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日本語/英語 In Japanese and English
December 31, 2023 駆け足で大みそかまできてしまった。それでも今年は色々な面で特別だった。古希を迎えて初めての年というだけでも自分にとっては画期的だったし、いくつか新しいことにも踏み出した。ハングル入門、映画鑑賞会参加、寄席見物、美術展など。続行中なのは東京散歩、近郊への小旅行、近隣の散策等々。そして仕事としての英語の授業といくつかのオンライン文学読書会。だが、逆らえない加齢を受け入れるためには身体上のメンテナンスが欠かせなかった。ヒヤリとする場面も何度かあった。幾度医療機関へ通ったことか。これから益々頻繁に通うことになるに違いない。本日はグループホームを義妹と共に訪ね、母のヘアカットをしてきた。(漸く訪問禁止令解除!)ささやかなことの繰り返しと積み重ね。こうして時はいつしか過ぎ去り、私も母の後を追っていくのだろう。だが、今年が特別なものになったのは長い歳月を経ての旧友との再会という幸いに恵まれたことが大きい。肉体的にはズンズン歳をとっていくものの、精神の柔軟性と感受性の豊かさというものは浸食されずに最後まで保てるのかもしれないと淡い期待を抱く。来る年には世界各地での戦火が止むことを祈り、自分なりの思索と行動を続けていきたい。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都国分寺市殿ヶ谷戸公園)とこのページの写真(同所)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 The final day of 2023 has already come! This year seems to be very special to me. It was epoch-making just because 2023 was the first year since I became over 70. I challengeda few things new: I started learning Korean Language; I joined a cinema club; I visited "Yose" for the first time; I experienced several remarkable art exhibitions, etc. What I go on doing: walking in Tokyo; making short trips, wandering in my neighborhood in addition to my job as teaching English at a college and attending several online reading sessions. However, regular and irregular checkups at hospitals were indispensable. How often I visited medical offices! Sometimes, I was terrified to hear data of my body. Maybe next year I will visit hospitals more often. I went to see my mother in a group-home today for her haircut with my sister-in-law. Eventually, we are allowed to meet Mother. COVID-19 and flu have prevented us from visiting her for weeks. The repetition and accumulation of tiny chores make life, and we grow old very rapidly. Soon I will follow my mother. Let me add one more thing which made 2023 very special: I've been happy to meet my old friend again after a long period of time. We grow old physically very fast, but I expect the flexibility and sensibility of our spirit will last until the end of our life without being undermined. I sincerely hope wars in the world will stop, and I would really like to continue thinking and doing whatever I can do. Today's update: the photo in the index page (Tonogayato Park, Kokubunji City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (the same place). Thank you very much for your visit. Decenber 24, 2023 街行く人たちが手に手にケーキやチキンの箱を持って足早に通り過ぎてゆく。殆どの人たちは宗教的な行事とは関係なく、一年の慰労を家族や友人たちと行うのだろう。「メリークリスマス」の言葉の中に、Christが入っているとは意識もせず、まるで呪文のような祝詞を振りまきながら。私は乾杯のグラスを合わせる時つい"Happy Birthday!"と言いそうになる。要するに何でもいいのだ。日頃絶えず挨拶代わりに「お疲れさま」と言うのとあまり変わらない。これが一週間もすると一気に「明けましておめでとう!」になる。それは不実なことなのだろうか。それとも寛容さの表れなのだろうか。私たちは言葉を交わし合える人がいることの幸いを先ずは寿いでいると思いたい。だからあなたにも"Merry Christmas!" 本日の更新は表紙の写真(数年前に東京・ホテル椿山荘のロビーで見かけたジオラマ)とこのページの写真(同所)です。リサイクル、ご容赦ください。ご訪問どうもありがとうございます。 People going in town pass by with packages of cakes and chicken in a hurry. I guess most of them are not religiously conscious of Christmas Eve but just wishing to enjoy themselves having special lunch or dinner with family and friends. I believe not many of them are even conscious of Christ existing in the phrase “Merry Christmas!” They repeat it just like they exchange “Otsukare-sama (literally meaning “Take care after working very hard and getting tired!”) I tend to say “Happy Birthday!” instead of “Merry Christmas” when I toast. Wow, what a fluff! Anyway, words are not so precise in our daily life. Then one week from now, people of this country will change the phrase with “A Happy New Year!” Is it to be blamed of or should we be more tolerant? I believe people feel happy to be with someone with whom they can talk to and be talked to. Well, so let me say “Merry Christmas to you.” Today’s update: The photo in the index page (a diorama I once saw at Chinzanso Hotel in Tokyo) and the one here in this page (a Christmas tree in the lobby of the same place). I am recycling old photos. Thak you for your visit. December 21, 2023 昨日見舞われたPCのアプリトラブルは、ウィンドウズ自体をアップデートすることで付属のレタッチソフトもアップデートされ、何とか使えるようになった。但し、インターフェースがすっかり変わってしまい、「これまで習慣的にできていた」手順は消えた。そろりそろりと新しい画面に馴染もうとしている。それにしても、デフォルトで組み込まれているアプリはもっとも単純な作業しかできない。それすら覚束ない者にとってそれ以上を期待するのは無謀なのだけれど、この辺で以前から考えていたこのサイト自体の刷新に取り掛かる時期ではないかと思う。どこから手を付ければよいか思案しながら年越しをしよう。本日の更新は表紙の画像(東京西新宿の高層ビル群)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 By updating Windows, preinstalled application (the retouching software Paint) is updated as well. I've launched to use it deliberately. Because the interface of the software is quite different from the old one, I need to get out of my customary procedure. Anyway, the retouching software I use now allows us to use the most fundamental operations; how could I ask for more as a novice? However, I guess it's time for me to challenge a breakthrough in my website. I'm not sure what to start but let me try during the upcoming holiday season. Today's upgrade: the cover photo (skyscrapers in West Shinjyuku, Tokyo). Thanks for your visit. December 20, 2023 PCと付き合うのは厄介だ。これまで難なく使用できていた画像加工(レタッチ)ソフトが突然「新しいドキュメントを作成で来ません」と言い始め、お手上げ状態になった。ろくでもない画像を溜め込みすぎたからだろうかと訝しがりつつ、そんなはずはないと冷静になろうとしても、ネットでトラブルシューティング方法を検索して(指示通りのプロセスを踏んで)も二進も三進もいかない。勤務先があった頃なら、メディアセンター職員に相談すればヒントくらいもらえたのに、今では何処にもお助けスタッフはいない。デフォルトのアプリをただで使い続けるのが無謀だったのか、ここは新たなソフトを導入して初めから使い方を学び直すしかないのか考えどころ。所謂「リスキリング」、「リラーニング」を実行するようPCに促されているのかもしれない。これまで惰性で行ってきた作業を見直し、より合理的で効果的な方法をマスターしなさいと言う天の声?ツールを使うのは人間。ツールの故障に対処する知恵が必要なのも人間。大げさかもしれないけれど、リスクマネージメントは人間の責任だ。溜息ばかりついていないで、行動あるのみなのだろう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京・清瀬市、柳瀬川)とこのページの(抹茶@東京ステーションホテル・虎屋)写真です。いずれも以前の写真のリサイクル。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It is so frustrating to work with PC. At this moment, I can hardly use the retouching software installed in my PC; suddenly, it stopped making new files at all. Is that due to my random usage of the software with so many image files? No way! I'm trying to be calm to think of some solutions; asking for help to the Internet for solving similar troubles with the default software in vain. While I belonged to an institution where technical support staff existed to answer most of the questions that PC novices asked. Now that I'm alone at home working by myself, I have no access to such professionals. Well, is this an occasion to introduce a new software and start learning again? Perhaps it's time for me to launch "reskilling" or "relearning" in today's PC world. I need to be more reasonable and efficient. Get out of the inertia. Human beings are to use digital tools. They need to know how to solve troubles. Risk-management is their responsibility. Stop sighing but act!Today's update: the photo of the index page (The River Yanase, Kiyose City,Tokyo) and the one (Maccha Tea at Toraya, Tokyo Station Hotel) in this page. I'm recycling old photos, sorry! Thank you very much for your visit. December 15, 2023 既に師走も半ば。あと一週間もすればクリスマスだ。私自身はキリスト教徒ではないので、何一つ特別な行事があるわけではない。学生時代にはこの季節になると大学の聖歌隊が出演するヘンデルの「メサイア」演奏会を聴きに新宿厚生年金会館ホールへ行ったものだ。友人の中には聖歌隊で歌っている人もいた。一度、入隊テストを受けてみないかと誘われて指定の時間に学内のチャペルで待機していたことがある。だが、どうしたことか誰も来なかった。(私が時間を間違えていた可能性は十分にある。)そのせいで(おかげで?)聖歌隊とは無縁のうちに大学を卒業した。後に宮沢賢治の「銀河鉄道の夜」がアニメ映画化された時、ハレルヤコーラスの場面で件の大学聖歌隊の歌が使われているのに気付いた。非常に印象深いシーンだ。信者でなくてもこの季節にクリスマスキャロルや聖歌に惹かれるのは気付かぬうちにそう刷り込まれた習慣なのだろうか。世界では宗教の違いによる戦が絶えない。クリスマスがあくまでもキリスト教の祝祭であることを肝に銘じなくては。無邪気に「メリークリスマス!」等と言っている人々も今年は落ち着いてユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教の現状を学ぶ機会が持てればよいが。本日の更新は先だって歩いた、多摩6都北端 「金山緑地公園」への散策<空堀川から柳瀬川へ>の記録写真ページです。今年最後の秋の景色を収めた。ご訪問、ありがとうございます。 We have only a week before the beginning of Christmas. Not being a Christian myself, I have no particular event to attend. When I was a student of a university, I used to go to a big hall to listen to Handel's "Messiah." One of my classmates was singing in the college choir. She once invited me to challenge the test to participate in the choir. At the time of appointment, I was waiting for a long time in vain. Maybe I mistook the time. Due to (or thanks to?) the mistake, I graduated from the university without joining them. Years after that I noticed that their Hallelujah Chorus was used in the animation film of Miyazawa Kenji's Night on the Milky Way Train. It is a very impressive scene. Even non-Christian people can be attracted to Christmas carols and hymns in this season. Is it a custom of life unconsciously installed in our mind? In the world today, wars depending on the difference of religions continue. I should realize that Christmas is not for all the people. I guess those who are saying "Merry Christmas!" not knowing the difference may well have to learn the reality of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Today's update: a photo album entitled A Walk to Kanayama Park, Along the Karabori River and the Yanase River. I saved the last autumn scenes of this year. I hope you will enjoy the photos. Thank you very much for your visit. December 13, 2023 黄金の水面に集う鳥たちは異形取り巻き呟きもせず 残照に落ち葉舞い散る椅子並び骨を休める人は何処に 水辺行き雑木林を抜けるときこの光景を誰に語らむ 十代の我も古希過ぐ我もなお祝福さるる武蔵野の野辺 大丈夫?老婆問うなりとぼとぼと一人行く我気遣いたもう Here are five short poems I wrote based on the form of 5/7/5/7/7/syllables--one of the Japanese traditional poetry writing styles. I describe what I saw and what I felt while I was taking a walk along rivers and in woods called "zouki-bayashi."To my surprise, an old woman asked me if I was alright walking all alone (probably I looked rather tired.) Yes, it's my joy to take a walk by myself. Only sometimesI feel like talking to somebody to see the glorious views around. Anyway, taking photos as well as taking a walk is my JOY! Thaks for your visit. December 6, 2023 自分の誕生日に、時間を気にせずほっつき歩く贅沢をした。昼前に家を出て空堀川(東京都東村山市)から、柳瀬川(埼玉県所沢市)を経て、金山公園(東京都清瀬市)に至る。12月とはいえ日中は穏やかに晴れ、途中でマフラーもコートも要らなくなった。何度か人に道を尋ね(私はGoogle Mapを使わないので)、行き当たりばったりの行程。初冬の川辺は美しく、鳥の声、水鳥の立てる音、魚影、そして紅葉の木々に自然の祝福を受け、明日からの命への潤いを得た。もちろん親しい人たちに贈られた祝福の言葉を胸に。最後はバスで夕方帰宅した。本日の更新は表紙の写真(清瀬市金山公園付近の柳瀬川)とこのページの写真(葉を落としたハナミズキ?の赤い実)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 On my birthday, I enjoyed the most luxurious present: I wandered around not thinking of time. I left home before noon; walked along the Karabori River (Higashiurayama City, Tokyo), then along the Yanase River (Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture) and to Kanayama Park (Kiyose City, Tokyo). It was so warm for December that I took off my scarf and coat on the way. I asked a couple of people the route because I started with a vague map only in my mind (I don’t use Google Map). The riverside lane was very beautiful in the late autumn colors with chirruping of birds, water birds splashing in the river, and signs of fish swimming. They all blessed me with the gift of nature. Thaks to dear people who gave me heartwarming birthday presents and words, I had a wonderful birthday. Finally, I came home by bus in the late afternoon. Today's update: a photo in the index page (The Yanase River near Kanayama Park, Kiyose City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (red tree nuts of dogwood?). Thank you very much for your visit. November 30, 2023 霜月には随分いろいろなところへ出かけた。「遠くへ」という意味ではなく、身近な場所でも初めて行ったところもあれば、改めて見直したところもある。本日の更新はその中の一つ、東京都新宿区にある「おとめ山公園」散策の写真ページ。落合崖線の地形をうまく使った丘と谷と泉水の日本庭園が保存されている。もとは将軍家の狩場だった場所に馬を<留めおく>「御留山」だったとのこと。都心にこのような緑地が保存されていること自体に驚く。ここ数年通っているエリアのごく近くにあるのに、気付かずにいたとは!晩秋の林は静寂の空間。「散策」のうち<東京・郊外散策>から東京都新宿区「おとめ山公園」散策をどうぞ。表紙の写真は同所「上の池」、このページも同所「みんなの原っぱ」にある銀杏の木。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I went out to various places in November, I mean not only to famous places but to the first ones in my life-if well known to others but not to me located in the area of my activities. One of them is uploaded today: Otome-yama Park in Shinjyuku Ward. It's amazing to find such a quiet spot in the middle of the metropolis. The cliff and the valley create a fabulous garden. How careless I was not to have noticed this place in spite that I have been commuting to the neighboring area! In autumn Otome-yama Park was very quiet. Please find the photo page: A Walk to Otome-yama Park, in <Walking in Tokyo>. Thank you for your visit. The photo in the index page is “The upper pond” and the one is “A gingko tree” from the same page. Thank you for your visit. November 26, 2023 関東地方も急に冷えてきた。いよいよ銀杏の黄葉が盛りとなり、黄金色の落ち葉が積もる。ここ数週間鮮やかな色に染まる世界は、その後一気に沈んでいく。そして3ヶ月余り、ひたすら花を待つ季節が続く。あんなに暑さを恐れた夏は幻だったのか。11月の終わりに名残の色彩を愛おしみ「待つこと」に備えよう。本日の更新は先日の野田市行の写真ページ「キッコーマン工場と茂木本家美術館見学」記録写真です。これまた『散策思索35 工場と美術館 --野田市を訪ねて--』と同様、プライベートな行事の記録用写真の為、内向きなものとなっていることをご容赦願いたい。表紙の写真は夕闇迫る銀座並木通り(既にクリスマスイルミネーションが瞬く)。さらにこのページの写真は「首掛けの銀杏」(日比谷公園内)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's getting chilly very quickly in Kanto District. Gingko trees have turned yellow and their leaves are falling. For a few weeks, the world will be tinted with gorgeous colors of falling leaves before it becomes monotone. It will last for more than 3 months thereafter. We will have to wait for flowers. This is the beginning of the long enduring time, waiting for the season of rebirth. Let me love the time. Today's update: Collected Photos of A Visit to Kikkoman_Shoyu Plant and Mogi-Honke Art Museum at Noda City. The page includes English captions this time! The photo in the index page shows the lighted Namiki-dori Avenue in Ginza and the photo in this page shows a huge gingko tree in Hibiya Park. Thanks for your visit. November 23, 2023 今日は樋口一葉忌だった。ゆかりの地で法要や記念行事が行われる。本郷の法真寺では長年、朗読家・幸田弘子を迎えて一葉作品の朗読を行うのが常だった。幸田亡きあとも弟子や愛好家が集う。昨年に続いて今年も一葉の生誕地(現東京都中央区内幸町)に近い日比谷図書文化館コンベンションホールにて、『朗読の楽しみ』という会が開かれた。幸田の愛した一葉作品のみならず、第一部では宮沢賢治(「洞熊学校を卒業した三人」-幸田の朗読映像による)や太宰治(「カチカチ山」)の作品も朗読され、第二部で一葉の「大つごもり」が二人の演者によって全編朗読された。朗読を聴くとテキストを黙読するのとはまた異なる言葉の躍動を感じる。一葉の文語体が現代の聴き手にも十分に伝わるばかりか、一葉の繊細な描写が生き生きと立ち現れてくる。僅か24歳で世を去った一人の女性がこのような文章を残したことに、あらためて深く感じ入るひと時となった。