根津神社つつじまつり 2007


Azalea at Nezu Shrine in 2007
and "Ghosts' Stairs"

僅かな時間を見つけて本郷から根津に向かった。もうツツジが見頃という。連休明けでは遅いかと。毎年咲く花を同じ場所で何度見ても変わらないようなものだけれど、今年の花は今年限り。境内の瑞々しい新緑も、この時期を逃すのは惜しい。前から歩いてみたいと思っていた「おばけ階段」を今日こそはと、ワクワクしながら上ってみた。本郷も根津も奥が深い。若い人たちにも紹介したい場所だ。三年ぶりの根津散策。花も緑もよいが、この町での人との出会いがまた嬉しい。 (2007年4月26日)

【参考】2004年のつつじ祭り 根津神社 「躑躅三昧」

I got a short time to take a walk from Hongo to Nezu. Reportedly tsutsuji (azalea: Ericaceae) at Nezu Shrine is in full bloom. I was afraid it would be too late if I wait until the end of the Golden Week holiday. It's hard to tell the exact reason why I feel like going there to see the same kind of flowers in the same place year after year. Flowers of this year live only now. It's also a precious season to enjoy the freshness of young leave at the shrine. I've been willing to climb the popular slope called "Ghost's Stairs." It's always exciting to visit the maze like town whether it's in Hongo or Nezu. I wish to introduce the charm of these places to young people.It's just great to see beautiful flowers and fresh green leaves, but I find indefinite pleasure in meeting people in this town. (April 26, 2007)

cf. Deep in Azalea of Nezu Shrine , 3 May, 2004

本郷弥生町からS坂、もしくは権現坂を下ると根津に到る。/ Gongen-zaka ( S-shaped ) Slope leads from Yayoi-cho, Hongo, to Nezu.

S坂途中の塀から根津神社を覗く。/ A view of Nezu Shrine from the middle of S-shaped Slope.

根津神社大鳥居。今年もツツジの季節が来た。/ The main gate to Nezu Shrine. The season of azalea has come!

目にも鮮やかな朱塗りの「楼門」(重要文化財)。/ The bright colored entrance (a national important cultural property).

池の端から見上げる「ツツジ苑」。/ The azalea garden viewed from the pond.

ツツジの陰を行く日傘。/Parasols are going through blooming azalea.

みんな記念写真を撮っている。/ Visitors like to take photos.

どっしりした住宅に取り囲まれた「ツツジ苑」。/ The azalea garden is surrounded by decent houses.

ツツジの季節には新緑が眩しい。/ The season of azalea is also the season of fresh green leaves.

今年も大勢の人が訪れている。後ろは「楼門」。/ Numerous visitors are comingto the shrine this year.

手水舎。うしろに透塀(重要文化財)が見えている。/ People wash hands here to purify themselves before going to the main hall for worship.

「楼門」をくぐると、権現造りの「拝殿」「本殿」。/ Going under the gate, visitors come to the front of the main hall for worship.

社殿(重要文化財)は五代将軍徳川吉綱が宝永三年(1706)に奉納した。/ The main building of the shrine was dedicated by the fifth Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshitsuna, in 1706. (A national important cultural property)

金の龍が柱を守る。/ Golden dragons are guarding the columns of the shrine.

乙女稲荷の左右には「千本鳥居」の参道が続く。/ At both sides of Otome-Inari are lanes covered with hundreds of red "torii" (wooden gates to the shrine).

池を見下ろす「舞台造り」の乙女稲荷。/ Otome (maiden) Shrine is built in the stage style, looking down at the pond underneath.

明るい「千本鳥居」をくぐる。/ Visitors are going under Senbon-Torii.

乙女稲荷脇の藤棚もそろそろ満開が近い。/ The wisteria terrace is almost in full bloom.

境内のヒマラヤ杉。/ A tall cedar tree in the shrine yard.

舞殿。腰を下ろしてくつろぐ人の周りに、ハトが集まっていた。/ A dance stage of the shrine. Doves were gathering around people sitting under the stage.

つつじ苑の下は山水を模した池に滝の水が落ちる。/Under the azalea garden is the pond built to imitate a stream in mountains.


ツツジの間を行く人たち。/ Visitors are wandering slowly in azalea.

江戸時代の石の鳥居から「駒込稲荷」を見上げる。/ Komagome Shrine, older than Nezu Shrine, viewed from the stone gate made in Edo Era,

池の畔で甲羅干しする亀たち。/Turtles are sunbathing by the pond.

