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Friday 30/12/2005


What else can I do in the last day of a year? I have several things I should have done. Are they going to be postponed until next year? What an idiot, I say to myself. If I had been more efficient, I could have accomplished more. Well, well. Although I usualy stop over at shops hurriedly on my way home from work, I visited a greengrocer's, a tofu shop, a bakery, a drug store, a clothing store, and a small market during the daytime. Voices said to me, "Are you on holiday?" "Yes, I am," I said, shopping here and there. I bought a large daikon from a young man of a greengrocer's who flattered to me, "You look cool today." Like this an ordinary day passed and a year has come to an end.Today's update: ao's new work in "Still Life", in "Gallery Margins." It's a composition of oil painting, with a box of cakes, three eggs of a quail, and three red sticks. Ao said the red color of the sticks was severely criticized by an instructor of the art school.

Wednesday 28/12/2005

いよいよ押し詰まってきた。末広がりの八の日で縁起がよいからと、今日はミニ門松に輪飾りをかけて門柱にくくりつける。老いたりといえど姑が年中行事を仕切る。まだまだ私は使い走りの助手と言ったところ。数日前から鮭を切り分けたり、野菜を買い込んだり、神社へ行って古いお札を納め、新しいものを受けてきたり。甥や姪、姉妹達の集まる恒例の忘年会は私流に和洋折衷のアラカルト料理でOKだが、正月準備は義母の流儀で進行する。かつては価値観の衝突じみたこともあったが、どちらもそれぞれいい年になり矛を収める知恵もついた。一年に一度、このときばかりはとりわけ素直に従うがよろしいと覚悟(?!)を決めて。それもまた愉し。本日の更新はエッセイ「徒歩記 3 東京の水流--玉川上水を中心に」です。ご用とお急ぎでない方はどうぞ。昨日「ノロウィルスにやられたらしい」と呻っていたはずの高校生はもう飛び出していった。昨年まではよく料理を手伝っていたのだが....。

Little time is left before the very end of this year. Because it's 28th, a day including the number 8, which in Japanese is considered to be lucky, we settle the pine decoration at the gate to celebrate the coming year. The eldest of our family, my mother-in-law, supervise the customs of this season. I am a sort of her assistant. Following her orders, I have been cutting a big salmon, going shopping for vegetables, visiting a local shrine to exchange old paper charms to the new ones, and so on. I can cook whatever I like for my party inviting my sister, sister-in-law, and their children, but for the new-year's customs my mother-in-law is the boss. We used to fight (?!) against each other's sense of value, we've learned the wisdom to get along. Once a year, it's time for me to be very obedient. It's not so bad actually! Today's update: an essay entitled "Tamagawa Jousui." Sorry, only in Japanese. BTW, my daughter, a high school student, who was suffering from norovirus yesterday has already gone out. I remember she was quite helpful with cooking last year, though.

Sunday 25/12/2005

数ヶ月間回し続けていたサイクルを離れ、時間を余り気にしないで過ごす。ようやく少しずつ体中の「こり」がほぐれてきたように感じる。久しぶりに雑木林の中へ入ったら、下草は刈られ、余分な枝が払われ、すっかり冬支度。少し離れたところにあったテニスコートは持ち主を失って以来、球音が消え歓声も消えまだ行き先も定まらないらしい。三連休となったクリスマス休暇最後の日曜日、教会からは楽しそうな集会の声が漏れていたが、郊外の街は静まりかえっている。平和という祝福。本日の更新は(1)「むさしのすけっち」 (2)「ギャラリー余白」中『静物』にaoの油彩「バスケットボール」と針金オブジェ「アヒル」 (3)このページの写真↑「ライトアップされた東京駅舎」です。(昨日までここにあったRout 434沿いの銀杏並木の写真は「ギャラリー余白」「本郷・黄葉の銀杏」に移しました。)大晦日まであと一週間。みなさまどうかご自愛下さい。

Away from the routine which has been cycling for months, I'm spending time leisurely. Gradually I feel the stiffness of my body and mind as well is vanishing eventually. When I went into the small woods, I found it well cleaned for the winter season; dried grass has been cleared, twigs cut. The huge tennis court not far has been soundless since it lost its owner. Nobody knows who would buy it yet. On Christmas Sunday, the suburban town was quiet except a church from which merry voices of people could be heard. It's the blessing of peace. Today's upload: (1)、"Musashino Sketch" (2)ao's works in "Still Life" of Gallery in Margins, and (3) the photo above; Tokyo Railway Station brightly lit. Please have a good week at the very end of this year, friends!

Thursday 22/12/2005


On the winter solstice, I went out of my office to find the flood of light in the darkening town: headlight and tail light of cars, lighted windows of skyscrapers, glittering train running on the elevated tracks. Virtually it was the last working day of this year for many people. Main strees were crowded by people and cars more than usual. Gingko trees are almost bold and leaves are blown at their feet. Since the beginning of autumn, I've been living so busily, captured by cities with various duties running after me. Blown by the cold wind, I trotted through a pedestrian crossing. Quite tired, I need a break. Today's update: ao's work is coming back. This time an oil painting. "Giraffes." (Well , giraffes are not really still life at all.) she went to a zoo for sketcing in May and submitted it to an exhibition for high school students in Tokyo last week. "What made you draw giraffes?" I aksed. She said, "Cause I wanted to." Can't be a dialogue.

Monday 19/12/2005

朝はギリギリで家を飛び出しているのに、駅に着いてみるとホームは乗客で満杯。架線事故らしい。そのまま間引き運転の電車を待つべきか、別ルートで行くべきか、咄嗟に判断しなくてはならない。今朝は思い切ってタクシー乗り場へ走り、別路線の最寄り駅へ直行した。どうせ遅れると分かってはいても気持ちが焦る。年末に向かって不測の事態も多くなる。気を付けなくては。先週の「寄り道」を写真ページにアップしてみた。郊外散歩はしばらくお預けで、今回も町歩き。本郷をうろつける日の残りが少なくなってきた。本日の更新は、「いのちのすがお 2」に入り口があります。今回は「ギャラリー余白」からも入れます。いずれからなりと、江戸趣味の金魚屋、「金魚坂」へご案内いたします。さあどうぞ。

Every morning I stay home as long as I can and rush to a railway station for work. This morning, when I arrived at the satiaon, the platforms were full of passengers. It seemed there was an accident. Trains were delayed. I had to judge whether I should wait for the train to come or to find another route. I decided to take a taxi to a staion of a different railway. Although I knew I would surely be late whatever I might do, I was quite impatient. There might be more of this kind of accidents and happenings at the end of a year. I have to be careful indeed. I managed to upload a record of my biref walking of a week ago. I haven't been able to walk in the suburbs recently. I have to satisfy myself by walking in town. Anyway, the rest of the days when I can walk around in Hongo Area are short. Today's update: the entrance is in Lives Around 2 and also in Gallery in Margines. Please go through either of them. I'll show you a goldfish market in Hongo, "Kingyo-Zaka." Won't you come with me?

Friday 16/12/2005


How fast December flies! There are people who pass by saying, "I wish you a happy new year!" I still have a lot to do before I go out of this year. Not yet the time for relaxation. It’s too early for retrospect yet. Another weekend with little break is coming. For a moment I saw the purple silhouette of the mountain range far away against sky at the sunset. I stood up just to be interrupted by buildings. I pray for the chance to come when I can go and see . . . . OK, one more step! Sorry, I couldn't update anything today. Thanks for your tolerance.

Monday 12/12/2005

クリスマスソングの季節になった。あと僅かでお暇する学校の授業では、毎年今頃学生のリクエストで歌詞を読んだり歌を聴いたり。先週はヘンデルのオラトリオ『メサイア』から「ハレルヤコーラス」を。歌詞をじっくり読んだことのある人は少ないと思いきや、中・高時代に合唱でやったという人が沢山いて驚いた。私も学生時代は毎年大学の聖歌隊がプロの独唱者、オーケストラと共演する『メサイア』を聞きに行っていたのを思い出す。本当は自分も歌いたかったのだが、パートのテストを受けるはずの日に試験官の上級生が音楽室に現れなかったため、お流れに。今週はポップスでWham!のスタンダードナンバー"Last Christmas"。ポップスは何といっても魅力的なリフレインに聞き手が酔うように出来ている。来週は何にしようか今から考えるのも楽しい。町歩きの最中、面白い写真を撮ったのだが、加工している暇がないのでまたいずれ。いつの間にやら師走も既に中旬となる。本日は短信のみにて。

It's the season of Christmas songs. At the school which I will quit soon, I've made it a custom to enjoy reading lyrics and listening to Christmas related music in December. Last week, we listened to "Hallelujah" from Handel's Messiah. To my surprise, many of the students know the music and lyrics very well as they used to sing the song in chorus when they were high school students. As for me, I used to go to the concert where our college choir played "Messiah" with professional soloists and orchestra. I wanted to sing myself; however, on the day I got an appointment with a senior student who were to give me a test of singing part, she didn't appear in the music room. That's the end of my wish for singing. This week we listened to "Last Christmas of Wham! ," one of the most popular standard numbers for decades. Listeners are easily intoxicated by the charming refrain. What shall we listen next Monday? It's joyous just to think of it. Actually I took very interesting photos while walking in town, but have no time to retouch them for website. We're already in the middle of December. Can you believe it? No update today but this short note. Thanks.

Saturday 10/12/2005


Like the leaves falling over me, assignments are coming to me one after another. Covered with fallen leaves, buds will arise from earth someday; I wish what I'm doing is not vacant. When fatigue makes my body and soul squeak for help, I just sleep forgetting everything. I woke up today to find it was already afternoon. Alas! Thanks it's Saturday. BTW, several murder cases in which elementary school girls are the victims happen recently. The misery of those who are hurt in mind attack those who have no power. To my great surprise, a college student killed a girl of 12 with a knife. He was her tutor of a cram school. I can hardly ignore the case as I'm one of those who meet with young people in campus on a daily basis. It's quite difficult to tell straightforward, "Don't kill yourself nor others but survive!" We cannot stop telling it. Never, ever. Today's update: the photo above in this page: Gingko trees shining in the setting sun along Rout 434. The left side of the street is Koishikawa Kourakuen Gardens.

Wednesday 7/12/2005

下の「Sunday 3/12/2005」記載の理由により、しばらくBBSを閉ざします。ネット暴力に屈するのは嫌なのですが、これは知恵比べでもありますね。しばらく作戦を練って見ましょう。ご理解いただければ幸いです。

For the reason I mentioned on Sunday 3/12/2005, I close BBS for a while. I don't want to be defeated by the Internet violence; however, I need some strategy anyway. Let me think. Thanks for your understanding.

Tuesday 6/12/2005


The coming of winter. Right before, trees develop a momentary feast. The metamorphose happening in the middle of metropolis. Let light stay. Today's update: Golden Gingko in Hongo. I'm wordless.

Sunday 3/12/2005


As I was continuously going out for work day after day, I felt myself vacant; so I've decided to stay home all day during this weekend. I wanted a rest even briefly. Within less than a month holidays will come but it's the time most demanding and tiring as well. I needed to do various things; however, I enjoyed making a webpage of the walking along "Kasuga Avenue" I had done on the previous weekend. While walking I'm always sensitive and curious enough saying to myself, "What's that?" or "Look, here it is!" but I'm not so careful nor considerate about the history and meanings of each place. Only when I settle myself down at the photos to write about them, I start thinking of the backgrounds and hidden issues for the first time uttering, "Oh, is that so? I never knew," or "How can it be possible, really!" When I examine a map afterwards, I find things and places which I should have seen because I was only a few steps from them while walking. But it's too late to repent. I usually won't have another chance to visit the same places even if I wish. Life may be always like this: you'll never see something/someone passing by very closely. Today's update: "Walking up and down Kasuga Avenue, Under Bunkyo Civic Center". Won't you come with me, please? BTW, recently my BBS has been attacked by spam. I need to change setup somehow. Sorry for the inconvenience if you find it not working on your visit. A convenient system (of the Internet) is sometimes the most irritating, inconvenient. Alas!

Thursday 1/12/2005


Towns in December are bright. How many and what can I accomplish during the rest of this year? What's beyond the darkness? Where am I going through the noise? Today's update: the photo in the index page. Until I can take one in sunshine, please enjoy the illumination in the evening again.

Tuesday 29/11/2005


We're starting to prepare for winter. The golden color of gingko leaves in Hongo Area are now culminating to the peak this week or the next. They will be livign frames if the weather keeps fine. Now colors of trees in sunshine and those in shade are slightly different. Today's update: the photo above in this page. Anybody can be an artist in this season.

Sunday 27/11/2005


On Saturday between my duties in campus, I got free time of about 2 hours. I went out for a walk in town. My destinatin this time was Kasuga-cho and Koishikawa, where I had had no chance to go in spite of my interest. Tomi-saka is a long slope on Kasuga Avenue. I climbed it up to Dentsuin Temple. I saw the graves of Shogun Ieyasu's mother and of Sen-hime, a princess to the second Shogun Hidetada. (They reminded me of the tombstone of Kasuga-no-Tsubone, the foster mother of Iemitus, the third Shogun). Then I climbed down Ando-zaka Avenue, another slope, to visit Kitano Shrine (known as Shrine of Oxen). The steps to the shrine were very steep. They made me feel the geographical characteristics of this hilly area. On my way back, I stopped by "The Memorial Garden of Fallen Soliders from Tokyo." All the sites I visited this time were quiet, so different from the busy noisy world of Tokyo Dome City although both are quite close to each other. Edo Era under Tokyo comes out abruptly. So do the devastating traces of Showa Era. Let me upload the photos I took before long. (I've been still working with the record of "The Forest." I don't want to rush.) While walking slowly, I decided never to be disturbed by the external business.

Friday 25/11/2005

昨日触れた「夜なべしごと」。たった800字の書評のために睡眠時間を削ってしまった。今回の本がとりわけ強い吸引力を持っていたのは、自分の個人的な理由にもよる。どう足掻いても理解できないもの、理解しなくても生きてはいけるもの、だがいくらかでも理解できればまた世界が違って見えるかもしれないものを追いながらページを繰り続けた。書いたのは他愛もない、「だから?」という程度のものに過ぎない。だが、言われなき嫌悪や忌避の向こうにあるものを語る言葉も必要なのではないかとあらためて思った。本日の更新は「翻訳読書ノート25 数学世界への招待状」です。

Yesterday I mentioned my midnight work. I cut out sleeping just for a book review of 800 letters in Japanese. The attraction of the book came from my personal cause. There is something you'll never be able to understand no matter how hard you may try; you may go on living without understanding it; but if only you understand even a bit of it, the world might look different. I was reading the book feeling that way. What I finally wrote is nothing important. You may say, "So what?" Prejudice is often hard to solve, but I felt the importance of having words to explain in order to go beyond the irrational hatred and recusal. Today's update: "On Translated Works"--An Invitation to the World of Mathematics. Sorry, only in Japanese. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch". It's the season of leaves turning red and yellow.