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都中央区日比谷公園大噴水)とこのページの写真(同所に咲くツワブキの花)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Today it is the death anniversary of Higuchi Ichiyou, a Japanese female author (1872-1896). Commemorative ceremonies and gatherings have been held at places related to the author. At Hoshin-ji Temple in Hongo, Tokyo, late Kouda Hiroko (1932-2020), an eminent professional, used to perform recitation of Ichiyou’s works at the ceremony. Since she passed away, her “disciples” and fans have been getting together to remember her, performing recitations and speeches. I attended a gathering entitled “The Joy of Recitation” held at the Convention Hall in Hibiya Library & Museum. It is close to Ichiyou’s birth place. Iciyou’s short novel Ootsugomori, among other works, was recited by 2 readers. Through the voice of recitation, we get dynamic sensation of the text different from silent reading. In that way, Ichiyou's antique writing style can be shared very well with today’s readers. How amazing a writer who lived only for 24 years could have left such evocative and impressing literature! Today’s update: a photo in the index page (a large fountain in Hibiya Park, Chuo Ward, Toko) and the one here in this page (Japanese silver leaf / Farfugium japonicum in the park). Thank you for your visit. November 21, 2023 もう10日足らずで霜月も終わる。近所の雑木林で乾いた落ち葉を集めて来て、水槽の亀にたっぷり被せてやった。来春まで亀は冬眠に入るはずだ。(時々天気が良いと落ち葉の下から顔をのぞかせることもある。もう餌は食べない。毎朝の水替えもしばらくお休み。)四半世紀、毎年これを繰り返してきた。ヒトの生活は淡々とした習慣に支えられているのだなと思う。取り立てて言うほどのこともなく、目覚ましいこともなく。だが、続く日常が永遠のものではないことを我々は知っている。見送った人々のことを思えば尚更に。それでも悲観することなく、我々は落ち葉を拾い集める。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 November will be over in 10 days. I collected dry fallen leaves in a small forest in my neighborhood for my turtle in an aquarium at a corner of my garden. I covered the turtle with leaves; it will go into hibernation until next spring. (Sometimes in sunny days, the turtle may put his head out of the leaves; yet, it won't eat food any more. I stop changing water every morning for a few months.) I've repeated this cycle for more than a quarter of a century. I notice that our daily life is supported by constant habits of various kinds. Nothing special nor remarkable happens in living every day. However, we know the simple life won't last forever. We can't help remembering those who have passed away. Still, we won't be pessimistic and continue collecting fallen leaves. Today's update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. November 18, 2023 私は東京都在住でありながら、都営大江戸線について肝心なことを知らなかったと先日初めて気が付いた。山手線新宿駅で降りて、「新宿西口」から大江戸線で「新御徒町」へ行こうとしていた。最初の誤解は「新宿駅西口」という通路と都営大江戸線の「新宿西口」駅は別物であるのを認識していなかったことだ。また、都営大江戸線には「新宿駅」もある。両者に共通なのは「都庁前駅」だけで、この「環状線」の北側路線は「新宿西口駅」を通って「春日」や「本郷三丁目」経由で「新御徒町」へ向かい(8駅19分)、南側路線は「新宿駅」から「六本木」や「大門」経由で「新御徒町」へ向かう(17駅39分)。しかもこの日、私が南北の違いを十分判定せずに飛び乗った南側の電車は清澄白河止まりであり、同駅でその先へ(つまりぐるっと回って「新宿都庁前」まで)行く電車を待たなくてはならなかった。おまけに途中で早期地震警報が出て、地下鉄は暫く停車。どんなに地団駄を踏んでも目的地は遠ざかるばかり。待ち合わせ相手には申し訳ないし、自分の不明を恥じても取り返しは付かないし、スマホアプリの「乗換案内」など信じなければよかった、勝手知ったる地上路線を乗り継いでいけばよかったと思っても後の祭り。魔がさしたと言う外ない。肝心な時に大失敗をすることで、人は新しいことを身をもって学ぶのだなぁと負け惜しみを呟いてみる。私の大遅刻を「東京見物をしましたね」と赦してくれた相手に平身低頭、感謝しかない。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京お茶の水駅と秋葉原駅の間にある万世橋付近の神田川河岸)とこのページの写真(庭に咲いた菊)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Being a resident of Tokyo, I had not known well about The Tokyo Metropolitan Oedo Subway Line until I made a big mistake a few days ago. I intended to go to "Shin-Okachimachi Station" via Odeo Subway Line from Shinjyuku Westgate. The first mistake was I mixed up the Exit area called "Shinjyuku Westgate" with the name of a subway stop "Shinjyuku Westgate Station." I also had not known that there is a stop named "Shinjyuku" on the Line. They are both on a loop line. A terminal station for both is called "Tokyo Metropolitan City Hall." It has eight stops taking1 9 minutes from "Shinjyuku Westgate Station" to "Shin-Okachimachi Station" taking the north way; whereas, it has 17 stops taking 39 minutes by the south way. On that day, I jumped in the wrong one, the south line, knowing not the difference. Moreover, it was delayed due to an earthquake alarm; in addition, we had to transfer to another car on the way. I was extremely sorry for the person I made keep waiting. I was ashamed of my ignorance plus inefficiency. Why did I believe the app for the transit directions? I should have believed in my own experience and taken the lines I knew well enough. Anyway, it's true that we learn through mistakes! I am grateful to the person who kindly waited for me saying, "You had an opportunity for a sightseeing trip in Tokyo." Today’s update: a photo in the index page (The Kanda River viewed from Mansei Bashi Bridge between Ocyanomizu Station and Akihabara Station); one in this page (chrysanthemums in my garden). Thank you for your visit. November 15, 2023 既に一週間前のことになる千葉県野田市の「キッコーマン工場と茂木本家美術館見学」についての記録文を認めた。プライベートな集まりの定例会行事であるため、言わば「内輪向け」のエッセイとなっている。施設関係者への問い合わせなどを経た改訂版をアップしておく。ひとつの企業について書いたのはこれが初めてかもしれない。純粋に客観的な観察記録というより、各方面への配慮(?)が先行する主観的な記述に傾いているとのご批判は覚悟の上。ご笑覧いただければ幸いです。本日の更新は、「新作エッセイ」のページに『散策思索35 工場と美術館 --野田市を訪ねて--』です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I wrote an essay on a short trip to a factory of Kikkoman and MOMOA (MOGI-HONKE MUSEUM OF ART) in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture on November 8, 2023. As it is a report about a private group, I intentionally wrote to and for its members; it turned out not to be a very objective description. You might think it's paying too much attention to those cocerened. It is actually my first trial to write about a business company. Sorry, it's written only in Japanese. Thanks for your visit! November 12, 2023 11月とはいえ、戻り夏のような高温の日があったかと思えば気温は急降下。空は鈍色となり本格的な晩秋の候となった。東京国立博物館の 「表慶館」で横尾忠則の『寒山百得展』を公開している。横尾作品にはかねてから惹かれるものがあった。いや、むしろ彼の独特な書評や文章表現にも造形作家には稀な吸引力があって私は様々な媒体で愛読している。嘗て世田谷美術館で彼の展覧会を見た時、Y字路の建築物を描く作品群が余りにも印象的で、それ以来街角でY字路にある建物を見ると「横尾忠則の!」と思うようになった。東京国立博物館と横尾作品の取り合わせ、本来の「寒山拾得」のもじりによる画題に好奇心をくすぐられ、上野の森へ出かけた。 「表慶館」は外観も内装も堂々と、そこに掲げられた102点の作品は諧謔に満ち、観る者を心愉しき時空へ誘うものだった。今回は図録ではなく、横尾忠則著『タマ、帰っておいで REQUIEM for TAMA』という亡き愛猫への鎮魂の書画集を購入。公園を突っ切り不忍池から御徒町へ出て帰ってきた。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京国立博物館の 「表慶館」)とこのページの写真(同館内部)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 We had some extremely warm days for November and then it turned to be very chilly suitable for the month. The gay sky tells us we are really in the late autumn now. An Exhibition entitled Tadanori Yokoo: 100 Takes on Hanshan and Shide is now held at Hyokei-kan in Tokyo National Museum. I've been attracted by Yokoo; or I should say I like what he writes. His writing is eloquent, very rare for an artist. Once I saw his exhibition at Setagaya Museum, I was very much charmed by his works drawing Y-junctions. They were so impressive that I always think of Yokoo whenever I see '-junctions in reality. The contrast between Tokyo National Museum and Pop works of Yokoo, and his transformation of ancient Chinese Buddhist priests "Hanshan and Shide" enlivened my curiosity to go to Ueno. Hyokei-kan looked a grand architecture both inside and outside. The 102 pieces of Yokoo's works were full of sense of humor and invited viewers to joyful time and space. In the museum shop, I didn't buy the catalogue of the exhibition but a book of cat's pictures and his words entitled REQUIEM for TAMA, which he made in his deep sense of loss at his pet cat. I went back home after walking through Ueno Park, beside Shinobazu Pond, and to Okachimachi. Today's update: photo of Hyokei-kan in the index page and the one here in this page (interior of Hyokei-kan). Thank you very much for your visit. November 5, 2023 旅行から一週間が瞬く間に過ぎた。ただ街から街へ行って帰っただけでは何を見たのか分からなくなりそうなので、例の如く撮りためた写真を整理してみた。昨年奈良へ行ったときは悠久の時を超えたタイムスリップの感が強かった。今回の名古屋はエネルギーに溢れたヒトとモノの現代都市訪問だった。これから「「城」の含意するものについて学ばなくてはと思う。都市の中心部から海岸まで30分余り。海運、漁業、そして工業のための優れた立地を体感した。だが、あくまでも外側をほんの少し撫でただけだ。また行く機会を捉えたい。本日の更新は「ギャラリー」に名古屋訪問-DAY 1, DAY 2, DAY 3です。それから、更新した表紙の写真は竹島、このページの写真はトヨタ自動織機の紡績機の部分です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 One week has passed so quickly since my trip to Nagoya that I made an album before I forget what I saw there. Last year when I made a trip to Nara, it was almost like "a time travel" in which I encountered various things and views of our ancient capital, whereas in Nagoya I saw another modern city full of people and their energy. I think I have to learn about what the Castle implies. It took us about 30 minutes by train to go to the seashore from the central part of the city. I see Nagoya is located where it can appreciate the gift of maritime traffic, the fisheries industry, and the manufacturing industries. However, I saw only a part of superficial characteristics of this city. I wish I could visit Nagoya repeatedly. Today's update: A Trip to Nagoya: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3, a photo album in Gallery. The photo in the index page shows Takeshima Island, and the one here in this page is a ring spinning frame of Toyota Industries Corporation. Thank you very much for your visit. November 1, 2023 名古屋旅行への新幹線の車窓から、往路富士山は見えなかった。帰路は全容を拝むことはできないまでも、群雲のまとわりつく稜線に心が躍った。人は富士山を霊峰などと呼んで尊ぶ。関東地方に住んでいると晴れた日に富士を遠望できるだけで何か良いことがありそうな、高揚した気持ちになる。そんなに有難がるならいっそ富士登山に挑戦してみたらよさそうなものだが、意気地のない私は遠くから憧れつつ眺めるくらいがちょうどよい。未だか未だかと待ちながら、広い裾野に聳える富士山が見えるのはほんの一瞬のこと。前面に黄金の稲穂が実っている。まったくベタな日本の田園風景だ。それを見られたのも、首都圏を飛びだしたればこそ。本日の更新は表紙の写真(富士と秋の稲田)、それからこのページの写真(名鉄名古屋駅前のオブジェ「ナナちゃん」)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 On my way to Nagoya, I couldn’t have a glimpse of Mt. Fuji out of the window of a bullet train. On my way back, my heart leaped up when I beheld the ridge-line of Mt. Fuji surrounded by white clouds. People call it the holy mountain. As I live in Kanto Area, where we can have a look at Mt. Fuji in a far distance on cold winter days, when I get excited and feel I will have something good for sure. Why don’t I go and climb Mt. Fuji if I adore it so much? It’s too challenging for me to climb the mountain. I’m coward enough to be satisfied just by watching it from afar. On the bullet train I waited patiently to get the glimpse of Mt. Fuji and it vanished in a moment. I was happy, however, to see the golden ripen rice field in front of the mountain. It really is a typical Japanese rural scene. It’s a gift to me to jump out of the metropolitan district. Today’s update: a photo in the index page (Mt. Fuji and the golden rice field in front of it) and the one here in this page (“Nana”, a huge object in a corner of Nagoya Station of Meitetsu Line). Thank you for your visit. October 29, 2023 一年ぶりに首都圏を離れて名古屋へ出かけた。新幹線で東京から約1時間40分。そんなに遠くない場所なのに、名古屋に関する具体的な知識は殆ど無いにに等しかった。街にも、滞在したホテルにも海外からの観光客が大勢いた。中に混じれば自分も国籍不明の異邦人のような気分になってくる。昼頃到着して、先ずは駅から北に向かって名古屋城まで歩いてみた。鯱は確かに金色に輝いていた。名古屋市庁舎と愛知県庁舎はいずれも古めかしい瀟洒な建物で、区画整理の行き届いた通りに並び立つ。そこから久屋大通り(Hisaya-Odori Park)へ。緑豊かな水路に沿った公園の両脇にはしゃれたデザインの店が軒を連ね、真ん中にそびえる中部電力MIRAI TOWER(何となくミニチュア版のエッフェルタワーのよう)が景観に魅力を添える。名古屋の中心部は新旧取り混ぜた建造物を配し、人々の行き交う活気にあふれる街だった。南下して松坂屋デパートに着く頃には日も暮れた。食事してそこから又名古屋駅まで。歩かなくてもこの行程はバスでも地下鉄でも整備されていることは言うまでもない。私は旅行者になるとついどこまで歩けるか試してみる癖が抜けない。本日の更新は表紙の写真(名古屋城)とこのページの写真(名古屋市庁舎・愛知県庁舎)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I made a trip to Nagoya, leaving the metropolis Tokyo after an interval of one year. It took e only one hour and 40 minutes. Although Nagoya is not a very faraway place, I knew almost nothing about the city. I found a good number of tourists from abroad at the hotel I stayed as well as in town. I felt as if I'm one of strangers among them. I arrived at Nagoya in the early afternoon. First of all, I decided to go and see Nagoya Castle. I started walking from the station to north. Yes, the orcs on the rooftop of the castle were glittering gold. Nagoya City Hall and Aichi Prefectural Office, both of which were old fashioned and stately buildings, stood side by side at a corner of well divided main streets. I took a route to Hisaya-Odori Park. Along the long pond surrounded by greeneries, people were enjoying themselves: on the sides were fashionable shops showing off their cutting-edge fronts. I found MIRAI TOWER (somehow reminded me of the Eiffel Tower, in its miniature) quite attractive in the location. I had an impression that the central part of Nagoya City was really an active place full of people and interesting architecture old and new. When I walked down south and arrived at Matuzakaya Department Store, it was already getting dark. After dinner, I walked again to Nagoya Station. Certainly, you can take subway and/or bus to go around this area. As for me, I can't help taking a walk wherever I go as a tourist. Today’ update: the photo in the index page (Nagoya Castle) and the one here in this page (Nagoya City Hall and Aichi Prefectural Office). Thank you for your visit. October 25, 2023 私が弱音を吐いていると、友人たちが激励してくれる。現在進行中の戦場の惨状を映像やニュースで見れば、そもそも命があるだけでどれほど有難いか分かろうというもの。こんな時代に身近な目に見えるものだけに捕らわれているのは、古希を過ぎた人間として情けない。天気のいい日には自分にはっぱをかけ、曇りの日には溜息をつき、雨でも降れば肩を落とす―なんていう気分屋を卒業できたらいいのに。それもこれも秋だからか。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都武蔵国分寺公園)とこのページの写真(東京都東村山市空堀川縁の柿農園)です。いずれも東京西郊の秋景色。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 When I utter unreasonable complaints, friends of mind encourage me to chin up. (Thanks!) I should know better watching the news of the world showing the devastating reality under the warfare now going on. I'm alive at least now. It's a shame to be captured only by what I can see around me now that I'm over 70. In fact, I'm cheerful when it's sunny; I sigh when it's cloudy, and I'm depressed when it rains. Is that a proper attitude for a senior person as I am? Let me overcome such a flimsy state of mind! I know it's because of the autumn season anyway. Today' update: the photo in the index page (Musashi Kokubunji Park) and the one here in this page (persimmons in a field beside River Karabori, Higashimurayama City). Both show autumnal views in a west area of Tokyo. Thanks for your visit. October 21, 2023 前回が2006年だったので、今回の中学校同期会への出席は実に17年ぶりだった。当時は一クラス50名を超える学級が一学年に9クラスあった。「ポスト団塊の世代」も大所帯だったことになる。会にお集まりの皆さんお元気そうでご同慶の至り―と言いたいところだけれど、我が身を振り返れば幾多の身体的・精神的不調・不具合に見舞われ、普段はストレスフルな日々を送っている。ハレの日にはせいぜい余所行きの格好で溌溂としてみたい。でも現実は...。とはいえ、懐かしい面々に会えた喜びは大きい。どうか「再会」が幾度もありますように!本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都文京区ラクーアの大観覧車―この近くのレストランでの会合だった)とこのページの写真(東村山市の遊歩道に咲くクサギ Clerodendrum trichotomum)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Last time it was in 2006 when I attended a reunion of junior high school mates; so, we met again 17 years later today. Those days, there were 9 classes of 0ver 50 students in one class. We belonged to "the post Baby Boomers"; yet, the number of our generation was far larger than others. I'd like to say I was happy to meet classmates in good shape; however, in reality, I assume behind smiles we all have some kinds of troubles physically and mentally. At least on a special day, I wish to be healthy and cheerful as much as possible, and enjoy meeting and talking with old friends. Let's not think about our actual life today. I hope to meet them again and again. Today's update: the photo of the index page (The Ferris Wheel at LaQua, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (Clerodendrum trichotomum) I observed along the walking path in my neighborhood in Higashimurayama City. Thank you for your visit. October 19, 2023 戦争についての本を読んだり映画を観ているうちに、現実世界ではいくつもの本物の戦争が進行している。