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December 19, 2020


I have only a few more days to write here before the end of this year. In my previous note, I wrote Today, actually, nearly 600 people were reported to be infected newly by COVID-19 in Tokyo," but in fact more than 800 were infected one day. It's boring to write only about COVID-19; however, we can hardly get away from the topic nowadays. Our greatest concern is, for the moment, how we could prevent the dramatic infection which might arise during the Christmas season and the new year’s days when people get together and travel a lot. For me who rarely go out, I don't see how I could possibly be infected but one of the key-words right now is "the infection at home." They say family members could bring the virus home quite often. Thus, nobody can be free from infection. It is not the matter of "mutual suspicion" among the family but the nature of the infection itself: Human contact of any kind is the cause of infection. If disjuncture is the only solution to prevent the survival of the virus, we cannot help accepting the reality. BTW, vaccination has started although the medicine cannot spread all over the world in a short period of time. We need to be patient anyway. Someday we would say "We had a hard time in 2020." Let us wait. Today's update: a photo in the cover page (with gingko leaves falling on the ground of the experimental farm in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo), and the one here (Fruit of a tree along the promenade in Kodaira City, Tokyo. Sorry, I don't know the name of the tree.) Both of the photos show despite the human impatience, leaves and fruit of trees are following the natural seasonal cycles against the blue sky. Thank you for your visit. You see I'm writing similar things day after day, sorry!


December 11, 2020

PCで作業をしながら、YouTubeで延々とクリスマス音楽を流している。気が散るようで、週末だからと気を緩め。おなじみの曲ばかり。キリスト教徒でもないのにこの季節だけはお相伴に与る。祝祭的な雰囲気はpandemic騒動で気の滅入る日々にありがたい。けれど、パーティーなどもってのほか、正月の一族集合もなし、県境をまたぐ旅行はよしなさいと数々の規制がかかる。(本日も東京都の感染者数は600人に迫る勢いだった。)一つ一つの現象に振り回されているだけでは何にもならない。これは一体どういう事態なのか、各人が透徹した目で核心を捉えなければ。ウィルスについて私(たち)はあまりにも無知だった。外側からの物理的衝撃以上に人類を脅かすのが、目に見えない微小な存在の増殖だったとは!COVID-19に効くワクチンの登場は当座をしのぐだろうが、またいずれ類似の感染症が発生しないとも限らないという。それは津波が一度きりのものではないのと同じように。自分らの世代ではこれきりだとしても。傲慢な人間は直ぐにこの痛みも忘れるのだろうか。今はただ嵐が頭の上を通り過ぎるのを首をすくめて待つだけのわれら。―いや、negative capabilityをもって誰しも今、戦いの最中にあるのだろう。日々を保つことには相当のエネルギーが必要だ。本日の更新は表紙の写真(毎日歩く遊歩道の暮色)とこのページの写真(人気のない公園)です。ご訪問に感謝します。どうぞご無事で。

While working with PC, I listen to the Christmas music by YouTube on the back. Most of the melodies are familiar. I enjoy distracted by the music. It's the weekend anyway. Not being a Christian, I appreciate the festive season, thanks! On the days of the pandemic threats, music is a wonderful consolation. However, we are forbidden to enjoy getting together for parties, reunions and even simple pleasures for celebrating new year's days. Traveling is the No. 1 "Don’t." (Today, actually, nearly 600 people were reported to be infected newly by COVID-19 in Tokyo.) I know it's useless just to be disturbed by the phenomena which we see and hear every day. We've got to see what it means to be in this fuss. Each one of us is responsible for grasping the essence of this situation. We've been so ignorant of virus. Human beings are so sensitive to the micro existence as virus. More than earthquakes and tsunami, we can easily be distracted by the invisible virus. According to the news worldwide, several kinds of vaccine are now almost available. But if we could stop COVID-19 by them, we would be soon threatened by different kinds of unknown virus. But are we forgetful? Our generation might be able to escape from one, but other generations will have to fight again and again. For the moment, is it the only way for us to wait and see one threat is going over? Well, waiting is a style of "negative capability." We need energy just to wait. Today's update: a photo on the top page (a promenade in my neighborhood where I take a walk every day) and the one in this page (a vacant park in the city.) Thank you for your visit. Please take care and stay safe.

November 20, 2020

ここ一週間余り、関東地方では「小春日和」が続いていた。11月とは思えない穏やかで暖かな日々。その一方でCOVID-19の感染者数は急増し、東京都では500人をはるかに超える人々が陽性反応を示したとのこと。連日全国的な感染の広がりが報じられている。かといってこの国では都市がロックダウンをするわけではないので、危機感が社会に漲っているということもない。これから寒さに向かうと「第三波」はさらに高くなるのだろうか。しかし夏のお盆に多くの人々が帰省を思い止まらせられ、年末年始の帰省もどうやら似たような制止をうけるようだ。もともとここより他に帰るところのない私のような者には、それもあまり実感のないことではあるが、ホームへ母を訪ねられない日々に重ねてみると寄る辺のない思いがする。また一つCOVID-19がらみのエッセイを書いてみた。何かを声高に訴えているわけでもなく、ただ日々の暮らしの鬱憤を逃すような一文を。本日の更新は、「新作エッセイ」に散策思索24 「トンネルの先」―コロナ徒然その3です。ご笑覧いただければ幸いです。ご訪問ありがとうございます。くれぐれもご自愛ください。

For more than a week, we've been enjoying the mild warm weather for November. On the other hand, however, talking of COVID-19, the number of infected people is increasing, in Tokyo (over 500 a day) and all over Japan. Here in this country we have never experienced lockdown of cities so far and that's why the citizens' feeling of tension is rising not so high, generally speaking. I'm afraid the third wave of COVID-19 would rise higher as the weather becomes colder. In summer people were restricted going home districts to prevent the virus spreading; at the year end and new year's days they might be persuaded again NOT to go home for family reunion. That will be quite stressful. For a person like me, who has no "home town" except for Tokyo, the situation is not so painful, but when I think of not being able to meet my mother in a nursing home, I can imagine how lonely it would be. I wrote another essay about the days of COVID-19. It's written in a small voice, releasing a little bit of anger which I've been feeling. It's written only in Japanese. Thanks for your visit. Please do take care of yourself in the days of pandemic.