Thursday 24/11/2005


On Labor Thanks Day, I stayed in bed later than usual and spent a day very leisurely; as a result, I had to stay up until very late to complete the task I had promised to finish yesterday. So I felt very tired all day long today. It was much better, however, than to leave the work incomplete. Because I took a sudden leave last Friday, studetns talked to me in campus saying, "What happened last week?" "Are you all right this week?" "I came to the class last week in vain!" etc. Well, I have to recovere the loss tomorrow. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch". Please enjoy bonus photos as well. It's the best season for the symbolical flowers of our country.

Sunday 20/11/2005


As we pass the 20th of Novemeber, autumn is turning into winter evidently. Although I couldn't help feeling guilty, I took a day off on Friday; thanks to the short breat, it seems I've getting back energy. Probably the book which I'm now reading is so fasdcinating that it makes me forget the fatigue I had been suffering from. When I looked up from the book it was getting dark outside. I thought it was too late to go out but I went out for a walk and shopping. Wearing a short overcoat, I didn't feel cold at all. Watcing the deepening darkness, I felt warmth growing inside of myself. Perhpas I'm getting well. I feel the importance of relaxation for the health of body and mind. Fallen leaves were beautiful this evening, but no light remained for taking photos. No update today but this short note. It's getting cold day by day. Please take care of yourself, friends!

Friday 18/11/2005


I took a day off to prevent collapse. I know it won't help much. A few days ago, I fell asleep during a meeting in spite of myself. Suddenly I got awake when I was appointed for an oppinion, which I couldn't manage at once. Thanks to a senior colleague who began talking, I got time to recover. "Well, I seem to be too tired," I said to myself and decided to take a break. Recently I'm writing thinks like this only. I want to get out of this tunnel. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch". I find the turning of seasons in plants. I need to see far and deep.

Wednesday 16/11/2005


Autumn is deepening. After having worked for 10 days straight, I had a day off. It gets dark so quickly in spite of the long waiting. One day passes leaving no particular trace. TV and newspapers are showing the media circus reporting the wedding of the Emperor's daughter. By the marriage, the princess has lost her royal status for ever. In Japan, Imperial succession is a hot topic right now: whether to recognize the female succession to the throne. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch". I've been working with "The Forest" slowly. Thanks for your patience.

Sunday 13/11/2005


Another week is going to start without no break of the weekend. I feel my body is floating. Indignant and irritated with various kinds of contradiction, I take it out on irrelevant objects (or to make it worse, on people), which makes me feel ashamed of myself. When I'm exhausted, things start to go wrotng ways. The worst is to go to classes without sufficient preparation, which makes me just repentant and guilty. Should I take a short leave from work? I know I should do so, but I tend to feel like going on somehow. Why am I so hesitating? My folly is to think I will be able to manage everything eventually. BTW, I've started working with the record of "The Forest." Now that I began it, I know the difficulty of the work very clearly. Yet, there is something I definitely have to write. I am not sure how long it will take me before I can upload the files of "The Forest"; however, I will do my very best. There are a few more things that I had promised to do but have not been able to start. When I accepted offers/requests, I never imagined I would become so busy. (Again as usual, it is a failure of my prediction.) Well, well.... After a few days' good weather, it has started raining. I was thinking of the seeds of mayumi; their shells were getting red last week and I guess it may perhaps burst this weekend. But I didn't have time to go out to check the tree. Seasons would not wait people. Thanks for reading my note today.

Wednesday 9/11/2005


I've been overworking recently inculding weekend. I stopped thinking how many more days I have to go on like this, watching a calendar. Hope to loosen my tention somewhow. The video of the lecture where my old student talked is now sabved in a DVD. I monitored it, watching time to seprate the contents into several segments. Tomoko, my old student, is now a general manager/ vice president of a small company in US. She looks very natural while she talks, relaxed in a very natural way. She is good at speaking in public in concise and powerful words. Charming and fashionable, too. She's full of confidence which she fostered while working in the business world. I want make the record into an on-demand streaming installed in my website for classes. It is really exciting to work with young people. Well, the weather has greatly improved for a few days. I cannot help feeling that I'm getting a great happiness just from the beautiful weather. That's all for now.

Tuesday 8/11/2005


I was planning to upload a new page of "Walking in Tokyo" with the photos of the forest I visited last week. Yesterday I wrote "I will start the work in a few days hopefully." Once I started, I found it won't be an easy task at all. I've uploaded my walking record of various kinds with simple photos and easygoing comments so far. I was free from any severe criticism; I was writing all quite freely. Hoever, this time the circumstance is completely different. I happened to be in front of the forest one day, but did not go into it on the day. Another day, I visited the forest and went into the depth. I found it far from being "a quiet, nice, beautiful place." I've been arranging about 100 photos to make up a walking report but what I've feeling at the photos is so grave that I can hardly write any careless words. This forest is nothing like the ones introduced in fashionable magazines of Tokyo tourism. Even the idea of "the Forest of Human Rights" is not enough. In a highly conscientious blog which I came across while looking for information about the forest, I read a poem written by one of its residents. It expresses the essence of the forest, which never allows me to write casually. I will have to ask for the permission to quote the poem first. I don't know if I will be allowed to do so but it's worth asking anyway. today's update: the photo above; Sanshiro-Ike(pond) in Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo. Thank you for your visit.

Monday 7/11/2005


According to the Japanese traditional calendar, it is the first day of winter today. While people are busy, seasons go around slowly and steadily. In the morning, it was a beautiful day. I decided I would never use an umbrella today and departed; however, I came home all wet in the evening. During the daytime, on my way from one school to another, I got a chance to walk down to the pond Sanshiro-Ike in Hongo campus of University of Tokyo. The autumn sun was shinkng brightly on the water. Over the trees turning red and yellow, wild geese (ducks?) flew crying to each other. Soon I will stop taking this route in Hongo Area. I shouold have enjoyed this especially attractive place more while I could. BTW, I had a chance to revisit the woods I encountered the other day. I really want to upload photos I took in the woods, but I don't have time enough for that. I will start the work in a few days hopefully. At meetings, I fall asleep very often. I know I should not do that very well.

Wednesday 2/11/2005

一転して快晴。気温は20度C前後と申し分ない。が、しかし今度は自由な時間がないと来ている。本当だったらこんな日は気儘に出歩きたいところなのに。紅葉・黄葉も始まっている。菊の花がそこここに。イチョウの落ち葉を踏んでいるのに気づく。秋本番は11月と期待しよう。米国コロラド州から来日した、初対面のアメリカ人女性に「あなたのサイト、楽しみに見ています」と言っていただいた。下手な英語には目をつぶって下さっている模様。ありがたいこと。継続は何とやら . . . 精神でいこう。おや、何だかこの欄が「身辺雑記帳」になってきた。あちこちで目にするブログの影響かもしれない。本日も短信のみにて。

It suddenly cleared up. The temperature is 20 centigrade during daytime. An ideal weather! But I have no time to go out for a walk on such a day. I've found trees and grasses are turning red and yellow. Chrysanthemum is starting to bllom here and there. I expect November will bring us beautiful autumn. An American lady visitng Japan from Colorado told me she's enjoying my website. We've met for the first time. She might be tolerent with my poor English. Thanks! All right, let me contunue anyway. Well, this page is becoming a diary with trivial things of my daily life. Perhaps I'm influenced by attractive blogs I read every day. No update today but this note. Sorry!

Tuesday 1/11/2005


November has started. On the playground of a high school three railway stations away from here. a light aircraft made an emergency landing the day before yesterday. Now it's a topic of the neighborhood. A student who my daughter knew in her junior high school days talked that one of the boys who fell down while he was running away from the aircraft was her classmate. Reportedly one boy escaped a wing of the plane in the way he usually jumps over hurdles! There seems to be no place free from hazards. Today's update: photos of the index page (the dusk in Tokyo Dome City) and of this page (autumn colors of Nobidome Waterway). I haven't seen sunny sky for many days although I really want to take a photo of daytime for the index page.(sigh!)

Saturday 29/10/2005

年間で最も心地よくゴージャスな気候が楽しめるはずだった十月も、関東地方では曇天と秋雨のうちに終わろうとしている。久しぶりに河原を歩いた。浅い川の両岸は深い秋草におおわれている。釣り人たちが微妙に間隔を開けて陣取り、糸を垂れている。何がいるのだろう。だが魚が確実にいることはコサギの数が増えていることで分かる。昨年まではせいぜい2羽しか見かけなかったのに、今日は6, 7羽はいた。カメラを構えたとたんに狙った1羽はさっと飛び上がる敏捷さ。と思う間もなく「ギャッ」という鋭い叫び。何かが飛びかかった。猫だ。飛び散る白い羽。危機一髪で鳥たちは一斉に上空へ。大きな声で鳴き交わしながら旋回している。獲物を捕らえ損なった猫は草むらへ。変哲もない河原も動物たちがしのぎを削る生存競争の場らしい。それまで精彩を欠いて見えた河原が突如ダイナミックな場所になった。「犬も歩けば」ではないけれど、歩いていると何かに出会う。本日の更新は「むさしのすけっち」です。名前調べに時間がかかってしまった。それでもまだはっきりしないもの幾つか。なかなかコツが掴めない。

October should have been one of the most comfortable, gorgeous seasons in this country; however, it is going to end in cloudy and rainy days in Kanto Plain. We walked along a river near our home today. Banks along the shallow stream were all covered with wild grasses of autumn. Anglers were sitting at the stream in delicately measured distance from each other. I wondered what kind of fish they were waiting for. It was evident that there are fish in the river because we found the number of little egrets increased. Until last year there were only a couple of them but this year there were more than six or seven. When I tried to take a photo, the one I aimed took off suddenly. How alart it was! Then we could hear a shrewd cry of an animal. Something jumped in. It was a cat. All at once the rest of the egrets took flight. White feathers were scattered. It was a near escape. Birds were flying around in the air, crying in warning. Disappointed cat ran away into the bush. Even the seemingly nondescriptive riverside is a battle field of sruvival for animals. The place turned out to be just interesting all of a sudden to my surprise. Whenever I go for a walk I meet something special. Good! Well, today's update: Musashino Sketch. It took me time to check names of plants. Still I am not sure of some of them. It's always hard to know.

Wednesday 26/10/2005

再び曇天。痺れを切らし、いつもとは逆の方向へ野火止上水沿いを自転車で走る。屋敷守のあいだから焚き火の煙が漂う。しっとりと土の匂い。梨畑の脇を抜け、雑木林の中を通り、細くなった川岸で土手から落っこちそうになり、宅地を左右に、大根畑と里芋畑の間を走るうち、前方に見慣れぬ巨大な森が出現した。思わず引き寄せられてぽっかり開いた入り口に立ったとき、目の前の看板に愕然とした。「多摩全生園 関係者以外の通り抜けを禁ずる。」一昨年の夏、ハンセン病記念館を訪れた。あのときはバスで行ったのでこの場所と結びつかなかった。樹木の鬱蒼と繁るその豊かな森は、部外者を入れないのではなく内側に住む人々を長い間外から隔絶していたのだった。人を隔離したために森も残った。自然公園にしようという案が着々と進行していると聞く。不遜なことではないだろうか。「外」では開発に継ぐ開発をして森を殺し、扉を開いたら今度はその森を取り込もうとするとは都合が良すぎるのではないのか。森には惹かれる。だが人間の尊厳を議生にして守られた森であった。自転車を止めて少し森を歩くことは許されたのかもしれない。けれど今日は踵を返した。折しも外国籍の人々を隔離した政府の責任が問われている。あらためて出直そうと思った。本日は短信のみにて。

It's cloudy and rainy again. Feeling irritated, I went to the opposite direction from where I usually go by bicycle along Nobidome Waterway. Through the trees surrounding farm houses, the skoke of fire buring wet fallen leaves was drifting. It smelled of the moist land. I went by the field of pears, through wooded areas, nearly slipping down the narrow bank of the waterway, then on a lane between newly built houses, seeing green leaves of Japanese radishes and aroid, and then I found a huge forest in front of me. I was not sure where I was then. The forest looked very attractive. I went toward it. When I stood by an oepn space leading into the forest, I was astonished at the notice on a board which read; "No trespassers are permitted. Tama Zenshouen." I've been there before. At that time I went to the museum of Hansen's disease attached to it by bus; so I couldn't get the right sense of direction. It was not that the forest was refusing visitors from outside, but on the contrary outsiders had segregated the residents of the forest for a long time. Because of the segrigation the forest was preserved. What an irony! I've heard that the municipal government is trying hard to keep the forest as a natural park. Isn't it arrogant and shameless of us to propse such an idea now after the long selfish policy? Outsiders have killed natural environments of this country by industrial development; and now they ask for nature to those who suffered the segregation. It's the most precious forest, the forest secured by the sucrifice of human dignity. Maybe I was allowed to take a short walk in the forest, but I couldn't do so today. I turned around and left it. The responsibility of Japan to the non-Japanese victims of the segregation policy is now on trial in court. I decided to visit the forest again. Today's update: this note only.

Sunday 23/10/2005


The weather has much improved. Recently we often have earthquakes of about M3 in Kanto District. I wonder what's going on in the earth. On the day off, I am spending time leisurely at home. In fact I've got to do this and that, but let me forget about my duties for a while. While I was taking a walk, I found something very interesting. Today's update:Lives Around. As the first page is already quite heavy with photos, let's go on to page 2.

Friday 21/10/2005

こんなささやかなサイトだが、自分の場所に帰ってこられて嬉しい。溜まっていた写真を加工する。雨にたたられ、課題でがんじがらめになり、しばらくあたりをぶらついていない。終わったわけではないが、一時休止。植物の写真を見ているだけでリフレッシュ。雑事とは反応する神経が違うようだ。(ホントかな?)ところで今日電車の中で日本語版『ニューズウィーク』最新号をパラパラめくっていたら「世界に尊敬される日本人100人」という記事があった。カラオケの発明家とかアフリカでコロッケ屋をする人とか、宇宙飛行士の向井千秋さんなどに混じって「舞踏家デュオ Eiko & Koma 」,と書いてあった。前衛舞踏家になったとは聞いていたが、Eikoさんは私が子どもの頃住んでいた東京都世田谷区経堂の社宅で隣同士だった、一歳年上のお姉さんではないか。軒下で一緒に焚き火ごっこをして親たちから大目玉を食ったことがある。彼女は覚えているだろうか。オフィシャルウェッブサイトへ行ってみたら、彼女の面差しは当時の母上にそっくりだった。アメリカの永住権を得てニューヨークに住んでいるらしい。四半世紀を経て思いがけない「再会」。本日の更新は久々に「むさしのすけっち」です。明日天気になぁれ。

I'm glad to be back home, to such a humble website as it is. I a chance to work with photos that I have taken recently. Although they are not so new, I feel refreshed just by looking at flowers and grasses. Because of the rain and various jobs, I haven't walked around outside for a while. I was quite busy. Let me have a break for a second. BTW, I was surprised to find a familiar name in the list of "100 Japanses respected in the world" in the latest issue of News Week (Japanese version). Eiko Otake (of "Eiko and Koma," a worldly famous avant guard dance duo). Wow, she was living next door when I was an elementary school girl. We played together often and were once scolded for having made fire under the roof. I wonder if she remembers such a thing. I went to the duo's website to see her look after her beautiful elegant mother. They are living in New York now as a permanent residents of USA. It was an impressive "encounter" after one fourth of a century. Today's update:Musashino Sketch. I hope it will be fine tomorrow.