つい先日まではロシアとウクライナこそが何よりも由々しいバトルを繰り広げているように思っていた。イスラエルとパレスチナの激突は何も昨日今日始まったものではないことは知っていた。しかし双方の爆撃で一気に数百人が犠牲になるのを(報道によって)目にすると、世界の苛酷な現実を思い知らされる。台所の水道栓から、いくらでも湯水がほとばしるこの生活は世界的に観たら余りにも稀有なものであることにあらためて気付く。また、それが揺らぐことは無いなどと言えるわけがないことにも。変化はある日突然降ってわくものではないだろう。じわじわと土台を蝕むものがあるはずだ。知らなかった、気付かなかったと、後悔してからでは遅すぎる。本日の更新は表紙の写真(多摩湖畔秋景)とこのページの写真(ノコンギク)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 While I was reading books and watching movies on wars, a number of wars have been going on in real world. Only by a few weeks ago, I had an idea that Russia and Ukraine were the two countries that were making the most devastating battles. But NO! Of course, I had known that between Israel and Palestine, repetitive battles have been going on since 1948. However, when I watch on TV bombardments kill numerous people all at once, I am actually terrified by the cruelty of wars in the world. I realize at the same time, the constantly flushing water from the kitchen taps is quite rare in comparison with the world's standard. Nobody can say our reality at hand now would last indefinitely. Changes won't happen suddenly but there must be something undermining the foundation of our life. It will be too late to say, "I didn't know it. I didn't notice it!" Today's update: the photo in the index page (autumn colors by a lakeside) and the one here in this page (Aster microcephalus var. ovatus). Thank you very much for your visit. October 13, 2023 既にコロナワクチン接種も7回目となった。さて今回の副反応はどのようなものだろうと様子を見ている。接種後24時間を経過しても発熱もなければ悪寒もしない。今年のノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞したカタリン・カリコ氏とドリュー・ワイスマン氏に関する記事によると「新型コロナウイルスの『mRNAワクチン』の開発で大きな貢献をした」とある。その恩恵によるものに違いない。本日の更新はショートエッセイ、映画レビュー「『福田村事件』を見て」です。映画館で観て既に数週間経っているのに、なかなか書けなかった。重い映画であることは確かだけれど、ある種突き抜けた描き方に、深刻さだけではなく滑稽味も感じる。自分も含めて、人間は何て愚かなんだろうと思わずにいられない。生き死にの物語には軽妙さも必要だ。苦しいばかりでは誰も見ない。観客がいなくては映画は成立しない。そういう意味で優れた作品だと思う。(こんな風に書くと不謹慎だと思われるかもしれないが。)表紙の写真(多摩湖畔の「たっちゃん池」)とこのページの写真(金木犀)も更新しました。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 I got the vaccination of COVID-19, the 7th one. I've been watching myself for fear of vaccine adverse reactions; so far, I'm all right. Reportedly, Dr. Katalin Kariko and Dr. Drew Weissman, the Nobel laureates in Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023, have contributed to the research in mRNA vaccine for COVID-19. Thanks to their great efforts, we are able to share the gift. Today's update: a short essay of cinema review, "Assassination at Fukuda-Mura Village."(Sorry, only in Japanese.) I saw the movie a few weeks ago, but could hardly write about it. It is a serious movie indeed; yet it has some comical aspects as well. I can't help feeling how foolish human beings are, including myself of course! When we think of life and death, we need the sense of humor as well. Nobody would go and see movies only with dreary matters. In this sense, this is a remarkable movie. (I might be misunderstood by writing like this.) The photo in the index page ("Pond Tacchyan" near Lake Tama) and the one in this page ("orange osmanthus" in bloom." Thank you for your visit. October 8, 2023 このところ、近隣・近郊の散策のことばかり書いている。涼しい空気の中を歩けることが奇跡のようで歩かずにいられない。昨日はもったいないような晴天だった。こんな日には青空の下、ススキの穂が揺れるところを見に行こう―そう決心すると居ても立ってもいられずに多摩湖方面へ。湖自体は猛暑による渇水状態から回復せず、水位が下がったまま給水塔の土台までさらしていた。しかしススキの群れは風に煽られ狂乱の舞を披露する。ススキの原に暫し佇むと、雑念も焦燥も飛んでいくようだ。帰路は八国山山麓へ。田圃の稲は実って首を垂れている。刈穂の風情と共にあたりは秋色に染まる。まるであの酷暑を耐えたご褒美のように。いや、夏は夏で今となっては懐かしい。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(八国山山麓、北山公園の田圃)とこのページの写真(多摩湖畔都立狭山公園のススキの原)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 These days I write only about walking in my neighborhood and environs. I feel it's almost like a miracle that I'm able to walk in the cool air. Yesterday it was sunny so that I couldn’t help going out; the sensor in my mid told me I should go to see the crowds of Japanese pampas grass shaking under the blue sky. My destination was Lake Tama-ko! Due to the extreme hotness in summer, the water level of the lake was still much lower than usual. The groundwork of water towers was showing. However, the mass of Japanese pampas grass was blowing in the strong wind. Standing amid the grass, all my worldly thoughts and impatience seemed to be blown away too. On my way back, I went to Mt. Hachikoku-yama. At the foot of the hill, rice tassels were ripe in gold hue. The environment was painted in autumnal colors, just like a reward for the patience we had against the extreme heat in summer time. Now I recall the previous season with nostalgy. Today’s update: the photo in the index page (rice field in Kitayama Park at the foot of Mt. Hachikoku-yama) and the one here in this page (the field of Japanese papas grass in Sayama Park by Lake Tama-ko). Thank you for your visit. October 05, 2023 わずか数日のうちに、先日木の根方を覆いつくしていた林の中のキノコ(前記)は見る影もなく干からびて消えつつあった。(あの植物は万全の態勢で既に繁殖を完遂したのかもしれない。)ヒトは色鮮やかなもの、見かけの良いものだけに目が行く誠に他愛ない生物なのではないかと思わずにいられない。秋は春とは異なる色彩に世界が染められる。サクラの花は見事だったが、今散り行く桜の葉も美しい。人間もそうだといいなと思う。若けりゃいいってもんじゃない―なんてわざわざ言わなくても。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東大和市の変電所)とこのページの写真(ラベンダー)です。涼しくなってきたからか、ゆったりと歩く高齢者をよく見かける。私もそのうちの一人なのだろう。ご訪問、ありがとうございます。 Only in a few days, the mushrooms I saw at the feet of trees in the small wood (of which I mentioned in the previous note) have already turned brownish black and hardened almost beyond recognition. (Perhaps they have successfully completed procreation.) Human beings tend to be attracted only by colorful and well-seeming objects; how simple-minded we are! In autumn the world is colored differently from spring. Cherry blossoms in spring was just gorgeous; yet, falling leaves of cherry trees are as beautiful. I wish human beings be the same. Youthfulness is not the only criterion of beauty, needless to say. Today’s update: the photo of the cover page (iron towers of a power station in Higashiyamato City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (lavender). Now that it is cool enough and I see elder people are taking a walk in a leisurely pace. Maybe I'm one of them. Thanks for your visit. October 1, 2023 10月―神無月に入った。雨上がり、涼しさに誘われて散歩に出ると、ほぼ一夜にして林の中にはおびただしいキノコの群れが出現していた。最初、切り株を覆っている茶色いものを見た時には、そうとは知らず、「あれっ、何だろう?」と傍に寄ってみた。夥しいキノコだと分かって戦慄した。「こんなにたくさん!」と気味が悪くなるほど辺り一面に生えていた。(これはナラタケモドキだろうか?)胞子が舞ったのだな。この気温とこの湿度、そして適度な暗がり。林はキノコのパラダイスではないか!彼岸花はもうあらかた消え、辺りにはどんぐりとキノコ。秋の足跡を目撃した気分だった。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東村山市の通称「ざわざわ森」に生えたキノコの一群)とこのページの写真(畑の際に植えられたコスモスの一群)です。これから秋は駆け足だ。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's October now. After the rain I went out for a walk tempted by coolness. I found a great amount of mushrooms have appeared in the wood. When I saw the brown thigs covering the feet of trees and stubs, I couldn't figure out what they were. Having approached them, I was astonished to know they were all mushrooms! (Are they Armillaria tabescens?) So many of them were there. I guess spores were dispersed under the best condition of temperature, humidity, and shade for mushrooms. They were born overnight. Isn't the wood a paradise for mushrooms? Most of dragon lilies were gone, and the land of small wood was covered with acorns and mushrooms. I felt I discovered the footprints of autumn. Today's update: a photo of mushrooms in a small wood called "Zawazawa-mori" in Higashimurayama City) and a photo in this page (a bush of cosmos). Thanks for your visit. September 29, 2023 今年は「中秋の名月」と満月が重なるというので、街の和菓子屋には月見団子を求める人だかりができていた。店頭に「ご自由にどうぞ」とススキの穂が置いてある。「ほぅ〜そうなのか」とつい私も団子を買い、ススキの穂を頂戴した。団子を食べたのは良いが、月は一向に姿を現さない。諦めきれずに夜半、何度も外に出てみる。日付が変わる頃、ようやく雲が切れて満月が煌々と天空に上っているのを目にした。その銀色に輝く姿に魅了された。夏の熱気は去り、月は孤高の旅を続けている。本日の更新はこのページの写真(軒先から見た今宵の月)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 As the harvest moon and the full moon coincide this fall, many people were buying dumplings for "Tsukmi-dango dumplings." In front of the sweet shop, Japanese pampas grass were offered to enjoy with the moon and dumplings. Getting the idea, I bought dumplings and received a bunch of the grass. Later, I ate dumplings; yet, there was no moon in the sky. I waited and waited in vain for hours. Eventually at midnight, I found the brilliant moon was up in the sky! I was simply fascinated with the silver figure. The summer heat has gone and the moon is traveling alone steadily. Today's update: a photo in this page (the moon looked up from housefront). Thank you for your visit. September 27, 2023 お彼岸の後初めて、施設の母を訪ねてきた。いつものように夕方めがけて行き、いくらか涼しくなった畑の道をゆっくりと車椅子を押してお稲荷さんまで歩いた。散歩の後、母の自室で水筒に持参した麦茶を飲みながらおやつ。今回は和菓子屋でお饅頭とあられを買って行った。この平凡でありふれた日常を何より有難く思う。暑さが和らいだせいか母の具合もよく、話しかければ何らかの返答をしてくれる。妹が壁に貼っていった昔の家族写真を指さすと、一人一人の名を正確に言う。私を指さした時には「長女です」と言った。母の中には嘗ての家族が残っている。それにしても、私が家を離れる直前に撮った写真の中の皆の若さよ!来月95歳の誕生日を迎える母は写真の中では50歳だったのだ!本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 For the first time after the equinoctial week, I visited my mother in the Group Home. As usual I pushing the wheelchair, we took a walk along the lane in a vegetable field to a small shrine. It was already not so hot at 4 o'clock. Coming back Home, we had tea with Japanese sweets. I am very grateful to the unremarkable daily scene. Thanks to the coolness, perhaps, my mother was feeling not so bad and responsive to me. Watching an old family portrait, which my sister had posted on the wall, Mother named everyone. She described me as her eldest daughter. I could see the family is still alive in her. By the way, how young my family were in the photo! It was taken right before I left home. My mother, who will be 95 in October, was just 50 then! Today's update: only this note. Thanks for your visit. September 25, 2023 暑さと涼しさの分水嶺だと思っていた彼岸が過ぎ、残暑は覚悟するにしても確実に秋冷の走りがやってきた。長い夏だった。墓参に高尾へ行き、葛が山の斜面にわんさか生い茂っているのを目にした。空中を無数の蜻蛉が舞っていた。秋だ。もう熱暑の夏へは戻れない。我が家の墓地からさほど遠くないところに「八王子城址」がある。墓を建てて以来38年以上経とうかというのに、これまで一度も行く余裕がなかった。思い切って足を延ばてみした。ただかなり広い地域に点在する史跡なので、ついでに全部見られるような場所ではなかった。いずれ満を持してと、今回はごく一部の古道を通り「御主殿跡」まで上ってみた。レプリカの石垣なのだけれど忠実に再現されている。誰もいない山中に一人というのも、ちょっとした冒険だった。日本史上最後の「山城」なのだという。少し勉強してからまとめてみよう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(八王子城址、「御主殿跡」へ至る曳橋)とこのページの写真(葛の花)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Equinoctial week has passed. I had thought it would separate the hot summer and the cool fall. Even if we have to endure the lingering heat for a few more weeks, the coolness is definitely coming. It really was a severe long summer. I found kuzu (Pueraria lobata) growing over the mountain slopes. In the air lots of dragonflies were flying. It really is autumn. We can never go back to the brutal heat of summer. Not far from our grave is located the ruins of Hachioji Castle. I never had a chance to visit the place since we had built the grave almost 38 years before. I ventured to go there this year! However, the ruins are scattered in a huge area; therefore, I could hardly walk around the whole. I decided to visit there again when I'm well prepared. This time I waked along an old path up to the ruin of the main residence of the castellan. Although the stonewalls were all replica, they were elaborately recreated. It was adventurous to be alone in the mountain. Hachioji Castle is considered to be the last one in mountains in Japanese history. I would report my short trip after studying more about it. Today's update: the photo in the index page (a bridge to the main residence of the castellan) and the one here in this page (kuzu growing in mountains.) Thank you for your visit. September 21, 2023
早朝に川縁を散歩していたら、アオサギに出会った。川の中で餌をついばんでいるようだった。この前映画で見たサギ男ほど悪賢くはなさそうだったが、頭の青い模様がそっくりだった。宮崎駿監督はここからさほど遠くない土地の出身だ。おそらくサギを見慣れていたのだろう。身近にいる動植物からインスピレーションを得る才能には感心する。作品のおかげでこちらも、サギに何かを仮託したい気持ちになってくる。鳥に「どう生きるか?」と問われているわけではないけれど。本日の更新はこのページの画像です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I found a gray heron while I was taking an early morning walk. It was feeding in a stream. It didn't look as cunning as the one in the recent movie by Miyazaki Hayao; yet, the heron resembled it very much with the blue pattern on the head. Director Miyazaki is from a place near our town: I guess he had been familiar with this kind of bird. He always gets splendid inspiration from creatures nearby. Thanks to the animation, I also feel like to tell something special under the guise of the heron. The animal is not asking me, "How would you like to live?" though. Today’s update: these photos of herons. Thaks for your visit. September 20, 2023 いつも行く雑木林に踏み込んだら、あちこちに彼岸花が咲いていた。どんなに日中暑くても草花は季節を忘れないのだなと感心した。気温より日照時間が問題なのだろうか。花が咲くまでそこに茎が育っているのにも気づかなかった。まるで突然灯が点ったように花開く。葉の無い姿にはどこか禍々しいものもあるような気がするけれど、見事な造形ではないか!夕日を浴びて増々燃え盛るような風情に暫し釘付けになった。本日の更新は表紙の写真(遊歩道際の秋草の群れ)とこのページの写真(咲き初めた彼岸花)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 When I stepped in the woods I always go while taking a walk, I found spider lilies here and there. I was impressed to see the flowers bloom in the exact season no matter how high the temperature is. I guess sunshine length matters more than the temperature to plants. I didn’t notice the stems had been growing at those spots until I saw the flowers. They bloom like lights lit suddenly. Spider lilies without leaves looked a little scary but the delicate shape of the flowers was just astonishing. I stopped to watch them for a while: the flowers looked like flames blazing in the glow of setting sun. Today's update: the photo in the index page (autumn grasses along the promenade I walk) and the one here in this page (blooming spider lilies) both in Higashimurayama City in Tokyo. Thank you for your visit. September 18, 2023 残暑の合間に雨も降る。気が付けばムラサキシキブの秋の色。もうすぐお彼岸だ。お盆からあっという間にまた墓参の季節へ時はめぐる。天から地から「なにをぼんやりしているんだ!」とお叱りの声が聞こえてきそう。本日の更新は表紙とこのページの写真(東村山市「萩山四季の森公園」に降る雨と遊歩道に咲くムラサキシキブ)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It rains sometimes during the lingering summer heat. I find a bush of "Japanese beautyberry" (Callicarpa japonica) with its purple fruits. It's the color of autumn. Equinoctial week is soon to come. Seasons go around. The period of time between "bon" and the week is quite short. It's another occasion for us to visit our family grave. I feel I can hear the voice calling from the heaven and the earth, "What are you doing vacantly?!" Today's upload: A photo in the index page and one here. (Hagiyama Four Seasons' Garden, Higashimurayama, Tokyo in rain, and "Japanese beautyberry" in a corner of the promenade. Thank you for your visit. September 12, 2023 振り返ってみると、この夏は何処へも行かなかった。