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February 28, 2022


February has gone swiftly. Liberated from my tasks of teaching, I started February expecting a lot of things to do, but actually I can't see clearly what I have done. Well, let me not be bothered by results. I was able to try this and that almost at random with joy. By the but now I finally had a chance to meet her after 20 years. 2 decades were just a moment although they are seemingly quite long. If I can live 20 more years, I will be 90! (Of course nobody knows how many more years I would live from now on.) OK, let me not think of the far future but I'll think of NOW. What a mediocre caution it is! I have an actual feeling that "to look back the way we came is to look forward to where we might go." The old friend of mine is a teacher of Japanese traditional flower arrangement. She is working with numerous seniors and is teaching a wide range of students from teenagers to 90s. She began flower arrangement when she was a high school student herself and now it's her lifelong profession. She is really admirable.

February 27, 2022


I attended the online reading session of Ulysses, which is held once every two months. We focused on the 16th chapter (of 18) today. We started with lectures by the host Joyceans, then we discussed in break-up-rooms, and finally got together again in the main room where we somehow came to figure out the outline of the chapter, its affluent contents, and its various enigmas. There is no "summing up" really; however, the activity of reading the text together with other plural readers. It seems we can learn to see what is involved in the difficult book that way. In other words, the solitary reading I was doing decades ago has finally got the I believed that reading should be done with no assistance or collective intelligence. As time passed, the reading style of Ulysses has changed drastically. It still has endless puzzles and enigmas in its rich text. How could Joyce accomplish such monstrous work? (Anyway, Joyce geeks are tireless!)

February 26, 2022

ほぼ二週間前、観に行ったのに時間を間違えて別の映画(West Side Story)を観たと書いた。今度こそ『CODA あいのうた』を観てきた。単なるアメリカの青春ドラマと言うのは早計だ。CODAとは(child of deaf adult)親がろう者である子どもの略語。もちろんcodaには楽曲の終結部という意味もあるから、音楽をモティーフにしたこの物語が両方をかけているのは歴然としている。主な出演俳優も生まれながらのろう者であり、その子供である主人公は家族の中では唯一の聴者として、地域社会では両者をつなぐ存在として通訳の役割を果たし、さらに学校社会では完全なマイノリティーとして、困難で微妙な立場を引き受けている。最終的に家族のために家業をサポートし続けるのか、それとも声楽の才能を磨くために音楽大学に進むのかという葛藤に直面する。このろう者の一家が強烈な個性を発揮してくれる。地元の漁業権をめぐる紛争では一歩も引かないし、社会常識にとらわれずあけすけに性を語るし、娘への要求も率直だ。娘ルビーがどのように複雑な状況を切り開いていくか、親子の問題、多様性への理解と寛容といった現代人の課題が複合的に投げかけられる。ルビー(Emilia Jones)がオーディションで歌う"Both Sides Now"は卓抜だ。私が学生時代に観た『青春の光と影』の主題歌(歌詞を覚えたものだ)が現代によみがえって実にみずみずしい。この歌を聞くためだけにでもCODAを観に行きたかった。漁村の暮らしが精彩を放ち、時に「ボストンへ行く(大学進学)」ことと拮抗していた。手話という言語の豊かな表現にも目を見張った。一人で観て終わりにするのが惜しい映画だ。

About two weeks ago, I wrote I went to see a movie but that because I mistook the running time, I couldn't see it and saw West Side Story instead. Today I succeeded in watching CODA. It cannot be called just an American youth film. CODA stands for "child of deaf adult." Coda also means the final part of a music. The double meaning is clear in this movie talking about a girl trying to challenge going to a music department of a university. The roles of main characters are performed by real deaf actors. The child in a deaf family Ruby is expected to be a translator to connect the worlds of the deaf and the hearing in the family and in fishermen's community. At school she is a minority. Being in a difficult and delicate situation, Ruby struggles between the choice of remaining in her family to support their life and of going to a university to develop her talent in music as a singer. This deaf family is extremely attractive in the way they demonstrate their wishes, their desire, and their agony. The movie as a whole requires the audience to think about the issues of a family, diversity, and liberty. More than anything else, Ruby's singing of "Both Sides Now" is awesome to me. It was the tune of a movie Both Sides Now which I saw when I was a college student. I learned the song in English then. I found the lyrics is still in my heart. Ruby's choice between remaining home or going to Boston (to college) is really hard. Both looked irresistible to me. Besides, the sign language is so impressive. What an expressive language it is! I guess anybody who sees this movie cannot resist talking about it.

February 25, 2022


The time of change from winter to spring brings a lot of things good and not so good. A news came that a family we know very well was infected with COVID-19. Fortunately, the family is getting better now. Including a baby, they must be spending a hard time. It's more than 2 years since the infection started, and now it's their time! Another family I know very well has an ordeal, too. One of the family members fell ill so suddenly. The family has started a struggle with the disease. It's really painful just to hear about the news, but I'm grateful to them for their frank communication. It helps me to support them even from afar. Our mutual support helps one another in various ways. Russian invasion into Ukraine has become quite aggressive every day. They have arrived at Kiev and even at Chernobyl. We are watching how a war starts. Is it right just to watch? May the situation develop to the better direction by the time spring comes.

February 23, 2022


While I was walking in the early evening, I found the iridescent clouds. I guess it was not a rainbow. It was hard to capture the real colors by the camera of my smart phone, but I saw the colorful clouds vertically in the sky. It's a pity an electric wire was running across them. But just a moment before the dusk, contrastive to the shadow of the buildings below, iridescent clouds tinted the pale sky subtly. As I cannot go far away traveling, I satisfy myself by the mini spectacle in my neighborhood: it was so impressive as if I was in a different world. Today’s update: his notes with the photo of the clouds. Thank you for your visit.

