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Sunday 25/4/2004


Last week I was too busy to maintian my energy. Only sleeping helped me to recover myself. I was hanging around during the weekend. I checked photos I had taken for weeks. As I bring my camera with me wherever I go, I often take phtographs. Even in town, the beauty of this season is incomparable. I cannot help stopping here and there. Now azaleas are in their primes, next will come wisteria, and then rain will bring irises. If we call the state "peaceful" where we can appreciate plants, let it last forever. The state must be protected or it might be easily lost. Today's update: new articles in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Time won't wait for us.

Tuesday 20/4/2004

雨上がりに薫風が快い。ごく若い頃とちっとも変わらず、こういう日の朝は純粋な喜びで胸がいっぱいになる。単純、なのだと思う。手に余る課題を抱えたまま、右往左往している。期待とか、憧れとか、青臭いことばも許される季節のような気がしてしまう。本日の更新は『翻訳読書ノート』に「12 純愛の衝撃」を掲載いたしました。野も街も百花繚乱の今日、どうかお元気で!

After the rain, the cool wind is comfortable. Exactly like when I was very young, my heart is filled with sheer happiness. How simple am I! With my hands full of burdens, I'm hanging around as usual. Such youthful words as expectations and longings are suitable to this season. Today's update: a short review entitled The Impact of the First Love a popular Korean novel (Sorry, only in Japanese!). The world is flowering everywhere. Take care and stay well!

Sunday 18/4/2004


Varous happenings and various situation.Sorry for closed pages of this site. I am writing to questions from the world far away. (With thanks and apology!) Someday I will recover them for sure. There have been troubles particular tothis age. In spite of them, we'll go on. I sincerely appreciate the compliment "humorous" that I received for this site from a far-away visitor. I'll reconstruct pages when I have time and energy enough for the work. How I dislike this kind of ambiguous excuse! Sorry! Sometimes it can't be helped. Someday, I promise I'll surely recover, friends. Today's update is only this message.

Wednesday 14/4/2004


After 10 years absence, I came back here for writing. I've been spending extremely busy days at the beginning of a new semester. A new project forces me to do a lot of things. Quite demanding. I'm not pleased to be rushed but the reality is I'm pressed with all kinds of requirements. I don't like the risk of sacrificing my health (mentally and physically) so that I've decided to quit my jobs even in the middle when time comes. I go to bed before midnight, saying "Tomorrow is another day!" In the morning I leave a lot of things behind jump in the train grabbing newspapers and magazines I purchase at kiosk on the platform to follow the Iraqui situations. How different are the information/opinions of massmedia and those online! BTW, students in classes are fresh. My daughter has become a high school student and is going to school by bicycle. She doesn't mind cycling in a hurry for 40 minutes. It's April in spite of all the difficulties. Today's update: new articles in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. When will I be able to write anything longer? Yes, I'm sure I'll wirte someday soon.

Monday 5/4/2004


The sky cleared up. Only requirements are falling on me. It's long way up to "The Golden Week." All my colleagues look stable and sophisticated. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I have to ask "What's your name?" to the plant.

Sunday 4/4/2004


Rain falls incessantly on the rest of cherry blossoms. A new semestar has started actually. Tomorrow, we are supposed to greet in front of all the freshers one by one, which is very embarrasing. I am inclined to draw back from all the challenges in front of me in spite of my age. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Anyway, I've got to go on.

Saturday 3/4/2004


The danger of telephone calls, which are like games. Information can be modified with the nuance that each receiver gives. I agree with those who prefers e-mails to telephone but it's more dangerous when the message is copied out of the original context. Whereas, the direct discussion is not always the most correct communication. I'm afraid if the best posture is to doubt the possibility of correct communication on most occasions. Words are as misleading as silence. I thought of the difficulty of communication from several aspects today.Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. After the rain, fresh green leaves will sprout all at once.

Friday 2/4/2004


Although the school bus service has started between a local JR train to our campus in the surburbs of Chiba Prefecture, there was a long line of freshers who were going to attend the entrance ceremony this morning. I gaive up to ride on the bus and walked all the way to campus as usual. Fortunately on my way back, I could catch the bus. How I could be so happy with a bus ride today! Along Musashino Railway Line, fields and river banks were all vaguely colored with pink cherry blossoms. The train went from Chiba Prefecture through Saitama, and then into Tokyo when it was getting dark. I wonder if the long way will be no problem for me in time when I get used to it. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. While I was reading on the train, I fell asleep.

Thursday 1/4/2004


It's April. Out of the window of the conference room on the second floor of the campus in the suburbs, I saw the cherry blossom in full bloom. The dreamy scean of flower petals falling quietly continued. I was watching it for a while during the meeting. Tomorrow the entrance ceremony will be in the flower storm tomorrow. Probably. Today's update: the photo of the cover page. The front line of cherry blossoms is going up to the north slowly.

Wednesday 31/3/2004


The end of March. The end is the beginning at the same time. Flowers are falling. Buds are growing. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. See you again!

Tuesday 30/3/2004

激しい雨。どこもかしこもウェッブサイトは変化し続け、サイバーワールドの虚と実が入れ替わる。このようにサイトを開いていることに如何ほどの意味があるのか、しばし立ち止まって考えなくてはならない。惰性で古いものを開示し続けることは怠慢だろう。一区切り付けて内容の整理が必要な時に来ているように思う。ここで取り立ててアナウンスせずに消えていくページもあることをご容赦ください。本日の更新は「東京散歩」「弥生の風 多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道 2 桜咲く日」です。先日の「1 早春サイクリング」の続編です。昨日の、切り倒されていく桜へのオマージュとして。

It's raining hard. Everywhere websites have been changing drastically; lies and truths exchange themselves freely in the cyber world. It's time for me to stop to think what's the use of (meaning of) having the website like this. I shouldn't be so lazy as to keep showing something old and abominable for ever. Forgive me for deleting pages without notice here. Today's update: "2 Cherry Blossoms in Bloom", at "In the Wind of March on Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road", Tokyo Walking. It is following "1 Cycling in the Early Spring". It's an homage to the cherry trees cut down I mentioned yesterday.