列車や飛行機に乗って遠くの街や山や海へという意味で。ましてや海外などへは。嘗てなら夏が近づく頃、「どこかへ行きたい」という焦燥感にかられ、無理をしてでも出かけたものだ。大抵はお盆を過ぎ、観光のハイシーズンを過ぎてから。今年は色々な事情が出来した。出かけるより優先度の高いことが次々に起こった。それに暑さが例年の比ではなかった。コロナにも熱中症にもならずにどうやら夏を越せただけで有難いと言うべきだろう。遠くへ行くだけが旅でなし。絵にも音にも言葉にもならない大切な「時」をこの夏に刻んだのは確かだ。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 When I look back, I found I didn't go anywhere this summer; I mean to faraway places, mountains, or seashores, not to mention overseas by train and plane. I used to feel irritated before summer and eager to go somewhere by all means. I usually went on a trip after the high season. However, this year various things took place and prevented me from going out, plus the extreme heat stopped me. I should be grateful I did not get infected with COVID-19 nor knocked down by heatstroke. I know traveling means not only to go far physically for sure. I spent precious time of which I can hardly draw or write. Today's update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. September 11, 2023 世を挙げてコロナ禍は終わったふりをしていても、実際には感染者が続出している。その現実を如実に突き付けられるのは母のいるグループホームが「訪問禁止」になる時だ。ここ数週間は、<入居者2名感染 >に引き続いて<職員4名感染>となったため、随分足止めを食らっていた。漸くの解禁に、自宅から自転車をこいで母に会いに行ってきた。母に認識してもらうまでに5回くらい「お母さん、こんにちは。誰だか分かる?」と聞き続け、「ほら、一番賑やかな人、私よ、私」としつこく迫ったら、遂に「あらケイコさん?」ときた。母に名前を呼んでもらえるだけで嬉しい。いつもの畑の中の一本道をお稲荷さんまで散歩した。母の覚醒度は低い。 沈黙が長い。それでも「空が高いわね。秋の空だわね」と話しかけると、「そうねぇ。広いわね」と母が応じる。それだけでもう充たされて車椅子を押す。その重みを味わいながら。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都国分寺市の畑にて、初秋の空)とこのページの写真(同所、レッドコスモス?)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 The world pretends that COVD-19 has gone; yet, in reality, the number of the infected has been increasing. I recognize the fact when the group-home where my mother is living declines outsiders' visit. For a few weeks, we've been prohibited to go there due to <2 residents infected> and <4 staff infected>. Finally, the visit released, I went to see my mother by bike yesterday. I had to repeat at least 5 times, talking to her, "Hello, Mother. Do you know who I am?" I insisted, "I'm the one, you know, who talks more loudly than anyone else. Don't you know me?" At last, she said inquiring, "Keiko, aren't you?" Oh, how happy I was just to be called by my name! We took a walk along the sole lane in the vegetable field to a small shrine. Mother's awareness was very low. Silence continued. But when I talked to her saying, "How high the sky is! It's the autumn sky, isn't it?", she said, "Indeed, the sky is big!" Fully satisfied, I pushed her wheel chair with all my might, feeling the weight of my mother. Today's update: the photo in the index page (the autumn sky looked up from the field in Kokubunji City) and the one here in this page (the same place). Thank you very much for your visit. September 6, 2023 ほんの小さなことで幸福感に満たされることもあれば、些細なことで落ち込むこともある。若かった頃に比べればその振幅は大分なだらかになってきたようにも思うし、逆に天辺と底辺が際立つこともある。自分をなだめたり持ち上げたり出来るようになってきたためか、感情に振り回されることは稀になった。それもまた少し情けない。けれど雨上がりの林に差す陽光を見て、また千日紅のようなありふれた花を見て、「わぁ、きれい!」と思う感性は失いたくない。いつまでも。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(近所の林)とこのページの写真(公園の花壇で見かけた千日紅)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I am easily filled with happiness with trifle things and depressed by trivial matters. Compared with my youthful days, I am much more stable in mind these days. Yet, the top and the bottom of my spiritual world stand out more clearly than before. Recently, as I've learned to console and encouraged myself, I'm rarely troubled with my emotion. (It's a pity somehow.) However, I wish to keep my sensibility to be amazed with the beauty of the sunshine in woods after rain, and with the cuteness of such common flowers as bachelor's button (Gomphrena globosa), forever if possible. Today’s update: a photo in the index page (small woods in my neighborhood) and the one here in this page (bachelor’s button, Gomphrena globosa) in a garden nearby. Thank you for your visit. September 4, 2023 「昨日も今日も明日も 変わらない水の流れ」と歌詞に書いたことがある。今にしてみると本当だろうか?と怪しくなる。鴨長明は「ゆく河の流れは絶えずして しかももとの水に非ず」と書いた。「生々流転」という言葉も思い出される。ふと検索してみたら横山大観の墨絵の大作に行きあたった。国立近代美術館が提供する4K映像 横山大観、<<生々流転>>1923年(重要文化財)を鑑賞する。延々20分間余り、深山に生まれた一滴の水が渓流から急流へ大河へ、そして海へと至るさまが映し出される。無音のうちにモノトーンの画面がゆっくりと流れてゆく絵画表現(絵巻、全長48m)に圧倒された。直に作品を観たいものだと思わずにいられない。人は水の流れに命と宇宙を見るのだろう。その悠然たる画風を鑑賞する気持ちになるのも自分の年齢の故か。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問に感謝いたします。(4K映像製作者による注釈: ※4K 画質で視聴する方法:再生画面右下の歯車から画質 「2160p」を選択ください。動画制作:国立美術館本部事務局情報企画室) I have written a lyric including the line, "the ever-lasting stream, the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow." I wonder if it is true. Once Kamo no Choumei in Hojo-ki wrote, "The flow of the river never ceases, / And the water never stays the same. The sentence reminds me of another expression "Seisei Ruten." I searched and found Yokoyama Taikan's "Metempsychosis"* 1923 National Important Cultural Properties provided by National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, in 4K streaming. A drop of water born in the mountain runs in a stream, grows into a large river and finally flows into the sea. (Of course, it's not the end.) The soundless streaming shows for more than 20 minutes the black and white expression of suibokuga. The work is a 40-meter scroll painting. (It is quoted from the website of the museum.) I wish I could see the painting someday. (The following is quoted from the website of the museum.) *A water drop that appears in the vapor of the air travels through a mountain stream, and grows into a great river that flows into the sea where waves form a dragon that rises up into the sky. This is a forty-meter scroll painting depicting the life of water on a grand scale. And that’s not the end of the story. The dragon in the sky turns into water drops again to live a new life. Taikan made free use of various techniques of suibokuga (sumi painting) to express his imposing view of nature and life where the vicissitude of all things was seen in the flow of water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuUVteGAvqc September 3, 2023 日中は暑すぎてつい外出を控える。夕方になってようやく動き始め、西に向かって歩いて行くと見事な夕焼けが拡がっている。大空のキャンバスの色は真夏とは違う。もっと広い空間で眺めたいと思って足を速めても光はどんどん薄れ、残照はつれなくも闇に吸い込まれていく。もしかすると私たちの一生もこんなものだろうか。最後の輝きの美しいこと、そして儚いこと。暗闇の中に騒ぐのは木々のざわめきばかり。いや、明日になれば日はまた昇るのだろう。そして夕刻の奇想を愚かしく思うのだろう。本日の更新はこの短信と、表紙の写真(東村山市八坂駅付近の夕焼け)とこのページの写真(夏草に覆いつくされてしまった自転車)です。短信も朝に書けば違う発想となるに違いない。試してみるに如かず!ご訪問に感謝いたします。 I restrain myself from going out during the daytime due to the persistent heat wave. Eventually in the early evening I start taking a walk. The westbound walk let me find the gorgeous sunset glow. Colors of the evening sky were quite different from summer. Wishing to see it in larger space, I walked faster but the afterlight was fading quickly into the darkness. I wondered our life might be something like this: the beauty of the last moment is so beautiful and just fleeting. The rest is rustling of branches and leave in darkness. No, in the morning, the sun also rises, making me feel foolish to have such a conceit. Today's update: this note and the photos in the index page (sunset glow in Yasaka, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and in this page (a bike covered with weeds during summer). Maybe this note will make a difference if I write it in the morning. Let me try it earlier next time! Thank you for your visit. September 2, 2023 いよいよ九月、陰暦で言うところの「長月」にあたる。語源の一つはどうやら「夜長月」にあるらしい。虫の音を聴きながらひんやりとした夜風に吹かれ、「灯火親しむべし」となればまことに悠長な古の秋を彷彿とさせる。以前は「秋の長雨」も常套句で、あれほど太陽に焼かれ積乱雲の峰を眺め暮らした夏の日とは打って変わって濡れそぼる空を恨めしく見上げるばかりの日々の訪れ。しかし、今年はどうなのだろう。長期予報では残暑が今月も来月までも続くかのようだ。流石に酷暑に疲れた心身に、そのような予報は恨めしい。せめて清涼な秋風が吹けば身も心も生き返るに違いないのだけれど。「暑さ寒さも彼岸まで」の言い伝えが空事ではありませんようにと祈るばかり。必ずや良いことがあると信じたい九月。先回りして"Try to Remember"を聴く。心静かに思い出す日々。その輝きが今を照らす。感傷的な季節も悪くない。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's September already! In a Japanese ancient calendar, it is called "Naga-tsuki (the long month)." They say it comes from "a month of long nights." When we listen to the peaceful sound of insects while reading books in cool night wind under the lamp, we can't help thinking of the old days. "The long rain in autumn" used to be a cliche to describe September: the difference between the glorious sunshine with mountainous clouds against the blue sky, and the long-lasting rain falling from the gray sky. What will become of September this year? The weather forecast says the heat will linger in September and even in October. No thanks for such a cruel forecast! I wish the cool wind will soothe our mind and body so that we will be refreshed. I hope the saying "No heat or cold lasts over the equinox" will be true. Let us believe there will be something good in September. I'd like to listen to the beautiful song of "Try to Remember" at the beginning of this month, remembering the days whose glory shines us today. The sentimental season is not bad at all. Today's update: only this note. Thanks for your visit. August 31, 2023 八月最後の宵の月は「スーパーブルームーン」というのだそうだ。ニュースでも幾度も報じられていたし、天体写真を撮るのが得意な人は画像を配布してくれた。天体望遠鏡で撮った写真を見るとクレーターがくっきりと映り、月はそんなに遠いところではないような気がしてくる。先だってはインドが月に無人探査機を着陸させ、既に岩石の分析を始めている。地上から月を見上げてその輝かしく静謐な姿に溜息をつく情緒と、月での先陣争いをするのと、どちらが貴いかなどという問いは無意味だろう。人の思惑とは関係なく、月は存在する―今のところは。見上げた先の月の表面に人工建造物がひしめくなどという未来が来ませんように。本日の更新は表紙の写真(皇居東御苑内で見かけたランプの遺跡)とこのページの写真(軒下から眺めた月)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 At the last night of August, we can see "Super Blue Moon." The moon is very bright and looks to exist quite close. Not only news programs report on the moon tonight, an amateur photographer kindly sent us an image of the moon which he took with his astrometric telescope. We can see craters so clearly in the photo that we almost believe the moon is not very far from us. Reportedly, India succeeded in sending their moon probe and has started research of the substances in the planet. We look up at the moon and are fascinated with its quiet beauty, and we go aggressively into it and compete for the initiative on the moon. Probably it's nonsense to compare the two different aspects. The moon exists regardless of human beings' intentions, so far at least. I wish there will be no future when we look up and see a crowd of man-made architecture on the surface of the moon. Today's update: a photo in the index page (a remnant of decorative lamp in East Garden of the Imperial Palace) and the one here in this page (the moon observed from the space under the eaves). Thank you for your visit. August 29, 2023 映画Barbieを観たのは既に10日近く前のことになる。この間ずっとBarbieについて何か書いてみたいと思っていた。いざキーボードの前に座るとどこから手を付けたらよいのか分からない。徒に他人のレビューを読む気にはならず、かといって手ぶらで書く勇気は出ない。そんな折、TIME誌が大特集を組んでいるのを見つけた。紙媒体の雑誌を買わなくなって久しいので、オンラインで読むしかない。だが、全部モニター上で追うには分量が多すぎる。そこで意を決してプリントアウトすることにした。資料負けするほどの枚数がプリンターから吐き出されて来た。隅から隅まで全部読んでいたら、おそらく自分自身のフレッシュな印象は消えてしまうだろうと思うくらいの分量だった。そこで、主な記事にざっと目を通した段階で再度キーボードに向かい、映画に背中を押されるようにして一気に書いたのがこの文章です。 「ピンクの牙城―映画Barbieをめぐって」を「新作エッセイ 散策思索34」にてご笑覧いただければ幸いです。他に本日の更新は、表紙の写真とこのページの写真(いずれも東京都千代田区の「日比谷公園」にて。)ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Almost 10 days have passed since I saw Barbie in a movie theater. I've been willing to write something about it. However, I was at a loss when I sat in front of the keyboard. I didn't know what to start with. I didn't feel like reading reviews written by others; I was not confident enough to write in my own words yet. Meanwhile, I found TIME featured an issue focusing on the movie. As I had stopped buying the magazine in print, I had to read articles all online. The volume seemed to be so large for me to follow all on the PC monitor that I decided to print them out. Consequently, I got a huge amount of printed paper. I thought if I spend time to read it all, my fresh impressions of the movie would be dried up; I picked up and read some of the remarkable articles only and decided to write my own review. Here is the one I wrote under the title of "The Pink World--What I saw in Barbie the movie." Sorry, only in Japanese. Also today's update: photos in the index page and here in this page (boh are of Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). Thank you for your visit. August 22, 2023 国立近代美術館で『ガウディとサグラダ・ファミリア展』を鑑賞した。名にし負う名建築の記録を目にしようと、この暑さの中大勢の人が詰め掛けていた。着手から約150年、未だ建築途上のこの聖堂も漸く2030年頃には完成の運びとか。「第1章 ガウディとその時代」、「 第2章 ガウディの創造の源泉」、「 第3章 サグラダ・ファミリアの軌跡」、 「第4章 ガウディの遺伝子」と名付けられた順路を辿ると聖堂をめぐる歴史と文化、そしてガウディという類稀な「建築家・芸術家・科学者・工芸作家、等々」の全体像が朧げに見えてくる。キリスト教的ヨーロッパのみならずアラブ世界や宇宙にまで想像が及ぶ。ただ、ひしめく人垣の端から押されるようにして観た展示は遠かった。できれば実物をいつかと、誰しも思うに違いない。本日の更新は表紙の写真(国立近代美術館向かいの御堀端)とこのページの写真(皇居を背に東京駅方面のビル街を望む)です。海外からの観光客が本格的に戻ってきている。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I went to see the exhibition of "Gaudí and the Sagrada Família" at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. A crowd of audience gathered in spite of the exceptional heat of this summer. The seemingly everlasting construction of the cathedral (basilica) is likely to be completed by 2030 eventually after almost 150 years. The exhibition had 4 sections: Chapter I: Gaudí and His Time, Chapter II: The Sources of Gaudí’s Originality, Chapter III: The Story of the Sagrada Família, Chapter IV: The Legacy of Gaudí. I toured the route to find its history, culture and Gaudi's genius in various aspects as an architect, artist, scientist, craftsman and many more. My imagination ran beyond Christian Europe, Arab cultures, and cosmos etc. It was a little disappointing I could see the exhibition in the crowd, pushing and pushed by each other. I guess most of the audience wished to go and see the Sagrada Família in Barcelona. Today's upload: a photo in the index page (the moat of the Imperial Palace in front of the museum) and the one here in this page (buildings of Marunouchi observed from the moat). Inbound tourists are coming back to Tokyo really! Thanks for your visit. August 17, 2023 台風に直撃された地域の濁流の映像をTVで見るにつけ、水の威力がただ事ではないのを知る。嵐が過ぎた後の復旧作業がどれほど過酷なものであるかを、とりわけ農場主や漁業者の険しい表情が物語っている。水の恐ろしさを目の当たりにしながら、被害を免れた土地の者はそれでもまだ穏やかな水の表情を思い描こうとする。 命の水、命を奪う水。本日の更新は表紙の写真(立川Green Springsのカスケードで遊ぶ子どもたち)とこのページの写真(『エルマーのぼうけん展』で入場者が受け取る立体栞)です。まだしばらく炎暑は続く。