Wednesday 19/10/2005


We're at the peak of the editing work for our upcoming "Campus News." I stayed up until early morning yesterday to send my latest article, feeling a little irritated with the busyness. I'm saying to myself, "Wait, this volunteer work is more demanding than my ordinary jobs!" BTW, yesterday, one of my old students who is working for Total Media Group in San Francisco visited my class. Her lecture was very attractive with the reality of her variety of actual experiences. When she introduced a video crip of a medical company, which is a product of Total Media Group, one of the students said that he had seen it before. He saw it when he visited a company for jobhunting. One of the girls said, "She's cool. She looks like a career woman I see on TV." Yes, her presentation was very sophisticated. And I wrote an article about the class for "Campus News" again. Our chief editor who was once a real newspaper journalist trimmed it kindly. Tomorrow we'll have a meeting over a draft copy. Thanks to my old student and our chief editor, I've been learning from professionals how to write/present articles suitable for readers, not the way I've been doing just for my own pleasure. I hope I'll be able to reflect the know-how in my website in the near future. This note is the only update today. (The old student offered to donate her lecture fee for the victims of Hurricane Catrina when she returns home. Many thanks to Tomoko!)

Monday 17/10/2005


I've been away from my website for one week. It has been raining and various kinds of work has also been falling on me. I'm almost drenched to the skin! In addition, I was asked to work as one of the voluntary editors/reporters of"Campus News." Colleting news, writing and editing articles, I've been overwhelmed by jobs of which I'm not an expert at all. However, thanks to the job, I had the opportunity to meet students whom I hadn't known very well before. I was facinated with their youthful energy as well as their fresh words and expressions that I could never expect from my generation. Therefore, although I could do nothing for my own website, I'm sure I'll be back soon when I'm fully charged. Thank you for your understanding and patience. See you again!

Tuesday 11/10/2005


Those US news websites which were featureing hurricane Catrina a while ago are now occupied by the disasters in Pakistan and Kashmir. However, compared to the flood of information brought by the domestic crises in US, there is an impression that they are far in the middle of distant areas in south Asia. Reportedly the earthquake seems to have caused more than 40,000 deaths. The horror of earthquake can never be underestimated. BTW, when I watch the devastation in the world, I feel difficulties around me are tiny bits after all. I wish to get out of them. Yet I know I need to clear away each debris one by one to go forward or backward quietly. That's life. Sorry, there is no update today. Just to survive is a hard task. Looking forward to the clear blue sky!

Sunday 9/10/2005


Now that it is getting very cool, I find everything I eat is so delicious. Isn't it dangerous? When I dropped in a department stepped in a department store onmy way home, I kept saying to myself, "No kidding, I can't believe it!" in a fitting room. It's embarrasiang to leave a store without buying anything. On the other hand, I pick up a lot of things in a supermarket for cooking. I definitely have to get out of this cycle. Even turtles, which look always the same, dropping the shells of their carapace. I find the pieces in the bottom of water tanks. They are transparent. Gradually they must be grwoing. For human beings, is it the matter of willpower to restrain from putting on weight? Well, well . . . . Today's updage: No. 1 "Visitors to the Boneset" in "Lives Around"; No. 2, ao's new work in Still Life. She cannopt hear me say, "When are you studying?" What can I say when I think of my youth?

Wednesday 5/10/2005


The autumn sky changes so quickly. It rains and the temperature falles down drastically as if the clear sky was an illusionn. Unfortunately, the dryer of all things got out of order so I sent it for overhaul. I feel like doubting if electric products are programmed to be broken right after they are used for 10 years. It seems I cannot but wait for another quick change of the weather. Come back, Sun! Today's updage: ao's new work in Still Life. This time, not a drawing but a clay object. When I saw it for the first time, I said to her, "Why did you buy such a thing?"

Monday 3/10/2005

通勤電車はまだガンガン冷房をかけている。人が沢山集まって暑さを作り出しているようなもの。週の初めは緊張の連続。「リラックスリラックス」と呪文のように唱えながら、今日も明日も綱渡り。若者たちに体当たり。本日の更新は「いのちのすがお」に追補を少し。September 25, 2005の記載です。また林の中に行きたくなった。

The jam-backed commuters' train at rush hours are still well airconditioned. It's almost people are making the heat by getting together on purpose. At the beginning of a week, I'm feeling continuous tension. "Take it easy, take it easy," I keep saying to myself. I'm doing the ropewalking today and tomorrow. I'm facing young students with all my might. (Wow!) Today's update: an addendum to "Lives Around". Cf. note of September 25, 2005. I feel llike going to a forest very soon.

Saturday 1/10/2005


October has started. Now that it's real autumn, sometimes heat comes back abruptly. Today in Kanto District the temperature was as high as 27 degrees centigrade. The sky was perfectly cleard up. I went to a fish market by bike. There is an outlet store of fish fresh from Teradomari Harbor, Nigata Prefecture, along Shin-Oume Way near my house. I walked around watching live crabs, shellfish, gorgesous sashimi, and all kinds of other fish. However, I ended up with buying Pacific saury, the cheapest and the most popular fish of this season. I was disappointed by myself not being able to choose anything more fancy in spite of the rich variety in the market. I should learn how to cook fish properly. Today's update: photos of the index page and this page. Both were taken in "Gas Museum" along Shin-Oume Way, Kodaira City, Tokyo. The front leftside building of the index page photo was once The Hongo Branch of Tokyo Gas Company (originally built in 1909) and the right one was The House for Measuring Apparatus in The Senju Factory (originally built in 1912). Both were removed and recontructed for the museum. They are assigned as the historical buildings of Tokyo. I watched a red dragonfly in the herb garden.

Friday 30/9/2005


September has already come to an end. While I was tiding up loose ends of the summer, it's gone! Hurricanes were everywhere. More of them will surely come. Because it was quite hot only a few days agon, I haven't taken out my autumn clothes yet. I am in panic every morning recently. Today's update: One Hundred Frogs, a brief book review in "Works Translated." Sorry only in Japanese.

Thursday 29/9/2005


Japanese bush clover is now in its full bloom. Compared to the gorgeousness of spring flowers, autumn flowers look somewhat lonely. However, I appreciate their calmness and quietness to my heart's content. They makes me decide never to be impatient but to challenge everything with all my might one by one. Today's update: photos in "Lives Around". I saw something beautiful and something miserable. Both of them are not anything rare but they represent this season. I found in them something common of all the living creatures. Then reminded me of a line, "Eat and live."

Wednesday 28/9/2005


Suddenly it has become so cool to make us forget the heat of summer completely. Perhaps we're rushing to the end of this year from now on. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I started the page 4, "from autumn to winter." It's the good season for walking. Let us be positive!

Monday 26/9/2005

ずっと昔(?)の学生さんが、アメリカの南サンフランシスコでメディア関係の仕事に就いている(9/24の記載をご参照ください。)。着々とキャリアを重ね、ある企業のVice President/ General Managerになったとの知らせ。今度久しぶりに里帰りするというので授業にお招きすることにした。「外部からの招聘講師」というと大抵いかめしいアカデミックな肩書きの人ばかりだが、たまには先輩に話しに来てもらうのも良いのではないかと。こんな形で英文科の卒業生と現代経営学部の学生が出会うのも面白いような気がする。教員は学生が育っていくのを眩しく眺める職業である。今の学生たちも十年後、二十年後にはきっと。私を眩しがらせて欲しいものです!授業の準備などに忙殺され、本日の更新はありません。ごめんなさい。せめて、卒業生の彼女が最近手がけた自社のウェッブサイトをここで紹介いたします。なかなかクールです。

One of my old (?) students is working in the southern part of San Francisco (I mentioned her on Sept 24 here.). Her profession is to produce commercial video, produce events of companies, and so on making full use of the Internet and other lateast media. In her ambitions career, she has been promoted to be vice president/ general manager of her company recently. Great! She informed me that she is coming to visit Japan very soon. I've asked her to come to our college for a lecture. "Visiting lecturers" have grave academic titles usually; however, I wish someone like her, young, talented, and energetic will come to meet my present students to encourage them. I believe an encounter of a graduate of English Department (of a junior college which is no more) and students of Department of Business Administrati will be very interesting. To be a teacher is to watch students grow up and glow with admiration. All right, studnts, be someone to make me admire you! I was so busy today, preparing for classes, that I have nothing to upload newly now. Sorry! Visit again! Instead, let me introduce the website my old (but actually young and beautiful) student procuced recently. It's really cool.

Sunday 25/9/2005


It's getting quite cool suddenly. It was blowing hard in the small forest while I was taking a walk. The wind was going through grasses. I feel somewhat week. Although I'll be involved in busy schedule from now on, I'm not sure if I can catch up with other poeple. I'm afraid if I can be breathless very soon. Today's update: photos in "Lives Around"; however, they are both out of focus, failures. I should not put them on the web but the insects were so lovely that I couldn't resist. BTW, an American lady who saw the photo of a dragonfly in this site wanted to see more of Japanese dragonflies.(She is a dragonfly-lover.) She asked a friend of mine, who is meeting her in Tokyo, to take her to somewhere she can find dragonflies. Well, where can we find them flying in Tokyo? Hey, dragonflies, come and see a visitor!

Saturday 24/9/2005


"The whole of the United States is watching the anticipated onslaught of a hurricane this weekend," a friend of mine living in California e-mailed me. While the terror of earthquakes that happen all of a sudden is enormous, that of storms approaching gradually is also unfathomable especially right after the disasters of hurricane "Katrina." We see long lines of evacuees on freeways. I sincerely hope there won't be victims of "the man-made system failure." Here in Kanto District of Japan, it's been raining perhaps by the effect of a coming typhooon. Today's update: Shots of a town A Platform of Town Kikuzaka, Hongo Zappo-Ann in Gallery in Margines . I listened to a member of an NPO talk of their activities. They observe an old town through various aspects and try to vitalize the community. It looks quite similar to the preservation of natural environments. He said this stance is related to a new concept of area studies. "At first people in the community were watching us dubiously, but by and by we've come close to each other and are working together now," said the representative of NPO Zappoan. I am a tourist who buys souvenirs and pass by; however, visitors are also vitalizing an area, hopefully.

Thursday 22/9/2005


I visited our family grave at the equinox. Mountains of Takao were coved with thin mist, which was a true autumnal view. Through annual customs I usually find the changing of seasons. One year goes round so quickly. (Time does not wait for people, really!) I ask myself what I've been doing during that period of time. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I've made a small change. (I wonder if you notice the change. I'm not sure how long I can continue the new form.)

Tuesday 20/9/2005


Spmehow I've finished writng an essay which I had almost given up. I don't know whether it's meaningful or not but anyway I want to get out of the concentration. I could at least record what I had been willing to write down. Thanks to my friends who encouraged and urged me to write by all means. Suddenly it's getting cool like real autumn. Today's update: ao's latest drawing in Still Life. In fact, it is not a still life but a living life.

Thursday 16/9/2005


Students have come back to campus. A maelstrom has been set in motion. From the morning I had a lot of things to do one after another and got dizzy. At last I couldn't help giving up working in the middle of a program and went home. Sorry! But there was something I was not excused from so that I will have to finish it during this weekend. In darkness I could hear the loud sound of insects. In the sky I could see the huge moon coming out of clouds. While I was walking home, I understood why the Japanese never delete "the moon" from the list of their favorite things like "snow, the moon, and flowers," or "flowers, birds, the wind, and the moon." No update today, but this short note.

Wednesday 14/9/2005


"You forgot the committee meeting yesterday, didn't you? We were in troubles," said one of my colleagues. What! It was too late. I had no excuse; the fact was I had completely forgotten it in spite of the mark in my notebook. I apologized bowing deeply. I was preoccupied with something else yesterday. Tomorrow, I will have to apologize again for not beeing able to write an essay I promised. Today, I couldn't help falling asleep several times during a meeting. Perhpas my failures will go on. I came home saying "Oh, no!" to myself. Good grief! Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Let me put a new photo in this page to refresh myself. Tomorrow is another day, anyway.

Tuesday 13/9/2005


I cannot walk outdoors without a parasol yet. It's getting a little cool in the morning and the evening sky is getting colorful. I've a heavy burden of tasks at hand. I'm already feeling running away from them although the work is going start really from now on. I wish I could live more lightly. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Get a moment of liberty!

Monday 12/9/2005


Today's evening paper was thicker than the morning paper. Because the morning paper is written based on data collected by 1 a.m., newspaper is much slower than TV, radio, or the Internet. I guess not many people are astonished (or disappointed) for the first time to see headlines of a newspaper on the result of the election in the morning today. However, the newspaper is the best to check information in detail: numbers, career, and comments of candidates at the election. Anyway, in Tokyo, the resutl of the House of Representatives election was surprising: in the total number of 25 single-seat constituencies, LDP got 23, DPJ 1, Koumeitou 1; in 17 of the PR block, LDP got 7, DPJ 6, Koumeitou 2, JCP 1, SDP 1 (moved up by the lack of LDP candidate). Unbelievably unbalanced. What if LDO forces to pass laws other than that of postal service privatization? It will be too late to say "We never ment that far." Hasn't the history told us the danger of letting the runaway of one political party? Let me watch the ture meaning of "the popular opinion." Watch the inside movements of LDP. I hate the prevalent mood that says, "Stop useless resists." Sorry I have nothing to update today. See you again very soon.

Sunday 11/9/2005


It's 9.11. Once it used to be a no special day in hisotry. Still now I sometimes open an old book to find twin towers of World Trade Center in Manhattan as if nothing had ever happened to them. Now in Japan we had a House of Representatives election today. The result is already settled and closeups of the prime minister are on TV. I only hope today won't be the wrong turning point of the history of our country. In between the summer and the autumn, the condition inside and outside are both unstable. I wish to go out of the uncomfortableness in the way I swim through it. A little more of patinece. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I still think of the essay I've given up. Alas!