Monday 29/3/2004


The news of "cherry blossoms in bloom" first reminded me of "Cherry Slope" in Ukyou-san in Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO. Some people told me they watched the scene in which the trees were cut down on TV news; I made a slight detour to the slope on my way back from work today. The most shocking thing was the vivid color of the stumps. They were really in skin color (very close to that of human beings). Another thing was that cherry blossoms were blooming out of the branches cut down which were laid down on the construction site. They are still alive. I know sentimet only can be of no help to the situation but I feel I'm getting an important suggestion to continue thinking of the relationship between human activities and plants/lands. Particularly in the central part of Tokyo where green space is growing less and less, even a single tree is important. It can hardly be considered as the egoism of local peole to protest against the cutting of cherry trees. "To be or not to be; that is the question" is one of the most famous lines of Shakespeare. Today's update: Cherry Trees and the Slope of Ukyo-san. I added the latest photos to the independent page I uploaded in February. It's not a gorgeous spot for watching sakura but a precious place.

Sunday 28/3/2004


The cycling road I went freezing a few weeks ago has turned into a path covered with cherry blossoms. People are taking a lesiurely stroll looking up at blossoms which were slightly before the full bloom in their modest beauty. Thus the season goes on swiftly to the next stage not waiting for people. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Be brave, I say to myself again.

Saturday 27/3/2004


Farewell to old seasons bravely! Feel the resurrection of the earth. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I'm fascinated with the brightly sparkling young lives.

Thursday 25/3/2004


I was wondering what "EZ Presenter" is. I've got a chance to see a demonstration: on the left frame you can present the video streaming and on the right you can present a slide your lecture/talk automatically on demand. Quite convenient. But you need to spend time and energy to prepare the contents. I was requested to try the software and the machine next time. Well, what shall I do with it? I feel very embarrased to see even the still image of myself; how can I stand with the movie! Certainly you can contrive ways to make good use of it creatively. With sound and movement, you can appeal to your audience much more than with still images and letters only. But if you fail in creating the attractive combination of these factors, the effect will be completely the opposit. The problem is nothing but the contents, no doubt! Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I'm now quite pessimistic about myself.

Wednesday 24/3/2004


I received a complaint to my job by the phone call. I was grateful to the frankness and was disturbed at the same time. I should have listened to it sincerely and drecover the loss someday actually; yet, I tried to refute in vain. It was cloudy and then it rained. Not a day for watching flowers.BTW I read a column by an American author writing "series of cellpone stories." He is challenging the shortness. He is influnenced by the imagism of Japanese poetry. The ristrictions of cellphone monitor, which is incomparably smaller than the computer monitor, are the incentive to the new style of creation. Something must be written fully long but other things are most expressive when written short. The problem is what to write and how to write it. Certainly you have the choice not to write. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. The misery of writing timidly.

Tuesday 23/3/2004


The countdown for the new semester has started. I'm scared in spite of my experience of many years when I think of meeting new students to start everything all over again. More than expectations, I'm afraid if I can really do my duties all right. A new project team is starting, an old activities are supposed to explore new domains, and classes are waiting. Students are always young and teachers are getting one year older than the previous year as a matter of fact. Oh, my! I saw cherry blossoms starting to bloom just a bit by the old moat; many trees are in half-full bloom inside Shinjyuki-Gyoen Gardens observed out of the train window. Sakura feaver begins! Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. However, what are they indeed?

Monday 22/3/2004


"Equinox is the border of heat and coldness" they say, but it's still very cold today; freezing rain is falling again. Tomorrow we will have snow. At the end of the comparatively mild winter in Kanto District, the record of the lowest temperature will possibly be renewed. The dreary weather can depress me easily although I know it will get warm very soon. "The definite future" is solely in the process of four seasons so far. Really? Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Expectations should be betrayed.

Sunday 21/3/2004


Large soft snowflakes were falling from morning and it was freezingly cold all day long yesterday. I was charmed by the snow falling over a white magnolia tree. I heard interesting things about sauna from a friend from Finland: almost all the houses in Finland have sauna, which is a sacred place where women give birth to their children and where people are taken in for purification after death. They warm themselves in sauna and go out to jump into the lake for swimming; they go back and forth several times. It's 60 degrees centigrade in sauna and 4 degrees in the lake water; thus, they enjoy souna folloed up by an icy dip quite naturally. They don't feel it too cold if it is 20 degrees below freezing outside. Contrastively how feeble am I to be quaking even by the spring snow! Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I remember I was on the ferry boat crossing the freezing sea in Denmark in this season 17 years ago.

Friday 19/3/2004


The commencement ceremony was held at a local junior high school. Students sang 5 songs in chorus. Their voice was powerful as they have been trained for three years for the annual concert. Contrastively the national anthem sung at the beginning was just quiet. Inside of the gymnagium without no heater, it was terribly cold. When we came out, it was happily warm and sunny. Students were taking photos of each other saying good bye. It was the last day for my daughter to wear the school uniform in her life. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Good are the days when we can talk of hopes.

Thursday 18/3/2004

「寒」に逆戻り。着て出る洋服を完全に間違え震えていた。『タイム』誌の特集記事でマドリード(3.11)の写真に愕然としていたら、今度はバグダッドでホテル爆破。都市が狙われると群衆が一気に犠牲者となる。「群衆」のひとりになって右往左往している時間が必ずある身には余所事でない。一見オートマティックに見える都市の日常は一触即発。電車の座席で読み耽るミラン・クンデラという図も十分に危うい。本日の更新は『翻訳読書ノート』に「11 存在の重力」を掲載いたしました。もひとつ、『短詩』中「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」にも一編追加しました。のどかな春は幻ですか?

