Wednesday, October 31, 2001 夜叉面を闇に擲ち蘇る明けの間近き神無月かな Throw away the devil's mask in darkness Dawn is near at the end of October

Tuesday, October 30, 2001 花びらを食べよと届く菊の花両手に掬う湿り気のあり A boxful of chrysanthemums arrive for eating Wet in my palms they are alive

Monday, October 29, 2001 銀杏の匂い集める一陣の風に舞う葉と共に彷徨う With the leaves flown up in a gust Collecting the gingo smell I wander

Sunday, October 28, 2001 星一つ輝き放つ気配して高く夜空へ垂直に飛ぶ Feeling the flash of a sar I fly straight up to the night sky

Saturday, October 27, 2001 微睡みの沼を這い出す夢を見る薄の穂さえ手繰り寄せたき In drawsiness I dream of getting out of the bog Let me catch the dry stems of susuki in the wind

Friday, October 26, 2001 若い声合唱練習場と化す霊園の塀伝って歩く Young voices practice chorus in a cemetery I walk along its long wall

Thursday, October 25, 2001 籠もり居て夕暮れを知る人気無き部屋の隅から吹き込む邪推 Dusk sneaks into the lonely room I stay in all day Blown in from cornes are suspicions

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 神妙に服用開始妙薬と称する毒を期待と共に Seriously I start taking the golden remedy Or the poison with much expectations

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 葡萄棚飛び去る畑を遠景に秋冷を斬る車中にありぬ Grape trellis in the distant field were flying away I stood in a train cutting through the autumn coolness

Monday, October 22, 2001 彷徨える無明長夜に助け船来る当てはなし高き櫂の音 In the dark long night I sail on blindly I hear my oars expecting no boat to help

Sunday, October 21, 2001 十代の悩み果てしない物語涙の光る湖深く Endless story is the agony of a teenager I peep in the deep lakes glistening with tears

Saturday, October 20, 2001 携帯の最新モデル親指でメール送信晴れがましくも Via the latest model of a mobile telephone I send mails with a sumb in naive excitement

Friday, October 19, 2001 落日の化身と仰ぐ石榴の実日毎ふくらむ母胎の形 Sunset transforms into a ball of pomgranate Swelling day by day in the shape of a motherly womb

Thursday, October 18, 2001 庇い合い待合室に黙然と寄り添う二人包む光沢 Sitting close and caring each other in silence In the waiting room the pair is wrapped in light

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 味噌瓶の蓋にくつろぐナメクジをヤツデの蔭にピと爪弾く A slug is relaxing on the lid of a miso pot I flip it off into the shade of Japanese alaria

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 数行の文言巡り論重ね夜長もいつか暁となる Discussion continues over a few line words Autumn night turns into the dawn at last

Monday, October 15, 2001 アメリカの駄菓子懐かし地下ホーム飾り窓見てつい買いに降り American snacks tempted me in the showcase I stepped out of the subway platform to buy them

Sunday, October 14, 2001 問い質す習い捨て去り野菊咲く秋日を行く風は透明 I've given up the habit of questioning and go In the transparent wind, wild chrysanthemums, a day in autumn

Saturday, October 13, 2001 寄りかかる七五の升目すり抜けて宙にさまようことばを摘みに I chase the wandering words in vacant space Getting away from the fixed syllables in tradition

Friday, October 12, 2001 遠い声近い声とも混ざり合いざわめくこころ鎮める零時 Distant voice and voice nearby are all mixed up The disturbing sound gets quiet late at midnight

Thursday, October 11, 2001 火の玉を肺腑に潜め黙るとき白い天使の疾く行き過ぎる A fire ball sunk in my bosom silently When I saw a white angel rushing by

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 特権は皆無の民が列を成す初診外来末尾に付ける People with no privileges make a line before the counter For outpatients at the tail of whom I stand

Tuesday, October 9, 2001 腰抜かすほどの美貌と描かれるアフガンの女狙う砲弾 Outstanding beauty the Afganistan woman has, a areport says Describing how many of them are in the target of bombardment

Monday, October 8, 2001 脱ぎ捨てたパジャマ拾えば立ち上る少女の香り目を閉じて吸う I pick up a pajama on the floor Smelling a girl with my eyes shut

Sunday, October 7, 2001 姪の弾く古いピアノは「ソ」が出ない新品の頃童女でありぬ My niece plays the piano, giving no G sound I was a girl as brand-new as the piano when it arrived

Saturday, October 6, 2001 掌に丸く収まるフクロウの木彫り分かちてそれぞれ夜なべ Wooden owls small and round on palms Watch us work staying up late separately

Tuesday, October 2, 2001 すすきの穂絵筆に使う秋の空雲を描いたり嵐にしたり Brush of the autum painter, the head of susuki It draws clouds and storms in the air

Monday, October 1, 2001 見えもせぬ風の行方を空に問う誰も知らない宇宙の秘密 Don't ask the way wind blows The unknown secret of cosmos

「鍵を探して」"Looking for Keys" (9/1 to 9/30, 2001)
「ことばの森の奥深く」"Deep in the Forest" (8/1 to 8/31, 2001)
「角を曲がれば」"Just Around the Corner" (7/1 to 7/31, 2001)
「ペントハウスへようこそ」"Welcome to a Penthouse" (6/1 to 6/30, 2001)
「風に託すことば」"Words in the Wind" (5/1 to 5/31, 2001)
「ミモザの樹下に」"Under the Shade of Mimoza" (4/1 to 4/30, 2001)
「振り向きもせず何思う」"You Never Watch Me" (3/1 to 3/31, 2001)
「さきがけの声」"A Forerunner's Voice" (2/1 to 2/28, 2001)
「宙をきりとる」"A Patch of the Sky" (1/1 to 1/31, 2001)
「光のたわむれ」"Playing Light" (12/1 to 12/31, 2000)
「ことばのはなかご」"Flowerpots for Words" (11/1 to 11/30, 2000)
「路地のおもいで」"Memories of Alley" (10/1 to 10/31, 2000)
「森のかたらい」"Talking of the Woods" (9/1 to 9/30, 2000)
「街のゆらめき」"Towns in Illusion" (8/1 to 8/31, 2000)
「空のうつろい」"The Everchanging Sky" (7/1 to 7/31, 2000)
「雨のあしおと」"Listening to Raindrops" (6/1 to 6/30, 2000)
「水辺のいざない」"Calling to the Waterside " (5/1 to 5/31, 2000)
「木陰のささやき」"A Green Thought in a Green Shade " (4/1 to 4/30, 2000)
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" (2/26 to 3/31, 2000)
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