November 17, 2020

PCの引越しをしていて復旧に時間がかかった。オンライン授業に穴をあけないことが最優先で、春以来慣れ親しんでいた環境と手順を取り戻すのに、いちいち引っかかるものだから、始末に負えない。以前に使っていたPCの動きがやたらに遅くなって、一つ一つの作業をするのに「待ち時間」が長くなり、時々不審な動作もする。作業効率の悪いことおびただしい。けれどなかなか買い替える決心がつかず、一日伸ばしにしていた。ついにその様子を見かねた娘にしょっ引かれて秋葉原へ行き、路地裏の店で(彼女がテキバキと部品を選び)新しいPCを組み立ててもらった。(なんとも父親譲りの性格あらわ。)その昔、親子三人で秋葉原通いをしたことを思い出す。とかくするうち秋は深まり、COVID-19には「第三波」襲来が言われ、長引いたアメリカの大統領選挙の結果はBiden-Harris組に軍配が上がった(ように見え)、IOC会長の来日でどうやらオリ・パラリンピックは開催の方向に再稼働するのではないかと思われ、2020年の終わりは慌ただしいことになりそうだ。本日の更新は、表紙の写真(東京都小平市の「小平ふるさと村」に保存されている「旧小平小川郵便局舎」)とこのページの都立狭山公園内ススキの原っぱです。相変わらずの"Staying Home"で、毎日一時間はウォーキングに充てる。土・日はその倍くらいがせめてもの気晴らし。ご訪問に感謝いたします。どうかご安全に!

It took me a long time to replace my PC. As I had to give the highest priority to my "Online Classes," I've spent most of my time fixing the circumstances in which I could manage to run the routines smoothly. However, I'm not skillful enough to achieve what I want to do. When I was struggling with my old PC, I was frustrated with its slow actions, but could not decide to buy a new machine. Watching my clumsy work, my daughter urged me to go to Akihabara, where she ordered to build a new machine with suitable components at a PC shop in the back alley of the town. (She reminds me of her father in her mechanical efficiency!) I remember how we, the three of us, used to go to Akihabara together. Meanwhile, the season has proceeded to the depth of autumn. They say we're in the middle of "the third wave" of COVID-19, in the United States, Biden and Harris seem to have been officially decided as the new president and the vice president, IOC representatives are visiting Tokyo to finalize the schedule of Olympic. Paralympic Games in 2021 (still calling them TOKYO 2020). Well, 2020 is full of issues up to the end. Personally, I keep staying home as usual. Only for an hour on weekdays (a few hours on weekends) I take a walk in my neighborhood just for a change. Today's update: the photo on the top page: a post office preserved in "Kodaira Old Village," and the one in this page: an autumnal scene in Sayama Park, Tokyo. Thank you for your visit. Please take care and stay safe!

October 2, 2020


Only ten days ago, it was the late summer; whereas, it's autumn today indeed. Orange osmanthus smells, and red spider lilies bloom here and there although they would disappear in a few days. The autumn semester has started; everyday I'm occupied with online classes and the related work. As I had declared, I started having real time sessions via Teams and Zoom; I resumed the instruction via blogs. How ironical it is that I'm busier now than I was before the retirement.! It's due to my inefficiency and irrational time management. (Alas!) BTW, among everything else, I was astonished to know US President Trump has contracted COVID-19. We remember British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also contracted the disease and was hospitalized in the intensive unit. But Trump's case is quite different. He has underestimated the difficulty and severity of COVID-19 ever since it started spreading. Now that he is trapped by the disease, he has to face that it's a real infective disease and a pandemic. Those who thought COVID-19 would disappear soon (or who wished that way unconsciously) are forced to realize it's not so easy. It's a final warning of a kind. We can't ignore where America is going including the presidential election. Today's update: the photo in this page (red spider lilies). Thank you for your visit.

September 22, 2020


Because I could not go on a trip at all this summer, I went out to one of the central towns in Tokyo. In Akasaka, I dropped by a New Zealand cafe to take lunch with a dish of hot beef pie plus fish and chips. I walked along the outskirt of Akasaka Palace, climbing up Kino-kuni-zaka Slope, and eventually arrived at The State Guest House, Akasaka Palace "Geihin-kan." I had been willing to have a look at the inside of the palace. a gorgeous copy of European palaces. It is really a beautiful and decorative building. It is packed with all kinds of adoration to European cultures. However, who could be impressed with it nowadays? Unfortunately, I had no access to the Japanese style building, which was open only to those who have reserved the admission. The number of guarding people was more than that of visitors (due to COVID-19 perhaps.). Yes, it was good to go around inside of the palace quietly. Comparatively, I preferred Kinokuni-zaka Slope, of which I learned when I was a junior high school student from the English text book; I read an abridged version of "Kwaidan," by Lafcadio Hearn. I was fascinated with the lonely, dark slope along the stone wall with old pine trees. It's amazing to find such a "rustic" place in the very center of Tokyo. I enjoyed seeing both sides of Tokyo. Today's update: the photo of the cover page (the main building of Geihin-kan) and the one here (the fountain in front of the building.). Thank you for your visit!

September 12, 2020


This summer I've attended Zoom meetings several times. Probably most of the "remote-workers" are doing the same thing. First, I was quite embarrassed to show my face on the display and to join the conversation. Gradually I've got used to the activities online. But still I'm a little hesitant about making use of it for my classes. You are required to be brave enough and need to prepare well enough for that. It's quite different from the ordinary face-to-face classes (as I imagine). I know I have to challenge it this semester. Today's update: The photo on the top page (Clouds I saw when I took my mother out for the first time since the beginning of COVID-19) and the one here (blossoming morning glory). It still is very hot.