Cold weather came back today. I went out in the wrong clothes to spend a day trembling. While I was watching the photo of this week's special issue in TIME, I learned by news that there was a bomb explosion at a hotel in Bagdad. When higly populated cities are targeted by terrorists, crowd of people become victims immediately. As I have time to be one of the crowd every day, I feel Madrid and Bagdad not very far. The seemingly automatic movements of cosmopolis can be blown up anytime. Today's update: a short review entitled The Gravity of Existence on Milan Kundera (Sorry, only in Japanese!). Reading in concentration of Kudnera in a crowded train can make a dangerous image. And a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Is peaceful spring an illusion?

Wednesday 17/3/2004


Today's temperature rose up to almost 20 degrees centigrade and the wind blew hard to shake our old wooden house. A friend of mine mailed me to tell the cherry trees in Ukyo-san in Hongo were finally cut. Alas, one more week and they would have been in full bloom! People will be revenged by trees someday. No, the sad thing is that they have no words but just disappear never to come back. The folly of people is they don't realize what they should not lose. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Wild rain at midnight is really good in spring.

Monday 15/3/2004

春の彼岸墓参に高尾へ行く。山はまだ土気色。ほんの微かに梅桃のピンクが混じる程度。けれど、どことなくほんわかと気配は春だ。本日月曜日のため閉園の「多摩森林科学園」をバスの窓から横目で見る。今月下旬から四月にかけて、ここには70種類もの多様な桜が順次花ひらく。開花状況もサイトでチェックできる。時間を見つけて出かけよう。本日の更新は「東京散歩」中「武蔵野 春のせせらぎ 野火止用水緑道」です。先日の「多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道」とも昨年の「玉川上水」とも密接な関わりがある。近くに住んでいながらこれまで何故か足が向かなかったが、改めて見直すこととなった。

Visiting of our family grave in Takao on the spring equinox. Mountains were still in dull colors. I could see only a few vaguely pink spots of ume and peach trees. But somewhat I could feel the warm air of spring. As it was Monday today, Tama Forest Science Gardens was closed; I glanced at the huge estate out of the bus windows. According to its website, there are over 70 kinds of cherry trees and they are coming to bloom one after another in the forest. Today's update: "Nobidome Yosui Waterway, Early Spring in Musashino " in Walking in Tokyo. The waterway is closely connected with Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road and Tamagawa Josui. I wonder why I've never walked along the waterway before!

Saturday 13/3/2004


Watching flowers, I think of various adjectives such as pretty, beautiful, fine, fresh; yet, I cannot be satisfied with my observation until I finally learn the name of them. Although the number of flowers I can find flowers in town is quite limited, there are many I can hardly identify their names. As soon as I find their names in books, mysteriously enough, the unfriendly looking flowers seem to turn to me smiling. I've been thinking of the passion of naming.Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I really want to go out in the field.

Friday 12/3/2004


"Have you got senile, Ms K?" asked one of my colleagues and I said, "Yes, it seems so." I completely forgot and missed a meeting yesterday and today. What a mess! Sorry, but forgive me for I did not forget to meet students to "warn" and "advise" them. When I said to one of them who were in a neurotic agony, "Oh, you are like Hamlet," he said he didn't know who Hamlet is. After the gale, coldness returned today. Soon it is going to be the spring equinox. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. It's the end of winter in Kanto Plaine.

Thursday 11/3/2004


Totally unexpectedly I received a mail from a researcher of cultural heritage who is working for Bunkyo Local Museum. She hit "Walking in Tokyo" of this site while she was exploring the web. She is a producer of the exhibition which is now going on at the museum: "From Honzo to Botany." I visited the museum and found her an energetic scholar. She explained to me how the study of nature (including plants, animals, minerals and all others) developed in Edo Era in a comprehensive manners quite different from the method of classification accomplished in Eruope. The study of botany in Japan involved not only pure scholars but also merchants and gardeners in that period of time. There were many herb gardens in Tokyo; however, most of them disappeared or moved to suburbs after Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. She said Koishikawa Botanical Gardens, in spite of its particularly great collection of trees in the huge estate, has never become a popular site for flower watching because ordinary people were prohibited to go into it in old days. Interesting. It seems the orignin of the name "Kikuzaka" is not in the field of chrysanthemums as people believe today. I also had a chance to see a privately printed flower calendar of Edo Era. I wonder if the habit of writing poetry on plants of seasons to express emotions deeply set in meme (a sort of cultural gene) of the Japanese? Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Well, does my personal habit have something to do with a larger context somewhere?? Please click here to see posters of the exhibition.

Wednesday 10/3/2004


The last entrance exam of this year. All the young applicants were serious. If it's the matter of 20 minutes, it was the real encounter with condensed dialogues. Are we meeting and parting with people always like this fundamentally? Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I found many shining words, youthful and naive though, in what they said.

