Traveling in New Zealand / March 2018 8 TranzAlpine Railway
March 27, 2018 |
1 Queenstown & Milfordsound /2 Routeburn Track / 3 Lake Wakatipu / 4 Queenstown Gardens/ 5 To Mt. Cook (a bus tour) / 6.Tasman Glacier in Mt. Cook National Park/ 7 Tekapo / 8 TranzAlpine Railway /9 Christchurch / 10 Willowbank / 11 Auckland |
The platform of Christchurch. Passengers were getting aboard the TranzAlpine bound for Greymouth. It's a railway journey of 223.8 km (one way) We traveled both ways on this day. ./ クライストチャーチ駅のプラットフォーム。乗客はトランスアルパイン号に乗り込んでグレイマウスへ。片道223.8 kmの鉄道旅行だ。これを往復する。 |
We started with the vast plains of Canterbury. / まず目に飛び込んでくるのは広大なカンタベリー平原 |
Drummund and Etheridge sells farm machinery, near Christchurch / クライストチャーチ付近の農業機械会社Drummund and Etheridge |
Cars to be scrapped, near Christchurch / クライストチャーチ付近のスクラップ工場 |
The vast field of vegetables: one of NZ's primary agricultural regions. / 広大な野菜畑。ニュージーランド随一の農業地帯の一つ。 |
Mothers and children were watching the train / 列車を眺める親子連れ |
A scenery of the early autumun / 初秋の風景 |
This field was still very green. / こちらの畑は未だ深緑色 |
The rolling hills were starting. / なだらかな丘陵地帯が見え始めている。 |
The Waimakariri River is running through the field. / 田園地帯を流れるワイマカリリ川。 |
Three sheep were in the bush. / 茂みの陰に三匹の羊。 |
Three sheep close-up! / 三匹の羊クローズアップ! |
The TranzAlpine runs along the Waimakariri River. / トランスアルパイン号はワイマカリリ川に沿って走る。 |
The Waimakariri gorge is coming to be quite steep as the train goes. / ワイマカリリ渓谷は列車が進むにつれて険しくなってくる。 |
The TranzAlpine was now in mountainous region completely. / いつの間にかすっかり山岳地帯に入り込んだトランスアルパイン号。 |
Bogs were here and there. / 沼地がそここに在る。 |
The Waimakriri River Gorge was quite deep in this part. / 切り立つ屏風のようなワイマカリり渓谷 |
The winding stream of the Waimakriri River. / 蛇行するワイマキリリ川の流れ。 |
We could see the railroad running along the hillside. The construction of the railroad was a difficult work in 1920s. / 山腹を走る鉄路が見える。1920年代に困難な工事が行われた。 |
There were smaller rivers along the railway. / 中小河川がいくつも線路沿いに散見される。 |
A working man was waving his hand to the train. It's once a day service one way. / 工事関係者が列車に手を振る。片道一日一回の走行だ。 |
The primeval forest of New Zealand. / (牧草地にされていない)ニュージーランドの原生林。 |
Cows and oxen were around big trees. / 大木の周りにいる牛たち。 |
Sheep in the meadow. / 牧草地には羊 |
Sheep climbing up the hills. / 丘を登っていく羊の群れ |
Beyond the meadow were high mountain ranges. / 牧草地の背後には高い山脈が連なる。 |
In the meadow of autumnal color were herd of cows. / 秋色の牧草地には牛の群れがいた |
The surface of mountains were covered only by bushes.. /低木(藪?)ばかりが山肌を覆う。 |
Gradually the weather changed to be misty and rainy. / 次第に天候が変化し、山々は靄に包まれやがて雨になった。 |
Noman's land. I guess we were near Mt. Binser, but I'm not sure because I was not listening to the audio guide while I was on the train; I was staying in the open air viewsing carriage most of the time! / Mt. Binserを遠望できるあたりではないかと思うのだが、よくわからない。というのも、列車に乗っている間オーディオガイドをほとんど聞かずにデッキにいたので。 |
On the way, we could have a look at a beautiful lake in the rain. / 雨模様の沿線に見えてきた美しい湖 |
Lake Brunner? / Brunner湖、でしょうか? |
A man-mae house! A very rare view since we left the plain. /家屋発見。平野を離れて以来久々に目にする人造物。 |
If it had been sunny, the view might have looked quite differently. / もし晴れている日なら、沿線の光景は全く違うものに見えたかもしれない。 |
We made a brief stop at Arthur's Pass. Quite many passengers got off the train. /Arthur's Pass駅にてかなりの乗客が下車。ここからトレッキングコースにアプローチできる。 |
The green cargo train looked very attractive. / 緑色の貨物列車が目を引く。 |
The river in the heavy rain looked dreary. / 雨足の強くなった河原。陰惨な光景に見えた。 |
Because of the rain, the view was blurred. / 雨のせいで景色がすっかりぼやけて先が見えない。 |
Houses near the station. I took the photo from my seat. / 駅の近くの家屋。さすがに座席から撮影した。 |
The red roof looked nice. / 赤い屋根が素敵。 |