February 22, 2022



In Japanese, February 22, 2022 has 6 "ni" syllables. "Ni=2" (or "nya") is considered to be the sound of cats in Japanese. Therefore, today is assigned to be "The Super Cats' Day." Our cats, however, got nothing special to commemorate the day. They are just enjoying themselves as usual. They've been with us almost 4 years. We've got used to live with them. Hakka (the left photo) is 6 years old and Nikki (the right photo) is 5 as we understand them. Because they came from a cats' shelter nobody knows their life history for sure. They might be a mother and a daughter, or sisters. They are mild natured cats, and so they won't deny us when we hold them in our arms. They sometimes come close to us and touch us purring. We never get tired of watching them. I might go on writing about them endlessly. When I say, "For fear of the feeling of loss when they are dead, I should not love them too much, I guess," my daughter replies, "Love as much as you like never to regret not having loved them enough when the are gone." To love seems to be selfish. Today's update: the photo in the cover page: an old Japanese Zelkova at the cross road "Onta-Tsuji" in our city beside the stream of Nobidome-Yousui."

February 21, 2022













Many years ago, I used to write short poems (just phrases?) here in this website. They were not fixed verse (or rhymed verse) following the real prosadiac forms. I was just scribbling them as I liked. (In Japanese literary tradition, 5 + 7 + 5 syllables, or 5 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 7 syllables make the shortest poems called "haiku" or "tanka.") I have never learned short poems seriously, but was wirting phrazes which looked like haiku or tannka. Occasionally I still feel like writing something like short poems. I don't know exactly but Japanese language invites me to write in that way for no reason. Restrictions inshortness might dispel excessive expressions. A calling for preciseness may require me to write that way. Here are some of those which came to my mind while I was taking a walk today. I put them literally into English:

A flake of cloud glistens at the silver time

I walk alone along the way followed by my long shadow

Bags full of fruits I bought, I remember the ones I share them

Thin frost is over the days I lament and laugh

I forget, I remember, I feel at ease

A cat jumps in the family altar to be covered by the ash

In February a brown tabby is warm by the sunny window

Names in my memory are of all those I can never meet again

Unfair is I long for someone I could never make peace with

I hold a cat in my arms which are vacant since my beloved is gone

I recognize now this website is for my scribblings. That's all. I sincerely hope I can keep paying for this domain so that I can keep writing.

February 20, 2022


Checking the log of "the Latest Notes" of this website, I recognize there is a blank from 2013 to 2018. It was the period of time when I was the busiest in my life. I intend not to ignore the ordeal but I know it would be too difficult for me to remember the details. I had a lot of experiences I could never write in words. If I had been "a blogger," I would have written about myself writhing in pain to appeal myself. However, I am nobody. I was just overwhelmed by the severe reality of everyday life, engulfed in the miscellaneous issues at work, struggling with human life and death. Words couldn't be of assistance to me then. Business undermined my basic framework of my life to let me abandon the habit of writing. I almost felt "It doesn't matter whether I write or not." Now that I've got out of the maelstrom, I see I'm indulged in an easy life. Am I really all right with it? Can't I write about those days somehow? On the other hand, I'm afraid of creating a selfish story. What in the world should I write here? Perhaps I need to answer the fundamental question to myself first. Recently I know I'm just twittering here.

February 19, 2022

現在の住居に落ち着くまで、約半年間に二度転居した。住所としてはA―B―Aという経路だったが、移動するたびに持ち物を減らさなくてはならなかった。A―Bの時には、以前から溜め込んでいた雑多な家財道具、故人の持ち物(遺品)、古着、そして古書をなんとか整理するのが至上命令だった。引っ越しの日が近付いても一向に減らない荷物と、私は幾晩も睡眠時間を削って格闘した。春学期の授業が終わってからの数週間に一体どれほどの品物を紐でくくりごみ袋に突っ込み、廃品回収車に託したことか。同時に いくつのダンボール箱を組み立て、品物を詰め込んでガムテープを張ったか...。一時転居の仮住まいでは最小限の箱を開け、キャンプのような生活をした。いざB―Aの転居が近付くと、再び余分なものは処分する必要に迫られ、またしても箱の詰め直し作業。なんとしても総量を減らさなくては新しい住まいに入り切らないのは目に見えていた。しかし、本当の試練はAに着地してから、幾多の箱を解体し荷物をしかるべき場所に収めることだった。ダンボール箱は消えた。だが、品物が適切な場所に収納されているのかというと、怪しい。まだまだ落ち着いてなどいないのが実情だ。断捨離どころか、未整理のゴタゴタの中でアップアップしている状態が続く。その意味でこの2月、3月は落ち着くための重要な時期なのだが、始末の悪い私がぐずぐずしているのはご覧の通り。この性分は一生直らないのだろうか?溜息しか出ない。(こんなことを書いている暇に、手を動かしたらどうだ?!)

We moved twice, in half a year, before we settled in the house where we are. The moving was A-B-A: from the old house to a temporary address for 4 months, and then coming back to the new house at the old address. For A-B, I definitely had to do away with variety of old furniture, goods belonging to my deceased family, old clothes, and old books. I struggled with them day after day, night after night in the constant state of being short of sleep. I packed the rest of the things in countless cardboard boxes. I tried to live with the smallest goods, just like camping at B. For the moving B-A, I had to decrease the amount of our belongings once again; otherwise, there won't be room for them all. But the hardest part came when we arrived in the new house. I had to put things in the right places neatly. Neatly! How could I do such a tour de force? Never! I can't ever say I'm settled in a new house! Moving is going on. I must spend February and March arranging and sorting out my circumstances. I'm still struggling as you see. How could I be more efficient? Sigh. I know I need to work instead of grumbling!

February 18, 2022


Eventually, I've recovered from the adverse reactions after the third vaccination. Several important things which I couldn't deal with during the slumber are waiting for me. Actually, I couldn't meet a friend of mine; I couldn't go out for a short walk even. Somehow, the weather is getting to be a little mild, which means the new semester is just around the corner. I haven't finished one of the syllabi I should have submitted yet. I can't focus on the main idea of the class. It seems discursive. Let me be realistic. BTW, tonight I attended an event commemorating the 100th year since the publication of Joyce's Ulysses (the second of 22 sessions.) Mainly 2 excellent scholars talked on the first chapter of Ulysses. Students might seriously think of taking up Joyce for their major theme. The event was quite thrilling and interesting. Encouraging, too. Thanks!