Monday 8/3/2004

見ることと見えることが違うのを痛感する。いつも通っている道にいつものように開いたはずの花を自分で「発見」したつもりになるとはおこがましい。目を止めるというのは心を向けることのようだ。あるものを顕在化させる契機は様々ながら、気付けばくっきりと存在は自己主張する。同様に心を閉ざせばもう見えない。見えないことは存在しないことと同じ。消滅の契機も無限に。「何故?」の虚しさ。失われる共鳴。だが、宇宙の広大無辺を思えば全ては収まるところに収まっているのだろう。(文字通りの視覚だけを問題にしているのではない。)ところでウィルスを拡散させるかも知れないと今度はカラスが敵視されている。自然は封じ込めるものでも駆逐するものでもないだろうに、人間は手前勝手だ。本日の更新は『短詩』中「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」に一編追加しました。昨日掲載の「東京散歩」中「弥生の風 多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道」に数件植物の名を追加(まだまだ足りませんが)しました。ここは継続して参ります。このサイトも。

I strongly feel the difference between seeing and observing. It's rude to say "discover" something which has been there always. To observe is to turn one's consciousness toward a target object. With various momenta, beings start appealing themselves. In the same way, when you shut your heart and mind from a target, it becomes invisible. When you can't see it, it ceases to exist. There are indefinite momenta for annihilation. It's nonsense to ask why. The lost sympathy. However, when we think of the boundlessness of the universe, everything must be where it should belong to. By the way, crows are now considered as the possible cause for scattering the virus of bird flu. How can they be contained or expelled? Humans are selfish. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Also I added several names of plants in "In the Wind of March on Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road " in Walking in Tokyo. I have to go on improving the information in the page! Thanks for your patience. Let me conitune it. Certainly this website as well.

Sunday 7/3/2004

私がよく調べもせずに花の写真や鳥の写真をアップすると、そぉーっと「あの花(鳥)の名前はね」と教えて下さるやさしい方。今日も「あれはシジュウカラに似ていませんか?」とお知らせくださいました。(「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」2月27日の写真です。どうもありがとうございます。)「黒いネクタイ模様が決めてでは」と。電線の上でピィピィ声高く鳴いているので洗濯ものを干しながら撮ったのでした。正体がすっかり分かってから写真はサイトに掲載すべきなのですが、せっかちの東女(アズマオンナ)でいけませんね。またいくらでも失敗を重ねる軽率な私。写真のことばかりではなく。じっくりゆっくりのはずなのに。本日の更新は「東京散歩」中「弥生の風 多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道」です。分からない植物の名前数枚込みです、ごめんなさい。(追補: 「ギヤラリー余白」へ本郷通り「山猫軒」の写真もアップしました。)

There is a very kind person who informs me of the names of flowers and birds that I am not sure of in my photos. She sent me a mail writing, "Isn't the bird similar to a great tit?" (The bird in the article of 27 February at "Calendar in Flowers and Poems." Thank you very much!) She says, "Look at the black tie it wears!" I found it twittering loudly on an telegraphic wire when I was hanging washed clothes on the veranda. I know I should upload photos only after I can be sure of the details of information in my web pages; however, I am always too impatient to wait. How silly of me! It's not just the matter of phtos but also all other important things. I should learn to be slow and steady. Today's update: "In the Wind of March on Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road " in Walking in Tokyo. It has some photos of flowers whose names I don't know yet. Sorry! (addenda: Restaurant Wild Cat in Gallery in Margines.)

Saturday 6/3/2004


After the spring snow, a morning came with soft vapor. Instead of truning the whole tatami floor renewd, I carpeted the floor of my mother-in-law's rooms with fresh mats (of the pure tatami-material; they are not at all rustic ones but very finely made craft of Japan). While doing this and that small tasks inside of a household, I feel all my jobs outside going far away. I can hardly believe the novel of eastern Erope which I'm reading belongs to the same era I live in now. Sitting in the sun porch, I cut an old carpet into small pieces. It seemed time stopped in peace. Young leaves of tulips are growing rapidly. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I'm having a short break.

Thursday 4/3/2004


4 March is the anniversary of my father's death in 1996. If he were still alive, he would have become 82. I can hardly imagine him being so old. When he passed away he was already very week for his lung cancer; however, in my memory he was always an energetic person with a good sense of humour. He liked to make people laugh with striking comments and jokes. Like a man born in a downtown of Tokyo, he was not at all sophisticated but he loved life. He loved talking very much. I inherited a bit of his verbal gift. He made me a small wooden cutting board in the garden when I got married. I've been still using it although it has become so thin after 24 years. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I't was as cold as the day eight years ago.

Wednesday 3/3/2004


March 3 is the girl's festival, "hina-matsuri." We take out sets of dolls, miniature dolls of the Japanese ancient court. As our place is not spacious, we can hardly display all that we have. I took out only a pair of dolls, a prince and a princess in the abstract shape. My mother-in-law cooked mixed sushi-rice and I cooked the soup of clams; both are typical menu for the girl's festival. I put a bag of colorful rice popcorn beside the dolls. Such a humble feast. My daughter will be 16 next month. Her life as a woman has started. Now it's your time, her mother says and is to retire...., oh, not yet! We laugh saying that we'll be rivals. It's her life's spring anyway. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. What will she become?

Tuesday 2/3/2004


Unexpectedly I received a letter with documents on secondhand book stores from the owner of Tanazawa Book Store in front of University of Tokyo in Hongo Avenue. So far I've been wondering the town, taking photos as I wanted with no definete purposes. I feel Mr. Tanazawa advised me to study the town of Hongo more seriously. In his essay he writes, "I love books, book stores and more than anything else, Hongo, a home of of books," which is very impressive to me. Anything starts with love to the target. It's nice to be able to express love of whatever naturally. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Photos of Tanazawa Bookstore is in Galley in Margine. From the local to the universal.

Monday 1/3/2004


As soon as March started, we had the freezing rain. Tokyo, extending just far and wide, looks an innocuous city with concrete buildings. It's far from the sea and mountains, its rivers are contaminated, and you can seldom have a large view unless you climb up skyscrapers. But the less you have, the more you long for the nature. I am amazed with the smallest feeling of life: I smell seasons from flower pots along back alleys, small gardens in residencial areas. We also have collected plants in gardens which are surviving in given conditions somehow.From now on, colors will come back to this huge city day by day. Longing for the unattainable, the city keeps wriggling. Today's update: the cover photo (a view of downstream observed from Hijiri-bashi Bridge over River Kanda, in Ochyanomizu), the phto above in this page, and a new article in the renewd page of Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Joy and sorrow after the exams are everywhere.