Wednesday 7/9/2005

今週号のTIME誌はハリケーンKatrina一色だ。どんな特集を組むか待ちかまえていたら、タイトルが『アメリカの悲劇』(ドライサーの小説の題名そのまま)となっている。明日はこれ一冊を持って出よう。台風14号の被害も凄まじい。選挙の狂乱に水をぶっかけた感がある。関東地方では午後には雨が上がり、久しぶりに夕焼けが見えた。本日の更新は、一月前の 「いのちのすがお」に僅かな追補です。そろりそろりと歩いている。

The latest issue of TIME covers Hurricane Katrina in its special report. It is entitled "AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY" (exactly the title of a novel by Theodore Dreiser). I'll take this magazine out with me tomorrow. The aftermath of Typhoon No.14 which attacked Japan only yesterday was extreme too. It literally poured the cold water over the frantic election campain. In Kanto District, it stopped raining in the afternoon and we could see the evening glow for a while after the long storm. Today's update: a little addendum in Lives Around of one month ago. I'm walking slowly.

Monday 5/9/2005


A localized burst last night brought flood above the floor level in several parts of Tokyo. That happened in towns in the western district, almost in the suburbs in Tokyo. Flood is no longer a disaster beyond TV/computer screens. Why did flood happen in uptown Tokyo now? They say the land of this megalopolis is all covered with concrete; therefore, while rain can never soak in earth, water streams into rivers and they overflow. I watched River Kanda from a train today and found it increased, running much faster than usual. Threat of the nature, which can never be conquered by concrete, exists. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. With typhoons fall is proceeding steadily.

Sunday 4/9/2005


I've been following the new of Hurricane Katrina by newspapers, TV, and the Internet. It seems to me this disaster tells us more about the United States thatn that of 9.11. Increasing photos of New Orleans are shocking and devastating beyond description at this moment. In the South, summer is a hard time. When we were staying in Birmingham, Alabama years ago in summer, it was unbearably hot and humid outdoors. The heat and humidity along the seaside might be extreme in its own way, I guess. I've been working day after day doing my best. I can't see a goal at all. However, I'm in the space well airconditioned. I've nothing to complain about. Again a strong typhoon is approaching Japan. Last year a house of my sister-in-law's relatives was flooded. We can't be too optimistic. I've bought a map in emergency: a guide map to show direction to walkers from the central part of Tokyo to home in the suburbs. I'm quite impressed with the viewpoints of the map, but I would rather enjoy walking in ordinary times. Dreaming of the fresh autumnal fields and mountains, I write only this note today.

Thursday 1/9/2005


Well, it's September after all. I'm late in starting but I'll get myself moving now that I'm feeling much better than before. Thanks to e-mails my colleagues sent me, I'm catching up with them although I couldn't attend the latest meeting. (I should say "Due to e-mails, I've got to be involved in activities by all means.") We're going into the maelstrom of restructuring of our college coming soon in April 2006. It just happend that "Tsukuba Express," a new railway service, has just started to connect the central part of Tokyo and Tsukuba City, Ibaraki in 45 minutes (at its fastest). Minami Nagareyama, where our Chiba campus is, locates in the middle of the line; so it takes us 20 minutes from Akihabara to Minami Nagareyama Station. (Isn't it a remarkable improvement in access?!) However, as for me, I will take Musashino Line as usual. It will take me 2 hours from home to the campus anyway. To think of the long time and enormous energy to be consumed just for commuting, I feel dizzy. The long distance commuting might be a waste of time and energy, or can it have any merit at all? Let me think of it while I practice going back and forth. If one's workplace is very close to his/her home, life will be richer, won't it? Am I going to waste my life? Today's update: the photo in the index page and the one above here in this page. [Hurricane Katrina which attacked New Orelans and its environs left enormous damages. Looking at the reportage photos, I remember the tsunami around Indian sea coasts. More information will follow. Let us go on watching.]

Tuesday 30/8/2005


I've been home for many days already. I've got a lot to do, so I manage to write a bit every day and send it by e-mail. Books are around my desk and paper is piled up on it. I ignore dust in the room. Green alga has grown in the water tank so much that my big fat gold fish can't bee seen. Only once in a while its pinna caudalis hits the water shrewdly. August is over! MI feel like asking someone, "wait!" in vain. It's critical unless I come to my senses seriously. Today's update: sorry Nothing. Let me write this note only.

Monday 29/8/2005


Once I collapse, it takes me time to recover fully. My poor decision works for nothing. Instead, I think I should accept the present condition as it is. Forget how many days I have before the beginning of the work. Yes, let it be. I can read books unless I worry about the style. Remeber Masaoka Shiki! Today's update: Musashino Sketch. My imagination runs about in the cool field and mountains.

Friday 26/8/2005


After ten days, I went for a walk in the small woods. It took me three times longer than usual for walking one third of my usual walking course. Autumn colors are invading the forest. Summer is fading. It's already going before I did nothing particular. But it's good I can take a walk anyway. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. BTW, I loved to use a paper fan more than usual this summer.

Thursday 25/8/2005


For more than 10 days I've been away from my PC. My typing is still unsteady. Meanwhile there were two strong earthquakes. The first one happened off the coast in Miyagi Prefecture. A camera settled in Kesennuma Harbour was monitoring the sea in case tsunami might attack, which fortuantely did not occur indeed. I remembered I had been walking the quey side in the previous summer. In Kanto District too we felt the earthquake clearly. It lasted for a while, making me feel seasick slightly. The second one occred in Chuetsu District again! I've just heard about the severe experience that one of my studnts from that area had last year. I wonder how he was doing back home. In Kanto District the earthquake this time was clearly felt. And right now typhoon No. 11 is attacking Kanto District. The heavy rain is falling noisily on the roof. The end of the summer is unquiet. I'm dozing feebly. It will take me time to get back full strength. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Let me resume the frozen website slowly.

Sunday 14/8/2005


At this time of a year Tokyo is quiet for a while: a great number of people are going home and only those who are left behind remain here. I visited my mother with my family and enjoyed dinner together. (Before eating, I took care of her computer, installing a new version of anti-virus software, explaining to her the usage of the machine again, and so on. I said to her, "Please access my website so that you can see how I'm doing." She said, "I'm doing that. You've collected so may plants in your website." Wow, my mother has been checking it! It's a shame my short poems are too naive. I typed a response mail to one of her relatives for her. I was impressed to know that her generation is corresponding by e-mail. It's moving to read them write to each other, "Let us stay healthy in spite of the severe heat of this summer." Although senior people cannot meet each other for their age, they can communicate by mail. Isn't it great? Moreover, my mother received an attachemnt of a photo of a large sunflower!) Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Let me see you online!

Thursday 11/8/2005


I wash clothes several times a day. Wash and dry, wash and dry. I'm happy I can dry the washed clothes outdoors because I often throw everything in an electric drying tumbler when I have to go out for work. It's a pure pleasure to hang clothes in the sun. When I was staying in the suburbs of Los Angesles, Birmingham in Alabama (in the deep South), and in Virginia as well, I seldom saw washed clothes drying outdoors. Maybe it depends on which area of the district you stay, but mostly people of the United States living in city would deeply rely on electricity whatever they do. I didn't like to wait for my turn to use drying machines in the underground laundry of an apratment. I wanted to cry, "Can't you see the sunshine up there!? It's a waste of solar energy!" I was freezing in the heavily cooled buildings too. It's already a memory of long time ago, but I remember clearly the irritation when I stand barefoot on the burning floor of the small balcony of my house for drying clothes. I washed many curtains today. It's amazing to see them dried up in a few hours completely. I feel I'm inclined to come closer to the energy consuming life as I'm busy working, forgetting the open and natural Asian manners. Thanks to holidays! Today's update: ao's latest oil painting in Still Life. Her teacher said she misjudged the picture composition. Really?

Tuesday 9/8/2005


I was caught in a shower while I was walking in town today. Right after I felt some drops of rain, it started to pour. People found shelter under the sade of an Italian restaurant. I joined them closing my umbrella. The tood smell of garlic was around. There was a man who couldn't stand still with others wordless, perhaps, ran out of the shelter immediately running away swiftly. Others were astonished to see him off. Gradually the rain became mild and one by one, they went out of the shade. When the cloud was gone, the sky upon it was brightly blue. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Rain or shine, don't go yet, summer!

Monday 8/8/2005


True to the weather forecast, we had a heavy shower with thunders in the afternoon. It rained so hard. After raining for an hour, it cleared up as if nothing had happened, like a typical shower in summer time. We were so happy to have such a heavy rain in the plain as a gift in the unbearable heat, but in mountains or sea it would have made the situation quite different. It was one of the very rare occasions for us to be struck with awe to nature living in town. I was watching the rain falling for a while. Today's update: a miniature drawing of ao, a fruit, in Still Life. It was criticized as not having enough balck shade. Someone said, "What's it? An iron dumbell?" Alas!

Sunday 7/8/2005


It's already autumn in Japane traditional calendar to my surprise. I haven't ejnoyed summer a bit yet! Now that I have no classes, I indulge myself in reading books of of my own interest like American contemporary novels and watching DVDs. Today I watched Hours by DVD. I've seen it in a theater before, but because the original novel of this movie is an adaptation of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, I can hardly say one time is enough. Three women in the movie by three eminent actresses, Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, and Nicole Kidman are marvelous. It made me feel like going back to the works of Woolf. I will for sure. Today's update: two insects in Lives Around. Look at the exquisit making of their bodies!

Friday 5/8/2005


I went to a new building of an old book store Maruzen. After browsing for a few hours, I took a break in a cafe on the 4th floor. I could observe the trains coming in and going out of Tokyo Station from the large window. No noise could be heard. It occured to me suddenly what if I write various aspect of Tokyo although I still don't know how. I improvised a page: today's upload is TOKYO SHOT. I hope I'll think of a good way to express what I'm feeling ambiguously right now.

Thursday 4/8/2005


A friend of mine sent me a box of yuzu juice named Gokkun which is "an authorized beverage" of Umagi Village of Kouchi Prefecutre. It is not that she is a villager but she loves the drink. It is made by the village agricultural cooperative, one of the successful products for boosting the village. I wish to go to Shikoku Island someday. It's refreshing to drink the juice at a tropical night. Today's update: an oil painting of ao in Still Life although it's not exactly a still life. "You know nothing of the bone structure of a human body," said a teacher in criticism. Well, the colors are dormant really.

Wednesday 3/8/2005


August 3 is the anniversary of my grandmother's death. She passed away when I was 19 years old. She was eighty three so 8/3 is a day which I'll never forget. I remember the long process through which my grandmother, originally a very stable person, gradually became weak body and mind and eventually bedridden. With my mohter in front, our all of my family gathered around her bed to see the last moment of her life. My mother was in charge of taking care of her for so may years. The rest of the members of the family were not very useful. My grandmother was depending on my mother, calling her "Mother!" Now that she is totally free from family matters, my mother goes on a trip by herself, but she could hardly have time of her own while she was living with her mother-in-law. However, she demonstrated nothing goes on for ever, whatever it may be. She talked of her short trip to Kyoshu a few weeks ago passionately to me. In the fog, she couldn't see anything in the huge field in Mt. Aso, she said she liked being in the fog very much. She was living in Kyushu twice: when she was a child herself and when she was bringing up her children. She was very happy to visit the island again after 40 years in spite of the shortness of the trip. Watching her talk, I thought of freedom and solitude at the same time. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. It's extremely hot every day.

Tuesday 2/8/2005


I've been reading students' paper. If naive, they do write with all their might. From what they write, I feel the presence of individual human beings almost painfully. I'm very often reluctant to give them grades. Eventually the first semester is over. Repeatedly I went through the rituals but no semesters were the same. Beyond the paper, I see smiles of many students. I wish them good luck in summer. Today's update: photos of the top page and this page. The former is a boat sailing in River Sumida; the latter a boat observed from Reimei Bridge over Asashio Cannal beside River Sumida. In August I'm attracted to the riverside.

Sunday 31/7/2005


Recently CD shops and rental video shops are being closed one after another. Although I was not a loyal customer, I'm very much disappointed; I enjoyed browsing in these shops on my way to and back from walking. "Why are you closing your shop? Are your customers decreasing so much?" I asked, and a shopkeeper said frankly, "Big franchised stores are running wholesalers too. They can sell their goods in low prices. We can hardly cope with them. I think the age of video rental shops is over." "People can download good movies easily from cable TV and they buy whatever they really like these days instead of renting." I remember I saw great amount of DVD recorders at a branch of BIC Camera. It seems the age of video tapes is over too. Anyway I picked up a few of discount DVD titles. First of all I saw "The Motorcycle Diaries." Gael Garcia Bernal is good and the director Walter Salles talking about the cinema is very charming. Alberto Granado, the partner of Che Guevara is still alive in his 80's and also talks about their journey and their friendship in an interview. He's just superv. You are taken to the 10,000 km journey with them in the deapth of the continent of South America in the movie. It has nothing to do with CG techniques. This is an excellent, deeply impressive road movie. At the very end of July, today's update: Musashino Sketch. One more: a piece of excercise drawn by ao in Still Life.

Friday 29/7/2005


I took a walked around in the sun. Light and shade are definetely contrastive. It's cool under the tree. Reading articles and mails about London under a heightened state of alert, I feel it will be an extremely hot summer. On the other hand, reading a book written by a friend of mine who went to live in Tailand, I find there is a completely different dimension of life. I think of myself staying in the same place all the time. What am I doing and going to do here at all? Summer is also the time for pondering. I long for action while asking what it means to stay around here. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. One of my turtles has been lost. BTW, this morning I saw a beagle merrily walking out of his house alone. I reported to his owner. I wonder if he has come home yet.

Wednesday 27/7/2005

かくて猛暑の始まり。七月の台風一過は「秋晴れ」とは縁遠い猛烈な日照りで熱帯に突入。今は閉校した短期大学の卒業生がご訪問下さったのがとても嬉しい。就職するとなかなか大変なことが多いけれど、しなやかに活躍を続けて欲しい。心から応援しています。本日の更新、先ずは「ギャラリー余白」の『静物』にaoの習作二点。カラフルな方は某美大のオープンキャンパスで参加した実習にて作成したもの。デッサンは美術予備校の夏期講習第一作。奥行きなし、手前の角が突き出して見えないなどメタメタに批評されたとのこと。ガンバレワカモノ!おまけをもう一点。aoが体育祭のためにデザインした「黄色」の団Tシャツ。これを携帯サイトにアップして、団員(?)の皆さんに確認・ダメ出ししてもらっている。高校生はせわしい。(補足: 昨日の台風による庭の水槽増水により、亀一匹脱走。逃がしてはいけないと新聞で読んだばかりだったのに、これはまずいです。)

Here we are in the scalding heat. After the typhoon it's far from "the autumn clear sky"; we jumped in the toropical weather. I'm happy to find a visitor to this site, one of the graduates of our junior college (which is no more now). I can imagine how hard it is keep working; however, I sincerely hope she will do her best with her wise efficiency and flexibility. Today's update: ao's latest excercises in art, in "Gallery in Margines." Please find a collage which she made when she visited an art college, and a drawing in pencil, the first work of this summer at art school in Still Life, She said her work was severely criticized for the lack of deapth in space and no projection of the front corner, etc. Go for it, girls! One more: A design for T-shirts by ao. It is for a sport meet in September. High school students are very busy indeed! (Due to the incerese of water in a small tank I put outside, one of the turtles ran away. I've just read in a newspaper that owners shoud be careful not to leave animals in the environment. Alas!)