February 17, 2022


Adverse reactions after the third vaccination were more serious than I had expected. As I wrote yesterday, I was just feeling languid in the morning, but later I could hardly keep seated at the desk before noon. In addition to dullness, fever started. I fell down in bed and kept sleeping for hours. I had fever of 37.2℃ at three and 38.3℃ in the evening. I could hardly stand still and wobbled when I went to the toilet. I remembered that a nurse at the Civil Center told us that we should take medicine for headache and fever when if we suffer from the adverse reactions. I took a pill and then the fever went away in an hour. Thanks! This morning, I am almost all right. I guess infection of COVID-19 might be really serious considering what I experienced yesterday. Moreover, I've heard aftereffects persist. I should take this experience as a warning never to get infected with COVID-19. (What a disease that won't disappear for more than full two years!)

February 16, 2022


I got vaccinated yesterday at a civil center. Arriving at the hall quite early, I was told to wait in line sitting in a row assigned by the tie time I had registered. (Assistants to carry out the program seemed to be part-timers. Were they students? They were very well organized and strict.) Our city sent out the notice of vaccination from the aged groups. So, there were senior citizens only around me. Certainly, I was one of the seniors! "Here we go, the next group!" called the assistant to us. We climbed up the stairs slowly following him. On the upper floor, we had to go through several check points until we reach the shot. Vaccination itself took us only a second. Afterwards, we had to wait in another room to observe if there would be no serious reaction from the shot. Thanks, after 15 minutes, I was dismissed. Well, I remember those who defy vaccination. Overall, however, what's the percentage of those who accepted to get vaccinated in Japan? It's quite impressing to think the procedure I experienced was going on everywhere in Japan. Assistants must have gone through strict pre-service training. (I believe it costs a lot of money; collecting people must be difficult.) A notice is sent to citizens by postal mail, they are required to register by the Internet (or telephone), vaccination helped by supporting staff-it's a long procedure indeed. You need carefulness and literacy plus activity to go through all the steps. I'm interested in the percentage of residents in Japan get vaccinated finally. The day after, I feel very languid. Is this one of the adverse reactions? My body recieves the weight of this "national project."

February 14, 2022


It seemed I checked the time of a movie wrong. Facing the ticket vending machine, I was upset and meant to go home immediately but changed my mind at the last moment and searched for other attractive movies in the cinema complex: I found West Side Story. It's produced by Steven Spielberg based on the original work in 1961. I remember I watched the movie when I was a high school student. I learned the lyrics of some songs from the musical by heart. Spielberg's West Side Story focuses on the confrontation between gangs of the poor white and the Puerto Rican. I was not so fascinated with the love story of the young couple but the seriousness of the immigrants' issue was much more striking. The back streets and deserted construction sites in New York demonstrate another phase of the metropolis. For 2 and a half hours, I made a trip to a different world really.

February 13, 2022


When I was walking down a street, it started raining. I found that the weather forecast said that it would rain or snow on Sunday and Saturday (not Friday) finally. The change of the weather affected me a lot. While it was sunny, I felt like I was able to walk on and on, but once it rained, I got depressed so easily: I came home by train. Actually, my sneakers soaked. I decided it was a day for cooking shkmeruli of Georgia. It's a kind of stew made of garlic, cheese, milk and chicken. You can use the powdered sauce mix sold in a supermarket. It looks like cream stew but not exactly the same. It's more spicy and richer with the flavor of garlic and cheese. As a matter of fact, when shkmeruli was introduced by officials of Georgian Embassy in Tokyo, I rushed to a fast-food restaurant Matsuya to try it. Later I ate it in a Russian restaurant, too. A friend of mine used to work for Tbilisi in Georgia; she informed us of the country via Facebook. Particularly their dancing was unique and striking. Sometimes the name of the country is mixed with the State of Georgia, USA. I wonder how my friend is now. A spoonful of stew reminded me of a person and various related things in my memory.

February 12, 2022

週末、天気が崩れると聞いていたが、それは土曜日のことではなかったらしい。東京西郊は晴天。やわらかい日差しが降り注ぐ恰好の散歩日和だった。歩かずにいられない。中央線国分寺駅南口を出発して「武蔵国分寺公園」へ。東西に分かれた敷地東側には広々としたパブリックスペースと噴水のある水辺を備えた公園。陸橋を渡ると西側にはスポーツパーク、枯野、雑木林や災害時避難場所。そしてそこから雑木林が延々と続き、(奈良時代中頃の)武蔵国分寺史跡、 古民家を改造した資料館、および湧水の流れる「お鷹の道」「真姿の池」などの散在する小径へ。何度か訪ねているのだけれど、来るたびにタイムスリップを経験する。森閑とした空間に身を置くだけで淀んだ心身が浄化されるような気がしてくる。遠くへ行くことだけを願っていたわけではないのを自覚する。本日の更新は表紙の写真「武蔵国分寺公園」の水辺です。ご訪問に感謝。

This weekend, I thought it would be rainy again but it was not. It was sunny in the west area of Tokyo. I should say it was one of the best days for taking a walk with the soft sunshine and the clear sky. I started walking from the southern gate of JR (Japan Railway) Kokubunji Station heading for Musashi Kokubunji Park. In the east part of the park is a huge public space and a comfortable lake with an artificial waterfall and fountains. People were enjoying themselves leisurely on the ground and benches. A bridge across the road connects the eastern and western parts of the park. In the west are a play-grounds, fields, bushes, and some facilities for disasters/ emergencies. The wooded area expands to where Kokubunji Temple Remnants (of the 7th century, Nara Period) locate. Also, a path which is called "Odaka-no-michi" (literally meaning "a lane of falcon") is running along a stream. The stream is famous for its spring-fed pond called “Masugata-no-Ike” (literally meaning “a pond to purify your soul and body”). People come to fetch the drinking water from the spring. Whenever I visit the place, I feel myself purified with the quiet pure air of the historical sites. I aware myself not wishing to go physically far away, but wishing to come to the space different from my daily life. Today's update: the photo in the cover page. Thanks for your visit.

February 11, 2022


After a longish hesitation, I've decided to add one more class to teach from April. I'm required to conduct the class online including as many "real time sessions" as possible; however, an attractive point of the class is it's a class of introductory course of literature and it should be delivered all in English. For these two years I've been practicing online classes with periodical "real time" sessions by Zoom and Teams. I'm a little fed up with the repetition of the pattern. Anyway, I will teach 4 face-to-face classes and 2 online class with real time sessions. I should not forget that this will be almost the last academic year for me. (Hopefully, there will remain a couple of classes.) I need to finalize the year without any interruption. I will (idealistically) give up staying up until midnight and live an affluent life. (It seems to be pie-in-the-sky!) When it gets warm and COVID-19 is peak out, I would feel like going out for sure. OK, let it be!

