



「海を見に行く-房総半島鵜原理想郷散策」というタイトルでこのサイトに散策記録を載せたのはMarch 29, 2007(平成19年 3月29日)のことだった。その時から既に17年もの月日が流れている。思い切って当時の「更新・短信」を読んでみると17年分若い自分と出会い大変に面映ゆい。しかし、一向変わっていないこともある。海を見に行きたいと思うと、後先考えず列車に飛び乗る習性だ。「海を見たい」だなんてどんなロマンティシズムに突き動かされているのやら。大海原を眺めると胸が高鳴り、心が広がり、焦燥感が鎮まる。とりわけ快晴の日に見る「海の青 空の青」は格別だ。今年は既に元旦に犬吠埼へ行っているから(犬吠埼へは一昨年も行った!)、今回は今年二度目の海浜散策になる。おそらく、思春期に一度だけ海の近くで暮らしたことがあるのがこの衝動の原点にあるようだ。ダイナミックで美しいものは人を感動させる。それがどれほど恐ろしいものでもあるのかを知らないからそんな呑気なことを言っていられるのだと、分かってはいるのだけれど。

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Walking along the Seaside

Ubara Revisited

-To Ubara in Bousou Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture-

Thursday, April 25, 2024

I uploaded an article with photos under the title of “To the Sea: Walking in ‘Ubara Risou-kyou’, Boso Peninsula on March 29, 2007.  To my astonishment, 17years have passed since the day. I ventured to read ‘the latest notes’ for that day to meet myself 17 years younger, which baffled me. However, I also found out that there is something consistent: with the strong wish, I don’t hesitate to catch a train bound for the seaside. I wonder what kind of motivation tells me to go to the seaside. Isn’t it too romantic for my age? In fact, I feel excited, my heart opens up to the world, and I’m free from irritations. Especially on a perfect sunny day, “Blue of the ocean, blue of the sky” are outstanding. It is the second visit to the seaside this year: on New Year’s Day, I went to Inubo-zaki, where I went in 2022, too. Perhaps the experience of living close to the sea in my adolescence is the original point of this seaside-fever. I’m moved by something dynamic and beautiful although I don’t know how horrible and scary it is at the same time.

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錦糸町から外房線快速で上総一ノ宮を目指す。目の前には東京スカイツリー。/ I took a rapid service of JR Sotobou-Line bound for Kazusa Ichinomiya. Tokyo Sky Tree stood in front of me.

朝のプラットフォームには成田空港へ行く列車を待つ人の姿も。/ People were waiting for a train for Narita Airport.

上総一ノ宮から内房線直結木更津行きの列車に乗り換え、鵜原駅下車。一時間に一本のローカル電車。昼頃ここで降りたのは私一人だった。/ I changed to a local train bound for Kisaradu connected to Uchibou-Line and got off at Ubara. I was the only passenger to leave the train at noon.

遥かに海が見晴らせる。/ A distant view of the ocean was  glimpsed.

目的地まではいくつものトンネルを潜り抜けてゆく。/ I had to go through a tunnel after a tunnel, walking to the trail.

本日の目的地指標。/ A signboard indicating my destinations today.

第二トンネル入り口。/ The entrance into the second tunnel.

「鵜原理想郷」の理念。この地を愛でた与謝野晶子の名前も見える。/ The idea of "Ubara Ideal Country" includes the name of a poet Yosano Akiko who loved this place.

深い緑に覆われた丘陵を登って行く。/ I climbed the hillside trail covered with rich greenery.

鵜原理想郷へ到着。(ほぅ~「南房総国定公園」なのですね。)/ I arrived at "Ubara Ideal Country." It is called " a quasi-national park". I learned the phrase in English for the first time.

篠田悌二郎句碑「崎山に 千草の平ら 虫の原」/ A stone tablet inscribed with a poem by Shinoda Teijirou. It could be read, "On Mt. Sakiyama is a plain full of grasses with millions of insects."

丘の上から初めて目に飛び込んできた大海原。/ The first glimpse of the ocean from the hilltop.

岩間にのぞく海原。/ The ocean observed between Rocks.

丘陵を登る途上、眼下に見える勝場行港。/ On the way to the hilltop, a Katsuba Port was seen below.

手弱女平(たおやめだいら)/ Taoyame Daira.

手弱女平(たおやめだいら)にある鐘のモニュメント。/ A monyument with a bell on Taoyame Daira.

海中の岩場 / Rocks in the ocean.

手弱女平から望む太平洋。/ The Pacific Ocean viewed from Taoyame Daira.

勝浦海中公園方面を望む。/ A view toward Katuura Ocean Park.

