。まるで呼吸しているかのように、ゆったりと規則正しいリズムで羽を開いたり閉じたりしている。そっと近寄っても逃げる気配はなかった。口からストローのような管を出して、花の蜜を吸うのに夢中。今を盛りの花と、艶やかな模様の蝶。互恵的な植物と昆虫の幸福な出会いをしばらく眺めていた。(保護色の花だから安心して食事に専念していたものか。)これはミドリヒョウモンだろうかコヒョウモンだろうか。昨年のちょうど同じ時期にも似た蝶を見かけた(「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」23 September 2004 )。先日の透明な蛾の名前も知りたいものだ。

A butterfly came flying to a cosmos of the same color with it. As if breathing, the butterfly opened and closed its wings in a regular rhythm. When I approached it with my camera, it did not fly away. With a straw-like organ from its head, it was sucking honey of the flower in concentration. Did it look so relaxed because the the color of the flower procryptic for it? I was observing the happy encounter of the butterfly and the flower in cooperative relationship for a while. Is it Midorihyoumon,Argynnis paphia ? (I remember I saw the same kind of butterfly last year: cf. 23 September 2004 of "Calendar in Flowers and Poems".) I wish to know the name of the moth I saw on September 25. as well

Midorihyoumon: Argynnis paphia


September 28, 2005

瀕死のバッタ/ A dying Locust


I found this locust in the water of a basin in the garden this morning. First I thought it had been dead, but when I scooped it, it moved slightly on my fingers. I placed softly on a stone; however, it could hardly stand up. Watching more closely I found it had lost more than half of his legs. His body color was already faded, almost like a piece of dried leaf. I wonder if it had been attacked by enemies, or had juist naturally spent most of his life. It was dying. Yet, an insect is an animal as long as it can move.

でもまだ生きている/ A locust still alive.

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A tiny moth was on a twig of mayumi. The design of its wings looked like a face of a human, so I pushed the shutter of my camera immediately; however, it came out to be out of focus, alas! It was really a small one. It's amazing to find the two wings are completely symmetrical. Perhaps it's putting its head up, but sorry, the picture is too blurredr.


I learned that this insect does not belong to the family of moths and butterflies. Surprisingly, it belongs to that of cicadas and calicobacks! It is called "sukebahagoromo," literally meaning "transparent plumage". I am not sure what it is called in English or in Latain acacemically. As this photo is out of focus, I blowsed the Internet for clear images of this insect. By any chance, if you are interested in it, please click the following links: 1, 2, 3. If I can meet with this insect again, I will try to take clear shots. The life born at the end of summer is so delicate. I deeply appreciate for the instruction. They are in the wonderful world of wild life, the insects are!

addendum: October 3, 2005


September 25, 2005


This one is also out of focus. The ladybird was smaller than the smallest bean. But certainly it has six feet. It was remarkable on a green leaf. I wonder what those dots are for. I feel I know nothing about insects. (This ladybird has eight stars on its back!)

「テントウムシはサイドの二つの点がわずかに見えていて,点の数は10個で,トホシ テントウのように見えます。」とのご指摘をいただきました。はっ、確かに☆は10個のようです。

"This ladybird has 10 dots, doesn't it?" Yes, it has one more on each side.


「画像の上下を逆にすると,広い頭と離れた目が分かります。ハゴロモはチョウやガの仲間(チョウ目・鱗翅目)ではなく,セミやカメムシの仲間(カメムシ目・半翅目)です。 よく 見ると,頭は小さなセミに見えます。」とご指摘いただき早速180度回転させたら、羽を広げた蝉のように見えてきました。確かに両目が離れています。蝉の親戚だと納得できます。またいつか、会えますように。

"Turn around the image, and you'll find a wide head with separate eyes. Look at it carefuly and you'll see it resembles to the head of a cicada," says a naturalist. So I made it upside down. Yes, it's true! I can understand that this insect is a relative to cicadas. I hope I'll be able to meet with it again someday.


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A bee like a soldier fully armed was sucking honey perhaps, but it might happen to be stuck in some glue like liquid of the plant and was struggling to leve.(Or was it devbouring its prey?) It never flew away when I approacehd closely. It looked as if it was too busy to pay attention to nothing else but its own business. Look at the perfect construction of its body! What can be its enemies? Birds?


"I think this is a scene in which a wasp (Polistes rothneyi /Cameron) is making a meat ball with a young worm of a moth it hunted," a naturalist told me. Yes, it was busily making something. I had never thought a wasp does cooking!


August 7, 2005


While I was watching lespedeza (or Japanese bush clover) starting to bloom, a shadow was passing beside me. First I thought it must be a butterfly and then I thoght it was a falling leaf. Or was it a bird? Then a dragonfly with transparent wings landed on a railing and stayd quiet. It was a moment I felt autumn falling down.