February 10, 2022

料理はシャドーワーク (shadow work) だろうか?自分や家族・親しい人たちのためにする料理に対価は発生しないが、対外的に発注すればそれは立派な「対価を伴う仕事」となる。料理は嫌いではないからと、私はこれまで唯々諾々と炊事場に立ってきた。今も億劫とは思わない。だが、義母や実母の様子を思い返すと、ある時期から料理をしなくなった。(できなくなった。)自分にそういう時期が来たらどうしよう?さっさと見切りをつけて外注するのか、それともほぼ完成したメニューを温めるだけという形で取り寄せて食べるのか?母たちが料理から卒業したのは80代半ばだったように思う。ということは約20年後?そんなに遠い先のことではない。しかし、好きなことをする機能は最後まで残り、いやいや続けていたことは早めに消えていくのかもしれない。だとすると、私の場合...?多分先日見た映画のせいでこんなことを考えるのだろう。加齢というのは否応ない現実だ。それとどう折り合っていくのかをこれから日々問われることになるのだろう。(おぉ、私の話題もシニアっぽくなってきたではないか!)

Is cooking one of shadow works? If you cook for yourself or for your family, friends, and guests, you won't require compensation but if you outsource cooking, you will have to pay for the job. Because I like to cook, I've took it for granted as a part of my daily chore, but if I can't do it any more just like my mother and my mother-in-law, what will happen? Would I start outsourcing practically, or choose the delivery service of "ready-made" dishes? Mothers stopped cooking in the middle of their 80's; that is to say, It may happen to me in 20 years from now? It is not a very distant future. But if you like cooking the ability will hopefully remain until the end of my life. Abilities in the poor field of an individual will vanish first (I guess). Then in y case what will . . .? I might think of such a thing because of the movie I saw the day before yesterday. Aging is a fact and inevitable course of life: I will have to face it day by day. (Oh, my topics are of the senior recently, aren't they?)

February 9, 2022


Almost every day, I'm writing only "the latest note." It looks like a blog, or rather twitter. Now that I'm free from the routine of teaching schedule, I do have time enough for myself. Yet, time is passing so quickly that I feel I'm doing nothing. Today I was reading a book which I could hardly open during the semester. I also watched variety of movie trailers. I was also hooked with Internet news sites and music pages. I read a newspaper carefully offline. Thus, I spend time leisurely now, not concentrating on one particular target. After reading, watching YouTube, I tried to write a syllabus for one extra class (which seems to be jumping in my schedule abruptly next semester). I say to myself, "Don't waste time in February. February will run away so quickly!") That's why today's update is only this note only again. (How clumsy am I!)

February 8, 2022

学期と学期の狭間には、それまでにできなかったことをあれこれしてみたい。大きいところでは遠くへの旅行。小さいところでは読書や映画鑑賞。コロナ感染の続く限り、海外渡航は無理だし国内であっても躊躇する。映画館へ行くのも最小限にと思うとDVDを見るのがいいところ。ふとしたことから「ミス・シェパードをお手本に」(原題"The Lady in the Van")という映画に興味を引かれた。イギリス映画には面白いシニア映画(つまり、シニアが主人公の物語)がある。主役はMaggie Smith。作家アラン・ベネットの前庭にバンをねぐらにする身元不詳の老女が住み着く話だ。コメディーというべきだろう。辛気臭くはない。鬼気迫る醜悪な老婆が近隣を震撼させながらカムデンロードというシックな街角に居座る。福祉も警察も手が出せない。作家は自分の母親とミス・シェパードを観察しながら劇作をし、否応なく彼女の不可解な人生に巻き込まれていく。若者のラブロマンスより老人の冒険談が面白いというのは、私がシニアになった証拠だろう。バンに暮らす人をホームレスと言ってよいものか。不法居住を決め込むのは一種の犯罪なのだが、それがどうした?という塩梅。DVDですらなく、一本\300のネットレンタルで見た。ビデオ屋に行くより手軽だ。娯楽もネット。ネットにつながらなくなったらどうなるのだろう?本日の更新は短信のみにて。

I'd like to do what I couldn't during the semester. If I could, I want to go on a trip to somewhere far from here! At least, I want to read books and go to movie theaters! As long as COVID-19 is going on, I'm reluctant to go out anyway. Instead of going to movie theaters, I'd choose watching DVD at home. (How timid am I!) I happened to find a movie entitled "The Lady in the Van." It's a British movie describing an elder woman living in a van. She chose Camden Road in London as her temporary home. A playwright Alan Bennett incidentally met Ms. Shephard and continuously made contact with her (he definitely denied to be called her carer.) Mr. Bennett somehow lets her stay in his foreyard and lets her use his toilet in emergency. He irresistibly writes about her as well as his aging mother. There certainly exists a sort of interdependent relationship between Mr. Bennett and Ms. Shepard. When she died quite a few of her hidden life was disclosed. The Lady in the Van tells us about life, which is not so simple. I watched the movie not by a DVD but by the net rental paying \300. Well, everything is available via the Internet today. What will happen when the connection is cut off? Today's update: this note only. Thanks for your visit.

February 7, 2022


It was already the time of sunset. I went out to take a walk just for an hour. Chimonanthus praecox was in full bloom in a park. The flower was fragrant. Compared to red and white Japanese apricot, it is not so florid-looking; but it lights up the spot with the delicate shapes of flowers just like the waxen workmanship. Beside the wooded area are trees of Chimonanthus praecox. Sorry, I forget the existence of the trees usually; however, I was delighted to see the appealing flowers in this colorless season. I went home in the dusk. The weather forecast says it will snow in Kanto Plain in the middle of this week. The nominal spring continues. Today's update: the photo in the cover page. Thanks for your visit.