勝浦海中展望塔/ Katsuura Underwater Observation Tower

手弱女平の鐘。/ The Bell Monument on Taoyame Daira.

白波の打ち付ける海中の岩場。/ Rocks surrounded by white waves in the ocean.

漁船接近中。/ A fishing boat was sailing.

漁船拡大画像。/ The enlarged image of the boat.

右の斜面は岩の採掘場跡と言われている。/ The mountain on the right is said to be a rock mining site.

岩の採掘場跡 / A rock mining site

トンビが舞っていた。/ A kite was circling in the sky.

岩場の近くを通る漁船。/ A fishing boat was sailing beside the rocks.

丘陵のてっぺんから見下ろす海と岩礁。/ The rock reef in the ocan viewed from the hilltop.

岩礁と採掘場 / The rock reef and the rock mining site.

丘の上のトレイル。/ A trail on the hilltop.

平行に走る岩の地表 / The parallel rocky geological layers.

「黄昏の丘」から望む鵜原湾。/ Ubara Bay viewed from "The Hill of Evening Twilight."

鵜原海岸には屏風岩がそそり立つ。/ Perpendicular cliffs of Ubara Bay. 

「黄昏の丘」頂上/ The summit of "Tasogare no Oka" ( "The Hill of Evening Twilight.")

「黄昏の丘」頂上から白鳳岬方面を望む。/ A view toward "Hakuhou Cape" from the top of "Tasogare no Oka" ( "The Hill of Evening Twilight.").

鵜原理想郷イラストマップ / An illustrated map of Ubara Ideal Country

丘を下って鵜原海岸へ至るトンネル / A tunnel connecttin hills and Ubara Beach

鵜原湾 / Ubara Bay

陸に上げられた釣り船 / Landed fishing boats

凪ぎの浜 / Lull in the wind

平和な午後 / Peaceful afternoon

引き潮 / Ebb tide

きれいな海岸 / A clean beach

逆光に煌めく水面 / Water sparkling in backlight

渚に寄せる波 / Waves breaking on the beach

夏になるときっとたくさんの人でにぎわう海岸 / Perhaps in summer, a lot of people will come to this beach.

いまは人影のない渚 / Now a few people are on the beach.

海へ注ぐ流れ / A stream going into the sea.

白砂の渚 / The beach with white sand.

白い鳥居 / A white shrine gate.

少し高い波の立つ方角にサーファーの姿が見える。/ Surfers were in the spot where higher waves came.

ポツポツと見える黒い点はサーファーたち。/ A few black dots were all surfers.

波は低いけれど、サーフィンを楽しむ人たち。/ Waves were not high but surfers were enjoying themselves.

サーファーのスーツが日陰に干してある。/ Surfer's suits were hung in the shade.

津波避難経路を示す絵図。/ A picture map showing the evacuation routes at the occasion of tsunami.

ここは夏には人気の海水浴場。/ People will come here for bathing in summer.

静かな商店街。/ A quiet shopping street.

鵜原のもう一つの観光名所。「勝浦海中公園展望塔」/ Another tourists' attraction in Ubara: Katsuura Underwater Observation Tower in The Ocean Park


ハコフグとイシダイのフィギュアがお出迎え。/ Replicas of black-spotted boxfish and parrot bass welcome visitors.

展望塔に入るまでに水上の通路を渡ってゆく。/ Visitors walk on a passage over the ocean to enter the observation tower.

午後の日が陰り、海の色は紺色に染まってゆく。/ In the afternoon, the sun is setting coloring the ocean darker.

風も立ってきた。/ The wind was starting to blow over the sea.

岩場に砕ける豪快な波。/ Wild waves were breaking at the foot of the cliffs.

逆光がまぶしい。/ The backlight was sparkling.

展望塔入り口。/ The entrance into the observation tower.

塔の窓から水深8mの海中が望める。/ Visitors can see the underwater of 8m from the windows.

早速ハコフグの姿が見えた。/ First of all, a black-spotted boxfish appeared.

こちらはメバル、だろうか?/ Was it a rockfish?

水族館ではないので、群れ泳ぐ魚の名前は特定できず!/ I could not name the fish swimming together at random.

A poster reminded us of the depth of the ocean we were watching.

展望塔を出ると、山肌の地層がくっきり見えた。/ Out of the observation tower, I could watch the rocky layers of the mountain.

岩場の浅瀬。/ The shallow bottom of the sea beside the rocky layers.

本日目にした最後の海の光景。また来よう!/ The last scene of the ocean I saw this time. Let me come back here again!


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「海を見に行く-房総半島鵜原理想郷散策」March 29, 2007

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