境内の「文豪の石」は漱石、鴎外も散歩の折りに腰を下ろした場所とか。/ People are sitting on the stone named "Authors' Seat,"where Natsume Souseki, Mori Ougai and other great writers in Meiji Era are said to have sit there while they were taking a walk in this area.

銀杏の新芽が初々しい。/ Fresh green leaves of a huge gingko tree.

つつじ祭りともなれば、露店が軒を並べる。/ Stalls of vendors are waiting for visitors.

「かるめ焼き」の店から香ばしい匂いが。/ A sugar cake vendor.

安くはないが、大きくていかにも美味しそう。/ Not very cheap, but looks delicious.

かるめ焼きを作るところを拝見。/ The shop owner let me look at his work and take photos.

ボールに入っているのは砂糖を溶かしたもの。/ Liquid sugar is in a large bowl.

溶き砂糖を小鍋で煮詰める。/ He boils the liquid sugar in a small pan.

ぐつぐつ煮えている砂糖に「重曹」を箸の先で加える。/ He adds a little bit of baking soda with the tip of the chop stick to the boiling liquid sugar.

重曹を混ぜると透明だった砂糖溶液は白濁してどろりとする。/ With the soda, transparent liquid sugar becomes whitish gel

白く固まりかけた熱い鍋底を、ボールの水にじゅっと付ける。/ He put the botoom of the hot pan with the whitish gel in the water for a second.

一瞬のうちに溶液は固まってふわっと大きくなる。/ Immediately, the gel becomes a crisp solid and blows up softly.

できたてのかるめ焼きをさましているところ。/ Cooling the freshly made karume yaki.

かりっと冷めたらビニール袋に入れて、「おみやげ」のできあがり。/ When it's cool enough, the sugar cakes are put in plastic bags with a slip of paper printed as "souvnir."

根津神社の門前で、杉山八郎画伯のペン画展示と絵はがきや画集の即売会をしていた。東京の下町の情景を丹念に描く杉山画伯の絵は私も大好きだ。/ In front of Nezu Shrine there was a simple exhibition of Sugiyam Hachiro, an artist drawing in ink scnes of downtown Tokyo. I love his works.

よしずにさりげなく掛けられた作品が、行き交う人の目を引く。/ People were watching the drawings with interest.

根津にアート・ルームを構える杉山画伯。/ The artist Sugiyama lives in Nezu.

杉山氏自身が絵はがきを売り、サインをしてくれた。お手伝いの女性と一緒に。/ Mr Sugiyama himself was selling his postcards with a helping woman. He signed on the cover of postcards.

隣の染物屋のガラス戸には、弥生美術館の展覧会のポスターが貼ってある。/ On the window of a dyer's shop are posters of Yayoi Art Museum.

権現坂下から南に歩くと、「おばけ階段」がある。昼日中ならどうということもないが、暗くなってからだと確かに気味が悪いかも知れない。/ From Gongen Zaka, you can walk southward to "Ghost's Stairs." At noon, the steps are not scary at all, but after dark I guess it is a lonely place.

「おばけ階段」の細い石段は草むして、右と左がある。/ "Ghost's Stairs" made of stone is covered with grasses.

階段の下ではしきりに工事をしていたが、段々を上がっていくと喧噪が遠ざかる。/ Under the stairs there was a big noise of construction trucks, but as I climbed up it went far away.

変哲もないタンポポだが、勢いが良い。/ Dandelions looked very lively.

花ダイコンも咲いていた。/ Dame's vilolet was in bloom.

「おばけ階段」の上は東大の裏手に当たる、静かな住宅地。/ Upon "Ghost's Stairs" is the back side of the University of Tokyo. A quiet residential area.

野原があちこちにあって、緑の草が萌え出る。/ Grass fileds are here and there.

こんな空き地、元は誰かの屋敷だったのだろうか。/ Was this open space once an estate of somebody?

都会の真空地帯が茫々と拡がる。/ A vacume pocket in an urban area.

蔦の絡まる住宅が辺りの緑にとけ込んで。/ A house covered with ivy.

都心でも、誰にも出会わない静かな通り。/ I met nobody in this lane, in the middle of Tokyo.

花の終わった桜の木に、サクランボがなっていた。/ Cherries were plump after flowers were gone.

本郷弥生町からから根津へ、そしてまた根津から弥生坂へと上った。今年もサクランボの実る頃に。/ From Yayoi-cho of Hongo to Nezu, and back from Nezu to Yayoi Zaka, I took a walk again in the season of cherries.

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