February 6, 2022


The number of bookshops is decreasing quite rapidly. There is only one bookshop in my town, one in a neighboring town in the east and one in the west. There are two in big commercial complexes in a town beyond it. Surely you don't have to wander from a town to another looking for books: you can order books online so easily today. Nobody wants to visit crowded cities just to make the risk of catching COVID-19. There ARE characteristic bookshops here and there, but it's not easy to find them. Often books that a person seeks are valuable more than any other merchandises. However, you must be brave to explore the jungle of numerous books which are neither fish nor fowl. In old days I spent a long time just wandering towns looking for books that might be fatal to me. Even today, I can't help stepping into bookshops. You'll see indefinite authors behind the bookshelves. They are trying to communicate with readers via language. Words, words, and words that will never be lost in the waves of Internet ocean. Today's update: only this note. Thanks for your visit.

February 5, 2022

防災グッズのうち、インスタント食品を試している。火が使えなくてもそのまま食べられるもの、水だけで「調理」出来るものなど。例えば缶詰の「お好み焼き」なるものを食べてみた。まさかそんなものがと思っていたけれど、缶の中に丸いミニお好み焼きが本当に入っていた。恐る恐る食べてみたらホンモノのお好み焼きのようだった。付録にソース、鰹節、青のりまでついている。水だけで食べられるチキンラーメンも。ゆっくり水で1時間戻す。こちらは見かけはともかく、冷やし中華のことを思えば大して違和感はない。きめ細かな工夫に恐れ入る。結局ストックしても少しずつ食べながら入れ替えていくしかないのだろう。防災食品を食べる日を「災害を思う日」としよう。今日も東京には20,000人越えのCOVID-19(オミクロン株)感染者が出た。北京冬季オリンピック開催中。TOKYO 2020 (実際はTOKYO 2021だったが)からわずか半年だ。この状況をなんと言い表そう?本日の更新も短信のみにて。

I'm trying some food form the disaster kit. Food that requires no fire, and the one requires only water. For instance, I challenged "a canned okonomi-yaki." At first, I was quite suspicious about such a thing: But yes, there it is! I opened a can and found two pieces of mini-size "okonomi-yami" plus Worcester sauce, ground seaweed, and bonito fish flakes! They tasted real. Another was the chicken ra-men which needs only cold water. It takes one hour before you can eat it. If you remember what cold pasta is, water ra-men is not so bad. I was amazed with the ingenious inventions. Probably the food stock of disaster kit will be renewed by our eating cycle. Let me think of disasters every time I eat the food from the kit. Reportedly, more than 20,000 people got infected with COVID-19 (Omicron) in Tokyo. On the other hand, Winter Olympic Games are going on in Beijing. It's only half a year after Tokyo 2020 (in reality, it was 2021), another one started. What a situation! Today's update: only this note.

February 4, 2022


Spring has come in the traditional calendar. Really? I turned the pages of my notebook to make sure. Yes, it's spring. I attended an online meeting conducted by my old colleagues; a meeting to make plans for a new syllabus of an experimental English course. As usual my old colleagues are energetic and inspiring to each other, regardless of nationality, human race, or language. In spite of the fact that I'm starting my last year in my old home-like faculty, I was invited to engage in the new program as one of the participants. I wonder if students can be satisfied with a teacher who belongs to an archaic generation. It doesn't matter as long as the teacher is spiritually fresh. It's cold but I feel the freshness of spring somehow. Today's update: only this note.

February 3, 2022


Today it's a day before the changing of seasons in our old calendar. Time to say farewell to winter and welcome spring. Florists in town are full of fresh colors. But I found one of the florists in a back lane was closed in January. A female shop owner, elder than I, was driving a van to carry her merchandise energetically. Her small shop was always full of various flowers. Recently I noticed the loud voice of her husband in the back of the shop has ceased to be heard, her daughter who sometimes helped her has not been appearing, and her sickly son has never been around. Only a notice of a short sentence was on the shutter: "Thanks for your visit but this shop is closed." The last time I saw her was when she delivered a large pot of Phalaenopsis orchid, a gift from one of my neighbors as a present for our newly built house in December. Everything is changing. I won't forget the happiness of flower lovers. Today's update: only  this note.

February 02, 2022

Ulysses 出版100周年を記念するオンラインイベント(全22回)が今夜から始まった。第一回目には400人以上が参加していた。学生も研究者も一般読者もごちゃまぜに、Joyceに関心のある人なら誰でも登録できる。Ulyssesの読み方、読みどころ、作品と作家の独自性など、初心者から専門家まで寄ってたかって論じ合うという、祝祭的な企画だ。私のように約40年ぶりに改めて作品を紐解こうかという輩も排除しない、真に寛大で門戸の広い「寄り合い」だ。人生の日々の経験をいやというほど蓄積してから読むのもアリだと最近つくづく思う。しかしあの作品を書いたJoyceは現在の私よりずっと若かった。それもまた驚異的というほかない。それにしてもCOVID-19が蔓延しなかったら、このような企画がZoomによって行われていただろうか?本日の更新は短信のみにて。

A series of online events commemorating the 100th year since the publication of James Joyce's Ulysses started tonight. The first session collected more than 400 audience. Anybody including students, scholars, and common readers can apply for it. Starting with the brief lectures by professional scholars, the session allowed attendants to ask questions via the chatting board at the end. It was filled with the festive atmosphere. I had been away from the precise and close reading of Ulysses for more than 40 years; yet, I was able to attend the event with great pleasure. How tolerant the event is, with its door widely open! Ulysses is a work of literature quite open to ordinary people (like myself) to resume reading. With various experiences accumulated, I find it more interesting to read Ulysses. I can hardly believe that Joyce was much younger than I am now when he wrote the novel. Just amazing! BTW, it had not been for COVID-19, could this kind of online session by Zoom be planned? Today's update: this note only.

February 01, 2022


When I was taking a walk, I found birds were on line up above. Were they starlings (or "murmuration")? We can call it just a tranquil sigh; however, if they swirl over a town in big crowds, they would surely cause troubles. Reportedly, they scatter droppings, their feathers fly in the air, and their noise is as loud as in a gaming arcade. Recently unfortunate encounters of wild animals like bears, boars, deer, with people are reported quite often. It's surprising the same thing happens not only on the land but also in the sky. I haven't heard of any troubles caused by the starlings in our neighborhood yet, and so perhaps I don't have to be worried about them. But overcrowded space of any kind is dangerous. Isolated from the crowd, I've almost forgotten the joy of being densely with companions. Today's update; a photo on the cover page.