September 08, 2020

台風は去った。「経験したことのないほど猛烈」になる前に、勢力を弱めて。自然の驚異は予測不可能なところにある。その後の暑さと湿度はすさまじい。COVID-19の感染状況は、一時より衰えたとはいえ、まだまだ終息には程遠い。しかし、各大学は対面授業に舵を切り始めた。秋学期は対面とオンラインが同時進行し、徐々に対面へのスピードが加速するのだろう。オフを開講したくても、「三密」を避けられるほどのスペースが都心のキャンパスにはない。ひとつの勤め先ではこれから10日余りの間に何度かZoom会議で「対面授業にあたっての安全対策申し合わせ」をする。別の大学からは、教員がフェイスシールドとマスクを二重にかけ、教卓にはアクリル板設置という厳重警戒ぶりを示す画像がアップされていた。そうまでしてでも「対面」―(「体面」ではなく)に固執するのは教育上の信念によるものか、はたまた何処からかの圧力によるものか、あるいは学生の熱望に応えてのことなのか、私の様な非常勤講師の知るところではない。本日の更新は、、新作エッセイのページ散策思索23  「雲の峰」―コロナ徒然-2です。目の前の事象だけ追っていても、何も見えない。その奥に目を凝らさなくては。私には、目を逸らして遠いところをボンヤリ眺める癖がある。ぼちぼちまた猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も書いています。ご訪問ありがとうございます。

The typhoon No. 10 has gone, before it grew to be as enormous as we had never experienced. The threat of the nature is its unpredictability. The heat and the humidity afterward are unbearably severe. BTW, the infection status of COVID-19 is still far from termination. However, universities in Japan are starting to resume the face-to-face class sessions. In the autumn semester, both online and face-to-face classes will concur, and eventually the latter will overcome rapidly. But they don't have space large enough to avoid overcrowding classrooms in campuses located in central part of Tokyo. What would happen then? At a university I'm working for as a part-timer, they are going to have online meetings before the beginning of the semester to form consensus for the safety of students-to prevent the contamination. At another, I saw (in facebook) a teacher demonstrating the safety by wearing a plastic face-shield in addition to a mask. What's the use of opening the campus by doing such a style of self-defense? Is it for education? Is it due to some pressure? Or is it the way to respond to the enthusiastic demand of students? As a part-timer, I had no occasion to join the discussion (if there had any). Today's update: a new essay on COVID-19. (Only in Japanese.) Writing is an effort to see truth of a kind behind phenomena in my way although I tend to look up at the void. I'm writing a little about my cats in the blog again. Thanks for your visit.

September 06, 2020


The Typhoon No. 10 is the top news today. It dispelled COVID-19 and candidates of the next prime minister as if their news value is too small compared to the coming natural disaster. It doesn't seek to influence Kanto area, but I feel very worried about Kyushu and its vicinity in the western part of Japan. On the weekend, I went out to the central part of Tokyo in the extreme hotness. My shoes were almost burning from the heat of the asphalt pavement. A tiny parasol was helpless under the blazing sunshine. What a fool to walk around on a day like this! Walking is one of my best hobbies but it was not the day for that! I nearly fall by sunstroke or heatstroke (What's the difference?). I had a gorgeous lunch at a restaurant and took a walk. I ended up with having a traditional bowl of shaved ice (with apricot sauce). It was really the day for it. Because residents of Tokyo are "prohibited"(more correctly, asked not) to go on a trip beyond the city borders, I satisfied myself with hanging around in Tokyo. Today's update: this note only. Take care and stay safe, please.

September 04, 2020


It's still extremely hot and humid. Due to COVID-19, I have stayed home throughout the summer, except for the daily walk in the neighborhood. While, I got a chance to attend an online reading club by Zoom. I started reading Ulysses again after a long pause and also Dubliners. This time, I'm a different kind of reader. I often discover something I could not understand when I was young, saying "Oh, I know what it means now." Sometimes I deeply agree with the contents of stories, feeling "I know, I know," or "the same with me." Certainly, the difficulty (with complexity and polyphonic references) of Joyce's text never changes. I'm amazed with the activity of young scholars whose leadership makes the club very efficient and interesting. But for COVID-19, I might not have met them nor the reading club itself might not have been done online. It's a miraculous opportunity. Today's update: the photo of the cover page (a local train of my hometown in Tokyo) and this note. I hope the typhoon No. 10 won't cause damages/ injuries. Thank you for your visit.

September 03, 2020


My summer break of exactly one month long has been over. The online-classes (or virtual classes) are going to start. I have a couple of weeks before the real beginning, but I definitely have to begin the preparation now. I can imagine my life will be as hectic as before. In May, all of us-both students and teachers-knew very little about the new style of classes; but now that we experienced a full semester online, we should know better. I responded to various kinds of questionnaires about how to conduct online classes. The standard of demands is much higher than before. I reviewed my methods and decided to transform them into more reasonable manner; however, it's quite difficult to change the mannerism. Perhaps because of a typhoon, it's extremely humid. Cool autumn breeze is still far away. Today's update: this note only.The photo is of Morning glory which I grow this summer. Every morning flowers burst into bloom. Thank you for your visit!

August 12, 2020


In Japanese, we have several expressions to indicate our "foolishness" or "stupidity." In the west of Japan people usually say "aho" whereas in the east they say "baka." Both are insulting anyway. I need to choose one of them to show how "foolish and stupid" I am. Either will do! It is extremely hot these days in Japan. We have the vocabulary to express the extremity but it is not suitable to write here. Well, I'm not so polite or decent in my daily life. Here I pretend to be though. It would be easy if we can say everything comes from COVID-19. No way! Well, I have been trying to do a lot of things all together and nearly lost my way. Somehow, I've come back to this page. I hope I'll be able to upload the latest note all right.

August 11, 2020


As we have no "home" away from Tokyo, we've never been "back home" away from where we live during so-called "Obon" period (a few days around August 15.). In this "home-coming" season, lots and lots of Japanese people go out of the metropolitan area by all means every year, but not this year for fear of spreading COVID-19. It's not only the matter of the physical disease, but rather the pressure they might suffer from if they happen to be the cause of infection. The disease itself is horrible but its byproducts are as horrible. We ned to find out how to conquer both. As I'm supposed to continue online classes in fall semester again, I need to prepare during this summe: how could I maintain and develop the quality of educationr? But now for a while, let me take a rest. I read, I walk, and I ponder. It's too hot to keep calm these days (it's over 37°C) during the daytime now. Today's update: this note only. I'm writing on my cats in the blog once in a while again. Thank you very much for your visit. Please take care.