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 When we watch the video of rushing muddy streams, we realize how horrible the power of waters is. Stern faces of farmers and fishermen tell us how grueling the recovery tasks would be. Looking at the horror of water, those who escaped from the disasters still wish to see water in peace. Water is to give life, and also to kill life. Today's update: a photo in the index page (children playing in the cascade in Green Springs, Tachikawa, Tokyo) and the photo here in this page (a gift visitors of "Exhibition of MY FATHER'S DRAGON" receive, a 3-D bookmark). Reportedly the extreme heat will continue for a while. Thanks for your visit. Augut 14, 2023 台風は関西を直撃し、関東は進路を逸れた模様だ。しかし台風由来の定まらぬ空模様が朝から幾度も激しく変わる。カッと照り付けるかと思えばザーザー降りとなり、再び瞬く間に晴れ上がる。こんな激しい変化が夏の特徴なのだろう。過ぎ去ってしまえば懐かしむに違いない。どうか忘れずにいて欲しい。捉えどころのない日々に、寄せては返す波のようなひと時があったことを。本日の更新: 『新作エッセイのページ』中、散策思索33 「夏の呼び名」 をご笑覧ください。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 A typhoon has been going toward Kansai Area; thus, Kanto Area has been escaped from its direct attack. Yet, due to the typhoon, the weather has been changing again and again drastically from morning. It shines brilliantly, rains heavily abruptly, and then returns the peaceful sunshine. This kind of changes are the characteristics of summer weather. Once passed, I'm sure we would likely to miss the season. Pray you will not forget we had such a period of time like waves going and coming back to each other. Today's update: a new essay entitled "Names of Summer." Sorry, it's only in Japanese. Thank you for your visit. August 13, 2023 もう暑いからという理由で引き籠っていられない。暑いのはデフォルト。「命の危険を感じさせる暑さ」は今年の夏の常態になった。台風も来るし、高温のみならず多湿がそれに加わる。そんな折、立川Green Springs内のPlay! Museumで開催されている『エルマーのぼうけん展』を見に行った。エルマーが小さな竜を助けるために一人で野性味あふれる島に渡って、知恵を尽くして奮闘する冒険物語。子どもの頃、あるいは自分の子供(孫)が小さかった頃、赤と白のストライプのシャツを着たエルマーが、青と黄色の縞模様の竜と出会う物語を読んだ人は多いと思う。初めて物語の原書も手に入れることができた。とても良い文章であることを再発見した。新しいコンセプトの商業施設であり街そのもののような Green Springs の展望台(スカイデッキ)からは隣接する昭和記念公園を眼下に見晴らし、その先には秩父連山が遠望できた。屋上庭園の茂みは緑濃く、ビオトープでは子どもたちが自然観察に夢中になっていた。暑さを味方につけて身近な自然と仲良くするのが今年流の暮らし方かもしれない。本日の更新は表紙の写真(Green Springs 展望台からの眺め)とこのページの写真(Green Springs 内ビオトープ)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 We can hardly excuse ourselves being home just because it's too hot outside. The heat is a default of this summer. The extreme hotness, the risky high temperature (sometimes nearly 40℃), has been an ordinary condition recently. Typhoons are approaching, too; therefore, not only the temperature but also the high humidity is added. I went to see "Exhibition of MY FATHER'S DRAGON" at Play! Museum in Green Springs, Tachikawa, Tokyo. This is an exhibition of Three Tales of My Father's Dragon, Elmer and the Dragon, and The Dragons of Blueland. I guess many people have ever seen (read the stories of) a boy in a red and white striped T-shirts Elmar and a small dragon in blue and yellow stripe. Elmar explores wild islands and meets (and helps) the dragon. Fortunately, I was able to purchase the original books in English. The text is really wonderful to read. BTW, after the exhibition I had a chance to climb the observation deck (Sky Deck) of Green Springs and saw a splendid view of huge Showa Memorial Park and Chichibu Mountains beyond the field. The rooftop garden of Green Springs includes a biotope where children were enjoying themselves in the water and grasses. I guess one of the best ways to survive this summer is to make friends with the heat and get familiar with nearby nature. Today's update: the photo in the index page (a view from the observation deck of Green Springs) and the photo of this page (a biotope in Green Springs). Thanks for your visit. August 7, 2023 数日前、居住地区のフードドライブを目指して炎天下を自転車で走った。到来物があったのだが、少人数の家族ではとても期限内に賞味し尽くせそうもない。宝の持ち腐れにするより、役に立ててもらえればと物品の集積場所へ。昼下がりの街道には歩行者はもちろん、自転車も滅多に通らない。ビュンビュン飛ばす車を避けて荷物の重さによろけながら、目的地に到着した。アッサリと品物は受理され一安心。帰り道に以前から気になっていた手作りスコーンの店へ寄ってみることにした。グーグルマップを頼りに走るものの、どうもよく分からない。余りの暑さに木陰を求めて神社の境内へ。埒があかないのでたまたま近くにいた若い女性に尋ねると、親切に教えてくれた。彼女は民家の勝手口のようなところで黒板に「かき氷」の案内を書いていた。(へぇ〜こんなところで!)かき氷に心惹かれながら、教えてもらった店へ。翌日、運動がてら彼女のかき氷屋へ徒歩で行ってみたら、【本日休業】とのこと。失望と想像を絶する暑さにへしゃげて、近くの珈琲屋に駆け込んだ。もの好きにもほどがあると反省。本日の更新は表紙ページとこのページの写真(近所の公園と探し当てた店)です。ご訪問に感謝します。 A few days ago, I went to a local Food Drive by bike at midday under the blazing sun. I received a gift of food but unfortunately it seemed a small family could hardly consume it all by the "best-before-end" date. I thought it better to donate it to an organization concerned than to waste it. Along the main street there were none to walk and very few to cycle; I was fearful of the cars driving fast as I was cycling unsteadily with the heavy load. Finally, I safely arrived at the depot and my donation was accepted all right. On my way back I remembered there was a shop selling scones made of natural ingredients. Deciding to go there I started cycling again looking for the shop. However, it seemed I lost my way in spite that I was trying to follow the Google map. I stopped by under the shade of a shrine, where I found a young woman and asked to show me the way to the shop. She was writing a menu of shaved ice for her small shop on a blackboard in front of the shrine. How I wished to eat her ice! Thanks to her guidance, I found the shop eventually! The next day, another extremely hot day, I walked to the shop beside the shrine for the shaved ice. Even for an exercise it was too hot to walk all the way. In addition to that I found the shop was closed. Well, well. I ended up dropping in an ordinary coffee shop to cool. Don't be a fool to be burnt only for a cup of shaved ice! Today's update: photos on the index page and here in this page (a play ground in my neighborhood and the shop I finally found). Thanks for your visit August 2, 2023 知人が「通勤のために御茶ノ水駅ホームに立つ度、目の前に広がる緑陰に心惹かれながらなかなか行ってみることができなかった」と言ってある日、灼熱の白昼にそこへ行くお供をした。橋の上も交差点も焼け付く暑さだったが、一歩「湯島聖堂」の敷地に入ると別天地だった。人影もなく、ひっそりとして樹下は涼しい。これなら時代を問わず誰でも学問がはかどることだろう。暑い寒いとうかうかしている間に時は過ぎる。本日の更新は表紙の写真(聖橋)とこのページの写真(湯島聖堂内「楷の木」―牧野富太郎博士は「孔子の木」と命名)です。暑中御見舞いい申し上げます。 One of my friends said, "As a commuter, I always stand on the platform to look at the forest beyond the river. How I wished to go there, to the midst of the greenery!" One day I had a chance to visit the forest with my friend. During the scaling hot weather, we walked passing the bridge and busy streets into the grounds of the Yushima Seido (Sacred Hall at Yushima). It was completely a different space. We could meet scarcely anybody. It was cool under trees. You can devote yorselves in learning in such a cool quiet place. Time flies while we complain of the heat and the coldness. Today's update: a photo in the index page and the one here in this page (a tee of Kai, Pistacia chinensis, which Dr. Makino Tomitaro named "the tree of Confucious"). Wishing you a good health in the hottest season! July 31, 2023 友人が毎年恒例のオックスフォード滞在に出かけた。観光旅行ではなく、かの地に所有している自宅への避暑のようなもので、彼女がイギリスにいる間、私たちはfrom Oxford to Tokyo/ from Tokyo to Oxfordと題したメールで交信する。スマホで通じないことはないのだが、普段お互いPCに向かって何かまとまったことを書き合う時間が取れずにいることもこの「往復書簡」を実行する動機になっている。以前にはイギリス滞在中ヨーロッパ各地へ出かけて見聞を広げていた彼女だが、諸般の変化により今は一カ月余りの滞在の間にウェールズのファームへ旧友を訪ねるのがせいぜいだという。一所でゆったり過ごすのも「恒例」ならぬ「高齢」者の特権だろう。かの地は本日気温20℃とのこと。「そちらと足して2で割ったらちょうどよさそう」というメッセージが早速届いた。東京に28℃の日々があったなんて信じられないくらいの現在、Oxford便りで涼を取ることにしよう。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 A friend of mine departed for Oxford; it is not a sight-seeing trip but a stay at her home there. While she enjoys the cool weather in England, we exchange series of mails entitled "from Oxford to Tokyo/ from Tokyo to Oxford." We could correspond via smartphone; yet, it's a special annual summer event between us. We hardly have time to write at PC usually to each other due to our hectic schedules. Although she used to travel widely in Europe before, for various reasons she has been quietly keeping home recently. This year she is only planning to visit her friend’s family in a farm in Wales. It's OK to be home now that we are aging. Isn't it a privilege of senior citizens not to move around? According to her mail, it is 20℃ in oxford. "I wish we could sum up your temperature and ours and divide by 2; it'll be ideal!" She's right. I cannot believe we had the weather of 28℃ in Tokyo. Thanks to her, I will mentally cool down through mails from Oxford. Today's update: only this note. Thank you very much for your visit. July 30, 2023 酷暑の中、東京を訪れた人たちはどんな思いでいるだろう。「こんなはずでは...」と思うか、エキゾチックな気候だと思うか、少なくとも先週都心で見かけた人たちの顔は「ウンザリ」ではなかった。都会にも樹木の生い茂る場所はある。せめてそんなところで日向と日陰の温度差に潤ってくれるとよいが。昨日は久々に施設の母を訪問した。陽の陰る頃を狙って行ったので散歩の許可が出て、畑の一本道をいつものお稲荷さんまで車椅子を押して行った。日除けに肩に掛けたバスタオルも帽子も強風に煽られてはがれたものの、母は頓着せず暑さにやられた様子もなかった。道々、畑の野菜や庭の草花の名前を言い合いながら進んだ。「これは何の花?」の問いかけに「キキョウ」とはっきり答えた時には驚いた。深く刻まれた記憶は健在なのだった。無駄に抵抗して暑さにやられるより、すべて受け流して飄々としているのが良いのかもしれない。本日の更新は表紙の写真(築地、新大橋通りと晴海通りの交差点に差し掛かる観光バス)とこのページの写真(畑の中の鳥避け凧の鷹)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 What are visitors to Tokyo in this extreme heat are feeling? I wonder they might say, "No way, I didn't come to Tokyo to experience such a tropical temperature!" or "Well, it's an exotic weather, isn't it?" At least those who I saw in the central parts of Tokyo last week did not seem wearied so much. I hope they would find shades of urban forests to cool down. Yesterday I visited my mother in a Group Home. I hadn't seen her nearly a month. AS I visited after the hottest hours, I was permitted to take her out. We went to a small shrine at the end of a lane in a vegetable field as usual. During I was pushing her wheel chair, I asked her questions about the names of plants. She found Japanese bellflower in purple color and called it by its name to astonish me. It was impressive to know that what was put in her memory deeply would not be erased so easily. Let us live in a carefree way, not be too much conscious about the conditions around us. Never resist the present heat but accept it as it is for now. Today's update: a photo in the index page (a double decker sightseeing bus at the crossing of Shin-Ohashi-Dori Avenue and Harumi-Dori Avenue in Tsukiji; and the photo here in this page (a kite hawk flying over the vegetable field in Kokubunji City, Tokyo). Thank you for your visit. July 24, 2023 春学期終了を前に試験問題の準備をしつつ、カッと晴れた空を見上げる。週末に見た『君たちはどう生きるか』の映像と重なる。宮崎駿映画はなんといっても夏空と森の影だ。異界・迷宮巡りをする少年の瑞々しい勇気と逡巡に振り回されるのも愉快だった。鳥たちや雑多な妖精もどきの活躍はトトロ以来綿々と続く。いつまででも見ていたい。だが老人は去るのみ、君たちにバトンを渡すから受け取れというメッセージに納得する人もしない人も、いずれの別れを覚悟するだろう。本日の更新は写真ページ「築地 2023年 夏/ TSUKIJI, Summer in 2023」です。ほぼ20年前の画像と比べられるようにしてある。20年なんてあっという間だ。受け渡すバトンなど、私にあるだろうか?ご訪問に感謝いたします。 At the end of the spring semester 2023, I look up at the sparkling summer sky during I make the final exams. The sky reminds me of the latest animation film by Miyazaki Hayao, How Will you Live? His movies are characteristic in the expression of summer sky and the dark woods. I enjoyed following a boy traveling in the alien world and the labyrinth with a lot of hesitation and bravery. His naivete is fresh and attractive. Monstrous birds and fairies of some kinds are the cliche of Hayao world. I felt like to watch the film on and on. But the old maestro has to depart. His message to the boy and the viewers of the film is to receive the baton, his legacy. Yes, or No, followers have to realize the day of his departure will come soon. Today's update: a photo page TSUKIJI, Summer in 2023. If you please, you can compare an old photo page of 20 years ago. BTW, 20 years pass so quickly. Do I have a baton to pass? Thanks for your visit. July 21, 2023 猛暑の合間を縫って、定期検診に出かけた。一年ぶりの築地は少し様子が違った。白昼の日差しをものともせず、場外市場には観光客が溢れている。コロナ禍で閑散としていた日々は去り、外国からの訪問者が大勢詰めかける。店先で立ち食いする人々がいて、長い行列ができ、店員たちは忙しく動き回る。ガイドに引率されて辺りをうかがいながら動く集団もいれば、身振り手振りも派手に話しこんだり、耳慣れない言葉ではしゃぎ声を上げるグループもある。市場を離れて勝鬨橋から眺めると、隅田川縁の風景も少し変わった。かつて築地市場があり、その後TOKYO 2020用のバス発着場となっていた空間は、新たな建築現場に変身しようとしている。未だ盛んにトラックが出入りしクレーンが見えるばかり。どうか高層建築で辺りの景観をぶち壊しませんように!火照った体を鎮めようと、築地本願寺の伽藍の中に入る。案内の人が「お昼のパイプオルガンを聴きにいらっしゃい」と勧めてくれた。境内のカフェTumugiで「30品目バランスブッダボウル」なるヘルシーな一品を食して帰る。それだけだと陰気臭くなる通院も、これだけおまけがつくと「築地ミニツアー」だ。本日の更新は表紙の写真(勝鬨橋から見る築地市場跡)とこのページの写真(本願寺の手水)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 During the intervals of killing heat, I went out to the hospital for regular check-up. Since I came here last summer, Tsukiji has slightly changed. In spite of the severe sunshine at the midday, there were croud of turists in the Tsukiji Outside Market. After the days of COVID 19, when the marketplace was scarce of visitors, it is now abuntant of them including inbound tourists again. Some are eating tidbis outside of shops, others are making lines, and store workers are bysily moving about. I saw some tourist groups following the guides obediently, others talking with active gestures, and many more enjoying themselves excitedly. Away from the marketplace, I went to Kachidoki Bridge to look at the Sumida River. Its view was also a little different. Once there was a huge market; then it turned into a huge bus depot for the Olympic/ Pralympic 2020; now it's an enormouse construction site. It is not clear what will appear but only heavy trucks are seen going in and out at present. I sincerely hope there won't be skyscrapers. In order to cool myself down, I entered the large monastery of Tsukiji Honganji Temple. A guide person invited me to listen to the pipe organ at lunch time. Then I had "a bowl of well balanced buddha food" at a fashionable coffee shop Tsugumi in the garden. Thus my hospital visit, fundamentally a dreary affair, became a special "Tsukiji mini tour" with variety of additional scenes. Today's update: The photo of the index page (The remnant of once-Tukiji Market observed from Kachidoki Bridge over the Sumida River); and the photo of this page (water basin for rinsing hands before visiting the monastery.) Thanks for your visit. July 18, 2023 関東地方でも猛暑を凌駕する酷暑が続いている。日中外へ出ようものなら、天から地から炎のような熱に焼かれ、身の危険を感じるほどだ。この熱波がやってくる少し前に訪れた場所の写真をまとめた。更なる校正が必要な、暫定的な写真ページです。「散策」のページから、あるいは直接のリンクからご笑覧ください。 東京都新宿区中井「林芙美子記念館」探訪。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Tokyo is extremely hot for more than a week. Once you go out, you feel burnt by flames from the sky and from the earth. The heat could kill us. A few days before the exceptional heat attack, I visited a unique place. I need more editing, and so this is a tentative upload of the photo page: A Visit to a Woman's Own House: Hayashi Fumiko Memorial Museum in Nakai, Shinjyuku, Tokyo. Thanks for your visit. July 10, 2023 「海の日」が近い。大海原に憧れる。この夏、どこまで行って海を見ることができるだろう。海にそそぐ河口まででも行ってみたい。山間に分け入って木の香を嗅ぐのもいい。