When observed from the front, the four wings are beautifully transparent. Although this photo is out of focus, the dragonfly stayd still until I pressed the shutter button. (Thanks!) Is it an Orthetrum albistylum? I guess it's a male, judging from its blue color.


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There are cats very quiet, very wild, and with shrewd eyes like tigers: they are almost all very plump. They walk about in town independently. I haven't seen any cats with collars. They seem to be strolling in their territories freely. "Are you taking a walk, too?" they seem to ask me.


July 25, 2005



While I'm taking a walk, I often see cats. It's time for dogs to walk, too. Animals in my neighborhood go out of houses. There are people who feed cats secretly in spite of the notice not to. Some cats are looking away ignoring, others are watching me.








A duck moedling for art students. Surrounded by young people, it seems to have accumulated stress already. Whe students try to touch it, it turns to attack them. I imagine it is much annoyed by young ones.


June 3, 2005


Ducks add colors to the garden. Their beautiful plumage is rather for attarcting human visitors than to attract other sex. Asnimals are working for people!

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インドシロサイ (Indian Rhinoceros)


A rhino is bathing leisurely in water. In spite of its tough armor all around the body surface, the rhino has a very peaceful facial expression. Perhaps defence is the best strategy for suivival. Perhpas no horn is necessary in a zoo.



May 3, 2005


アフリカ象 (African Elepahnt)


A mother elephant with a 2-year-old child. It looks very stable, gentle, and somewhat smiling.

このほかの動物たちの写真はこちらからどうぞご覧下さい。/ Click here for more animails.


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Egretta garzetta (1)

A pair of Little Egretts are living in the stream of Nobitome Yousui, Higashimurayama, Tokyo. We can see caprs in the stream. A notice on the bank says: "We found caprs infefcted with herpes virus here. Never catch nor release carps in this stream." I wonder what little egretts are eating.

March 2, 2005
コサギ (1)




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眼下に広がる甍の波と、彼方に青い多摩丘陵の山影を見ながら母が呟くように孫娘に教えていた万葉集、防人の歌は「赤駒を山野にはがし捕りかにて多摩の横山徒歩ゆか遣らむ(椋椅部荒虫妻:宇遅部黒女) 」だった。

Watching the waves of roofs underneath, my mother was quietly telling her granddaughter about a short poem written by a soldier's wife sending her husband to a faraway country:"I had left our red horse in the wide hillside of Tama/ When suddenly came your call/ Not having time to catch it/ I have to let you go on foot."

Sunday Afternoon on February 27, 2005

日曜日の昼下がり、東京・国分寺の崖上に建つEnglish Garden ROSE CAFEにて、見事に大きな犬のお客と出会った。二頭とも有に体長150センチを越え(鼻先から尻尾の先まで伸ばして測ったら確実に2メートル以上ある)、優美でおとなしい。よく手入れされよく躾られた犬たちだった。4歳とのこと。犬は人の相棒なのだなと感心した一時。もっと他の写真はこちらからどうぞ。

In the afternoon of Sunday, I met two dogs at English Garden ROSE CAFE in Kokubunji, Tokyo. It's located on the hill top looking over Tama Area. The dogs came with a young owner. They were both more than 150 cm long, well trimmed and well trained. I was very impressed with their good manners. It seems dogs are actually human beings' companions. For more photos, click HERE, please.


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流線型の精悍さ/ A bird of the fearless streamline


オレンジ色のくちばし/ The orange beak


丸っこいおしり/ The round back

踏ん張る脚/Tough legs

February 19, 2005 in Hagiyama, Tokyo



横向き/ The profile

さて、この寒さにもお構いなく、トリたちは単独でまた群れをなして元気に飛び回っている。時折遠くの方から撮るチャンスが訪れる。左上の流線型のトリは住宅街の庭木になる実を食べに来ていた。カメラを構えたとたん消え、高い電線の上から仲間に警告を発していた。それ以外のはセンダンの樹に群れていた鳥。鈴なりの実を食べに来ていたのだろう。尾長・キジバト・椋鳥かなぁ、と思うのだけれど図鑑を見てもまだよく分かりません。「鳥撮り」入門の巻。/ In spite of the coldness, birds are active.Once in a while, I've got a chance to take their photos from a distance. The streamline of the left top one was watching out when I approached; it cried to warn its fellows on the electric line. The other were all perching on the branches of sendan. I'm not sure of their names yet. I'd like to start learning how to take bird's photos and learning their names too.


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冷えたトタン屋根の上の猫/ Cats on the Freezing Roof


優雅な一歩/ An Elegant Step


素早いメジロ/A Swift White-Eye


January 27, 2005 in Hagiyama, Tokyo

> 「いのちのすがお 2」へ / To Lives Around2
> 「いのちのすがお 3」へ / To Lives Around 3
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