August 05, 2020


It's time for cats to get vaccination. The animal clinic notifies us not to forget it every year. Because my daughter is working at home (teleworking), I am to take them to the clinic. August has brought the dazzling heat, so it's a real torture to carry cats (one at a time; two in turn) on foot. I put the strap of the carry case over my shoulder and walk One cat weighs 4 kg. On the way to the clinic, as usual, both of them keep crying, "meow, meow" incessantly. On the bed at the clinic, each of them behaved just like "a borrowed cat" or "as meek as a kitten" in English expression. The doctor said, "Well, are you scared?" She evidently likes animals and she talked to cats as if she's talking to human infants. "Now, let me check your temperature. Don't worry, it's nothing to be scared. No pain at all! But the next one is a little scary. OK, good girl, it's finished already!" Thanks. But it cost a lot; \5,000 for each! It is our responsibility to pay that amount for them every year thought. I can't help thinking of vaccination for human beings in the future of COVIC-19. I'm sure it will cost a lot too. I also imagine there might be the fierce battle for getting the limited amount of vaccine among nations. Those who would be subsidized may be quite limited. Today's update: an essay entitled "COVID-19 and the Fuss," only in Japanese. I wrote on the topic I took up in my latest note in the previous entry. Now that Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology mentioned something like, "There's no justification of the universities keeping online classes any longer."  I'm sure the trend will rush to open the campus no matter how the number of infected people might grow up. I hope we won't misjudge the essence of this matter. Thank you for your visit, really.

August 03, 2020

いやはやなんと!前回の記載が4/28。ということは丸々三か月もこのページにご無沙汰していたことになる。その前だってそんなに頻繁に更新していたわけではないから、過剰に驚くこともないけれど、それにしても。ご無沙汰の理由はただ一つ―「オンライン授業」に忙殺されていた。私の担当する合計6クラスそれぞれに対して、毎週「授業用の課題提示ファイル」を一つ、前回の課題の復習用「課題解答・解説」ファイルを一つ用意する。また学生たちから送られてくる提出課題のファイルをざっと点検して各クラスの週別フォルダに収納する。各大学のオンライン登録簿に出・欠席をマークする。学生たちから寄せられる個別の質問に返信する。フィードバック用のチャットボードに週ごとのスレッドを立てて、投稿される学生の書き込みを読み適宜返信したり個別の問いかけに応えたりする。たった(!)それだけのことで、疲労困憊した。対面授業の時は、臨機応変のやり取りが効いたが、online meetingを取り入れなかった私のスタイルでは、即時の反応が出来なかった。途中からでもZoomその他の会議システムを使えばよかったのかもしれない。

ようやく最終課題(アンケートシステムを使った選択肢問題での試験の様なもの)集計を終えて成績を出し、成績登録を終えた。秋学期のシラバス変更点をエクセルで書き、これまた送信。FD委員会主催の「学生の授業評価」へのコメントも記入して送信。これでようやく春学期の仕事の大方を終えることとなった。学生達からの雨霰のメール攻勢もいったん終息。机の前でホッとしたら、いつの間にか居眠りしていた。ハッと目覚めてさあ、しばらく自由だ―と思えど、蔓延し拡大を続けるCOVID-19禍のために外出(ましてや旅行などもってのほか!とは言え、政府は「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンにやっきだけれど。))にも制限がかかり、蟄居を続けるほかない。何が何だか??こんな夏って・・・。


本日の更新は表紙の写真(右手前築地市場跡地を見晴らし遠くのビルの間に東京タワーを望む、隅田川)とこのページの写真(横浜港Hammer Dockに停泊中の「日本丸」)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。

Surprising! More than 3 months have passed since I wrote the last notes in this page in April. Certainly it's not surprising so much if I remember I had not been writing very constantly in this page before that. The only reason for my long absence is that I was overwhelmed by "Online classes." For the 6 classes I taught every week, I prepared a file of the week's tasks, another one for the review and explanation of the previous week; I received and checked the students' mails with attachments of the assignments; I checked the attendance of students in the online sheets; then I sorted them into respective class folders; I responded to questions and messages from individual students; I started threads for "feedbacks" from students for each class: I wrote responses to them if necessary, etc. These were my weekly job. Only for that I got exhausted. If I had been in the off-line class, I could have responded to students' demands on the spot more efficiently somehow. In my style of the online classes, I was helpless. Probably I should have started online meeting system like Zoom even in the middle of the semester.

Now that I have finished with grading and uploading the result via the Internet, I am released from the tasks at the end of the spring semester. In addition, I wrote a partial change in syllabus, I wrote my comment to the FD document. The rushing mails from students have ceased to arrive. I'm not pressed with any more requirements at present at least. I fell asleep for a while at my desk. When I awoke, I realized I'm free for a while. But I have no summer vacation as usual due to COVID-19. We are advised not to go out, to say nothing of go traveling. (Well, the government is encouraging us to "Go To Travel" (-this is English expression they use for a promoting campaign.). What can I do but to STAY HOME as usual?

I remember I traveled to Denmark last year. I finished making the album of traveling only in April this year. One year has passed so quickly. Now that the semester is over, I need to be away from "online classes" to relax so that I'll be charged energy for the fall semester. We are supposed to continue in fall again. I've got Nel Contagio by Paolo Giordano in translation. It's time to read finally. Although I said I should write about the days of the pandemic, but I could write nothing. I need to spend this summer carefully never to waste time. (As I always say at the beginning of a summer!) Well cats are all right although I didn't write the blog for them at all!

Today's update: the photo in the cover page (The Sumida River and the vacant site of Tuskiji Market with Tokyo Tower in a distance between two buildings) and the one here in this page (the Nippon Maru at Hammer Dock in Yokohama Port.). Thank you very much for visiting this website.