January 31, 2022


This website was restarted at the beginning of January, 2022. I have never advertised it but just been writing about my ordinary daily life as I like, which might be at the other end of "productivity" or "creativity. "It may only be a little more disciplined than writing a diary in a notebook privately. At least I think what and how to write. I seldom ask myself what in the world such an old-fashioned "homepage" can do in the days of the Internet communication, where you can express yourself freely in many ways utilizing SNS and other various methods. All I can say is that through this kind of aimless deed, sometimes I happen to find an entrance into a narrow lane which might lead to somewhere unexpected. I remember I've turned corners of that kind once in a while so far. More than anything else but for myself, I try to grasp moments of my life that way. I'm grateful if I can get the opportunity to look back at myself through writing here. Now January is over. Welcome, February!  I'm vaguely thinking of Yamato District, the old capital of Japan. A subtle ray is calling me. Today's update: this note only. Thanks for your visit.

January 25, 2022

いよいよ秋学期の最終段階に入り、試験・レポート・特別課題などのまとめや評価に追われている。自分が学生だった頃、学期最後の関門を必死で潜り抜けた後、休暇を迎える喜びは格別だった。逆に休暇が終わる時の「碌なことは何もできなかった」という痛恨の気持ちは本当に惨めだった。立場が変わって何十年が経ち、振り返ると大して変わらない自分に気付く。しゃにむに泳いで漸く岸辺に手がかかる瞬間は安堵の気持ちでいっぱいなのに、さて束の間の自由時間に何ができるのか?しかし今、このようなサイクルもそろそろ終わりに近づいたとなると、そんな呑気なことは言っていられないぞ。ここから始まるステージX (?)。もうそんな?信じがたいもの―。本日の更新はこの短信のみにて。

Coming to the last stage of the fall semester, I'm struggling with checking, marking, and grading students' exams, reports, and final assignments. When I was a student myself, I was extremely happy when I went through the last barriers of the term-end requirements. On the other side, I was just miserable, thinking of the fact that I had not done anything brilliant during the break. Now that I've been a teacher, I notice that nothing particular has changed at all in terms of my self-recognition. It's as if I feel a sort of relief, touching the bank of the river after swimming in a torrent hard; then after the relief, I cannot maintain the aspiration for freedom. Now that I recognize the regular cycle of tension and relief has come almost to an end, how can I be so easygoing? Stage X (?) is opening. Already? Hard to believe! Today's update: this note only.

Januray 21, 2022


It was when I was a college student. I visited my grandmother and one of my uncles who were living in Iya in the suburbs of Matuse, Shimane Prefecture.They told me that I would be able to see swans in Nakaumi, a brackish-water lake, and so I went out walking under the silverly gray clouds to the lake. There I saw tens and hundreds of swans. They were not swimming gracefully on the surface of water as I had expected (like the ones in picture books) but were crowded together. I was completely overwhelmed by the large flock of swans. I mused they were migrant birds. Were they from Siberia? I kept watching swans with pious respect. Do they keep coming to Nakaumi these days? How I wish to see them again. The only one special occasion seems to remain in my mind throughout my life. Today's update: the photo of Danish mobile in my room. (I've had the second chance to visit Odense, Denmark; so it may not be so ridiculous to wish visiting Matuse again!)

January 18, 2022


I'm not reading only Ulysses these days. I used to be when I was a student. On those days, my main work was to stick to the text and dictionaries, writing down quotations and comments in my notebooks and/or cards. From morning till night, I was at the desk, reading books and writing notes by hand. Electric dictionaries didn't exist. When I had to write essays in English, I used my old-fashioned typewriter (of Olivetti). I remember how I typed from the left to right, pushing back the paper-folder at the end, tinkling the bell-like sound. If I made mistakes in typing, there was no way to rewrite it easily: I had to use a white correction paper or fluid, which were both very messy. I tried very hard NOT to mistype by all means. In an office, people were using a large typewriter solely for Japanese. I never touched one. We didn't think we could ever type Japanese. In half a century ever since, how the world has changed in terms of writing! Likewise, the technology of reading the text of Joyce has changed a lot as well. (I really wish to write about the change of reading and writing skills before long.) Today's update: this note only.

January 13, 2022

1976年に修士課程を終え、英語教員として飛び回るようになり、結婚してだいぶたってから子育てをし、やがて自分が病気をしたり家族の介護・看病にあたるうち、あんなに卒論・修論で熱中していたJames JoyceのUlyssesとはすっかり疎遠になっていた。それがここ二年ばかり、Ulyssesのオンライン読書会に参加している。専門家集団の読書会ではなく、一般読者が自由に集う会だ。とは言え主催者たちは気鋭のJoyceans。離れていた分、新鮮で刺激的で、最新の情報に触れることができることに大いなる喜びを感じている。孤独な解読作業ではなく、様々な人たちがあっちからこっちから作品をつつく楽しさを初めて知った。折しも今年はUlysses出版から100年目。Joyce関連の研究会・イベントが目白押しだ。おこがましくも、長い航海の末故郷に戻るオデッセウスのように、私もまたUlyssesへ回帰する。一介の読者である喜びに胸躍らせながら。(続く)

I wrote my master's theses on James Joyce's Ulysses in 1976. Ever since, I've been away from the masterpiece; actually, I was always making myself busy with my teaching job, married life with a child, taking care of my parents-in-law, and also helping my husband suffering from sickness. I myself got a persistent disease, too. Fortunately, recently I've got a chance to attend a reading circle online, of Ulysses. 2022 is the centenary of the publication of Joyce's Ulysses. There are various events and conferences scheduled commemorating James Joyce this year. I'm excited with the news related to Joyce rushing in. Like Ulysses, it seems I'm coming back to my spiritual HOME. I'm incredibly fascinated with the re-encounter with James Joyce. It's a joy to be a common reader of Joyce's works..

January 9. 2022


I got two telephone calls today. Both told me I made a mistake in writing the phone number of my smartphone in the new year's greeting post card I had sent them. I never dreamed of such a mistake. "What has happened to you? Are you alright?" both asked (warned) me. They respectively called a stranger, who told them they had a wrong number. Should I send a correction message to all the people I had sent the greeting cards, or should I keep silence? Maybe next time I write e-mails to them, I will apologize at most. Moreover, when I wrote postcards to the two people, I couldn't find \63 stamps although there were many of \50 and \80 stamps. It shows how rarely I write snail mails recently. Once writing cards and letters was my favorite hobby. Nowadays, I correspond with people only via e-mails and LINE. I'd really like to return to my old habit. Today's update: only this note.