それなら里山でもよかろうが、やはり少し遠くへ行かなくては。そんな思いに駆られるのも、梅雨明けを思わせる快晴の空を見上げるからだ。予報では関東地方は35℃を超える猛暑日。しかし、九州では豪雨が続き、河川の氾濫が報じられている。都市で暮らしていると感覚が鈍るに違いない。憧れも恐れも窓の外を覗くだけではリアルとは言い難い。「いつか、どこか」ではなく、「いま、ここ」の現実を掴まなくては。本日の更新は表紙の写真(夏の庭)とこのページの写真(夏座敷)です。さて、ここは...。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Soon it will be "The Day of the Sea," a Japanese holiday commemorating the greatness and fertility of the ocean. I adore the sea. I wonder how far I can go to watch the sea this summer. I would love to go even to a river mouth open to the sea. I also wish to go into the forest and smell the scent of trees. I could go to the hills nearby just to smell the trees; yet, I need to go afar for the real smell of the nature. I feel this way because I look up at the clear blue sky suggesting the end of the rainy season this morning. Reportedly, it will be over 35℃ in Kanto Area. However, in Kyushu Area, it's still raining extremely heavily and floods are happening in plural places. Living in large cities, we might easily lose the sense of nature. It's not real just to look out of the window. Not "sometime, somewhere," but "now and here," capture the truth! Today's update: a photo in the index page (a summer garden) and the one here (a tatami room in summer). Can you figure out where they are? Thank you for your visit. July 6, 2023 娘と私はちょうど3周りの年齢差で同じ干支の生まれ。あれま、来年は辰年。二人とも「年女」かと気付いた。私はつい先ごろ古希を迎えたばかりだったはずなのに、計算が合わないような気がしていたけれどそんなことはない。今年はもう「古希+一年」なのだから、来年が干支のめぐりで間違いない。「3周りの年齢差」を最も実感するのは、デジタルディバイスに対する反応と対応の速度だ。彼女は生まれた時からPCにどっぷり浸っていた。お風呂上がりのお楽しみは父親の膝の上で、モニターを見ながら描画ソフトで遊ぶことだった。父も娘には国内外の如何を問わず、新手のお遊びソフトを導入していくらでも触らせていた。だからなのか、長じてもデジタル機器への違和感がない。仕事でも私生活でも新手のアプリを導入し、サクサクと使いこなす。一方の私は「はて、これは?」とフリーズしっ放し。スマホの使い方を娘にあれこれ聞いては、「自分で調べて解決しなされ」と叱咤される。はー、そんな私の日常を久々にエッセイに書いてみた。御用とお急ぎでない向きは、本日の更新: 『新作エッセイのページ』中、散策思索32 「お支払いはどのように?」 をご笑覧ください。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Both my daughter and I was born in the year of Dragon in oriental Zodiac, with three cycles in between. I found that 2024 will be the year of Dragon and both of us will be called "women born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign." Wait! I have just become 70; can it be so soon to be women of the year? (I mean I could hardly believe I would become 72 so soon.) Yes, I will be 72 next year for sure as I will be 71 this December. How fast time passes! Anyway, one thing I have to be conscious of in our generation gap with my daughter is the speed of getting used to new digital devices. She has been soaked luxuriously in the ocean of digital devices since she was born. Before her first birthday, she enjoyed playing with drawing apps in PC sitting on her father's laps. He indulgently let her spend time playing with new kinds of software he bought for her in and out of Japan. I guess that's why she feels no discomfort with new apps nor devices. At work and in her private time, she introduces various kinds of software and makes use of them skillfully. On the other hand, I get frozen facing something new in digital devices. Whenever I ask her questions, she tells me to ask my PC/smartphone before asking someone for help. Well, I wrote my bewilderment in my new essay. Sorry, it's only in Japanese Thanks for your visit. July 3, 2023 未だ梅雨は明けない。雨の止むのを待って外に飛び出す。特にどこへというわけでもなく、近隣を徘徊するばかり。この季節ならではの植物に目を引かれる。遊歩道沿いの家で栽培されているアカンサスが見事だった。この植物は、古代ギリシアやローマの彫刻からルネッサンスに至るまで(近年ではウイリアム・モリスの作品にも)重用されたデザインの元だという。バランスよく典雅に伸びる姿はすっくりと麗しい。地中海縁では灼熱の太陽にも耐えるのだろうが、曇天にも映える。植物散歩は気が晴れる。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's July. The rainy season lingers. When the rain stopped, I went out for a walk in my neighborhood. Plants of this season are alluring. I was particularly attracted by Acanthus today. They say this plant was cherished by ancient Greeks and Romans: Acanthus can be found in their sculptures and architecture. During Renaissance and also in modern era (for example by William Morris) it remains one of the important motives of art. It truly is slender and elegant in a good balance of leaves and flowers. I believe it endures the blazing sun of the Mediterranean; yet, even in the humid air under the cloudy sky it looks gorgeous. Plants refreshes me. Today's update: the photo in the index page (a crimson train running in green) and the photo here in this page (Acanthus). Thanks for your visit. June 30, 2023 既に夏至を過ぎ、一年の半ばを過ぎ、時は駆け足で過ぎてゆく。いくつか新たに始めたこと、何とか持続していること、既に手放したことなどあれこれを振り返り、ここが肝心な結節点かなと思う。うかうかと流されていくには余りに惜しい。明日からはまた市の定期健診、年に一度の重点観察事項数種、そして月単位・週単位の身体メンテ。こんなにこまめに点検し手入れをしなくてはこの命、維持できなくなったのかと驚き呆れる。そう、高齢者であるとはそういうことだ。だが、数値による区分けに収まらないところもたくさんある。いくつになっても変わらない好奇心、そして遥かなものにときめく心。傍から見たら、「いい歳をして、いい加減にしなさいな」と言われそうなことども。あらためて「やりたいことリスト」を整備しておこう。それは「終活」とは対極にあるもののような気がする。一見荒唐無稽なことも、どんなささやかなことも、意志あれば方法あり。楽しみは生きる力。本日の更新はこのページの写真(夏空の空堀川―東村山市)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 We've passed midsummer, and are passing the middle of this year. Time is flying. I look back what I've started, what I've maintained, and what I've lost so far. I see I'm in the important turning point now. It's a pity if I let things just go by. I could hardly be drifted away as time goes by. Tomorrow, the periodical health check-up conducted by the city will start; the annual close examination of my long-run disease will take place; in addition, the monthly and weekly maintenance of my body will continue. I'm amazed to find how many medical check-ups and treatments I have to go through. This is the reality of aging. However, I have something that cannot be categorized by numbers. My constant curiosity and feeling heart are not yet withered. I might be advised not to be so greedy for my age. Aha! Let me check my bucket list. It seems to be the opposite of "ending notes." No matter how illusory they might look, your wish will make sense as long as you have the will. Pleasure is the source of life. Today's update: the photo in this page: the river Kara-bori Gawa in a sunny day, Higashimurayama City. Thank you for your visit. June 28, 2023 コロナから回復した94歳の母が今度は泌尿器の感染症に見舞われ、入居施設外の病院を受診することになった。介護タクシーを頼み義妹と二人で付き添う。にもかかわらず採尿は困難を極め、トイレから車椅子に移乗させるのに病院の看護師さん三人の手を借りなくてはならなかった。前回会った時より意識のレベルは格段に下がり、母は車椅子に座ったままずっとうとうとしていた。ほんの一瞬目を開けた時に、「お母さん、私誰か分かる?」と聞いたら、微かに笑って私の名前を呼んでくれた。入居施設(グループホーム)は依然として面会謝絶なので、通院介助は母の傍に寄ることのできる稀有な機会だった。手を握ることくらいしかできない役立たずの娘ではあったが。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都国分寺市、「鷹の台駅」付近の西武国分寺線線路と玉川上水脇の紫陽花)+このページの写真(単線となっている同駅ホーム)です。ご訪問に感謝します。 After the recovery of COVID-19, my mother (94) has developed cystitis. My siter-in-law and I took her to a hospital outside of the group-home by an elder-care taxi. Two of us, however were helpless when we tried to put her back onto the wheelchair from the toilet. Three skillful nurses came to help us. Mother's conscious level was much lower than the previous time I had met her. She kept drowsing except when I talked to her asking if she could recognize me. Thanks, she called me by my name, slightly smiling! Her group-home has not been accepting visitors yet; therefore, taking her to the hospital gave me a rare chance to meet her closely. All I could do was just to keep holding her hand. Today's update: the photo in the index page (the railway line near Takanodai Station of Seibu-Kokubunnji Line) and the one here in this page (the platform of Takanodai Station, now a single-truck line station). Thanks for your visit. June 25, 2023 夜半、猫たちが突然ギャーッと叫んで取っ組み合いを演じる。人間はたまげる。「どうしたの?」と聞いたところで答えるわけもなく、二匹とも素っ頓狂な顔をしている。物言わぬ動物に話しかける人間は滑稽だ。絶叫の後には静寂が残るばかり。おかげで眠気が吹き飛んだ。つかず離れず、猫が身近にいる暮らしを始めて早くも6年目。二匹は一日の大半を丸くなって微睡んでいる。目覚めている時には二匹一緒に硝子戸の外を見たり、それぞれ台所をうろついたり、クローゼットの中に潜り込んだり、好きなように過ごす。「猫なんか呼んでも来やしない」というのは本当だ。猫は甘えたいときにだけ人間にすり寄ってくる。猫の健康維持は人間の責任なので、いい顔ばかりもしていられない。少なくとも我が家では既定の分量の餌以外、猫は何ももらえない。それでも、期待に満ちた目で人間を見上げる。猫は妖艶にして貪欲な生き物だ。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Late at night, suddenly two cats cry aloud fighting. Astonished, I ask them what the matter is in vain. They look just puzzled. I must look comical, talking to animals with no words. After the cry, there is only silence. Thanks, I get awake perfectly. I've been living with cats around for more than 6 years. They spend most of the time sleeping, curled up where they choose. While wide awake, they look out of the window side by side, they respectively explore the kitchen and all corners of the house, and sometimes get deep into a closet. They do what they like. Truly cats never come to you when they are called. Cats come close to you only when they want to be loved. It's my responsibility to keep them healthy, so that they can get nothing to eat other than their food strictly scaled. Yet, they look up at me expectingly. Cats are always bewitching and hungry. Today’s update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. June 23, 2023 第6回目のCOVID-19に対する ワクチン接種を済ませた当日と翌日は、流石に不調だった。発熱・頭痛等の重い症状が出たわけではなく、日中から正体もなく眠りこけるという程度ではあったけれども。数日を経て注射跡の腫れも大分鎮まり、ほぼ通常に戻りつつある。今回、改めて「新型コロナワクチン予防接種についての説明書」を読んでみた。手元に届いた二種類の書類の一方には、販売名「コミナティRTU筋注 0.3mL」―製造元BioNTech/Pfizer、もう一方の書類には製品名「スパイクバックス 筋注 0.5mL」(Moderna社製)と記されている。有効成分や添加物など文字面を追う限り大差ない(ように素人目には見える)。これらの名称の説明を厚労省やNHKのサイトでチェックすると、「コミナティ」というのは、『メッセンジャーRNA(mRNA)ワクチン』というところからの命名のようでCOMIRNATYという英文表記が<予防接種済証>にあった。一方「スパイクバックス」というのは「新型コロナウイルスが細胞に感染するときの足がかりとなるスパイクたんぱく質」から来ているようだ。市役所が示す二者択一を比べて何らかの選択基準が得られるとは思えなかった。結局市民は風聞から「副反応が比較的少なそうな方」を選ぶのではないだろうか。いや、それより接種会場へのアクセスの良さや接種日程と自分の都合で選ぶ人が殆どだろう。多分2020年頃、特許問題でM社がB+P社を訴えたことなど記憶している人は殆どいまい。薬品認可をめぐる熾烈な競争がこのような公共性の高いものにまで容赦なく及んでいることを端無くも知る。アメリカやドイツの製薬会社が世界を席巻するさまにも息を飲む。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I was slightly sick after the vaccination against COVID-19 although the symptom was mainly drowsiness with no high fever nor headache. It lasted for a couple of days. I slept on and on. The swelling on the arm caused by the shot has almost gone, and I've recovered all right. I checked the explanatory leaflets rather carefully this time. Among some documents I received form the city, I found 2 kinds of very similar paper: one is on vaccine produced by BioNTech/Pfizer and the other by Moderna. The former product is named COMIRNATY (0.3mL), and the latter SPIKEBACKS (0.5mL). As for the active ingredients and added substances, I could see no particular differences (as far as a layperson concerns). Being interested in the naming of each medicine, I checked to find COMIRNATY comes from "the name of the messenger RNA(mRNA)vaccine" which I found in the label of "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 issued by the clinic I visited. The other SPIKEBACKS comes from "spike protein" which is essential when COVID-19 infects cells. When I compared these two documents, I couldn't find any particular differences to let citizens choose between COMIRNATY and SPIKEBACKS. After all I guess they choose from baseless information regarding side effects. Rather, they would prefer the location of hospitals and the schedule they offer to get the vaccination. Maybe most of citizens do not remember that Moderna filed a law suit against BioNTech/Pfizer over the patent. Looking over the articles on the web related to vaccination, I've come to think of the competition among large international pharmaceutical companies. It's far beyond my imagination. Today's update: only this note. Thanks for your visit. June 20, 2023 目下、週に一度JR山手線高田馬場駅から徒歩数分のところにある勤務先に通っている。その場所は幹線道路を外れた路地の奥にあって、路地は近隣の複数の学校へ通う学生達でいつも溢れかえっている。道の両側にはエスニックな食べ物屋がひしめき、「リトル新大久保」の異名をとるとか。店先に作りたての弁当や総菜を並べている店で買い物をしたら、ワンパッケージごとの分量の多いこと、味付けの本格的なこと、客あしらいの豪胆なところが日本離れしていた。大抵店頭に群がっているのは中国系の若者たちで、威勢の良い中国語が飛び交う。道行く若者たちは肌の色、目の色、髪の色、様々。多様な人間でごった返す狭い路地をたまに自転車やバイクやクルマや軽トラックさえ通ろうとするので、益々混沌とする。そういうところも実にアジア的だ。3年前に初めて足を踏み入れた時には「こんな路地の奥に学校があるって?」と半信半疑だったけれど、神田川の流れを見ながら歩くのが今では楽しみになった。このところ、少し川の水位が上昇しているような気がする。流れもきれいだ。湿度の高い季節、更にアジア度が高まる。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I go to a college to teach English once a week. The institute is located at the end of a narrow alley in a few minutes’ walk from Takadanobaba Station of the JR Yamanote Line. The alley is always crowded with students going to several different schools nearby. Along the lane are lined with variety of ethnic food shops and restaurants and so, it is called “Little Shin-Okubo (which is famous for its international shops).” Once I went shopping to one of the food shops where various kinds of dishes and lunch-boxes were piled up on its front table. I was astonished with the volume of the food in each package, its rich taste, and the dynamic service of the clerks. Usually, the main customers of the shop are young Chinese people; therefore, Active Chinese is heard in front of the shop. Young people going along the alley vary in colors of their skin, eyes, and hair. Sometimes into the busy lane bikes, motor cycles, cars, and even trucks come; they make the alley more outrageous. It looks really Asian. When I stepped in the alley for the first time three years ago, I was at a loss wondering if there was really a college at the end of it. Now, I enjoy walking toward it along Kanda River. This week I feel the water of the river is slightly higher than usual. The stream is rather clean. In this humid season, the Asian feeing of the spot is increasing. Today’s update: only this note. Thanks for your visit. June 18, 2023 東京都の多摩地区は首都圏の中でも比較的緑地の多い、武蔵野の面影を残す田園地帯だ。都心に出るには小一時間。見方によっては便利なような、不便なような土地である。多摩地区の交通事情はJR中央線とほぼ並行に東西に走る私鉄は数本あるものの、南北にそれらの鉄道を結ぶ路線がない。JR武蔵野線が都心の山手線をぐっと拡大した形で環状線に近い機能を果たしてはいるものの、関東平野は広い。クルマの無い人は南北の移動に工夫が要る。最近私は、多摩都市モノレールが意外に便利であることを実感している。例えば京王線の郊外の駅へ行くときに利用できるし、立川近辺に続々と出来つつある商業施設やイベント施設などをモノレールが繋ぐ。嘗て立川にあった米軍や自衛隊の基地の跡地が整理統合され、昭和記念公園を始めとして、東西南北に区画整理された広々とした敷地に変身し、都心とは趣の異なる街を形成している。冬の晴れた日にモノレールから望む富士山や秩父連山の景観は見事と言う外ない。用地確保の難しさと相まって、この先どの程度モノレールが拡張されるかは不明ながら、地上に踏切を増やさず、地下鉄に比べれば工費が安いモノレールが、どのように発展していくのか(いかないのか)注目し続けている。もちろんあの高架線を支える橋げたを醜いと感じる人が多いことも確かだけれど、ゆるゆると自動運転のモノレールが中空を行く様は未来志向の風景ではある。