Monday 25/7/2005


After the earthquake came a typhoon. Sporadically it rains hard banging on the roof. Perhaps when the storm is gone, the complete summer sky will appear. Leisurely I'm watching the pamphlets of mountain logeds and seaside photos. In this season my heart never stays calm. My mother recently flew from Haneda airport to Ooita, then went by bus to Mt. Aso and Mt. Takachiho and came back to Tokyo via Kumamoto Airport. "I'm making journeys while I can," she says happily. With the heavy load of exam paper, I'm staying in my house, just taking a walk in the neighborhood. Today's update is "Lives Around." I collected small photos of cats. They make me smile.

Saturday 23/7/2005


An earthquake happend at 4.00 p.m. in Kanto Area. I was in the living room of my house, an old wooden house. It shook so much that I suddenly felt it might be a great earthquake, which was not fortunately. A photo stand and some ornaments on the shelf fell down, and piled up CDs were scattered on the floor. When the shaking was almost over, I remembered that I should have opened the door to keep the way out just in case. I also remembered that my mother-in-law was taking the bath downstairs; I went down to see how she was doing. She was hesitating whether she should get out of the bathtub or stay inside. Although the shaking ended soon, I was still disturbed: that was an earthquake bigger than what I had experienced before. We turned on TV and found the monitor was covered with a sort of rainlike blur; the sound of the radio was mixed with a strange noise. What happend? Then the Internet news sites started informing damages and accidents caused by the earthquake gradually. Net news told me that it was Magnitude 5 or 4 in Tokyo area. Most of the trains, of course including subways, were stopped. Last Saturday I was working outside, so I might have involved in the confusion if I were working this week too. Tokyo has been free from terrorists' attacks yet; however it is NOT free from earthquakes. We know that but we are negligent. M4 is very shaky. Imagin how M8 is like! Twice as shaky as this in Chuetsu Great Earthquake and Hanshin Great Earthquake. Terrible. When the earthquake hppned, I was working with photographs of flowers. Now that I was liberated from the Excel sheets, I was enjoying myself with flowers. Colors of summer flowers are so fresh and striking. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch" page 3, 'From Summer to Fall." I cannot be as punctual as I was updating "Calendar in Flowers and Poems" in 2004, but my love of flowers has not changed a bit. I imagine summer flowers in high mountains far away may also be in bloom now.

Thursday 20/7/2005


A friend of mine sent me an e-mail saying, " This weekend I will be in Ubara, Chiba, with friends. Hope you are not working too hard and will also have a relaxing weekend!" I wish I could! I'm still working with Excel sheets which I've been struggling with for almost a week. I got a lesson from our Media Center instructor, who is a wonderful person as a teacher and an engineer. Thanks to him, I leanred the most basic skills of putting data in "the matrix" (or is it just called "tables"?). Well, I'm expected no literary imagination or fancy for making up the document; instead, I need a good memory and the sense of classification. It's a good occasion to sort out the chaos in my brain! I'm telling myself to be cool. Let me upload whatever I've collected for my Musashino Sketch and other pages a little later. Thanks for coming to my website. I appreciate your concern very much. Have a fabulous summer, friends!

Monday 18/7/2005

海から遠く離れた「海の日」。どこまで行けば海が見えるだろう。東京湾は入り組んだ河口。とても太平洋に続く海とは思えない。そこまで行くこともなかなか出来ない。それでも水のある風景にひかれ、せめて都市の河川を。七月の表紙を差し替えました。JR水道橋駅前から眺める神田川です。両岸はコンクリートで固められているとはいえ、降る年月を経て鬱そうと草が生い茂り、それなりの風情を醸し出している。このあたりは江戸の水道、水運の要所だったところ。この街を離れる前にもっとしっかり調べておこうと思う。ところで、STAR WARS EPISODE III, Revenge of the Sithをみてきた。何とも陰惨な話だ。女が出産で命を落とすという展開は19世紀的。Anakin Skywalkerの乱心は短絡ではないのか。「戦いのための戦い」という話には乗れなくて途中何度か居眠りをしてしまった。でも、あとで食事をしながらああだこうだと随分語り合ったということはうまく乗せられたのかもしれない。Darth Vader誕生のシーンは痛ましい。彼はどこで人の愛を見失ったのだろう。本日の更新は表紙とこのページの写真です。ついに梅雨明け。灼熱の日々がしばらく続く。カメラはどうやら持ちこたえた。ありがたい!

Today is the holiday of the SEA. How far should I go to see the sea? Tokyo Bay is a complicated inside sea, or rather a big waterway, not a part of the Pacific Ocean. I can hardly ever go that far recently. Still I long for the sceans with waters. Let me hang a photo of a stream on the index page of this site: River Kanda in front of JR Suidobashi Station. Althoough both of its banks are covered with concrete walls, grasses grow thick over them as time passes and form the impressive landscape in a sense. This is the spot where the transportation by water developed and so did the water supply in old days of Edo Era. I would like to study it more in detail before I leave this town. BTW, we went to see "STAR WARS EPISODE III, Revenge of the Sith." What a devastating story it is! It's as if we are watching a story of the 19th Century to find a woman die of childbirth. Anakin Skywalker's change of mind is too abrupt. I couldn't follow "the war for war's sake" and so I fell asleep several times. However, we had a lot to talk about the film while having dinner afterwards. Perhaps I was impressed with it unconsciously. Scenes of Darth Vader's birth were depressing. Where and when did he lose human love? Well, today's update: photos of the index page and here in this page. Finally the rainy season is gone. We'll have to live with the blazing sun. My camera is OK now. Thanks!

Friday 15/7/2005


It's useless to talk in metaphors, but I imagine the stage right before attacking the peak might be the hardest part of climbing mountains. One more effort will bring you up to the top of the mountain! However, perhaps on the moment when you say to yourself, "I'm on the summit!" you are only to find next peaks, aren't you? I'm living in such a feeling recently. I've got no time to grumble. A cover on the battery of my digital camera is broken, so that I coudn't take a photo when I wanted. Alas! I wonder if it'll be repaired all right. Today's update: sorry, nothing. Next time, please.

Thursday 14/7/2005

学期も終わりに近付いたので、英語のリスニングクラスではナチュラルな英語を聞こうと音楽クリップなど楽しむ。イギリスでのテロを偲びながら、John Lennonの"Give Peace a Chance"と"Imagine"を。昔日のJohnとYokoの仲睦まじい映像。ついでに"A Tribute to John Lennon Live"からMichael Jacksonが歌う"Come Together"も。こちらは15年前の映像で、Michaelもまだ本来の容姿を保ち実にエネルギッシュ。昨今の、帽子を目深にかぶって人目を避けるように歩く痛々しい姿とは全く違う。それからBritney Spearsの近作"TOXIC"と"Making of TOXIC"を両方見る。Britneyの自己主張・自己表現・自己実現への飽くなき挑戦はめざましい。Madonnaもおとなしく見えるほど。たまには教室でもテキストを離れて、爆発するような英語のサウンドを全身に浴びたい。ことばの底にある焼けつくような熱を感じて。本日の更新は授業用サイトの手直しを少々。移植作業に取りかからなくては。不得意なExcelシートと格闘中です。

As we've ccme close to the end of this semester, we enjoyed watching/listening to some music crips by DVDs in order to expose ourselves to the natural rhythm and the sound of English. Thinking of the recent terrorist attacks in England, we listened to John Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine." In both crips, John and Yoko are lovely and sweet. We also saw Michael Jackson singing and dancing Beatles' "Come Together" in 1990; it's a part of "A Tribute to John Lennon Live." Michael 15 years ago looks quite different from him today: not the one hidden under the brim of a hat, but an energetic and supple young man indeed. Then we watched Britney Spears in her "TOXIC" and "The making of TOXIC." Wow, she is eloquent! Look at her assertiveness! Even Madonna looks queit with her.It's good to have the shower of explosive sound and the rhythm of lively English. We felt the scorching energy of the language. Today's update: a little bit of the pages for my work. I need to transplant them into the server in my office as soon as possible. I'm also struggling with an Excel sheet, which I'm not good at working with.

Saturday 9/7/2005

滅多にTVを見ないのでロンドンでの多発テロを知ったのは、翌朝の通勤途上だった。駅売り新聞の見出しはいつも何気なくチェックしている。ひときわ大きな件の文字が飛び込んできた。すぐさま購入して電車に揺られながら記事を読む。地下鉄での爆破が最も衝撃的だった。勤め先にはロンドンに縁の深い人々が多いので、あちこちで話が始まる。例外なくロンドンオリンピックと抱き合わせで。夕刊になるとロンドン市民の冷静さが特筆されていた。似ているようで9.11とはどこかが違う。テロに過剰反応はせず、むしろ醒めた目で眺めているところ。成熟の証しか、それとも諦観か。さて、本日の更新は「翻訳読書ノート 23」に「母性をめぐる知の饗宴」です。サラ・ブラファー・ハーディー著『マザー・ネイチャー』<「母親」はいかにヒトを進化させたか>を取り上げた。配信上の手違いで表示を失敗したとの連絡が出版社から届く。確かにいただけない。ここでの原稿には少し手を入れて、改訂版としました。

Because I seldom watch TV, I learned about the simultaneous terrorist attacks in London the morning after on my way to office. I usually check the headlines of newspapers at kiosk, remarkable letters caught my eyes. I bought a copy of a major newspaper and started reading articles on the crowded train. The most shocking part of the report was the bomb explosion underground. In my office there are people who know very well about London, they were talking of the issue here and there. Without exception, they also refered to the Olympics which would be held in 2012. In spite of the similarity of the terrorist attacks on 9.11, something is quite different. Peole in London seem to have not shown any signs of overreaction; rather, they are looking at the case quietly. Is it an evidence of the matured mentality of Londoners, or their resignation? Today's update: Reviews in Translation. I wrote a short essay on Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's Mother Nature, A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection. It's written only in Japanese, sorry!

Thursday 7/7/2005


I realized now it is "Vega (Star) Festival" today! Unfortunately, however, the annual date over the Milkyway won't be possible because of the rainy and the cloudy sky. Still let us make a wish on a star! Today's update is Archives linked (temporalily). It's a page for my work. Mainly just a new combination of old contents existing in this site. I want to make interactive pages for students to practice English. (Cetainly we need a certain condition of the network for that purpose.) Anyway I need to study hard.

Sunday 3/7/2005


July has started. I haven't got any photo suitable for the cover page of this month yet. Let me resort in the shade of "teika-kazura" for a while. I wonder when I can look up at the real summer sky totally cleared up. When one of my colleagues said, "I'll be away for ten days, 'cause I'm going to Italy for an international conference and then to Brighton in England, you know, for business," I almost cried, "Oh Sole Mio!" I've been away from the feeling of flying over clouds for such a long time. I long for going somewhere by airplane. Even my mother said she is flying to Kyushu this month. Once I used to say, "I'm going!" But recently I'm only saying, "Have a nice trip" to others. Although I say to myself, "I'm going thorugh the various stages of a woman's life," I'm sure I look envious. Well, let me do whatever I can now and here. I have a lot to do by the end of July. Today's update: the photo of the index page (temporary) and the one up here (also temporary). OK, let me be positive.

Thursday 30/6/2005


On my way back, I come across with crowds of people going to Tokyo Dome at Korakuen Station of Marunouchi Subway Line. There are stalls outside of the dome, selling box meal, beer, hamburgers, and so on with noisy calling. Since the stadium was housed in the dorm, there has been no cancellation of baseball games for rain. Now outdoor stadiums look more thrilling to me. I remember we cheered Yakurt at Jingu Stadium in the warm night breeze a few years ago. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Sorry, I couldn't find names of today's flowers. Let me add the information as soon as I find it.

Wednesday 29/6/2005


In Kanto District, the temperature was at its highest yesterday, 36.5 degrees centigrade, which was quite irregular for June. We anticipate that the summer this year will be very harsh. Recently we have train accidents during rush-hours. Whether standing or sitting, I'm not very much distacted by anything happening around me because I'm absorbed in a book which I've been reading recently. The best way to keep sane in the jam-packed trains in summer is to send away our consciousness somewhere else. Is it abnormal? Well, anybody becomes crazy a bit in summer anyway. Dangerous.... Today's update: Musashino Sketch. One more, a bonus, ao's illustration in 「静物」. It's raining since early morning; reportedly they have the heavy rain to cause people fleeing form their residence in Chuetsu District.

Monday 27/6/2005


In the woods it was already summer. Grasses grow, and even "mizuhiki" was there! Does it mean autumn is hiding in summer? Even before the end of the rainy season, the next one is coming. Last week I was so busy that I cannot switch my mind for the new week yet. Let me write a few lines here. Sorry I have nothing new to upload today. Just a short note.

Saturday 25/6/2005


Flowers, not cups (calyxes), of Hydrangea are in bloom; such tiny flowers! When they are in bloom, calyxes are start to fade. It's quite natural now that June is coming to an end. In order not to get crushed, collaps, nor get desolate, I'm watching flowers. Today's update: ao's recent work, a drawing of Brutus in "Still Life etc." in Gallery in Margines. She said it was severely criticized as as not being voluminous enough.

Wednesday 22/6/2005


15 minutes before the end of the class, one of the students suggested we should go out to see the 600 year-old camphor tree in our neighborhood. Everyone agreed and we went out. The tree was surrounded by a low bamboo fence with its thick root spreading to all directions. The bark was mossed, hollowed here and there. When we looked up, the branches were growing with abundant leaves. It was comfortably cool under the tree. A student from a district of rich natural enviroments was impressed to say, "In such a place!" Another student who said, "We have a lot more of this kind of old trees at home," was gladly looking up at the camphor tree. Another student grumbled in a loud voice, "We really have few trees in Tokyo!" We strolled around for a while and came back. How sparkling their smiles were in the outdoors! We were truly chamed by the spirit of the tree. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. We have already passed the summer solstice. Both of the humidity and the temperature are rasing. I'm so busy this week.