April 28, 2020

今年は「黄金週間」は来ない。例年四月始めの年度暦が一段落する頃ホッとできる連休だったが、そもそも今年は外勤も外出も厳しく制限されている。もともと在宅の日々。どこへ行く当てもなし。畢竟、自宅周辺をマスクかけて黙々と歩くくらいが息抜きであり、僅かな運動タイムとなる。(ことわが身に関して言えば、コロナ禍以前でも似たようなものだったが。) このところ学校・大学はすべからく「Online 授業」の掛け声がかかり、その準備に追われている。Windows95発売の頃から、細々とパソコンに親しみ、1997年にこのサイトを立ち上げて以来、PCの前で仕事や趣味に時間を費やすことには慣れていたけれど、授業のために受け手の反応を想像しながら、スマホ画面での表示も考慮しつつ、所属組織の定めるフレームの中でプロトコルに従ってコンテンツを作るとなると、また勝手が違う。広がり続けるZoom会議。ウェブ上に積み上がる「情報共有サイト」のおびただしい書き込み。とても静かな「引きこもり生活」とは言い難い。だが、休業を余儀なくされている人々の呻き声が漏れ聞こえ、ポスト・コロナへの漠然とした不安が掻き立てられ始めると、この平衡状態に感謝しなくてはとも思う。根拠のない楽観論は慎みたいが、悲観論に陥るのはもっと避けたい。少なくとも、カラッと明るい表現を目指そう。本日の更新は、表紙の写真(東京都東村山市北山公園)とこのページの写真(デンマークはエルシノアの酒屋のウィンドウ)。ご訪問ありがとうございます。猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も細々と続行中です。今しばしの御在宅を!

We'll have no "Golden Week Holiday" this year. Usually in Japan, where April is the beginning of a new fiscal/academic year, we enjoy the consecutive holidays starting from the end of April and the beginning of May, taking a break from the hectic working days. This year, however, due to COVIC-19, we are strictly restricted from going out for work and for pleasure. Thus, our only relaxation-and excercise-at this moment is just to go for a walk with a mask in the neighborhood. (As for me, I've been leading a life in "Stay Home" mode anyway.) These days, I'm quite busy preparing for "Online Classes." Actually since 1995, the days of Windows 95, and since 1997 I started this website, I have been working with PC in my daily life. However, it's quite different to create the contents of classwork, for which I need to think of the reaction of students (recipients) carefully, particularly for the smartphone users. I also need to work within the platforms and the protocols of different institutions. Zoom meetings are increasing. Posts of information relevant to the common concerns are voluminous. It's hard to say I'm living a quiet life just staying home. But when I hear of the agony of those who have lost their jobs, and of the uneasy situation to come at post-COVID time, I have to be grateful to the balanced life for now at least. I'd like not to stand on a baseless optimism, nor to be helplessly pessimistic. I would like to find a cool and bright expressions. Today's update: a photo in the index page (Kitayama Park in Higashimurayama City, TOKYO) and the one here (a showcase of a beer bar in Helsingør, Denmark). Thank you for your visit. I'm writing on my cats in the blog once in a while. Let's STAY HOME and STAY SAFE.

April 10, 2020

目下日本中が「緊急事態宣言」のテリトリーとなった訳ではなく、それは首都圏の一都四県、大阪府、兵庫県、福岡県 にのみ発令されていた。次いで愛知県、岐阜県、三重県も自主的に宣言を出し、もしかするとさらに増えてゆくかもしれない。京都府は他県からの旅行客を歓迎しないと表明している。これまでわが国では「県境」など日常的に意識されるものではなかった。通行手形が要るわけでなし、言語や通貨が変わるわけでもなし、「どこだって日本でしょ」と当たり前に思っていた。このところ都知事の存在感が日ごとに増しているような気がしていたけれど、どうやらあまたの県知事たちも存在を主張し始めたようだ。さて、都民や県民の意識はどうだろう。私自身は東京都と埼玉県の県境間近に住んでいるので、あっさり両方を行き来している。以前我が家に車があった頃、ボーダーの入り組んでいる場所を通過するたびに数十秒ごとにカーナビが「埼玉県に入りました」「東京都に入りました」 を繰り返すので、「だから何なの?」と言い返したものだ。先ほど24時間限定で全文が公開されたパオロ・ジョルダーノ著「コロナの時代の僕ら」というエッセイ(原文イタリア語の日本語訳)を早川書房の提供するサイトで一気に読んだ。その土地におけるコロナと世界、そして人類の未来というテーマに強く惹きつけられた。これは内省と想像力をフルに稼働させるチャンスなのだという示唆を得たような気がする。何も記録せずに通り過ぎるなんて、迂闊すぎはしないか?という次第で、ここに、あるいは別のページをこしらえて、何がしかのことを書いてみようと思う。他愛ない事ばかりになるかもしれない。どんな文章も、結局はこれまでのその人間の思索や行動の反映に過ぎないのだから。本日の更新はこの短信のみにて。明るく楽しく生きたいのにね。

At this moment, not all Japan is under "the state of emergency." Only Tokyo and its four neighboring prefectures, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka are. Additionally, Aichi, Gifu, Mie prefectures declared the state of emergency independently. (They are willing to be involved in the declaration issued by the government.) Kyoto made an announcement that they are not willing to welcome visitors from other areas. So far, we've been not conscious of the borders of prefectures in this country: no passport required, no currency exchange required nor languages different (although each area has its characteristic dialects along with the common Japanese). "Wherever we go, we're in Japan anyway!" was our common idea as long as we're in this country. Only recently the existence of Tokyo Metropolitan governor Ms Koike is showing off her existence. Probably other governors would wish to be like her. How is our consciousness as citizens? As I live very close to the border between Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture, I come and go across the border quite casually. When we had a car at home, whenever we drive the area where the border is zigzag, the car navigation device announced "We came into Tokyo, " "We came into Saitama Prefecture," and vice versa so often that I used to reply, "So what?" I have just read an essay on COVID-19 (originally in Italian, translated into Japanese) written by Paolo Giordano. It urged me to contemplate and write on what we're facing now. I would like to start writing notes on this situation in my way. Maybe it would be very simple (superficial?). What I write is what I am. It will be nothing but the reflection of how I've been living and thinking. Today's update: this note only. In fact, I would like to live with a light heart!