Saturday 28/2/2004


February has come to an end. I've been coming through various kinds of examinations. This is the time for summing up. It shines sometimes and it gets cloudy too. I would really like to go out somewhere when I'm released fom my duties. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Suddenly I'm inspired unexpectedly.

Friday 27/2/2004


I've noticed I know few names of flowers and much less of birds. At Bunkyo Local Museum I saw a humble exhibition entitled "From Herbalism to Botany," where I learned how Dr. Makino Tomitaro colleted plants and named them by himself. I also learned how closed universities have been. (He had 15 children and more than a half of them died while very young, alas!) The sensibility to appreiciate plants and animals of seasons seems to be very far from the intellectual spirit with which observation, classification, insight are possible. Now millions of checkins are dying of flu. Will it be the age of fowls' suffering? Human beings have the cause, certainly. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. What is this bird called anyway?

Thursday 26/2/2004


The stable weather of winter whcih had been staying since the beginning of the year began to chanage and stormy wind has been blowing at midnight. Bulbs I planted at the end of summer started budding out of the earth showing thier angular first leaves. It's no use asking time to go slower. The new season begins irresitively. I'm doing my duty with the work of entrance exams on the one hand, and on the other hand I just pray good luck for my friends and relatives, and also I'm trying to guard the small light quivering in my mind from gales. Some wishes have come true and others are perishing. Although I have experienced spring so many times, it's always a new experience. I know too well neither waves nor moonbeams can ever pinned down. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Words have small pwer, don't they?

Wednesday 25/2/2004


Mr. Annan, U.N. Secretary-General, made a speech at the Japanese Diet yesterday. The government wants to interpret it as the agreement (and the praise) to the dispatch of Japan Self-Defense Forces to Iraq; Foreign Ministry wants to find a way to obtain a permanent seat in the U.N. Security Council, the Democratic Party insists Mr. Annan just declared his oppsition to US military attacks to Iraq. Everybody has a word to say and all sounds vacant. I watched the news flash yesterday on TV in a waiting room of a hospital, when I was reading a book entitled Farewell to Foreign Ministry! written by an ex-ambassador of Lebanon. He wrote this book with indignation after he was fired for his ignored telegrams (to the prime misister) against Iraq war. I tremble when I imagine the backgrounds of each statement. "Degradation" is the word repeated many times in the book talking about Japanese bureaucracy. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I wonder where the tough spirit has gone that would never be afraid of discussing all matters in words?

Tuesday 24/2/2004


I decided to replace my desk at home and spent a few days sorting out old documents. I have left the work undone for more than ten years; accordingly, I had to arrange this and that everywhere even in the closet. Disorder around me looked as if I've just moved into this house. This is the result of my usual untidiness. Although I wish to refresh my mind with the newly arrived desk, my habitual laziness prevents me from cleaning my environment swiftly and efficently. I think "spring clearing" is a good expression. I hope the fresh air will bring the fresh season! By the way, I found "The Back I Want to Kick" is full of good observation of psychology. The author captures momentary feelings very well. Starting with the minimal view points, she will hopefully develop wider scope. On the other hand, "Earings for a Snake" has a lot of eccentric details to astonish readers; however, the emotions in the base of its world are not so novel. The combination (of new and old) makes the work's unbalanced attraction. Lastly, let me mention a little more about Hillary: I've been listening to the CDs of Living History: the author herself is reading it just powerfully. Her voice tells a lot more. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I long for the condensed word expressions.

Thursday 19/2/2004


The choice of book in the morning makes my commuting time different. I picked up this morning a magazine in which are covered the latest major prize winning novels written by two young Japanese women authors. I was planning to read Kanahara Hitomi's "Earings for a Snake" on my way and Wataya Risa's "The Back I Want to Kick" on my way back. Once when I read Murakami Ryu's "Transparent Blue" in my youth, saying to myself,"What a nasty story it is!" I coulod hardly stop reading it. My first impression of Kanahara is quite similar. I'm inclined to mix the author with the narrator quite easily; however, her style is objective and stable. But it hurts me very much. I imagine many young people are living like the ones in this novel holding enormous vacancy and pains all along. Adults are by no means intact. Kanahara in her sexy dress with blond curly hair was watching people from a poster on the train; it boasts she has sold 360,000 copies already. I couldn't finish Wataya Risa. I'll continue her tomorrow. These two will be talked of as rivals from now on. Today's update: a short review on Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Sorry only in translation!) The volume of her written talk knocks me out.

Wednesday 18/2/2004


Cherry trres along the slope in an area called "Mt. Ukyou" in Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO, are destined to be cut for the construction of a condominium building. At the neighbors' protest, the construction has not been started yet. Children's pictures, posters against the cutting of trees, and paper ornament for sacred trees are put on the trunks. One day when workers came to cut the trees, they found branches of the old trees were entwined with the high-voltage electrical power lines and gave up their job for the moment. In this area, this kind of struggles happen very often: environmental conservation versus infill, which is a difficult choice. Walking down along the trees, you come in front of the oldfashioned "Bunkyo Public Masago Market." On the building a protest banner saying "We Are Agains Bike Race Coming Back to Korakuen!" can be seen. I cannot help feeling that local universities should propse ideas to look for solutions of the dilemma that this conservative and retrospective town holds in some positive ways. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Spring is just around the corner.

Tuesday 17/2/2004


I've made it a custom to go and see my daughter by bicycle late at night when she calls me on her way back from a cram school. The custom will soon terminate. It was only the matter of one year; yet, it has become a part of the rythm of my daily life. A feeble light of her bicycle is coming slowly in darkness; I asked why she would not go faster. She laughed and said I passed through her for my myopia before. While riding on bikes abreast, we talked of her study, of the teachers, he result of prep tests et al. We enjoyed various topics for a few minutes. From now on, she will go wherever she wants to by herself and all I can do will be just to wait patiently. I remember with a grin I did the same, shaking myself free from my parents. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. It's still very cold out at night.