Sunday 19/6/2005


Last week we made a survey of students' interest in taking the elective forein language classes. The most popular language was Chinese, exceeding French. The thrid was Korean. Just for your information, Spanish and Italian followed. (One of my colleagues guessed the last two Eropean languages come from students' interest in soccer. But why then, is there no hint of German, for the next World Cup?) English was not in the list, for it is settled as an obligatory subject. If English was one of the electives, the result might be different. Recently I don't feel the enthusiasm of students willing to go abroad by all means. However, when one of the students in class, a student from Chinasaid in Japanese, "I can speak both Chinese and Korean," everybody uttered a small cry of surprise, "Oh, ..." If he takes another forein language, it will be his fifth; thus I believe Japanese students thought. I said to myself, "Oh!" to myself as well. To my question, "Would you come to Chinese and Korean classes in the future as a guest speaker?" the student agreed sincerely. Perhaps he might be feeling the same thing as I was feeling among my classmates in the U.S. who understood only English. Once many Japanese students were very active in anti-US movements. Today's young Chinese people against Japan seem to have something common with them. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Let me upload what I've been saving at hand for weeks. Seasons don't wait for human beings.

Friday 17/6/2005

昨日は"Bloom's Day"だった。Joyceの小説Ulyssesの舞台に設定された一日に因み、世界中でJoyceフリークがこの「いつに変わらぬ特別な日」を祝う。意識すると一日のうちに多様な出来事、生活の些事、千変万化する想念、持続する気分などというものがそれぞれ脈絡もなく起こっては消え、いずれもどこかで呼応しあっているように思えてくる。如何なる運命か、よりあって生きる者たち、集って働く者たち、縁に繋がる者たちと言葉を交わし沈黙ですれ違い、群衆の中に紛れて一日は過ぎていく。そしてまた新たないつに変わらぬ特別な日の訪れ。私の雑多な読書は続き、一冊の集中から抜け出したあとの虚脱感にもかかわらずまたぞろつぎの一冊に手が伸びる。流石に曇天続きで少々気が滅入る。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」の「静物」にaoの近作をいくつか。彼女も泣いたり笑ったり。

Yesterday was "Bloom's Day." Because June 16 is the day when James Joyce chose for his novel Ulysses, many of his readers (Joyce freaks) celebrate this "special ordinary day" all over the world. Once I become conscious of various things happening one after another, details of miscellaneous events, transforming ideas, and continuing moods of a day, I find them happening and vanishing irrevarently, and still they seem to be connected to each other in some ways. I wonder what sort of fate brings us together but I live with my family, work with my colleagues, talk to my relatives, and I pass by strangers to be lost in crowds. Thus begins another "special ordinary day." I keep on reading miscellaneous books; when I fisnih one, I feel I'm lost in vacancy, yet I start reading another. Everyday it's cloudy. I'm a little depressed. Today's update: ao's recent works of "Still Life etc." in Gallery in Margines. She's crying and laughing as usual.

Sunday 12/6/2005


I have been unable to update this site for nearly 10 days. When I went to Kitayama Park, flowers of iris were not yet in bloom last Sunday. (Less than 10%!) Nevertheless, I enjoyed breathing the fresh air in the green field. Perhaps iris flowers are in their prime now; however, there must be crowds of people visiting the park! If you go there today, you will see more people than flowers for sure. (It's sour grapes on my part!) I remember I went to the park by bicycle early in the morning two years ago, when iris was in full bloom. I've already made four pages of Kitayama Park so far. Well, it seems I seldom go out of my local territory in my daily life. I'm watching same things in same places all the time, alas! Same flowers bloom in same seasons in repetition. But I believe they are living anew whenever they bloom. So are people, aren't they? Today's update: The Green Illusion--Iris Starting to Bloo in Kitayama Park in Walking in Tokyo. Full-bloom is good, but I'm attracted to the time before and after the peak. Rainy season has come. Hydrangea is beautiful.

Friday 3/6/2005


A seventeen-year-old is now making a craft object of a duck with wire at an art-school. I'm sorry for the duck modeling for them. I rememer ducks in a Japanese garden. Sorry for animals, but they attract people so much. Today's update: "Lives Around". Since the beginning of June, it has been raining. I made a plan to visit an irise garden with friends. Wow!

Wednesday 1/6/2005


June begins. In Kanto District today's forecast high is 28 degrees centigrade. Let me renew the photo of the cover page for the new season. It's the metalic summer sky viewd from "Laqua" in Tokyo Dome City, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. The photo above is another scene in "Laqua," where numerous young people come from everywhere. I've been asked to take photos by a young women's group visiting from Hong Kong. I always feel excited just to walk through the town. I'm looking forward to trying the spa here someday for sure.

Monday 30/5/2005


I came home taking a super express train. I came to my mind suddenly after sleeping fast for a while in the train seat to find the landscape out of the window which I felt was quite strange to me. I was shocked to think I might have gone past the station where I should have got off. However, the electric signboard in front of me was telling that the next station would be the one. "It can't be!" I said to myself and watched out again. But I still felt the train was going thgouth the place far away from my home. Woods, a huge green field, a river runningh throught it, flying twons, all looked something I had never seen. I was wondering where I was, when the train actually stopped at the usaual station. On the platform, I was still puzzled. I guess it was a sort of "the twilight magic." The word "twilight" in Japanese originally meant "who is he?" In twilight we can't see anything clearly. The setting sun gives the weakening light over everything to change the appearance. The strange appearance terrifies us a little and allures us as well. Moreover, the thickness of the green plants, which have grown very quickly recently, has changed the scens with deep shades. The dried leaves of winter and the soft green leaves of spring never had this kind of deapth. It's already such a season. I stepped out of the station building with my umbrella open. Right after the clear beautiful May, the rainy season brings hydrangea. Today's update: nothing particular but this note. Sorry, Friends! It seems I've forgotten that there are senses and emotions that I can hardly catch by a camera but by words. I know I am such a fool, always.

Saturday 28/5/2005


I needed a piece of software for the computer in my office, I went to Akihabara. If I had had time, I would have walked to the town, but I caught a taxi instead. I tried hard to explain to the driver the way to the building of a big shop where I had been before repeatedly but I was helpless. As I don't drive myself, I have no sense of navigation. I asked him to let me get off at a corner and I started looking for the shop on foot. Although people say Akiba has changed greatly recently, there are still a lot of small shops selling various kinds of computer goods in back alleys. As soon as I got the item I wanted, I took another taxi on my way back. It went swiftly through the lanes I really wanted to enjoy walking. I felt I was buying time, too. I came back to my office in an hour. I want to cry out, "No more meetings!" Today's update: Musashino Sketch.I found I made several mistakes in the previous note. I corrected them secretly. (There might be more of them!)

Friday 27/5/2005


I wish the whole year to be like today; we're enjoying the cool and dry weather. It's already early summer. How fast seasons go round. People go so slowly. I shouldn't say "poeople" anonymously. I am slow. Can't be helped though. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Eventually I caught the satinwood in bloom (The photo above). I know how soon flowers wither but I'm filled with awe under the flowering tree.

Tuesday 24/5/2005


I hadn't been to a beauty salon for over two months. When I could go there eventually, a hairdresser talked to me about "Expo 2005 Aichi" where he went and was very impressed, particularly by robots. According to him, men want to have a robot which can talk with the owner in this way: "I wonder where that is. Do you have any idea?" "Certainly, it's in there as usaul." Whereas, wemen want to have one with which they can talk this way: "Oh, don't do that, my dear!" The hairdresser, a man, says: "Men over 60 or 70 would never like to raise something, or to have a complicated conversation with their robot. They just want to have a relaxing dialogue. Maybe women would like to take care of whatever is near them for ever." Really? I believe people of any age and sex would wish to talk about various things as much as they like. Is it an illusion? I dared not refute the man anyway. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I'm really willing go to take photos of sendan (Melia azedarach) which is now flowering.

Sunday 22/5/2005

近頃よくマンガを読む。『上京物語』(西原理恵子)、『失踪日記』(吾妻ひでお)、『ダーリンの頭ン中』(小栗佐多里)、『Death Note/ デスノート』(小畑 健)、『のだめカンタービレ』(二ノ宮 知子)等々その他いろいろ。絵と文字と曰く言い難い雰囲気が魅力。どこでも読む。電車の中でも平気。以前は「公衆の面前でよくマンガなんか読むねぇ」と偉そうに構えていたものだが、そんな偏見は消えた。あの表現力は半端じゃない。テレビを見る暇はないが、マンガならまだまだいける。手元には未読の岡崎京子が二冊。きっと滅入るだろうが。文体も変わる。笑いと泣きが入り交じる。チープ?結構じゃない。雑駁な本で足の踏み場もない部屋。そこにマンガが加わった日には、どうなるのでしょう。今日もまた押入の整理で一日が暮れるのかしらん。本日の更新は「東京散歩」のコーナー中、「旧古河庭園--五月の薔薇と森の誘い」です。駄目だ、私は五月の呪縛を逃れられない。じっとしていられないのです。

I often read comic books recently. For example, Jokyo Monogatari by Saibara Rieko, Shisso Nikki by Aduma Hideo, My Darling is Ambidextrous by Oguri Saori, Death Note by Obata Ken, Nodame Cantabile by Ninomiya Tomoko and so on and many more. Drawing and writing create wonderful effects. I read them anywhere. I'm all right to read comic books in trains. Once I was too aloof to do so saying to myself, "How can people read comic books in public? Aren't they ashamed of themselves?" This kind of prejudice has gone out of my mind. The power of creative expressions in Japanese comic books should be marked. I have no time for watching TV programs but I have spare time for comics. I have two works of Okazaki Kyouko at hand. I guess I'll be depressed after reading them for a while; so what? My writing style will change as well. Laughter and tears mix. Is it a cheap entertainment? Good, isnt't it? What will become of my room which is already crowded with various kinds of books if comic books are to be added? Let them come! I'm afraid I'll have to spend another day for clearing the closet of my room, alas! Today's update: Roses in May and the Woods Inviting--Kyu Furukawa Gardens in Walking in Tokyo. I cannot get away from the charm of May. I can hardly stay quiet in this season.

Friday 20/5/2005


I caught a moment of freedom and went for a walk with an old friend of mine to Furukawa Gardens in Kita-ku, Tokyo. With Komagome Station of JR Yamanote Line in the middle, Furukawa Gardens exist in the north and Rikugien Gardens in the south along Hongo-dori Avenue. After azareas, it's the season of roses. There are so many visitors who came to see roses. The Japanese garden of Furukawa Gardens is not so large as that of Rikugien; however, it is a fruit of the exquisit workmanship with the deep forest surrounding the large pond. The garden architect made use of the altitude difference of Hongo tableland to make a wonderful waterfall, where the cool sound of the water splash was heard. I got the vision of the high mountains and deep valleys in young leaves of trees. While watching huge camphor trees and colorful roses, I seem to have been seeing the view far away which is completely out of my reach. I know longing won't bring me anywhere. (Yes, longing inspires our heart more than anything else!) Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Beyond the realism.

Monday 16/5/2005


It has abeen quite chilly in Kanto District. When I was happy to find the sunny sky for a while, I was stopped in a market by a shower. After the shower, the grasses and flowers looked tremendously fresh. With a lot of requirements, I have to start the new week already. I need to heal my tiredness before it accumulates too much. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. There are a number of plants which I cannot identify although I see them often here and there. Perhaps I am not good at checking botanical reference books. I wonder how I can solve my questions. I am not satisfied with my inability of research, I add photos in chase of seasons. Let me correct and add information when I know the answers.

Saturday 14/5/2005


Yesterday I misspelled "PSTD" instead of "PTSD." I am very sorry for the mitake. Let me correct it in my short review. Well, as a person who has been wandring in, taking photos of, and writing about Hongo Area, I cannot help recording the present facts of the town. Few of my colleagues pay specail attention to the town whenever I talk to them about it. Maybe it's normal to feel nothing particular about this old town. Unless they have some personal attachment, Hongo is just one of numerous ordinary towns in Tokyo. There is nothing to be upset about it. On the contrary, residents of this town would feel annoyed if I think too much of it in a biased way. It's a five-minute-walk straight from Iki-zaka to Tadon-zaka although we have go go across Kasuga Avenue. Exactly like in the case of Ukyou-zan where many old cherry trees were cut down for the construction of a condominium, nothing would change by an individual record of it; however, I canot help leaving a record of the present situation of Tadon-zaka. Listen to the voice coming up from the bottom of the valley. A simple record might be better than the ambiguous memory. Today's update: A Protest Movement of Tadon-zaka in Gallery in Margines. Peaceful days are short.

Friday 13/5/2005

いつの間にか執筆者数が増え、配信回数が減ったので、メルマガに原稿の掲載されることが間遠くなった。それでも入稿前には集中的に読書し、あれこれ想を練り、ギリギリまで推敲を重ねる。メルマガ記事は短いのが身上とはいえ、一冊の本について書くのに800字(原稿用紙だと四百字詰めでたったの二枚)はいかにも少ない。だが雑誌や新聞の小さなコラムだと思えば、短く書くのも技のうちと、思い切り縮める。また、どの本を取り上げるか迷うのも毎度のプロセスの一つだ。最初張り切って長大な書籍を選んでみたものの、どうも気乗りせず徒に原稿締め切り日が迫ることもある。そんなときは直前でも別の本に乗り換える。以前から気になってはいたけれど、あまりにポピュラーだと敬遠していたものを何気なく手にとったところ一気に引き込まれてしまうことも。今回のはそのような一冊。本日の更新は「翻訳読書ノート22 / 霧のなかへ、私も」です。トリイ・ヘイデンを取り上げました。昨日書いた本郷の炭団坂の反対運動の幟の脇に、今日は手作りのビラが置いてあった。炭団坂上に13階建てのマンションでは、坂下からの高度差60メートルという。菊坂界隈の人々は「階高を下げよ」と要求している。壱岐坂でも似たような状況になるのではないかと案じられる。

Because there are more writers than before and the frequency of the mail magazine is less, my short review on translated works is published only once every other month. Still now before sending the review I read intensively, think of the contents repeatedly, and rewrite it several times. The shorter, the better, is a column of a mail magazine; however, 800 letters in Japanese is actually too short for writing about a book. I've been observing this shortness is a restriction given to me for training. Usually I tend to write too long in a distracted way. Also I sometimes change the target book in the middle of the writing process: I find myself not so attracted to the book I chose first and transfer to another. In fact, I gave up a very heavy gorgeous book and took up an author of whom I had had a sort of prejudice for her popularity. But unexpectedly her book captured me all at once. Thus I wrote on Torey Hayden this time. Sorry only in Japanese. BTW, I found handbills protesting the construction of the tall condominium building beside Tadon-zqka on which I worte yesterday. The altitude difference between the top of the condominium and the house down under the slope will be 60 meters. People there are claiming the constructors to lower the hight of the building. I'm afraid the same thing might happen in Iki-zaka.