April 7, 2020

英国の新聞The Guardianに、Boris Johnson首相がコロナウィルスに感染して目下病院の集中治療室に入院しているという記事と並んで、「日本が緊急事態宣言を発令した」という見出しが掲載されている。遅いとか、罰則のない「要請」には実効性がないとか内外から批判が相次ぐけれど、発令された日本人としてこれをどう受け止めたものか。とにかく「外出するな」「集まるな」「他者と密着するな」と強くたしなめられた格好だ。この数週間、ほぼそんな状態で暮らしてきた身なので、自分の生活に特に大きな変化はないだろう。ただ、「するな」と命じられた途端に息苦しく感じるのは何故か。立場がどうあれ、集中治療室で闘病する苦しさは想像できる。運が悪ければ生還できない病だということも。蟄居するに如かず。本日の更新は、「ギャラリー余白」のデンマーク旅行写真帳に9. Copenhagen-03 / コペンハーゲン03 と10. Copenhagen-04 / コペンハーゲン04 です。写真整理とアルバム作成に7ヶ月もかかってしまった。集中して作業する時間がなかったからなのだが、この春先はコロナウィルスによる巣籠りのおかげで、細かい作業が出来た。災い転じて・・・だろう。この先一ヶ月は、オンライン授業のための準備に精を出さなくてはならない。春学期の授業全てをオンラインで実行できるよう備えることが厳しい「要請」となり、外に出ない分内勤が待ち構えている。多分教育機関はすべからくそのようなテレワークでしばらく凌いでいくはずだ。確かに「挑戦的な」春になった。表紙の写真とこのページの写真も更新しました。アルバムの中から探してみて下さい。ご訪問感謝。くれぐれもご安全に。

In the Guardian, next to the headline, "Boris Johnson in intensive care," was "Japan declares state of emergency." They say it was "so late," "not effective without any punishment to those who disobey," but the declaration in Japan has no penal rules by law. The issue is as one of the Japanese who were asked to follow the restrictions, how I should behave. The requirements include "not to go out," "not to get together," and "not to have a close contact with others." Well, that's what I've been in practice for a few weeks already. Why, however, I feel uneasy now that I am officially required to follow the rules? No matter what status you're in, I can imagine what an agony it would be to suffer from the disease in intensive care. And this is a kind of disease which you could not survive if you are unlucky. Therefore, to stay home is the best strategy for now. BTW, today's update: 9. Copenhagen-03 and 10. Copenhagen-04 in Gallery in Margin. It took me 7 months to complete making an album of my trip to Denmark. Due to the confinement caused by COVID-19, I've got a chance to concentrate in working with photos at my desk. Now it's time for me to launch working with "Online class project," which most of the educational institutions are required to work hard on. It really is going to be a very challenging season. Another update: photos in the front page and in this page. Please do find them in the new album. Thank you very much for your visit. Please do take care of yourself.

March 29, 2020

予報通り今日は半日以上春の雪が降り続いた。気温も低い。前日の桜満開お花見日和から一転。ある意味で「外出自粛要請」に添う天候だったというべきか。私も巣籠を決め込んだ。数字に踊らされるのは愚かだと思うものの、昨日に引き続き今日も東京の感染者数68人とあっては、「増加傾向にある」のは明らかだ。あと数日で4月というのに、全く先が見えない。それでも強引に日常生活の歯車を回すのだろうか。それとも、一気に「緊急事態宣言」が発令されるのか。個人の意思とは関係の無いところで物事が決定されていく事態に我々は直面している。にもかかわらず、本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」のデンマーク旅行写真帳に8. From Aalborg to Skagen /オールボーからスケーエンへの追加です。ある意味でこの空白の期間をアルバム制作にあてられたことを感謝しよう。ようやく旅の終わりが見えてきた。あと一息。表紙もそこから一枚、さらにこのページの写真も。猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も少しずつ更新しています。ご訪問ありがとうございます。ご自愛ください。: 【付記】次回はもっと明るい短信が書けますように。

It was snowing today. Yesterday, it was quite warm and a good weather for cherry-blossom viewing. What a big difference! Snow might be a good barrier to prevent people from going out in this situation with COVID-19. I stayed home all day long. Reportedly 68 people were found out to be infected with COVID-19 in Tokyo alone today. Evidently the number is increasing. In a few days April will come but we can't see what will become of the situation. Will the daily life as it used to be start again or "the declaration of a state of emergency" be announced? We're facing a state in which our individual decision cannot work but we are forced to follow something decided by "the authority." However, so far, I've been working with my photo album of the travel in Denmark, 2019. Today's update: 8. From Aalborg to Skagen in Gallery in Margin. Photos in the index page and the one up here are updated too. Thanks to the break due to COVID-19, I've got time for myself. I'm almost the end of the journey in terms of the album. I'm writing on my cats in the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit. Please do take care of yourself.

March 26, 2020

前回記載の段階では、東京には新コロナウィルス禍はまだどこか他人事のようなところがあったと思う。だがオリンピックはあっけなく延期となった。ここへきて「感染者の爆発的急増」の恐れありということで、東京都知事がこの週末の不要不急の外出は控えるようにとの要望を都民はもちろんのこと、近県にも要請した。 東京が世界各地で実際に起こっている「都市封鎖」に至る事態を避けるべく、テレワークが奨励されている。(私の非常勤開始時期も徐々に先送りの期間が延びてゆく。)東京に非常事態宣言が出されることがないように祈るばかりだ。このような不測の事態の中である程度自由になる時間を得て、写真整理に集中することが出来るのは勿怪の幸い。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」のデンマーク旅行写真帳に6. Aarhus 01/ オーフス01と7. Aarhus 02/ オーフス02を続けて作成した。表紙の写真はオーフスのベイエリアにある新築のスタイリシュなマンション。デンマークのデザイン・建築物には目を見張る。このページの写真は同市のシカ公園の一匹。穏やかないい顔をしていた。こんな時には、あくせくと都心へ通うより、ゆったり構えてヒュッゲをしながら、この状況に思いを巡らしてみるのも悪くない。半年以上前の旅を今頃反芻するのも、今は渡航不可能になった彼の地を思い出しながらいずれの開放を願うばかりだ。猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も少しずつ更新しています。ご訪問ありがとうございます。どうぞご安全に。

In my last "Latest Notes," I was not so conscious of COVID-19 as a matter of real emergency in Tokyo. But Olympic Games were decided to be postponed. Now fearing for "overshoot,"the governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike has required the citizens of Tokyo and of its neighboring prefectures to stay home during the coming weekend. In order to prevent "the lockdown," which a number of cities in the world have already been in practice, tele-working is encouraged. (The date of the beginning of the new semester has been postponed several times even for a part-timer like me.) I wish Emergency declaration won't be announced. In such a situation as it is, I'm glad to have a chance to concentrate in making my travel photo pages. Today's update: two consecutive pages 6. Aarhus-1 and 7. Aarhus-2 in Gallery in Margin. The photo in the top page (a stylish apartment in the bay area in Aarhus), and the one in this page (a deer in the Dear Park in Aarhus). Thanks to the free time I've got due to COVID-19, I'm traveling in Denmark again in my memory and imagination. Denmark is blocked to foreigners now. Wishing for the day to come when the borders are open again, I think of the country and friends over there. I'm writing on my cats in the blog once in a while. Thank you for your visit. Please stay safe!