The interior of the TranzAlpine equipped with huge windows and the skylights. You can enjoy the excellent audio commentary system by the headset provided. You can choose the language between English or Mandarin. (I lisetened to the audio guidance only for a few minutes, but their English was wonderful!) / トランスアルパイン号客車内の様子。大きな窓ガラスと天窓付き。配られるヘッドセットで音声ガイドを楽しめる。言語は英語か中国語。(私はほんの数分しかガイドを聞かなかったのだが、素晴らしく美しい英語だった。) |
Cows in rain. / 雨の中の牛。 |
We went through mountains and came down to the meadow again. / 山岳地帯を抜け、再び牧草地帯へ下りてきた。 |
The rain almost stopped. / 雨もほとんど止んだように見える。 |
A car was on the road! (a rare view after mountains)/ 道をクルマが走っている!(と珍しがる) |
The greenery along the riveret. / 細い流れの岸辺
A view near the next station. / 次の駅が近いことを感じさせる風景 |
A scenery of the meadow. / 牧草地の風景 |
A power pole and grazing cattle. / 電柱と草を食む家畜 |
A wet region full of greenery / 湿潤な緑地 |
Trees and a bog / 木々と沼 |
The curving train / 湾曲する列車 |
A moderare stream / 穏やかな流れ |
Sheep in the meadow / 牧草地の羊 |
A goat or a sheep in its fleece cut short? / これはヤギ、それとも毛を刈られた羊? |
A straight / 直線コース |
Otira / Otira駅付近 |
A bleak view / 荒涼たる風景 |
A store house of...? / 倉庫か。 |
The stock of timber at the station with the warning: "NO VEHICLES PAST THIS POINT."/ 駅の構内にある材木置き場。「この先車両通行禁止」の立札 |
The rain again. /再び雨 |
A beautiful viaduct / 美しい鉄橋 |
Lake Brunner? / Brunner湖、でしょうか? |
Rhe rock looked marvelous! / 岩の突堤が奇観だった |
We arrived at Greymouth almost at noon. / 昼頃Greymouth 到着 |
Buildings in front of Greymouth Station / Greymouth駅前の様子 |
This is the TranzAlpine / これがTranzAlpine号 |
Passengers waiting for the next train. / 次の列車を待つ乗客たち |
A supermarket in front of the station / 駅前スーパー |
The heavy rain again on our way back to Christchurch. / クライストチャーチへの帰路も先ずは大雨の洗礼 |
A waterfall down from the mountain. / 山から流れ落ちる滝 |
The toreent of the Otira River/ Otira Riveの激流 |
Rivers joining together / 流れの合流地点 |
A sandbar in the middle of the river was disappearing / 中洲も消えかけている |
The rain and the river went well terribly / 川と雨の猛烈な風景 |
I could hardly stay in the open air viewing carriage anymore in the heavy rain and went back to my seat reluctantly. / 流石にオープンデッキに踏みとどまるのが不可能になり、(泣く泣く)座席に戻る。 |
We can hardly see this kind of view in our daily life. /日常生活では目にすることのない光景 |
The heavy rain was ceasing. / やがて雨足も弱まった。 |
The sunny light was coming out. / 日差しも戻ってきた |
The sky was clearing a bit. / 空に晴れ間が少し戻った。 |
We came back to he valley. / 谷間に戻る。 |
The iron bars along the rail. / 鉄路脇の鉄柵 |
Autumnal flowers. / 秋草 |
The blue stream of the river. / 青い川の流れ |
The soft sunlight brightening the bog and mountains. / 柔らかな日差しが沼や山を照らす |
The train observed from the car at the rear. / 後部車両から列車を眺める。 |
The colorful Waimakariri River and the gorge in sunlight / 日に照らされるカラフルなワイマカリり渓谷 |
We were getting out of the mountainous region and coming back to the plain very soon./ 山岳地帯が遠ざかり、直に平野へ戻る。 |
Passengers gathering in the open air viewing carriage to take photos, including myself. / 展望デッキに群がり写真を撮る乗客たち。(私もその一人) |
The train running along the hills. / 丘に沿って走る車両を撮影したくなる。 |
The deep valley was going out of the sight. / 深い谷間もやがて視界から消える。 |
Farwell to the Waimakariri River! / ワイマカリリ川に別れを告げる。 |
The green field. / グリーンフィールド |
Autumn was approaching. / 秋が忍び寄る風景 |
The rolles of hay. / 干し草ロール |
A scene of the vast agricultural filed in the plain. / 平野の広大な農地 |
Almost at the end of the railroad. / 鉄路の果が近い |
A meadow near Chruistchurch. / クライストチャーチ付近の牧草地 |
The railway for freightcars. / 貨物専用レール |
A hill beyond the plain. / 平野のはずれに遠い山 |
The open air viewing carriage I loved with no one else now. / 大好きな展望車両。既に乗客の姿はない。 |
The sky was high, vast was the filed. / 空高く野は広い。 |
We've come back to the town with rich greenery. / 豊かな緑の町へ帰ってきた。 |
We've come back to Christchurch. / クライストチャーチへ到着。 |
1 Queenstown & Milfordsound /2 Routeburn Track / 3 Lake Wakatipu / 4 Queenstown Gardens/ 5 To Mt. Cook (a bus tour) / 6.Tasman Glacier in Mt. Cook National Park/ 7 Tekapo / 8 TranzAlpine Railway /9 Christchurch / 10 Willowbank / 11 Auckland HOME 前のページ (previous page) |