Januuary 4, 2022

年頭には近郊を散策するのを楽しみにしてきた。題して「鄙び旅」。有名観光地を訪れるのではなく、どちらかというと何の変哲もない田園や海辺をぶらつくのが楽しみだ。昨年は電車にすら乗らずに多摩湖畔を散策しただけという鄙びぶりだったが、今年はほんの少し先まで、県境を越えて埼玉県所沢市にできた「角川武蔵野ミュージアム」を訪れた。新国立競技場で名を馳せた隈研吾氏による建築作品、巨大な岩塊のようなミュージアムの建物の中で"SPIRIT of JAPAN 浮世絵劇場 from Paris"というイベントを開催中だった。天井・壁面・床全体に繰り広げられる、浮世絵をモチーフとした映像アートには、今までに経験したことのない体感的刺激を受けた。旅ともいえない近場への散策だったけれど、視覚・聴覚のみならず体全体で別世界へトリップした感覚を得た。これまで文化的には特筆するもののない地域と思われていたところに突如出現したThe Rock Museum。ぜひまた訪れてみたい。本日の更新は新作エッセイのページに散策思索『新しい日常生活』です。コロナ徒然―5として。ご笑覧ください。

Recently I've made it a custom to take a walk in the countryside and/or along the seaside. My destination is not a famous tourist attraction, but rather an ordinary place, quiet and isolated preferably. Last year I didn't take even the train and walked to the nearby Lake Tama. This year, however, I crossed the prefecture border at least: I visited Kadokawa Musashino Museum in Tokorozawa City, Saitama. It is an enormous rocky building constructed by an eminent architect Kuma Kengo who is famous for the New National Stadium in Tokyo. At this moment, a dynamic image art called "SPIRIT of JAPAN, Ukiyo-E Theater from Paris" is on show. It's an event giving the powerful impression of sight and sound utilizing the ceiling, walls, and the floor all around the viewers. I got the stimulating experience, which I had never had before. Although I just made a short trip in my neighborhood, I experienced a trip to different dimensions. The Rock Museum appeared abruptly in a place where no particular cultural site was considered to exist. I'd like to visit the place again. Today's update: an essay "A New Normal Life," only in Japanese.

January 3, 2022

新年だ。久々の更新。今年こそ、このサイトの刷新を図ろう。色々なことが変化した。先ずは生活の場。娘が結婚し、私も含めて二世代、二世帯、猫二匹・亀一匹と三人の共同生活開始。住居をそのスタイルに合わせて建築したので、昨年は仮住まい暮らしを含めて二度の引っ越しという慌ただしさだった。ほぼ二年間に及ぶオンライン授業も最終段階に近付き、来学期からは対面授業の再開を期している。とかくするうち私の非常勤も定年に最接近。その先、どのように生きていこうか。<キジトラの運ぶ幸待ち日向ぼこ> 本日の更新は表紙とこのページの写真(いずれも埼玉県所沢市にある「角川武蔵野ミュージアム」(建築:隈研吾)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。Keiko

A new year has begun. I really wish I could renew this website in 2022. Various things have been changing. First of all, I've started living with a newly married couple (my daughter and her spouse), plus two cats and a turtle which has been with me for more than 20 some years. We moved twice last year. What a hectic year we spent in 2021! As the "online classes" have almost come to an end., I heartily wish for the face-to-face classes to start again next semester. However, I realize that my total retirement from the teaching job will soon come. How short a human's life is! Today's update: photos on the home page and on this page (both are of Kadokawa Musashino Museum). Thank you for your visit. I wish you a very healthy and happy new year!

July 06, 2021


My turn has come to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Almost a year and a half has passed since last January when all kinds of restrictions started to our social and individual activities. Are we lucky to have vaccination now or is it rather late comparatively? I've been still conducting "online classes," which makes me feel uncomfortable recently. I ask myself if I'm too cowardly; while I hear my inner voice cry out "Wait. Not yet!"  It's not the cry of reason but of instinct. I feel I should never get infected now. My job is to meet with young people and talk to them essentially. I'm fearful to go into the groups of active young people, could I ever be qualified for this occupation?  Really, I should go to meet them when I remember I have very little time left for me to keep teaching in campus for my age. It's time to decide which way to go. Today's update: this notes only.

July 05, 2021


What have I beeing for 4 months? Things were happening every day and I was almost drowning. The situation is the same now. But how can I keep struggling all the time like this? I've come back to this website just to make sure I'm alive anyway. In a few weeks this semester will come to an end; then I'll show I'm surviving really. I need to write. (Could I really write anything?) I'll try my best to explain what has been happening. First of all, I put the photos of seasonal flowers and the fruit on the window side. I'm glad to be here again. Thanks for visiting.

March 02, 2021

早くも桃の節句。雛人形を飾ると猫が来てじゃれつくかと思いきや、全く無関心だ。今年も無事にお内裏様にお出ましいただけた。もともと段飾りはガラスケースに入ったミニチュアしかないので、この立ち雛が我が家のセンター。出窓に並べてある。この雛人形は母が自分の還暦祝いに誂えて私にくれた。その翌年に娘が誕生したので奇縁と言おうか、幸いの先駆けだった。本日の更新は久々にエッセイ散策思索25 「コロナ徒然4: 三浦大根」―起承転結のない文章になった。御用とお急ぎでない方はどうぞ。表紙の写真も昨日までのものとは似て非なる早咲きの桜(ほぼ満開)。そしてこのページのお雛様。ホームをささやかな春色にしてみたが、外は早春の雨になった。大地を潤す慈雨に違いない。ご訪問に感謝いたします。

In Japan we celebrate "the dolls' festival" (praying for the happiness of girls) on March 3. Once a year we take out the set of dolls (including a pair of prince and princess with all the followers and their belongings-if you have enough space). Due to the limited space in our house, I placed only the pair in front of the golden paper screen with a pair of paper lanterns.) They were a gift from my mother more than 33 years ago. The next year she gave me the set of dolls, my daughter was born. Therefore, I've believed these dolls have brought me happiness really. Thanks, cats are paying no attention to the dolls so far! Today's update: an essay on COVID-19: "A Miura Daikon (Japanese radish)."Sorry it's only in Japanese. I changed the photo of the cover page: the early cherry blossoms in almost full bloom. The photo on this page, too. My home online has turned into the color of spring. It's raining today. I believe it's the gracious rain of the spring. Thank you very much for your visit.