Monday 16/2/2004


In Kanto District, it has been blowing hard; they say the wind on Saturday was "the first gale of Spring" although I did not notice it, alas! What does spring mean unless I can hear some good news which I have been expecting throughout the winter? However, I could hardly ignore the brightness of light today. When I finished reading the book I was concentrating on, I looked up to find something different from what I was seeng during previous days. I feel like enhancing my view from very limited local spots to faraway spheres; otherwise, what's the point of living in spring? Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I feel fresh reality which I have never experienced in "the coming decade."

Saturday 14/2/2004


The floor for chocolate shops was just like a battle field: women with serious eyes were watching inside of the showcases jostling each other. Women holding pacages of chocolate were squeezing their way with blushing cheeks. I wonder who are waiting for them. Merchants in Japan decided February 14 should be the day for big sales of chocolate. Let me not think of the sorrow of one way drive. It is not only this day when people can tell love to others. Today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. But we must tell anyway.

Tuesday 10/2/2004


I read a newspaper article "Japan as No. 1 with 3.2% of annual cancer patients caused by radiodiagnosis." I should not be so foolish as to take it just as it is seriously because the magic of numbers may change the meaning of matters quite easily. Excessive examinations may save more people than insufficient examinations; thus, they have the reason for being practiced most of the time as "good." We're living in the age when individual patients must choose what kind of medical treatments and checkups they want. There is no excuse for being ignorant. However, I think one of the biggest troubles is in the lack of communication between doctors and patients. Many of the doctors won't share jokes we enjoy. They watch numerical data more than their patients' body and mind. Why can't we talk open minded? Or is my mentality the real problem? "You talk too much. It's dangerous," one of the doctors has said before. Well, well, today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. Beaten by the beautiful silence.

Monday 9/2/2004


Nearly 20 days out of 365, I go to a hospital in Tsukiji. Once I step into the entrance hall, I become one of the paitents. I hang around under the control of the computer system. The weiard sound of MRI, the sporadic movement of the bed going through a tube, my head fixed, they all nearly make me mad. I am watching in darkness the image of my body being sliced. I persuade myself I'm happier to be treated like this; yet, I can barely be released from the idea of lying in a coffine. I am a body to be analyzed. I'm at a loss for a while after I'm released perhaps because of the medicine injected? Nobody will be pleased to hear about such an experience. Sorry! Well, today's update: a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I know what I write is alwyas too simple to be called poems, but how come do I feel my heart begin to live again when I come close to trees and flowers almost painfully?

Sunday 8/2/2004

たまたま目と耳の両方から1960年代、1970年代にタイムスリップ。サイモンとガーファンクルの最新演奏録音を聴く機会があり、もう片方ではヒラリー・ロダム・クリントンのとびきり活きのいい自伝(彼女の学生時代前後のところ)を読んでいる。このご時世だから余計「アメリカ」の意味を問う。自衛隊イラク派遣のことを英作文の自由課題に取り上げる学生が何人もいた。青年たちは戦争を余所事でないと感じ始めている。「英語帝国主義」を憂いながらそれを飯の種にし、かつ抗いがたい魅力を感じ続けている自分への問い直しをしないではいられない。本日の更新は「東京散歩」中『節分の候 湯島聖地探訪』に数枚の画像(湯島天神周辺)を追加し、言葉を一部修正しました。また、『短詩』中「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」に一編追加です。ありふれた言いぐさになるが、過去をたどることは「今」を知ることに他ならない、と改めて思う。

I happened to have the chance to return to 1960's and 1970's through eyes and ears: I've been litening to the latest record of Simon and Garfunkel's performance and reading Living Hisotry of Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm asking what USA means to us in today's world. Some students wrote on the dispatch of our Self-Defense Forces to Iraq for their writing assignment in English. Young people are feeling the war is not someone else's issue. I've got to ask myself why I live on teaching English while feeling uneasy about the "English imperialism" in terms of an international language to which I've been attracted for decades. Today's update: a few more photos added to Yushima Tenjin section of "Visiting Sacred Places in Yushima at the Turning Point of Seasons" in Walking in Tokyo. I made several corrections to the description in words as well. Also I added a new article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. As is said commonly, I feel it's true to know the present through learning the past.

Friday 6/2/2004

ついこの前まで幼子のような気のしていた娘がいつしか高校へ進学することになるとは。4月生まれだから直に16歳となる。15の春は短い。彼女の合格発表を確認したあと、節分の日、仕事前に少し散歩をした。御茶ノ水駅から聖橋に出て、湯島聖堂、神田明神へ。先だっての湯島天神と合わせると湯島三聖地巡礼とでも言おうか。お礼参りを兼ねて。今年も既に立春を越えた。本日の更新は「東京散歩」に『節分の候 湯島聖地探訪』です。大人になるのと年をとるのはまた違うらしいと、今も首をかしげている私。

Although I have been feeling my daughter is just a small girl, she is actually going to be a high school student very soon. She will be 16 in April. Spring of being 15 is short for her. After I checked her passing the entrance exam, I took a walk on my own right before I went to work. Starting from JR Ochyanomizu Station, I went across Hijiri Bridge to Yushima Seidou, and then to Kanda Myoujin Shrine. Incoulding Yushima Tenjin Shrine which I visited the other day, these are "the tree sacred places" in Yushima Area. I wanted to thank gods for my daughter's fortune. It's already spring in calendar. Today's update: "Visiting Sacred Places in Yushima at the Turning Point of Seasons" in Walking in Tokyo. I'm still wondering if it is not same to grow old and to be an adult.

Thursday 5/2/2004



"White blossoms of ume celebrate the spring of the fifteen-old"

Decades ago I wrote a haiku like this: "Red blossoms of ume were in full bloom on my way home." (Extremely simple!) Happiness to see something unchangeable in spite of the time passage. Today's update: the photo above.

