When it rains and a bus doesn't come on time I take a taxi only for a few kilometers. I can walk the distance when I have time. Walking gives me the blessing of each season. Just look at the trees in autumnal colors along the street and in the huge campus of the university; particularly ginko trees now! Thanks for where I am and what I am. How I love to see the world full of surprises! My sensibility seems to be still alive; perhaps a nonsense for others. Updated: One-line-poems.
Thursday, 11/22, 2001
The bank clerk was working efficiently in perfect business manners, and she suddenly looked up and asked me a personal question; "Are you teacheing at a college?" She was reading a document I handed her. "Yes, what matters?" "Oh, I am graduated from the college four years ago." She showed me a smile which I know very well. A brief encounter and an exciting one. I felt proud of her. Updated: One-line-poems.
Saturday, 11/17, 2001
The biggest difference between a doctor of a large hospital and one in an individual clinic is that the former pays attention mainly to the data given by highly technological systems, and the latter won't hesitate touching the body of the patient. Is it my personal prejudice? Update: "One-line-poem" and "Views In and Out."
Sunday, 11/11, 2001
After the heavy rain, a beautiful day came back. We are on the border between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. A gift from the heaven. By the way whose "heaven" is it? I find myself using words unconsciously. Metaphors include a lot of stock phrases. Coughing can be heard from everywhere. Take care not to catch cold. Update: "One-line-poem" and "Views In and Out."
Friday, 11/9, 2001
When I try to learn about the world far away from ours, for example about Afganistan, I cannot help resorting to books first of all. So little is written about women's life there. Their traditional life has been long destroyed by consequent wars. I am thrilled, however, to read about their art of embroidery. Imagine the beauty of their handiwork not for commercialism but to prove their identity. Richness to be back in the future surely. Update: One-line Poem.
Wednesday, 11/7, 2001
In Japnese traditional calendar, winter has come. It is cloudy and the cold wind is blowing. Leaves are turning their colors. With a cup of hot coffee, I try to remember what has passed and imagine what will come. Peacefulness in appearance and the war in reality. The discrepancy between them can only be felt by one's imagination and knoweldge of the world. The slow pace of my recent life has given me the chance to look back and to look a little farther. Go into the haze of winter. Feel the beauty of this season keen and clear. Updated: Views In and Out; One-line Poem.
Monday, 11/5, 2001
Heavy rain falls at midnight. The cold season is approaching definitely. What have I done so far these days? Don't seek acheivements but pay attention to what I still have. I should not be bothered by the fear for loss. Learn to take time and to be patient. No words solve anything. Look far. Update: One-line poems.
Friday, 11/2, 2001
二週間の休養の後、今週からゆっくりと仕事に復帰しました。同僚達や学生達の気遣いに感謝しています。「如何ですか、お大事に」ということばの暖かさ。以前のような元気にはほど遠く、医者からの診断はまだ何も下っていませんが、悲観するのは止めましょう。なるようになるさということにして。 「一首」を更新。
I've started working again slowly after the blank of two weeks. Colleagues and students are kindly concerned about my health. I'm grateful to their words. Not energetic as before but I'm feeling better in spite of having no diagnosis from a doctor yet. Let it be. Update: One-line poem.
Thursday, 11/1, 2001
更新の際に伝言や備忘録として、一言二言書いてみます。今月の表紙写真は東京大学本郷キャンパスにある「三四郎池」です。(「一首」のコラージュも。)中之島はセイタカアワダチソウに占領されていました。銀杏並木が色づくにはまだ暫し。銀杏の実は既に匂い紛々。それぞれの秋深く。ご訪問感謝。 「表紙」と「一首」を更新。「更新 短信」を開設。
Just a note or two on the occasion of update. I will write my personal message and memorandum briefly in this page. The photo in the front page of this month is "Sanshiro-Ike" in Hongo Campus of University of Tokyo. The small island in it is filled with "solidago altissima." Ginko leaves are not yellow yet; ginko nuts are smelling. Deepening autumn. Thanks for your visit! Update: cover page, One-line poem, The Latest Notes.