February 23, 2021


Spring is coming slowly. As they say, "Three cold days follow four warm days." the weather is changing gradually, not suddenly. The spread of COVID-19 has been slowed down recently: however, specialists warn we should never be too optimistic at this moment, otherwise the situation will be turned upside down easily. In a month and a half, a new semester will start again. We're on the verge of deciding whether to resume the face-to-face classes or to remain online classes. I can hardly choose which one immediately. It is not only because I'm afraid of the infection but also because I'm weary of thinking of 90-minute commuting (3 hours as a whole). I should not say that as a working person but I've started thinking of what else I could do for 3 hours. I'm no longer young to rush forward regardless of "the waste of time and energy." Honestly, this is the last year of my 60's. I can be alone and quiet not feeling much frustration recently. It may be the proof of aging and I can admit it OK. (In fact, I've got to think about a lot of daily happenings anyway.) Today's update: a photo on the cover page (the early cherry blossoms along the river in my neighborhood) and yellow daffodils. Cats at Home. is updated. Thank you for your visit!

February 04, 2021


According to the Japanese traditional calendar, spring has come! As usual. I've been busy grading and writing syllabi at the end of the school year. Due to COVID-19, this academic year began abruptly with "online classes," so that I was engulfed by the big waves of unusual routine. Even after one year of the surge of the pandemic, we can hardly get away from the infection spread. The declaration of a state of emergency has not yet be terminated. Online classes seem to go on. The first year was all right with my personal style, but the second won't allow me the same unskillful method. I myself wish to do something better. (How often I struggled with preparation at sleepless nights!) As long as I continue working as a part-time after retirement, my life would go on in hectic weekly toils. It can't be escaped for earning my own bread and butter. Under the circumstances of COVID-19, many kinds of enterprises are at-risk and more and more people are having hard times. All of us are doing our best to survive anyway. How can we live light-heartedly in such circumstances? We have no choice of going on a trip. As far as I'm concerned, I make it a custom to take a walk for one hour in my neighborhood, read books, watch DVD, work a little in my garden, and write. (No difference from my old custom, aha!) Watching cats, they are relaxing in the limited space. They never complain of their life, sleeping as long as they like. Great! I got back to my blog, Cats at Home. Today's update: the phot on the cover page (The River Sumida) and the one in this page (a little egret I saw in the stream of Nobidome). It's spring really! The light is very bright. Thank you very much for your visit.

January 04, 2021


I've been happy when I can learn something new so far. I've felt proud of myself having grown up. But now it seems I've been in a new stage where things that I can no longer do will increase. I felt like this because I returned my driver's license today to the police office. Am I going to deplore my degenration from now on? I've held a driver's license without driving at all for 22 years. (Actually I was driving only when I was staying in the U.S. in 1997, when I was driving my daughter to school and to shopping center in my neighborhood.) I was using it just as an ID card.


January 03, 2021

新年の三が日は瞬く間に過ぎた。明日からはまた変哲もない日常が始まる、と言いたいところだが「新しい生活様式(New Normal)」とやらに慣れなくてはならないのだろう。それはつまり「COVID-19」の終息を今か今かと待ち構えるのではなく、COVID-19を日常として受け容れ人との物理的距離を保ちながら心を通い合わせようとするアクロバティックな毎日だ。もういちいち不自由を嘆いていても始まらない。抜かりなく油断なく注意しながら、しかも悲観的にならずにいること。もしかすると戦時下に生きる人々はみなこのようにしてきたのではないのか。迂闊に自縄自縛になることは避けなくては。本日の更新はこの短信のみにて。

The first three days of the new year have passed quickly. Although I tend to write "the normal days will start again tomorrow," I guess I need to learn how to live in the New Normal style of life. That is to say, I could hardly wait for the days when COVID-19 is over, but I should take the pandemic for granted as our usual setting; I need to live an acrobatic life in a physical distance from others and yet never to give up sympathetic emotions. I wonder if people in war time in the past might have been living like this. Be careful, cautious. and attentive but not be caught in my own trap and pesimistic. Today's update: only this note.

January 02, 2021


In the middle of COVID-19, I got a permission to visit my mother to the senior citizen's group home where she lives. We talked for a while face to face. Because she doesn't watch TV nor read newspapers, she knows little about COVID-19, and so I guess she doesn't understand why people are making a fuss around her. Yet, I'm happy she recognized me anyway. I said, "See you soon!" and left the home. I have no idea when I can visit her again, but I hope I'll be able to meet her again very soon. BTW, last night I got a phone call from a friend in Denmark. It's great to hear her voice over the telephone. Knowing not if we can meet again, I said to her, "See you!" I want to live positively believing the next meeting will happen. Today's update: the photo in this page. Right before I tried to take Mt. Fuji myself, my camera ran out of battery. My daughter offered me the shot she took. For us living in Kanto District, it's a special occasion to have the distant view of Mr. Fuji, which is a very fortunate moment. Therefore, I want to share the happiness in this page with you in the new year. Thank you for your visit.

January 01, 2021


For a few years, I've been happily visiting seashores of nearby prefectures such as Ibaraki, Chiba, Kanagawa, and Shizuoka. Living inland of Kanto Plain, I can't help longing to go and see the landscapes open toward the ocean once in a while. Last year, I visited Oharai Beach, Ibaraki. Both the rocky beach and the sandy beach of the area were so attractive. Just when I was thinking of where to go next in 2021, the drastic increase of the infection hindered my wish. We were supposed not to cross the borders of our dwelling districts. Homecomings, parties, meeting with friends and relatives are stopped. Not so strict as the real "lock-down," which persecutes people of other countries, but we are under pressure in a way. Medical experts warn us not to hang around. Therefore, all I could do today at the beginning of a year is to walk to the lake in my neighborhood and climbed up and down in the hillside around it. Today's update: a photo in the cover page (Lake Tama, Higashiyamato City, Tokyo) and the view of the city in this page. Thank you for visiting this website. I wish you a very happy new year!

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