本日の更新は表紙の写真(立川北、「グリーンスプリングス」方面)とこのページの写真(多摩都市モノレールの車両)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Tama District in Tokyo is a rural zone where greenery areas, known as Musashino woods as well as farming fields, are abundant. Yet, it is not a very convenient place to go out to the central part of Tokyo. Talking about the public transportation, there is no North-South raiway lines connecting East-West lines including the JR Chuo Line. The JR Musashino Line, nearly a belt line railway, which serves an enlarged version of the Yamanote Line in the center of Tokyo, covers Tokyo, Saitam, Chiba Prefectures; but Tama District is so large that it could hardly be considered convenient for everyday connection of hub stations. Unless you have your own car, you have to think of how to get to the northern or southern destinations. Recently, however, I've found the good function of The Tama Toshi Monorail Line. It can access to (for example) the Keio Line with its eastmost stations. You can go to Tama Zoo, and Takahata Fudo Temple without taking buses. Also, the monorail line connects new towns equipped with brand new facilities such as Showa Memorial Park, arenas, cinema complex, shopping malls, housing exhibition grounds, a theater, museums, fulfilment centers, an enormous building of religious institution, and many more. They were built in the lots where U.S. Army Base and Japanese Defense Army had occupied. Tachikawa used to be famous for its aircraft production industry. The area was rebuilt with rigid land readjustment, and turned into spacious towns unlike Japanese crowded cities. Outside of the windows of the Tama Monorail Train you may have a grand view of Mt. Fuji and Chichibu Mountains on winter sunny days. We are not sure how further the line will be epanded in the near future. Compared to railways and subways, the construction of monorail won't cost so much, hopefully. It won't bother people with railway crossings either. Certainly some won't like the girders supporting the rails, but the sight of trains going automatically in midair will look quite futuristic. Today's update: A photo in the index page (Tachikawa North toward Green Springs) and the one here in this page (Tama Toshi Monorail). Thank you for your visit. June 15, 2023 コロナ拡散の前から私は(どんな種類のものでも)「集会」から遠のいていた。昨年あたりから漸く、都心で開催される会合に少しずつ足を運ぶようになった。感染の可能性に対する恐怖心が薄らいだから、というよりは対面で話を聴くことや、交わされることばのダイナミズムに再び強く惹かれているのを自覚するからだと思う。つい数日前に参加した会でも、アメリカから来た講演者の語りに、頭にこびりついていた積年の錆を削り落とされるようだった。その後の居酒屋での懇親会など、数年前だったらありえないシーンにも参加してしまった。若手が意慾に満ちたまなざしで口角泡を飛ばす有様は、コロナ感染防止の観点から言ったら完全にアウトだろう。だが、もう店にプラスティックの衝立はない。ウィルスはうようよしているのかもしれない。それでも過剰な防衛に走るほど人々はナイーヴではなくなっている。3年かけてウィルスとの付き合い方を学んだと言って良いのだろうか?ハイリスクグループに属する私は、依然としておとなしく引き籠っているべきだったのかもしれないけれど。本日の更新はこの短信のみです。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Before the spreading of COVID-19, I had been away from any kind of "get-together." Only a few years before, I've started to attend meetings held in the central part of Tokyo. It doesn't mean my fear for the infection has decreased but I've been much more attracted to the face-to-face talk and the dynamic interaction of participants. A couple of days ago, I went to join a seminar and was excited to listen to the eloquent lecturer from the U.S. It was as if my rusty brain was polished and washed. Afterwards, I even attended a party at a restaurant and bar, which I would have never thought of before. Young participants were talking, laughing, discussing loudly and freely. What a difference! There were no plastic partitions any longer. Virus might be still lingering, but people are no longer naive to be excessively defensive. I guess we have learned how to get well along with virus. Belonging to a highly risky group, I should have stayed secluded, though. Today's update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. June 11, 2023 母のコロナ発症から5日余り経ち、迅速に投与された抗ウイルス薬が効いたのか、これまでに接種したワクチンの賜物なのか、母は平熱に戻り、介助されて食事もできているとの連絡が来た。どうやら一番の危機は脱した模様で、面会は叶わぬながら家族一同安堵している。三年前のコロナ拡散当初とは様々な環境が変わったと思われる。引き続き遠くから見守るしかない。 関東地方に梅雨前線到来。垂れこめる雨雲の下、千葉県房総半島の九十九里浜へ行ってきた。以前訪れた時は、全行程電車・バス・徒歩という悠長なものだったが、今回は千葉市稲毛を拠点にクルマで。日頃徹底した電車族にとって、高速道路は異空間。県道も枝道も見どころでいっぱい。海岸近くの飯屋でベストシーズンのイワシのフライ、アジの刺身、キンメダイの煮つけを堪能。どこまでも延びる浜に打ち寄せる波。人影まばらな海岸線に立つと、地球の鼓動を直に感じる。砂に埋まる貝殻、明かな馬の蹄の跡。九十九里は豪快だ!時々、こんな海辺に行きたくてたまらなくなる衝動をどう説明したらよいだろう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(蓮沼海浜公園展望台から望む海岸線)とこのページの写真(本須賀海水浴場付近の海辺)です。夏は未だ雨雲の彼方に。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 5 days have passed since my mother got infected with COVID-19. Thanks to the latest antivirus medicine and repetitive vaccination, her high fever is gone and she can eat with carers' assistance. We understand she has gone through the most serious emergency, and feel at ease although we don't know when we'll be able to meet her again. It seems that the environment of COVID-19 has greatly changed since the initial spreading of the pandemic. We can't help but watch Mother's condition from afar. The rainy seasonal rain front has reached Kanto District. Under the heavy cloud, I visited Kujyu-kuri Beach. Last time I went there, I took train, bus and just walked; yet, this time a relative of mine took the party around by his car. For a walker and a train-rider, it was just curious to see anything on both Highways and local ways. At a small restaurant we had dishes of fresh sardines fried, sashimi of Japanese horse mackerel, and simmered alfonsin. They were so delicious! Waves were coming to and returning from the long, long beach. Standing on the beach with few people around, I feel the heart-beating of the earth directly. Sea shells were left in sand, so were marks of horseshoes. Kujyu-kuri Beach is dynamic! How can I express my impulse to go to the seaside once in a while? Todaay's update: a photo in the index page (the horizon viewed from a sight-seeing tower in Hasunuma Seashore Park) and the one here in this page (Motosuga Bathing Beach). Summer is yet to come, beyond the rainy cloud. Thank you for your visit. June 7, 2023 ほぼ一か月ぶりに、ホームにいる母を訪ねようと思っていた矢先、「母コロナに感染」の知らせが弟から届く。あれほど厳密に感染対策を講じ、入居者の安全を最優先にしてくれていた施設にさえウィルスは忍び込んだ。しかも厚生労働省がコロナを感染症2類から5類に変更したこの時期に。94歳の母にとって39℃の発熱はどれほど過酷なものだろうか。病院への入院は受け入れ余地がないとのことで、グループホームが「覚悟して引き受けます」とのこと。ホームへの訪問医と看護師が治療を担当してくれる。食品の経口摂取は不可能な状態で、栄養・水分補給飲料のみで凌いでいるという。家族はもちろん面会謝絶となった。これまで数々のピンチを潜り抜けてきた母が、無事に回復するよう祈るばかり。きわめて高齢であることを思うとどのような余病を併発してもおかしくないし、コロナ自体の特性に耐えられるかどうか。受けてきたワクチンが威力を発揮するのを願う。よもや今、まさか母が、と驚きつつ、新型コロナ感染症のリアリティーに愕然としているところだ。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It has been a month since I visited my mother at a group home last. Last night, however, my brother phoned me that she has infected with COVID 19. The virus has invaded even the meticulously guarded institution at this moment when the government (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) decided to reclassify it from Class 2 to Class 5. For my mother age 94, the fever of 39℃ is very hard. Hospitals would not accept her due to their drastic circumstances. Therefore, the group home offered to continue taking care of her "with all their might." A visiting doctor and nurses also undertake holistic medical care, thanks! Right now, as she cannot eat, she is fed with liquid supplement for water and nourishment. Family members are of course prohibited to visit her. I pray my mother who has passed through various kinds of difficulties with her good luck and strength will survive by all means. Thinking of her age, she might occur with any kind of other illnesses in addition to COVID 19. I just hope all the vaccination she has ever got would help. I am astonished to find my mother is infected with COVID 19 at this time, and am appalled at the reality of virus. Today's update: this passage only. Thanks for your visit. June 6, 2023 6月の台風一過。真夏の日差しには遠いものの、武蔵野に陽光が溢れる。雨に降りこめられる前に、多摩湖周辺を歩く。日曜日には都心にも出た。目下有楽町にて、大使館肝いりの「アイルランド映画祭2023」が開催されている。先ず見たのはSteps of Freedom: The Story of Irish Dance. ドラマ仕立ての映画ではなく、アイリッシュダンスの起源から現状までを丹念にたどるルポルタージュだった。上体を真っ直ぐ起こして、激しく床を踏み鳴らす独特のステップの連続。一番イメージしやすいのはタップダンスだが、あの洒脱さとは必ずしも一致しない。むしろ最小限の楽器だけを伴奏に、ひたすら脚を交差させ跳ねる、踏む、連打する。見ていると、身体が楽器のように鳴り響いている。これほど社交ダンスやバレエから遠い踊りもないものだけれど、ダンサーたちの群舞は連帯感に満ちている。アイリッシュダンスは抵抗の踊りだった。イギリスの植民地時代にも、飢饉の後移民した先のアメリカ合衆国でも(年季奴隷として)人々は踊り、アフリカを含む各地の踊りと影響を与えあい、やがてアイルランド国内にとどまらない踊りとして世界中に広まっていった。現代においては、アイルランドに根を持たない人々の方がより多くの踊り手としてステップを踏んでいるという。昨今名高いショーを展開する「リバーダンス」はアイリッシュダンスの精華の一つだ。その激しさはストイックでありながら、踊り終えたダンサーたちは一様に息も乱さずどこか爽快さを漂わせている。アイルランドへ旅した時に、(Bed and Breakfast)宿の子どもたちがダンスレッスンに通っていたのを思い出す。この踊りはアートでありスポーツでもあるようだ。映画上映の後、日本人アイリッシュダンサーの林孝之氏のトークとパフォーマンスがあった。知的で非常に穏やかな語り口の林氏が、ステージに設けられたごく狭い台の上で披露した踊りは、一瞬の炎のようだった。観客が絶賛したことは言うまでもない。映画を見に行って「踊り」のパワーに魅了された。本日の更新は表紙の写真(多摩湖提から眺める東村山市街)とこのページの写真(西武園遊園地の観覧車)です。英文の下に(会場で撮影を許可された)林氏の写真があります。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 A typhoon in June has passed. We appreciate the sunshine, which is not so hot as in summer, after the storm, and I explored around Lake Tama on the weekend. On Sunday, I also went out to the central part of Tokyo to see an Irish movie, Steps of Freedom: The Story of Irish Dance. Right now, Irish Film Festival (partly sponsored by the Irish Embassy) is being held in Yurakucho. The movie was not a drama, but a reportage on the history of Irish Dance lectured by academic professionals and performers, depicted through old films, and interviews of contemporary dancers mainly in US. Irish Dance consists of incessant forceful steps with upright upper body. It might sound like "Tap dance," but Irish Dance is more stoic and severe. When you dance, musical accompaniment is minimum. Only the legs and feet are moving rapidly, beating the floor and jumping lightly. We can see the body of a dancer is echoing like a musical instrument. It is far from the movement of social dance or ballet, but the unity of groups of dancers is awesome. Irish Dance has been the resistance activity. Under the pressure of British colonization, and indentured servitude in US as "slaves," the Irish danced for resistance. The dance encountered with variety of dances in the world, particularly that of African Americans, and consequently traditions merged. Irish Dance has spread all over the world. Nowadays, more dancers of global origins are more in numbers than the native Irish dancers. The eminent entertainment show Riverdance is one of the fruits of Irish Dance. The intensity of the dancing is almost stoic, but when dancers finish their performance, they look rather serene. When I traveled to Ireland, I remember children of the Bed and Breakfast were taking lessons of Irish Dance. Irish Dance seems to be both art and sport. After the movie on Sunday, a Japanese Irish dancer Taka Hayashi talked on his career and the dance. He was really intelligent and soft spoken, but once he started dancing on a small board set on the stage, his performance was like a flash of a flame. All the audience applauded him enthusiastically. I went to see a movie, but I was engulfed by the dancing. Today's update: a photo in the index page (Higashimurayama city viewed from the bank of Lake Tama) and the one here in this page (Ferris wheel in Seibuen Amusement Park). Thanks for your visit.
May 31, 2023 皐月尽。大幅に仕事が減り、馴染みのなかった活動や日常の用事が増えた。嘗ては病院の待合室にいる高齢者を眺めて、「暇なのだろう」等と不埒なことを考えたものだ。今では自分がその一人となり、それが生き延びていくために不可欠かつ重要な健康維持業務(!)と知る。電車で若者がサッと席を譲ってくれることもある。以前はそれだけでガックリしたものだが、今ではニッコリ笑って「どうもありがとう」と好意を受けられるようになった。一方で警報が鳴っても踏切を渡り切れずにいるお年寄りには、ためらいなく近寄って歩行介助する。お互い様もいいところだ。季節を忘れず咲く花々に見とれる。また会えたのね、と。生きていればこその出会いの貴さをかみしめる今日この頃。本日の更新は表紙の写真(雨の北山公園)とこのページの写真(咲き初める紫陽花)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 This is the last day of May. My workload at a campus has drastically decreased. Instead, unfamiliar activities and daily chores have increased. I used to think, watching the elder people in the waiting room of hospitals, they might have time enough to spend leisurely in hospitals; now that I'm one of them, I know how important it is to spend time in hospitals to maintain my health. It's another workload! When young people offer me their seat in a train, I used to feel very bad, thinking I might look that old. However, I'm grateful to them with straightforward "Thank you!" On the other hand, when I find elder people unable to go through the railroad crossing even though the warning bell is ringing, I go up to them and help them walk without hesitation. We definitely need to help each other. I watch flowers of the season, talking to them in mind, "Here you are! It's great we can meet again." These days I appreciate the joy of living and meeting with each other. Today's update: the photo in the index page (Kitayama Park in rain) and the one here in this page (hydrangea starting to bloom). Thank you for your visit! May 26, 2023 毎日料理をする。とても若かった頃には、学生仲間で運営していた塾の生徒たち100人くらいを連れて、夏休みに福島県奥会津の山へ行き、料理番をした。大人数のメニューを作ったり、買い出しをしたり、調理することが楽しかった。家族の料理を担当するようになってからは、生活を回していくことが先決で、毎日ほぼ行き当たりばったりに、食べられればよし!で乗り切った。介護や看護の期間は、「こんなサプリメントもあるのか!」と驚きの日々。そして今、栄養素やカロリーを考慮しながら、なるべく手っ取り早く美味しいものを、ネット上にアップされたレシピを見ながら、あれこれ試している。凝ったものは滅多に作らない。けれど料理は気晴らしであり創作であり喜びでもある。料理をシャドゥ・ワークとは思わずに行えるのは幸いなこと!(問題は常に過食、かな?)本日の更新はこのページの写真(北山公園の菖蒲)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I've been cooking since I was young. I used to take more than 100 elementary and junior high school students, with my fellows of a cram school which we college students operated, to a mountain in Aizu district in Fukushima Prefecture for camping. I enjoyed serving as a chief cook of that number of youngsters. Since I became a house cook, I managed to let my family survive somehow so that I just cooked almost at random. While I was taking care of my family members in bed for old-age and for illness, I was surprised to find various kinds of nutritional supplement food. Now I'm trying recipes on the Internet to learn new dishes healthy and simple. I seldom cook anything very complicated, but cooking has always been for me a change, creation, and pleasure. Thanks, I rarely consider cooking as a shadow-work. (The issue is overeating!) Today's update: the photo of this page (Japanese iris in bloom at Kitayama Park). Thanks for your visit. May 25, 2023 友人との議論で、先般のG7にウクライナからゼレンスキー大統領が参加したことについて、「武器供与の話ばかりで和平へ向けた戦略は進展しているのだろうか」という私の発言に対して、戦争・軍事が専門の歴史家である彼女は「プーチンの戦争は、停戦すればよいというものではないと思う。海外から侵略されたことのない日本人はロシアの侵略の凄まじさを理解できていない。ウクライナへの武器供与がなくなったらウクライナは負けて、国がなくなり、ロシアになるという悲劇には賛成できない」という反論で応じた。「(ウクライナの)領土奪還が第一」と主張する。曖昧な理想論が一蹴された格好だ。今ここに突然砲撃があって静かな生活が奪われることへの想像力を働かせよとの警告でもあった。議論には果てがない。戦争は続いている。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問に感謝します。(彼女とはいつも「楽しい話がしたいね」で終わる。