March 19, 2020

シェイクスピアからアンデルセンへ。昨年夏の旅を記録した写真の整理はエルシノアからコペンハーゲン経由でアンデルセンの故郷オデンセへ来た。街そのものがアンデルセンの物語の世界の様な、丁寧に保存されたこじんまりとした落ち着いたオデンセ。詳細はエッセイの方に書いたので、今回は簡単な説明のみの写真をアップした。それにしても全くデンマーク語を学ばずにデンマークへ行ったのは失敗だった。言葉を学ぶことはその国への最大の敬意なのに。これからでもできる限りの努力をしてみよう。目下ヨーロッパは新型コロナウィルスの拡散により、国境を閉鎖し移動を禁止し、まるで戦時体制のようになっている。外国人は入域できない。7ヶ月前には誰も夢にも思わなかった成り行きだ。どのように回復していくのか、どのくらいかかるのか、見当もつかない。日本国内でも爆発的拡散は抑えられているものの、皆息をひそめて暮らしている。4月からの仕事開始日はまだ不明。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」のデンマーク旅行写真帳に5. Odense / オデンセ、表紙の写真、それとこのページの写真です。猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」はごくたまに更新中です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。くれぐれも御身お大切に。

From Shakespeare to H.C .Andersen. Last August, my daughter and I traveled from Helsingør to Odense in Denmark. I made a new page of my album of the trip to Denmark in 2019: 5. Odense in Gallery in Margin. Odense was a quiet and beautiful, well preserved town (mainly in honor of the author). As I wrote the details of the trip in the essay, I uploaded the photos with very brief captions this time. To my great regret, I didn't learn Danish before I went to the country. I should have paid much respect to Denmark by learning its language. I will try to do my best from now on anyway. At this moment European countries are in the battle with Coronavirus. They are shutting the borders and no entry of foreigners are allowed. In some countries even domestic travels are forbidden. Nobody imagined such a situation 7 months ago. It's impossible to predict when and how the Coronavirus troubles could be settled. In Japan, drastic outbreaks have not happened so far, but everybody is living under pressure. I have no idea of the schedule of work in April. Today's update: a photo page 5. Odense in Gallery in Margin, the photo of the homepage, and the one here in this page. I'm writing my cats on the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit! Please take care of yourself!

March 10, 2020

週末には伊豆半島東海岸南部の下田へ行ってきた。四度目の下田だが、これまでは海水浴や水族館、天城峠からの文学散歩など、関心が別の方向を向いていた。この度は黒船来航時のタウンゼント・ハリスと彼に仕えたがために悲運に見舞われた(とされる)「唐人お吉」の足跡を辿る旅だった。下田湾内ではサスケハナ号のレプリカに乗船し、湾内クルーズ。ハリス、お吉縁の玉泉寺、宝福寺、下田開国博物館などを見て歩いた。グループツアーだったので、いつもの様な足の向くままの散策とはいかなかったものの、要所を集中して見られたのは収穫だった。詳細は別稿に譲る。本日の更新は、「ギャラリー余白」のデンマーク旅行写真帳に4. Helsingør-02 / エルシノア-02 をアップしました。街歩きの記録です。古い静かな街にもHamletの影は濃く、何度も骸骨の意匠を目にした。デンマークなのに、シェイクスピアで名を成しているところがなんとも興味深い。そろそろ4月以降の予定が明らかにされつつある。新型コロナウィルス禍は世界経済にも影響を及ぼしつつあるようだ。無事に4月のサイクルが回るとよいが。ご訪問どうもありがとうございます。どうかご無事で。

Last weekend, I visited Shimoda, in the east coast of Izu Penninsula. Actually, it was the 4th time I went to the city, but the 1st time to focus the historical aspect of the place. I was in a tour-group. Our interest was in a woman named Kichi, who was considered to have served Taunzend Harris, America's first consul to Japan. We visited Gyokusen-ji Temple, Houfuku-ji Temple, Shimoda Museum in Memorial of Opening the Country and so on. One of the best parts was the cruising on the Susquehanna, a replica of the fregate well known as "Kuro Fune" (the black iron battle ship) inside of Shimoda Bay. I enjoyed the trip in spite of a mood of voluntary restraint nationwide. I would like to write about it in an independent essay later. Today's update: 4. Helsingør-02 in Gallery in Margin. It's a record of walking in the town BTW, the schedule of April is arriving. After a period of blank due to Coronavirus fuss, hopefully, "a normal" routine will return somehow. Thank you for visiting this website. I wish you peaceful days.

March 6, 2020

報道される新型コロナウィルス関連ニュースはどれも禍々しい。数か月後に振り返ったら、「あの狂騒は何だったのだろう?」と呆れるのだろうか。それとも陰鬱な忍従の日々として記憶に残っているのだろうか。あるいは近付くオリンピックを案じながら待っているのだろうか。いずれにしても、「封じ込め作戦」の結果が出ていることだろう。私はもっぱら蟄居して机に向かっている。そのおかげ(?)で昨夏のデンマーク旅行の写真整理がまた進んだ。本日の更新は「ギャラリー余白」にデンマーク旅行写真帳 3. Helsingør-01(Kronborg Slot) / エルシノア-01(港、クロンボー城)です。首都コペンハーゲンを離れ、デンマークの自然と文化の遺産を堪能した。表紙(クロンボー城遠景)とこのページの写真(クロンボー城内部に射す、デンマークの光)も更新しました。前回のものはアルバム2ページ目に入っています。ご訪問どうもありがとうございます。どうぞご安全に。

Coronavirus reported is all very dreary. When we look back on these days a few months later, what would we think? Would we get bewildered with the torrent of information? Would we remember clearly the memory of miserable and patient days we spent? Or rather would we be waiting for the Olympic games to come in fearful anxiety? Anyway, the result of the contaminent strategy would be evident hten. As for me now, I'm confined myself at home sitting in front of a desk. Thanks to the quietness, I've made some progress in making a new page of the album of my trip to Denmark in 2019: 3. Helsingør-01 (the Port and Kronborg Slot) in Gallery in Margine. Photos of the preivious update are in the album. Thank you very much for your visit.