Tuesday 3/2/2004


Working for the Department of Comprehensive Business Administration, I know little about business; however, how can I be satisfied with my ignorance for ever? "Business" of any kind is now in difficulties. We need strategies to meet the demands of today's world. Thnk what we can do in coming 10 years. I can hardly stand still doning nothing; of course it does not mean to give up quiet time for thinking alone. Today's upload: another article in Calendar in Flowers and Poems in Short Poems. I made a direct link to the page. Thanks for your visit!

Sunday 1/2/2004


It's February! I love February. It's a good month. You can feel spring slightly in its light. I'm still marking students' exam paper. I'm obliged to go through this season just like them. Today's upload: the cover photo. It's "Yushima Tenjin Shrine" in Bunkyo, Tokyo. It's a sacred place for applicants to schools and universities. They come here to pray for their success in entrance exams. I went there but it was too early for blossoms of ume, Japanese plum trees, but I found very unique stalls there. I enjoyed chatting with the sellers. I uploaded some of the photos in Gallery in Margines. I am impatiently longing for spring.

Saturday 31/1/2004


The first month of a year has already gone. My daughter's entrnace exams for high schools have started. The day of her fist exam was longer for me than for herself. (What a helpless mother am I!) More exams are waiting; it's a long season of impatience. On the other hand, I'be been working for the entrance exams at my workplace. Yesterday I checked the application forms of foreign students. The forms were filled with Chinese characters naturally. Their writings in Japanese were quite impressive to me. I was amazed with their rich vocabulary. Reading the names of their home addresses, I thought of the faraway land of the huge continent. "Globalization" often reminds us of "ourselves going out of Japan," however, it actually requires us to have the flexibility and toughness to receive anything foreign. Both ways, coming and going, will be more frequent and usual in any levels of our daily life. I read in a newspaper yesterday that Ms Keiko Kawasaki completed a documentary film entitled The Spring in Yakaoran", in which a couple of Afghan refugees talk of their life. I am very sorry I could do nothing when Ms Kawasaki asked me for help. One important forcus in her work is the difficulty of girls' education in Afghanistan. Let me think of what I can do from now on. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. A deep thigh when I think of the various meanings of seasons.

Wednesday 28/1/2004


The other day I hurried into a diner to take lunch and found myself in a small "Oden" restaurant. As the place was called "Non-Ki" (literally meaning "Happy Drunkard"), it was evident it would be a bar after twilight. "Oden"(Fish cakes, vegetables, deep-fried tofu, etc stewed in soy-sauce-based soup) was boiling in a large round pan. The cook asked me what I wanted and I said, "Daikon (Japanese radish), fried tofu, hannpen and an egg, please." Then I noticed there were ginko seeds stuck in toothpicks. They looked so delicious. I asked the cook again to add them. A few days later, I came across a stall selling roast ginko seeds in Yushima Temple. I was invited to taste one of them and bought a sackful. Tonight I cooked oden myself and put ginko seeds in it. A very hot and tasty menu for a freezing night indeed! Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Think of something good instead of being pessimistic!

Tuesday 27/1/2004


On a day I failed to take time to eat lunch, I opened a lunch box eventually in a seat of an express train on my way home. I happend to find myself sitting in a corner of a group of three facing each other. They kept talking over the funeral they had attended. I succeeded in changing a seat away from them, thanks! My precious jouney for half an hour. I couldn't decide whether to read or write during that time. The cloudy view out of the window was not very attractive. The train was rushing deeply into the dead end of winter. Waiting every day for nothing.Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. BTW, I'm depressed with the misery of the bullying of the (step-)parents to their son, a junior high scnovel my daughter was reading, "ZOO" by a young Japanese writer Otsu Ichi. It's just astonished to feel the speed of our daily life going beyond fictions.

Monday 26/1/2004


"Look for the red blossoms of ume at Yushima Temple in vain" when white ones are still in buds. How is it now in Dazaifu? Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Spring is yet afar.

Friday 23/1/2004


What is liberty? I was thinking of the question while I was reading the novels of Gao Xingjian. Is it the freedom from repression, restrictions, violence? As long as I read his works, liberty and happiness are two completely different states. Happiness or peace of mind. Are these ideas equal? People with pride and high self-estimation might possibly reject calmness of life. They would prefer thrills and feeling of tention. The experience of reading novels indeed is to live in a condensed time and ask oneself extreme questions continuously. In fact it's rare to encounter with such demanding novels. Novels as the style of literary works won't vanish from the world soon. I'm feeling myself interested in China which had been out of my concerns before. Nothing is too late for one to start thinking and studying. (It's easy to imagine Gao Xingjian is regarded decadent when we think of his recurring and obsessive descriptions of sex although it is only one factor of the variant aspects of life's complexity. I wish I would have the chance to see his dramas.) Today's update is a short review on Gao Xingjian. (Sorry in Japanese only.) Reportedly it's snowing in many districts in Japan. I wish you in snowy places to take well care of yourselves.

Wednesday 21/1/2004


It's not an easy job to write by deadlines. I write, however, with pleasure when someone asks me to write. The first task for writing is always reading and it takes time without exception; this time I've been reading works written by an author from China, which were extremely interesting and exciting. I can choose books for the brief review. The mail magazine will be sent tomorrow. Since 1997, I've been writing short essays and poems on my web site; I've experienced invaluable encounters, heatbreaking mistakes, disappointments, and having hopes. Unfortunately, this is usually an one-sided system. Like the grass only through one side of which you can see and the other side of which is the mirror. It can easily make you self-contented. (Oh, the difficulty of correspondence!) Let me wait for spring quietly. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Oh wind, take my heart to far away from here!