Thursday 12/5/2005


Purple banners are flying along the steps of Tadon-zaka of Hongo, Tokyo. An enormous condominium building is being constructed on the top of the cliff above Kiku-zaka. "Don't make Ms Ichiyou and residents cry, XX Real Estate" say the banners. I've been watching the cranes working for months. Of all places, why they've decided to build such a big building beside Tadon-zaka? It will surely destroy the charm of the historical landscapes. Back alleys which keep the remnants of Meiji Era will sink in the shadow of the tall condominium building . They will soon vanish completely. I wonder how long the banners will be kept. However, I have to admit that our university is also planning to construct a new tall building in Iki-zaka. We've not got the conscent of neighbors yet. What if they unfurl banners to protest our construction plan? Where would I stand between the ideal and the reality? will the big, new, strong party win or the small, old, beauty survive? We are not big, strong, nor new. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I can live in town because we have a lot of trees and flowers here yet.

Saturday 7/5/2005


I can hardly believe in my poor memory. Memory is a story I made up in a convenient way. I've cut off all the complicated details and deformed the tough facts so that I can accept the whole experiences. Thus I'm embarrassed to find the written record of what really happened. It's a hard job to remember how I tried to delete and change parts of my memory. Forgetfullness is forgiveness. But there are things that we must not forget by all means. Future can only be built on the past. However, can we percieve the concept of time in such a linial style? Is time something to continue? That's what I've been pondering recently. Today's update Musashino Sketch Page 2. You can jump to Page 1 as well. This year the photo pages can never be like a calendar, but it's a record of unperiodical plant/flower watching. I can hardly give up the custom of stopping in front of grasses and flowers with a camera. I wonder how I've become a flower-chaser.

Friday 6/5/2005

既に「立夏」。早すぎないだろうか。うろうろしているとあっという間に。「連休」だったはず。何をしていたのか。そうだ、多摩動物公園へ行った。動物のスケッチをするというヒトにくっついて。あとは、日頃やれない家の中の片付けをした。半間の押入・天袋から数十年分の「とりあえず」を全部引っ張り出し、「突っ張り棒」を二本付けてワードローブに「リフォーム」し、出てきたものを仕分けして今度は物置へ。その大移動で休みはお終い。もしも、出てきた夥しい本やノートに途中で読みふけったりしていなければ、連休はもっと長かったはずなのに。後の祭り。いやはやよくこれだけ書き散らしたと思うほど沢山のノートが出てきた。嘗ては何でもかんでも手で書いていたのだ。パソコンなんかなくても書く情熱に変わりなかったらしい。呆れた。本日の更新は、「むさしのスケッチ」です。あちこちに穴あきで恐縮ですが。また、「いのちのすがお」/"Lives Around--Looking for Nature"です。こちらもぶっきらぼうでごめんなさい。

It's already summer in calendar. Isn't it too fast? Time passes quickly while I'm hanging around. We had holidays consequently in fact. What was I doing actually? Well, I went to the zoo, following my daughter who wanted to sketch animals. Then I did what I usually cannot do: I cleaned (?) the house. I pulled out all the goods I temporarily stored in the closet for decades. We settled to pipes across the closet to reform it into a wardrobe. I sorted out all the things I dug out of the closet and put most of them into a back shed "temporarily." (I don't know what will become of them from now on.) If I had not wasted time reading books and notebooks I found, holidays might have been longer. Too late to repent. However, I was impressed with the amount of the notebooks in which I left the incessant passion for writing. Impressive because I was writing everying by hand in the past when there was no computers. Well, well. Today's update: "Musashino Sketch". Sorry, it's not perfect. Also, "Lives Around--Looking for Nature". Not very descriptive, this time. I wonder if I can go back to my work all right.

Sunday 1/5/2005


It's May when the wind is blowing with light. It's May when lives revived grow and flourish. However, The last week of April turned out to be the most devastating: the derailment of Fukuchiyama Line, JR Nishi-nippon, killed many young people. Most of them were on their way to school. I deeply deplore their death. Moreover, the motorman was also a young man of 23 years old. They had future of indefinite possiblities. They are all the victims of an invisible battle. BTW, revies of Ryu Murakami's Out of Peninsula have started coming on papers. I feel like challenging and say, "Don't miss the vision described in the work!" I tell myself to write by myself. Today's update: the photo of the cover page. I took it on the day of our class reunion at the 30th anniversary since our graduation in 1975. In the university campus of Zempukuji, Suginami, Tokyo. I remember with a sort of pain the days when I was struggling to get out of the beautiful garden as soon as possible. "30 years" is a magic number.

Monday 25/4/2005


After the cherry blossoms, dogwood is now in full bloom. Along the cycling road, trees of dogwood, both white and pink, are competing with each other. Field mastard is also in full bloom and colors the field all soft yellow. Today's update is the photo of this page. I would like to go to see the field at night to see the hazy moon over the flowers. The pressure of energetic freshman students are so great that I am barely holding my stance!

Thursday 21/4/2005

バチカンでは新ローマ教皇が決まったとのこと。カトリック世界に絶大な影響力を持つ人とか。「国境」だけが人を仕切るものではないことをあらためて知る。ふとした折りに寺院の存在が急に意識されることもある。本郷一丁目の勤め先から非常勤先の向丘まで行くのに、今週は回り道をして春日通りを少し歩いた。春日通りは「春日局」ゆかりの土地。菩提寺「麟祥院」には八重桜が満開だった。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」のうち、「本郷界隈 春日通りから」です。それから、写真家・映画監督の川崎けいこさんから届いたお知らせがあります。是非ご覧下さい。

From Vatican, the news of the new Pope has come. Pope is said to be more influential to the Catholic world than anty other people. I learn afresh that "national borders" are not the only one that defines people. Sometimes, suddenly we are conscious of the existence of a certain temple. This week I went out of my way to walk along Kasuga Avenue when I went from my workplace in Hongo 1-chome to a school in Mukogaoka. Kasuga Avenu was named after Kasuga-no-Tsubone, a historically significant woman in Tokugawa Era. Her grave is in Rinshouin, where cherry blossom was in full bloom. Today's update: Kasuga Avenue, Hongo in Gallery in Margines. There is a message from a film director/ a photo journalist Ms Keiko Kawasaki. In Japanese only but click the page, please!

Monday 18/4/2005

雨の後には待ちかねたように一斉に花が開く。木々の若葉も草も瑞々しい色で世界を染める。まだ木々の葉が茂る前のほんの僅かな時期に、光を受けて一瞬花を咲かせる植物のことを"ephemerals"と呼ぶのだと知った。(何と美しいことばだろう。)高い山には里では見たことも聞いたこともない植物が束の間の饗宴を繰り広げるらしい。武蔵野の雑木林は今、新芽が吹き出して初々しい。ここにも、ほんの僅かな時を生きる植物が見られる。ありふれた小さな花だけれど、自生する強さを持つスミレを"Ephemerals"の仲間と呼ぶのはおこがましいだろうか。本日の更新は「むさしのスケッチ」です。それから、友人が送ってくれた吉野山の桜の絶景も。Ms Mに感謝。

After the rain, flowers start to bloom all at once. Young leaves of trees color the world vividly. While the leaves of trees are still scarece, some flowers bloom with the abundant light just for a very short period of time. I've learned recently they are called "ephemerals." What a beautiful word! It seems very rare flowers are blooming in this season momentarily in high mountains now. Also in Musashino Plain, woods are dressed in fresh grass green. We can find flowers living just for a short period of time. Although they are common and ordinary, I wonder if we can call violet as one of the ephemerals. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Also please check the page of Sakura in Yoshino Mountains, which my friend sent me. Thanks, Ms M!

Wednesday 13/4/2005


Cherry blossoms have swiftly passed across Kanto District. Later than usual years, we could enjoy the trees in full bllom last weekend. It has been raining this week for three days. When it's fine the temperature goes up to over 20 degree centigrade and when it rains it goes down to under 10 in the morning. After days of half-sleave-Tshirs, we have days of coats and sweaters. I am reading the latest novel by Ryu Murakami entitled Out of Peninsula. It is an amazing near future ficition. I've just finished the first volume and started the second. I haven't seen any review of this work yet. Hearing of anti-Japan movements in Korea and China recently, I cannot help feeling the possible crisis. To be or not to be; that is the question. Today's update: The Riverside under Cherry Blossoms :Tamagawa-Jousui at Hamura Intake Weir and Tama River in Walking in Tokyo. I wanted to go OUT into a huge open space.

Saturday 9/4/2005


Hectic 2 week are over. Now spring is in its full bloom. We had a big BBQ party in the campus athletic field with cherry trees to welcome freshmen. Photos taken in the same angle are very colorful this time. If you please, won't you compare them? Landscapes along Musashino Railway has become lively again. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I'm having the first day off in 2 weeks.

Saturday 2/4/2005


I've been so busy at the end of the previous semester and the new one. Finally there was the announcement of the cherry blossoms in bloom in Kanot Area but the buds are still very hard. Gulped in big waves, I have to cope with numerous requirements one after another. I'm making a lot of mistakes too. Today's update: phots of the index page and the one above in this page. They are both scenes I have out of the window of my new office where I will move in 2006, in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture. Oh, how flat Kanto Plain is!

Saturday 26/3/2005


The sound of a musical film "The Phantom of the Opera," which I nearly missed seeing while it's showing in major theaters in Tokyo, still echoing in my head. It's a sotry of "the angel of music," more precicely "the devil of music." Unforgettable is the fascinated expression of the young heroine who is irresitibly attracted by the devil, the phantom. (Amazingly, the actress is just 18 years old now.) The absurd passion for possession is defeated; yet, it is the ever-lasting passion too. Romanticism never dies. Well, today's update: The Image of March--Village of Plum Trees" in the series of "The Image of Japan," in Gallery in Margines . The photos are offered by a friend of mine; she took the photos of January in the same series. Thanks to her kindness and generosity. We are both inhabitants of a country of flowers.

Thursday 24/3/2005

新学期まであと僅か。あれもこれもと欲張るよりは少し休息、ともいかないか。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」に、「のはら 弥生」です。定型を離れてひらがなで。たまには野原で遊びましょう。

A few days more and the new semester will start. I would rather relax than to make haste doting this and that; am I too lazy? Today's update: "In the Field of March" in "Gallery in Margines."

Wednesday 23/3/2005


The weather is unstable, with coldness and warmth change in turn. When it is sunny, we went out by bicycle to the field of Kitayama Park where ten thousands of sweet calamuses will bloom in early summer. The hill still looks very sleepy but is changing into soft pastel colors; the land is thinly covered with green grasses. Beside the water, there was a man handling a white net, catching something. I wondered if he was capturing tadpoles. I couldn't find anything. There was an old man standing quietly by a pond with his camera tripod firmly settled. A while later, an egret flew down in the water. He did not move immediately but was just watching the bird. There came another old man and talked to him. They started discussing birds in the area. According to them, once there often came bigger ones. Today's update: The photo of this page and Musashino Sketch. Sorry I was linking the page in a wrong way so that you could not jump to the right file. I corrected it. I hope you'll find the photos all right this time.

Monday 21/3/2005


Before the disaster of Chuetsu Great Earthquake is pacified, another big earthquake attacked the western part of Fukuoka. Although people are shocked with thebig earthquake in the district where no remarkable ones have ever occured, none can tell when the energy accumulated in the active faults deep in the earth is to be released. There seem to be no areas "free-from-earthquakes"in Japan. The terror is enormous in the city center of a megalopolis where a natural disaster is mixed with man-made ones in such a way as windowpanes fall from tall buildings, subways stop, highways are closed and so on. It reminds me of the fact that it has been 10 years exactly since Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake, and the Sarin Gas Attack in 1995. On the subway-line which I always take for commuting, sarin was released. (At "Hongo-3-Chome Station," one of the workers was killed and some passengers were injured.) On that day I was home enjoying a biref spring break. Also my interest was in my father suffring from a serious heart desease. I learned that Tsukiji Subway Station, which I go through often recently, was also marked for having many people injured by the attack. (I read about it in Haruki Murakami's Underground afterwards and shivered.) We can be victims anytime in the territories of our daily activities. Should I call it absurdity? Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I'm in a moment of peace.

Sunday 20/3/2005

珍しく何の予定もない週末。ぽかぽかと良い陽気。ようやくサイトのメンテナンスに取りかかる。リフォームというほどでもないけれど表紙にカウンターが戻り、掲示板が復活した。春の大掃除。本日の更新はエッセイ「徒歩記 2 本郷の四季--Hongo Wonderland--」です。印刷物を収録したものですが、関連の写真を付録としてまとめてみました(最後のページから飛べます)。その他あちこち細かいところを手直し。いよいよ辛夷の花が開き始めた。

To my joy, I have a lot of free time this weekend. Eventually I've started working with this website for renual. Thanks, a visitors' counter is back on the index page, and so is BBS! It's a sort of spring clearing. Today's update: an essay in Japanese entitled "Hongo Wonderland" with a supplimentary photo page (available from the last page of the essay). Several more small changes here and there. Magnolias are starting to bloom.

Saturday 19/3/2005

Sorry, under construction./ ただ今準備中。

Thursday 17/3/2005


The day ofthe spring equinox is approaching. It's the time to clerebrate the dead of the family in Japan. A arelative in Aomori Prefecture, my mother-in-law's native land, sent her a box of food to offer in the family altar. I'm following the pious people around me. I've already visited the family graveyard. "Do you call yourself a Buddhist because your are following the Buddhist customs?" asked a friend who came from a foreign country recently and I was a little embarrassed. Am I one of "the seasonal Buddhists?" The dead brwon landscape has been rapidly getting back the fresh colors. "Summer heat or winter cold doesn't last after the equinox," as they say, seems to be very true. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. On one hand, I'm happy with the repetition of yearly changes of seasons; on the other hand, I feel a slight depression with the rapidness of time. Days of disturbance have come.

Saturday 12/3/2005


The spring rain has started falling. Plants will begin sprouting all together. I walked talking with a new friend who came from Colorado. In her brilliant youth she has deep shadows as well; she is interested in Buddhism. I didn't feel I was talking to someone from aborad. Recently I've come to think of words not for describing outside phenomena but for leading the water inside out. Today's update: Review of Works Translated. I wrote on books by Suzan Sontag. Sorry, only in Japanese.

Thursday 10/3/2005


Time flies (naturally) faster than an arrow, and the youth grow old immediately. In spite of the plain knowledge, I easily waste time. Due to attacks to the web-server, I deleted the counter and BBS. Attackers find any holes. If we open the window, not only friendly visitors pass by but also enemies do. However, we should not close all the windows and doors open to the world. Let me be flexible and brave. Waiting for another chance to come for the recontruction. So today's update: I rewrote index pages, deleting links. The light tells us it's really spring. Thanks for YOUR visit!