March 2, 2020

なんともスローな旅である。前回写真ページをアップした後あっという間に一月が経ち、ようやく2ページ目が出来た。この調子で行くと最後のページにたどり着くまでに、あと半年はかかりそうだ。まあ、急ぐ旅でなし、次に出かけられるのはいつのことになるやら見当もつかないので、できる時にできるだけ先へ進めよう。ところで目下新型コロナウィルス禍で世間は騒然としている。今日からは小・中・高が一斉に学校閉鎖(のところが多い)。何もかも自粛ムードが漂うのは事の深刻さを思えば当然という考え方がある一方で、根拠薄弱・過剰防衛・強権発動という批判もある。この件に関しては、場面に応じて自己判断していかなくては立ち行かないだろう。「世界的流行」(pandemic)という言葉をこんなにリアルに感じたのは初めてではなかろうか。これが無事終息したとして、その後の世界は以前と同じように淡々と(?)進行してゆくのだろうか。じっくり構えてみて行こう。本日の更新は、「ギャラリー余白」デンマーク旅行写真帳02、それと「新作エッセイのページ」に散策思索21 「読書会」をアップしました。ついでに、表紙とこの「更新・短信」ページの写真も入れ替えです。表紙はコペンハーゲンのラウンドタワーからの市中展望、このページはラウンドタワー内部の写真です。つい先ごろ上野の東京都美術館で見てきた「ハマスホイとデンマーク絵画展」(それも目下コロナウィルスのせいで一時閉鎖中)の作品を思い出させる光と影が美しい。 猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も随時更新中です。ご訪問どうもありがとうございます。

How slowly I'm traveling! I mean I'm taking time in elaborating the photo album of my trip to Denmark in 2019. It was one month ago I finished page 1. It's already the beginning of March, when I finished page 2. It seems it'll take half a year more to finalize the album. But it's all right; I'm not in a hurry. As I have no idea when I can travel next time, I'll indulge myself in remembering the moments in Denmark. BTW, Japan is now caught in the trap of Coronavirus. Schools are all closed today. (It will last until the end of March reportedly.) Some say it's totally reasonable to limit our activities in order to block the virus; whereas, some say it's nonsense to restrict ourselves by uncertain foundation, overprotection, and power politics. I think our own judgement is at stake in each case. I wonder if the world will go on as it did after the trouble is over. Let me watch the situation quietly. Today's update: a new photo album page of traveling in Denmark 02; that is Copenhagen 2 (Rosenborg Castle, Round Tower, Christiania, Tivoli at night) in Gallery in Margine; a new essay (No.21-"A Reading Circle"-only in Japanese), and photos on the top page and here. The former is of a view from the top of Round Tower in Copenhagen, the latter is of its interior. The light and the shade of the scene reminds me of the works of Vilhelm Hammershøi, which I saw at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum a few weeks ago. (The exhibition is now temoprarily closed due to Coronavirus.) I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit!

February 2, 2020

昨日ようやく久しぶりにこのページを新しくすることが出来た。(ありがたいことに、非常勤で働く今学期の業務のあらかたを終えることが出来たので。)私がデンマークを旅行した昨年の8月から既に半年近く経過している。けれども撮りためた写真を整理し、ウェブページ用に整えて、アルバムにするまでにえらく時間がかかった。もちろん全部終えているわけではさらさらなく、これからまた数か月かかるはずだ。とはいえ、2019年8月のデンマーク旅行の写真をお目にかけたい。2018年のニュージーランド旅行に勝るとも劣らない素晴らしい旅となった。海外へ行くには費用がかかるのは確かだが、行く価値は十分ある。是非「ギャラリー余白」「デンマーク旅行写真帳-01 コペンハーゲン」をご覧ください。最新の更新です。オンラインで一緒にデンマークへ参りましょう。あらためて、ご訪問に感謝いたします。

Yesterday I finally succeeded in uploading this page freshly after a long pause again. (Thanks, I've almost finished with my teaching work as a part-time for this semester.) It was nearly half a year ago that I went to Denmark, but it took me quite a while to sort out photos and arrange them into a photo page for this website. Of course, I haven't finished it and so the album uploading will continue for a few months from now on. Anyway, please let me introduce to you a new photo page of my traveling in Denmark in August, 2019. It was a amazing journey as well as the one in New Zealand in 2018. Traveling abroad costs a lot of money. That's true, but it's worth doing. I hope some of the visitors to my website will click the latest photo page and travel with me in Denmark on the web. Thanks again for your visit. The latest update: Traveling in Denmark--Copenhagen-01, in The Gallery in Margine.

February 1, 2020


It's February. Something good may happen in February. The year has come. The year of Olympic and Paralympic in Tokyo. When they were held in 1964, I was a primary school pupil living in Moji, Kitakyushu-City, Fukuoka Prefecture far away from Tokyo. I didn't see anything of the games firsthand. I remember vaguely runners of the Olympic torch went through our city but the memory is not clear at all. Olympics were something happening in a different world. This time, too, I have nothing to do with the events personally. (Some of my acquaintances are engaged in the events as volunteer workers.) Only I belong to a team where we give a course of English conversation for supporting visitors from abroad in Tokyo. (This is sponsored by Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo where my old work-place is located.) Thanks, I'm paid. This course has been conducted for more than 5 years in this season for 8 weeks. Because I am familiar with Bunkyo Area, I'm invited to the course as one of the instructors. The first semester of educational institutions of Tokyo will have irregular schedule due to the games this year. (One class will be 100 minutes instead of 90. Classes will last for 16 weeks instead of 15. There will be no "Golden Week Holiday." and so on.) But more than anything else, the present concern worldwide seems to be "corona-virus." This world is really full of unexpected happenings. Today's update for now is only this note and the cover page. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit!

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