Monday 19/1/2004


I received a telephone call from a person who had not been in my mind. We've met only once before; yet, we talked on like old friends. Human voice with fullness and rich expressions tells thoughts and feelings straightly. You may take it for granted but I wonder how much touching words come and go these days. I feel the richness of spoken words all the more because I believe in the truth of written words always. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. It's getting keenly cold now that we're in the depth of winter.

Sunday 18/1/2004


A weekend with no relaxing time has come to an end. In the morning I missed my station to find myself at the fourth unfamiliar one; in the evening at the next one. "Take care, you're tired," said one of my colleagues. Gee! I made several other mistakes too. Only the serious eyes of young people at the examinarion rooms were refreshing. I haven't finished with the book I had planned to; checking of students' writings not yet. Such is one of the days in my life. Somewhat sad. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. I'll start early tomorrow morning. As long as I'm pressed, no time for creative activities will be born.

Friday 16/1/2004


Would you say, "TGIF!"? Not me. In spite of the weather report saying it might snow tomorrow in Kanto area, I'm supposed to work for the Central Entrance Examination (I'm not sure of its official term in English--let me check it later) during this weekend. It's a very long and stressful job. In order to be in time in the campus of Chiba Prefecture, I must leave home at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. I'll take JR Musashino Line going through the dead colored Kanto Plains. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. I wonder what the flower I saw today in town is called.

Thursday 15/1/2004


It's alread the middle of January. Can you believe it? Time rushes away like this. So what? Let it be.Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. How are you doing, friends?

Wednesday 14/1/2004


Since last March I've been keeping the medaka, more than ten of them. Although they've been quite fine for months, only recently they started to die one by one for no particular reasons. In spite that I've heard they would live longer than one and half a year at least and sometimes for over three years if very well taken care of, I'm not sure how many of them can survivie this winter. One day their movement becomes slower, their bodies turn white, and their gill start quivering; then there is no way to save them. Yet, the medaka keep swiming to the very end with all their efforts. Not like bigger animals, we can hardly expect communicating articulately with them, their life is dear to me all the same. Lif is life when it keeps changing. To keep watching their birth, aging, illness, and death may be what it is to live with creatures of all kinds. Fight, medaka! Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. I'll go beyond pretty flowers.

Tuesday 13/1/2004


A rainy morning after dry days.It betrayed the weather report. Soemtimes I wonder how far this digital signs reach and what they can transmit. They come from and go to only human emotions and thoughts vividly alive. I couldn't help writing such nonsense right before I leave home. The soft rays from clouds are increasing. Hopefully it will be clear today. Light is always hope. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Not a flower but fruits today.

Sunday 11/1/2004


It's freezing cold. Mt. Fuji was clear today. It went away when I tried to capture it in a camera. Mountains were far away in a finder. They were quite different from what I saw with my eyes. Mt. Fuji looked more dignified actually. I've been checking students' writtings; I wonder how I can make the best of what they write, following their thought. Nothing will come from negative view. Today's update: I changed the photograph of the cover page. We're now seeing westward. I added three phototraphs in "Mountains in Winter" in Galley in Margine. I will learn photography this year! Also another article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Not flowers today but a small visitor with wings.

Friday 9/1/2004


As I was reading a book about the brain in the commuters' train, I couldn't help watching heads of people clibming up the stairs of the station. Brain as a part of our body; brain as the seat of our emotions and thinking; brain to govern our memories and consciousness; brain as the base of activities of living creatures. On my way home in a vacant train I met a large person. He could hardly support his stout body and was laying on the seat. A wheel chair was waiting for him on a platform. Does brain decide how we live? There are so much we cannot see in ourselves. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. The ice-cold wind blows.

Thursday 8/1/2004


It's too early for spring drwosiness; yet, I fall asleep momentarily sometimes when I should not, for example during meetings. I hear voices in a distance. Wake up! A new year has just begun. Today's update; an one-day-old article in in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Seriously I need to be more alert!

Tuesday 6/1/2004


I've been reading a contemporary novel written by a Chinese exile. The 20th century was called the age of exiles and the 21st century still is. It's another name of "globalization." In his work language and politics are one. It's not an easy experience to read it through but it's alluring as well. Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Bustling days begin.

Monday 5/1/2004


On TV we saw the excited staff of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (of NASA), hilarious with the successful landing of the Exploration Rover Spirit on Mars. The first look at the landscape of Marse is enormouse and flat. I remember we went to the front of the lab twenty years ago when we were staying in Pasadena. To go outside as far as possible into the space and to go deeply inside are both what humans do. What will they find there? Today's update: an article in "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems. Now the end of new year holidays.

Saturday 3/1/2004


From the annual family reunion at my mother's place, three girls were absent because they've been busy preparing for entrance exams (two for high schools and one for universities); and accordingly, the gathering was comparatively quieter and calmer than usual. My daughter came back from the four-day-study-camp held by Lake Kawaguchi this evening. "How did you find the lake and Mt. Fuji?" I asked and she said, "I saw them only once on my way back out of the bus window." I truly hope she will get the chance to appreciate the grandeur of the landscape very soon. Today's update: "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in Short Poems, a new collection of shot poems and photos. It won't be a daily calendar but occasional notes. Topics and photos won't be restricted to flowers; diversity will reign.

Friday 2/1/2004


A Happy New Year! Thus a new page of the history has started although there is no visible line between 2003 and 2004. Receiving new years' greeting postcards, I started writing mine. Recently I am really a slow writer, a slow walker and a slow creature as a whole like my turtles. I'm not in a hurry. Let me watch, hear, and feel as much as I can, if possible deeply. Today's update: the cover page photo (a view of Higashimurayama City, Tokyo in a clear winter day; you can see even a few skyscrapers in a distance!) and this page of the Latest Notes with a photo of the first blossom of a Japanese plum tree. I sincerely hope this year will be wonderful for us all.

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