Sunday 6/3/2005


Expecting to see flowers, I went along Tama Cycling Road; but all I could see was the bleak field of winter. However, somewhat branches of cherry trees were slightly colerd in red hue and bushes of kerria in green. A call to go and see cherry blossoms at the beginning of April has come already. Soon an American young woman is visiting Tokyo. I wish to show her abound in Tokyo, but my schedule is tight this week. I hope the great capacity for flexibility and adaptability will make difficulties into adventure and make her days here wonderful. May the weather be good while she's in Tokyo. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. Thanks to the visitor who was interested in flower photos and left a message in BBS.

Saturday 5/3/2005


Yesterday was the anniversary of my father's death. We had never promised it but my sister also visited our mother's house to remember him together. It was the following year of Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake and the follwoing day of Doll's Festival. "Out of sight, out of mind" is not always true. Absence does not mean to froget. Starting with Father, we talked of the dead one after another. When we said,"Someday we'll follow them," it didn't sound like a joke. My sister's sister-in-law had just passed away in her fifties. We had a lot of snow, unusual for Kanto Area, but I realized various flowers were starting to bloom already! Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I added several photos this time.

Thursday 3/3/2005

雛の節句。年々狭くなる(ような気がする)部屋の中、どこに人形を飾ったらいいのか迷う。もちろん段飾りなどあるわけもなく、木目込みの立ち雛一対に金屏風と雪洞、それにガラスケースに入ったミニチュアのひな壇がひとつ程度なのだけれども、年に一度の場所を確保するのが難しい。今年は考えあぐねてついに箪笥の上にお出ましいただくことにした。神棚よろしく見上げる格好になる。箱からそっと取り出して並べるとのどかなお顔。衣装はそれなりに古びてきているのだが、何となく風格も出て。同居25年目にして今年は義母が「お雛様のちらし寿司は頼むわ」と。義母は間もなく83歳になる。本日の更新は「いのちのすがお」/"Lives Around--Looking for Nature"です。鳥は難しい。

This is the day of Doll's Festival, one of the most beloved Japanese customs for girls. The biggest trouble for us is to find the space for dolls to be placed. Rooms of our house seem to become smaller and smaller year by year. I've decided to put the couple of dolls (a prince and a princess) on the chest of drawers this year! We have to look up to see them just likethe way we pray under the household altar of the Shinto deiety. Dolls' faces are very peaceful while their kimono is getting old and have the feeling of dignity. In the 25th year of our life together, my mother-in-law asked me to cook the decorative sushi for the day, which is the first time she declared she won't cook it by herself. She's going to be 83 very soon. Today's update:"Lives Around--Looking for Nature". It's difficult to take photos of birds really!

Tuesday 1/3/2005


As we have only a couple of times of snowing in Kanto District, there is no reason to complain of the coldness of the winter so much here. Yet I'm already fed up with the monotonous, dreary winter colors of Kanto Plain. I imagine people everywhere, whether they are in east, west, north or south, are eagerly waiting for spring to come. I feel quite refreshed only because the calendar shows it's March now! I feel the tide of expectations for the new season rising up gradually in myself. Today's update: the phtos of the index page and here in The Latest Notes. Both were taken in a rose garden in Kokubunji, Tokyo. And Musashino Sketch. Small signs of spring.

Monday 28/2/2005

嵐のような如月だった。でも時折差し込む春の光に励まされ、ようやく一息ついている。のどかな春よ、来い!本日の更新は、「いのちのすがお」/"Lives Around--Looking for Nature"です。こんなに行儀良くカメラに収まってくれる動物は、彼らくらいだろう。が、もしかすると彼らにも「肖像権」があるのかもしれない。だとしたら権利侵害。ごめんなさい。

February was a stormy month for me. Occasional spring light encouraged me greatly and I am feeling much better these days than before. May peaceful spring come! Today's update:"Lives Around--Looking for Nature". No animals stay as quiet as they do in front of a camera. Perhaps they have the right of publicity. Then, sorry, I'm violating their rights!

Saturday 26/2/2005

強風の翌日は春の雪。車中で声高に語り合う受験生たちがいる。経営学部の教員たちは新参の投資家への興味津々。六本木ヒルズの強者どもへ驚嘆と羨望の論評しきり。人間界を遠く離れたらどんなものだろうと、ふと思う。本日の更新は「むさしのスケッチ」です。 春は名のみの。

After the gale, snow fell. In the train was a loud-voiced studnets talking of entrance examinations. Faculty members of business administration were talking excitedly about the young investors with arrogant manners who are the occupant of The Roppongi Hills. Their comments included amazement and cynicism. Well, how about leaving the worldly society for a while? Today's update: Musashino Sketch. It's just the nominal spring.

Thursday 24/2/2005


The first spring gale roared. Under the trees whose tops were crying, I found the messengers of the new season. Life is there under the dried leaves. I received a mail from a country at the southern tip of the southern hemisphere. And her true story too! Thanks, Marie! The world is wide but close. Today's update: Musashino Sketch. I'll start writing it slowly.

Wednesday 23/2/2005


It seems I've survived the severe cold after all. The light is very bright. I can hear from the spring. It's high time for me to get out of the bed and the winter sleep. Finally I've started reforming this website. There are no very new contents, but I am planning to renew here and there little by litttle. Please be patient with me and find something new somewhere. Today's update: the index page, The Site Map、and On this Website, an Introduction.I wrote too long. I would like to cut it much shorter soon. Pages with no photos are monotonous. I wish I could go somewhere with my camera!

Saturday 19/2/2005

昨日、三年間過ごした個人研究室を引き払った。学園の校舎立て替えのため、これからしばらくは共同研究室住まいとなる。千変万化、流れゆくのがこの世の習い。風邪などひいていたせいで作業は期限ギリギリの夜までかかった。ようやく部屋のドアに鍵をかけた時には構内は深閑として誰の姿もない。通用口から外に出たら、東京ドームのライトがきれいだった。たまにはと、まばゆい光の方向へ歩き出し、地下鉄「後楽園」駅から帰ることにした。こんな時刻に光の渦の中をふらふらしていることは滅多にないので、知らない土地へ来たような感じがした。思いがけないところへ出るのだろうかなどとボンヤリ考えていると、頭上を駆け抜けるジェットコースターの轟音で我に返った。本日の更新は、「いのちのすがお」/"Lives Around--Looking for Nature"です。練習中の鳥の写真を数枚貼ってみました。

Yesterday, I cleared out the office I had stayed in for three years. Due to the construction of the new school buildings, we are all going to share rooms with colleagues for a while. Everything is changing just like life itself. The cold I caught prevented me from packing efficiently in time, and I kept worikng to the late evening of the deadline. When I locked the room, I found I was left (perhaps) alone in the quiet building. I went out of a small exit into the town where my eyes were struck by the gorgeous illumination of Tokyo Dome. I decided to walki in the flood of light for a while to go to Korakeun Station of Marunouchi Subway Line, which is the route I seldome take on my way back. I felt as if I had been traveling in a strange place. Walking absent-mindedly, I was astonished by the roar of the roller coaster overhead! Today's update: Lives Around--Looking for Nature, my excercise of taking birds' photos.

Thursday 17/2/2005


I've been staying in bed for more than 5 days because of the cold. Once I went out to a meeting and the cold got worse. I'm still feeling dizzy. But I have to visit a high school in Chiba Prefecture today and teach a class. Get out of bed now! While I was grumbling pessimistic things, a friend of mine sent me a brilliant photo of Mt. Fuji to cheer me up. I remember in January another friend of mind sent me several photos she took when she visited a temple in Kyoto at the beginning of the year. How encouraging the visitors are! I really appreciate their friendship. Photos of mountains inspire me greatly. All right, I'll do my best with high school studnets. Today's update: The Image of February--the Silver Peak. Please enjoy the photo. Thank you!

Monday 14/2/2005


In calendar, it's already spring. However, I caught a cold and stayed in bed for 2 days. I really want to get well metally as well as phyiscally. I hope you will enjoy the colorful photographs I took at the beginning of January 2005. Since the day I made a short trip on the boat, I've been involved in the extremely busy days. I wish I won't loose the sense of humour anyway. Today's update: Sailing Up River Sumida (2)of Walking in Tokyo. Sorry for the inconveience of the top page.

Thursday 3/2/2005


It's already February! I'm almost drowned in a maelstrom although I've seldom been in fully relaxing circumstances. (Alas!) The ice-cold wind is blowing over the Kanto Plain. Most of the plants in woods are withered and twigs of trees are piercing the sky high. While I walk on the fallen leaves, feeling the softness under my shoes, I imagine the countless lives sleeping underground in my wandring thought. A moment of relief captures me when I think of invisible things and something far away. Look up at the blue sky from the bottm of winter! My longing never vanishes if nothing can be heard. Oh, February, the month of coldness. I like its void. Today's update: the photo of the cover page and the one above in this page. Both were taken in Higashimurayama City Central Park, Tokyo. The days to try my eudurance and concentration continue. Please find the old index pageto go to the table of contents of this website for the moment. Thank you.

Thursday 27/1/2005

人間の中で生きるのばかりが脳ではない。時には猫になり、犬になり、鳥になり、亀にもなると少し世界が違って見える。花を追いかけているうちに、花のそばにいる仲間が気になった。じっとしていないから、出会いは一瞬。姿をくらますことにかけては天下一品。動くから動物というのだろう。(あたりまえだ。)というわけでで、瞬間をうまく捕まえられたら時々アップしましょう。本日の更新は「いのちのすがお」/"Lives Around--Looking for Nature"です。気長におつきあい下さい。

When you get tired of human beings only, look at cats, dogs, birds, and turtles. The world appears different. Following flowers in calendar, I started to be consicous about animals around them. They never stay still. You can get only a moment's encounter with them. They often animate our body and soul. When I can catch the moment, I upload the photos ocasionally. Today's update:"Lives Around--Looking for Nature". Please relax and enjoy the lives in nature.

Wednesday 26/1/2005


Please find the old index pageto go to the table of contents of this website for the moment. Thank you.

Monday 11/1/2005


An old students of mine mailed me from Califronia. She is now a splendid American career woman. I found her personal website is full of photos of flowers and gardening of her own. The design of the site is adorably sophisticated. I wish to make a link to her site when I finish remodelling my site. Since the beginning of the new year, variety of things have been happening to prevent me from working with this website! Sorry for the delay. Let me change the photo of the index page. I took it from the boat I got on from Hamarikyu Gardens boud for Asakusa. I enjoyed the view of towns and bridges from River Sumida. Please find the old index pageto go to the contents of this website for the moment. Thank you.

Thursday 6/1/2005

友人のMさんから昨日分の写真掲載許可と一緒に、珍しい鳥の写真もいただいた。シラサギであることは確かだが、コサギかチュウサギかオオサギ(ではないように思う)かよく分からない。(ご存じの方はいらっしゃいませんか。)Mさんのご説明によると、「東寺の北門のところに堀の名残のような蓮池と言う池があります。そこで偶 然、白き鳥(不明にして名は分かりません。)が魚らしきものを捕まえてちょうど咥 えたところに出くわしたのです。一つは飲み込んだ直後の写真です。凛として、満足 げな感じに惚れ惚れとしました。私は鳥は余り好きではないのですが、今年は酉年で 合わせたような鳥の出現に、昔の人の言う「瑞兆」かとも。(^o^) Uの方はまたしても獲物を狙う姿です。真剣に水面を凝視する姿は凄い迫力でした。」よい瞬間を捉えています。いただいた私も「ほれぼれ」。> Mさん、どうもありがとうございます。(というわけで、本日の更新もいただいた写真二葉のみです。)

A friend of mine, Ms M, gave me the permission to upload her photos and sent me a pair of other very interesting photos of a bird. I believe it is a sort of egret but I'm not sure which kind. (Does anyone know its name?) Ms M writes, "There is a small pond, perhaps a remnant of an old moat, at the north gate of To-ji (Temple Toh). I happened to find a white bird whose name I don't know had just caught a prey in its beaks. Photo (I) was taken right after the bird had gulped it. I was impressed with its satisfying proud figure. I don't care for birds very much but I felt it might be a sign of good luck to meet such a beautiful bird at the beginning of a year of Rooster, as ancient people said.:-) Photo (II) is the moment the bird was watching fish in water again. The figure of the bird seriously gazing in water was extremely striking. " Yes, indeed. She caught a very good moment. Receiving the photos, I'm deeply impressed too! A lot of thanks to Ms M. (Today's update: two photos taken by Ms M.)

Wednesday 5/1/2005

友人のMさんから初詣の写真をお送り頂いた。東京から日帰りで京都の東寺へ。 車窓からの「初富士」の画像も。あまりにも美しいので独り占めするには惜しく、掲載させて頂こうと思う。東に住むものは西に憧れる。冷蔵庫騒動で「改造」ははかどらない。表紙から従来通りの「掲示板」だけ復活。後は追々、といたします。

A friend of mine, Ms M sent me two photos of her one-day-trip to Kyoto on the first of January. The five-story pagoda of To-ji (temple)in Kyoto, and the grand view of Mr. Fuji (the first sight of the moutain at the beginning of a year is considered to be very lucky in Japan) taken out of the Shinkansen window. Both of the photos are so beautiful that I want to share them with visitors. Those who live in the east long for the west. Due to the refrigerator trouble, remodeling of this site has not been done yet. Only BBS is connected from the index page as before. Let me take time, please.

Tuesday 4/1/2005

少しこのサイトを改造してみようと思います。しばらく「工事中」状態が続くことになりそうですが、 何とぞご容赦ください。元のファイルはすべてそのままにしてあります。ご用の節は 「古いサイトの入り口」からどうぞお入りください。手直しができ次第、順次ご案内申し上げます。元旦に冷蔵 庫が壊れるというやっかいな事態となり、目下居間兼食堂はキャンプ場のような有様。復元なるのはいつのことやら。 期せずして死蔵されていた諸々が発掘され、私は赤くなったり青くなったり。それにしても、街道沿いの大型安 売り電気店は正月からフル稼働。驚きました。頭を過ぎるのは被災地の惨状です。お金では元に戻らないものがある ことを肝に銘じておきます。本日の更新は仮表紙とこの「更新短信」ページです。表紙の絵は娘の年賀状の一つ を拝借しました。上の写真は野火止用水縁に枝を広げているセンダンの樹です。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

I am planning to remodel this website. For a while it will be "under construction." Sorry for the inconvenience. Old files all remain as they were. If you want to open any of them, please click HERE to find familiar pages. As soon as new pages are ready, I will introduce them here. BTW, our refrigerator died suddenly on January 1, which made our dining-living room look like a camping site. I have no idea when it will return to its ordinary condition again. I was astonished to find the big discount electricity shop by a highway doing business from the very first of the new year's days. There were so many costomers in the shop. I couldn't help thinking of the land of disasters. I have to remember nothing can be recovered only by money there. Today's update: the temporary index page and this page of "The Latest Notes." The picture on the top page is one of the new year greeting cards of my daughter. The photo above is a big tree of Melia azedarach by Nobidome Waterway. Thank you for your visit. Looking forward to meeting you here very often.

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