ほんとうに。) In our discussion on G7 which Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy attended, one of my friends, a historian specializing war and military affairs, refuted me to my comment, "Politicians were talking only about supplying weapons to Ukraine. I wonder if they have any strategies for peace" saying, "Putin's war can never be terminated just by cease-fire. Japanese people don't understand what war by Russia is really like. If weapons stopped to be supplied by allies, Ukraine will lose the war and surely lose their country. They will be annexed by Russia. I would never accept the tragedy of ‘Russianization’ of Ukraine." My naive and ambiguous optimism was knocked down. She also warned that I should imagine what if our quiet life is destructed by a sudden attack by a missile--that can happen anytime now. There is no end to our discussion. The war is going on. Today's update is this note only. Thanks for your visit. (We always say finally, "Let's talk about something pleasant next time!") May 23, 2023 東村山市の里山、八国山の麓にある北山公園に今年も菖蒲の季節が来た。様子を見に行ったらひっそりしていた。ちらほら咲き始めている株もあるが、規模が狭い。あちこちに「休耕田」の標識が目立つ。乾いてシロツメクサに覆われた場所もある。年々花の数が減っていくように感じるのは気のせいだろうか。ほとんど訪問者もおらず静かに雨の降る風情を眺める私も雨に溶けていく。飛来して池の一つに降りたつがいのカモがゆるゆる泳いでいた。分かち合うものと共にある幸い。本日の更新は表紙の写真(北山公園の花菖蒲)とこのページの写真(飛来した二羽のカモ)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 The season of Japanese irises has come in Kitayama Park at the foot of Hachikoku-yama hills in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo. I went to check irises to find only a few patches of the iris field were in bloom. The park was quiet with few visitors in rain. There were plates "fallow field" here and there. Instead, some dry patches were covered with white clover. Year by year, I feel the iris field is shrinking. Is it just my personal view? I felt I was dissolved into the scene in rain. A pair of ducks (mallards?) flew down to one of the ponds and floated there. Bliss of having a partner. Today's update: the photo in the index page (irises in Kitayama Park) and one in this page (a pair of ducks in a pond at Kitayama Park). Thank you for your visit. May 19, 2023 東京新宿西口高層ビル群に潜り込むと、サイズ感覚が失われるようだ。ビルのふもとにいるときには、見上げる空の青さや木々の緑が美しい。とある会合のため、のっぽビルの一つを高速エレベーターで一気に47階まで昇った。屋内を見渡す限り通常のビルと特に何も変わるところはない。だがひとたび窓の外へ目をやると周囲のビルで視界は遮られ、大パノラマが広がるわけではないのに、ビルとビルの隙間から見えるみっしりと立ち並ぶ無数の建物群は凄まじい。これが繁栄と平和の証なのか、それとも気候変動の元凶たるエネルギー大量消費の現場なのか、我ながら「驚嘆」の中身が不明だ。広島で開催されているG7の会合にはウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領も参加するとの報道。願わくば戦が終息する方向へ叡智の限りを尽くされんことを! 本日の更新は、表紙の写真(東京西新宿の超高層ビル街の歩道)とこのページの写真(47Fからの展望)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Once you enter the blocks, where skyscrapers are located in the west of Shinjyuku, Tokyo, your sense of proportions might be bewildered. While you are at the foot of those extremely high buildings, you can still enjoy the blue sky and fresh green leaves of trees. Then go up to the 47th floor of one of the skyscrapers by a high-speed elevator. AS long as you just look around yourself inside of the building, there is not much differences; however, if you look out of the window, you may be just amazed to see the landscape in front of you. Hindered by sky scrapers around, the view is far from panoramic; yet, you may have a glance at the numerous tiny cubic constructions packed in the space. Wow! Is this a proof of prosperity and peace or the venue of the extreme energy consumption which causes the climate oscillation? It’s hard to discern which. BTW, reportedly, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is to attend G7 held in Hiroshima right now. May politicians work with their full wisdom to terminate the ongoing war! Today's update: a photo in the index page (a view of the promenade at the foot of skyscrapers in Shinjyuku, Tokyo) and the one in this page (a view from the 47th floor of a skyscraper). Thank you for your visit. May 13, 2023 真夏のような日があるかと思えば、雨の降る寒い日もある。5月のそんな気まぐれな天候に振り回されながら、先週末の散策を思い出して写真の整理をした。このところ、自由な時間が少しばかり増えたことでよく歩く。一つ一つの散歩は単発的で脈略もないのだけれど、少し離れてみると微かに浮かび上がってくるものもある。今回は東京駅から丸の内界隈へ。仲通りは美しかった。私が高校生の頃、丸の内に勤務先の在った父が、「仲通りはいいぞ。今度連れてってやろう」と言っていた。当時、私は何の反応もしなかった。街の賑わいにも景観にも関心がなかった。父の慮りを有難いとも思わずにいた。社会人になってから父に「昼飯に行こう」と本郷の食堂に誘われた時、忙しがっていた私は「今度ね」と言ってばかりいた。あの頃の父の年齢をはるかに超えた今になって、「なんということを!」と臍をかんでももう遅い。だが、父の言葉は消えない。本日の更新は写真ページ『散策・東京丸の内界隈』です。「散策 東京・郊外散策」からもリンクしてあります。父の時代に比べたら、街は大きく変わった。今度は私が案内出来たらと、見果てぬ夢を見る。表紙とこのページの写真も更新しました。ご訪問に感謝します。 After the days hot as summer, chilly rainy days come. Disturbed by unstable weather, I sorted out photos I took last week: A walk in Marunouchi Area. As I have more free time than before, I take a walk quite often. Although respective walks have no particular relationship with each other, there seem to be some relevant significance when I look back at them afterwards. In Marunouchi Area, Naka-dori Street was extremely beautiful. When I was a high school student, my father who was working in that area said, "Naka-dori Street is a wonderful place. I'll take you there." At that time, I paid no attention to his words. When I was working in Hongo Area, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, my father invited me to have lunch together in a restaurant he knew. I would respond to him, "Later!" Now that I am older than his age, I blame myself for giving such a rude response. Too late. Yet, his words remain in my mind. Today's update: A Walk After Saturday Lunch in Marunouchi Area, a photo album. The town landscape has drastically changed since his days. How I wish I could guide him, which is an endless dream. The photo in the index page and the one here are updated, too. Thanks for your visit. May 10, 2023 グループホームへ母を訪ねた。幸いにとても意識のハッキリしている午後だった。車椅子を押していつもの畑の中の一本道を小さなお稲荷さんまで。今にも崩れそうな古いもので、今日も無事にそこにありますようにと願いながら行く。果たして、ちゃんとあった。そこへ行って帰るだけの散歩だが、母は「空が大きいわね」と喜ぶ。自分から「懐かしい道だわ。よくペス(昔飼っていた犬の名)を連れてきた。途中で歩かなくなっちゃうと抱いて帰ったっけ」と話した。半世紀前の記憶は鮮明に残っているようだ。子どもの頃は可愛がっていたのに、大学生になると色々な用事にかまけて犬の世話は母に任せっきりだったことを痛く思い出す。できるものならもう一度やり直したいことはいくつもある。だがそれは叶わぬ願いだと、はしなくも母に教えられるひと時となった。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます I visited my mother at a care home in the afternoon. Fortunately, she was very fine and I could communicate with her rather smoothly. I pushed her wheelchair to a lane in the middle of a huge vegetable field. Our destination is always a very tiny shrine in a corner of the lane. Because it’s so old that I’m always worried if it still is there until I find it. It was there alright! Our outing is just to go to the shrine and come back; yet my mother is very happy saying, “Oh, the sky is so high and wide out here!” To my surprise, she said on her own accord, “I used to come this way walking our dog, Pes. He sometimes stopped walking and then I had to hold him in my arms to go home.” Her memory of half a century ago was vivid in her mind, thanks! I remember with pain of heart that I used to love walking my dog while I was a child but stopped paying attention to it very much when I became a college student and had a lot more to do. I wish I could start over again what I left behind. That’s impossible. My mother showed me the simple fact today. Today's update: this note only. Thank you very much for your visit. May 7, 2023 風薫る皐月にどこか遠くへ行ってみたいものだ。けれども、近くにも知らない街はある。行けるときに、行けるところへ興味の赴くままに。駅や電車のポスターでいつも誘われていた川越へ、行ってみたらワンダーランドだった。撮ってきた写真を並べてみると、あらためて街の表情や風情がよく見える。先日も書いた通り、勉強不足で「観光ガイド」にすらなっていないが、「初見」の驚きだけでもとどめて置けたらと思う。本日の更新は『散策』中「郊外散策」に、写真ページ探訪 [小江戸 川越 蔵の街]をアップしました。正確さを期すために、改訂を加えなくてはと思いつつ。どうぞご笑覧ください。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 I would like to go on a trip to somewhere in this beautiful May, blown in the cool wind; however, there are places I really don’t know well. I should go anywhere when I can. I had always been invited to Kawagoe by posters in trains and stations. I found it surely is a wonderland! Looking at the photos I took, I can see the impressive features of the town very well. As I wrote in my previous note, I am quite short of knowledge of the place; and so, I need to investigate more from now on. Anyway, just to begin with, I would be happy to share the scenes of Kawagoe City with you. Today’s update: Exploring Kawagoe, Miniature Edo: a Town of Old-fashioned Warehouses in “Walking” (> Walking in the Suburbs). Thanks for your visit. May 3, 2023 「小江戸」として知られる埼玉県川越市は、昔ながらの蔵(防災に強い)を持つ商家が軒を連ね、「蔵の街」とも呼ばれている。表通りだけでなく、脇道にも路地裏にも古い建物が現代の住宅と混じり合い、懐古的でありながら活気に溢れている。都心から僅か一時間足らずの距離にあり、人を寄せる立地条件に恵まれている。敢えて小雨模様の日を選んで久々に出かけてみた。さつま芋チップスやイカせんべいなどをかじりながら菓子屋横丁をぶらつき、江戸風の建築物を鑑賞し、徳川三代将軍ゆかりの「喜多院」とその境内にある「五百羅漢」を拝観し、関東地方の歴史に触れるミニ旅をした。昨年の「奈良旅」とは異なり、思い立ったその日に「タイムスリップ」出来るところが大きな魅力かもしれない。しかし、いざ記録してみようとすると(気楽に歩き回った半面)それぞれの場所の由来や関係などの記憶が曖昧で、これは再訪してじっくり歩き回るに如かずと思った次第。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(観光客が行き交う一番街の商店)とこのページの写真(鐘楼「時の鐘」)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Kawagoe City in Saitama Prefecture is famous for its historical town with mercantile stores which maintain warehouses. Not only in the main street but also in backstreets, we can find old fashioned buildings along with modern residential houses. It is a place full of energy. One of Kawagoe's attractions is that it has a good access from the central part of Tokyo (it takes about 1 hour) and so it's a convenient place for tourists. I dared go there on a rainy day to escape from the crowd. (It was a good choice indeed!) While eating Japanese popular snacks, I strolled streets including so called "snack lane", observed old buildings, visited Kita-In Temple related to the third Tokugawa Shogun, and watched 500 Rakans. I could say I made a time-slip although it was a mini-trip compared to my trip to Nara in 2022. However, when I came home, I found I had a very vague memory of the place partly because I was not very conscious about what I saw. I decided to visit Kawagoe again to see the place more in details next time. Today's update: the photo in the index page (shops along the First Street where tourists stroll) and the photo here in this page ("Toki-no-Kane," a wooden bell tower). Thank you for your visit. April 28, 2023 ついこの前桜の開花を楽しんだばかりだったと思うのに、もう枝にはサクランボの実る頃となった。ラジオ講座で「ハングル」に入門してはや一ヶ月。20回番組を聴いた。ウィークデイの毎日、15分ずつなので、あっという間に終わる。テキストを傍らに、ノートを取りながら全身を耳にしているにもかかわらず、なかなか難しい。今月は文字と音の判別を中心に、いくつかの役に立つ表現を習った。文章の構成は日本語と共通する点が多いので理解できなくはないのだが、ハングル文字を読めるようになるには時間がかかりそうだ。本日までに簡単な自己紹介ができるようになるはずのところ、定型文に言葉を入れ替えるだけでも相当な難題だ。15分の授業を復習するのに時間がかかり、少し分かったかなと思う先から忘れている。番組のキャッチフレーズは「字幕無しで韓ドラを!」 はぁ〜。鶯がしきりに「ホーホケキョ」と歌う練習をしている。未だつっかえているのもいる。がんばれー!本日の更新は表紙の写真(雑木林の中で)とこのページの写真(サクランボ)です。緑の中を歩く幸せよ!ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Since we enjoyed cherry blossoms in bloom, time has passed to find cherries under the leaves. I've been learning Hangul, listening to the radio program for one months. The program lasts 15 minutes a day. 20 lectures have finished. To begin with, we are learning letters and sounds of the language. Although Japanese and Hangul have similar sentence structure and vocabulary. It is extremely difficult for me to learn the components of letters first of all. The sound system of Hangul seems quite complicated to me. It will take me long to master the letters. I listen to the program, do review, and find out some important issues, and then I forget most of the things next day. What an idiot am I! I should have learned to give my self-introduction by now. The teacher says, "Our target is to understand Korean dramas without reading the subtitle!" Oh, oh. Japanese bush warblers are learning how to sing properly in trees. Some stumble. Go on, birds! Today's update: the photo in the index page (in green trees), and the one here (cherries under the leaves). Thank you for your visit. April 22, 2023 二か月に一回開かれるオンライン読書会で、文学とAIの関係を考えている。昨日で未だ二回目だったけれど、この間にもChatGPTの進化は目覚ましく、また各国での対応ぶりにも様々な違いがあることが報告された。読書会のリーダーシップをとっているのは30代後半の気鋭の研究者たち。会の冒頭では独自に用意されたAIソフトに「10歳の子供が描いた象の絵を作成して欲しい。但し〜のような条件で」と入力すると、即座に画像が現れる。その条件を「水彩で描いた」「クレヨンで描いた」「へたくそな」「アメコミ風の」「マティス風の」「浮世絵タッチの」などと入れると、如何にもそれらしい絵になる。「10歳の子供」の描く絵にしては上手過ぎるものが多い。AIが条件のうち「象の絵」というところに引き寄せられているためか。参加者の大方の反応は「まだまだだね」というものだった。しかし、次回の会合の時にはどうなっているか分からない。 今回取り上げた文学作品はKazuo Ishiguroの『私を離さないで』。臓器提供のために生み出され、囲われた施設の中で育った若者(クローン)たちに「魂はあるか」という問いかけがなされている。前回は『クララとお日さま』(Kazuo Ishiguro)だった。そちらは「AF (artificial friend) と呼ばれる人型ロボットに、心があるとしたらどうなるかという問いかけだ。両方とも人間の創り出した生命体もしくは疑似生命体とヒトはどう関わっていくことが可能かという問題を静かに提起している。100名を超える参加者は近未来の人間像に思いを馳せた。誰しもAI技術が必ずしも人類に幸福をもたらすとは限らないと思いながら、ではどう対応するのかというところで戸惑っている。文学は何をなしうるだろうか。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都小平市、グリーンロード沿いの「紫陽花公園」の池―オタマジャクシがいっぱい泳ぎ回っている)とこのページの写真(シャガの花)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Yesterday I attended an online reading session which is held once every 2 months. We give consideration to the relationship between AI and literature. Yesterday it was the second meeting where the present situation concerning ChatGPT was reported: its rapid progress and reactions of various countries to it. Young scholars of their 30s are leading the session. At the beginning, they prepared an AI app to let us make it draw pictures on our demand; eg. "Draw a picture of an elephant done by a 10-year old kid ___." You can put a few more conditions at the end of the sentence like "in watercolor," "in crayon," "poorly," "in a style of American comics," "like by Mathis," "in Ukiyoe style," etc. Instantly, pictures with the demanded tastes were produced on the board. Wow! Incredible. Most of the pictures were much better than the ones done by real 10-year-olds probably because AI was paying more attention to the word "an elephant" than to the age of the creator. Reactions of attendants varied, but most of them said, "Not yet convincing." Nobody knows what will become of Chat GPT next time we meet online. We took up Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go, a novel on clones. Young protagonists in the work are destined to be donners of their organs to sick people. It is asking us what if clones have soul. Last time we took up Klara and the Sun, in which AF (artificial friend, a humanoid) lives with a child as a carer. What if it has heart? Both of Ishiguro's works are asking us how we could live with human-like beings in moderate ways. Attendants of the reading session-there were more than 100-considered deeply of the future interactions with clones and humanoids. People are thinking that the development of AI would not necessarily promise them happiness, but they are still at a loss how to meet the future with AI technology in human issues. What in the world can literature do? Today's update: the photo in the index page (a pond, where tadpoles were swarming, in a park called "Garden of Hydrangea " in Kodaira City, Tokyo and the one here in this page (fringed iris in bloom). Thank you for your visit. April 19,2023 「青紅葉」という美しい表現があるのを、友人から教わった。確かに、秋の紅葉もいいが、新緑の麗しいこと。こんなみずみずしい若葉の下をどこまでも歩いて行きたい。が、しかしこのところ「脊柱管狭窄症」と診断されて、漢方薬とリハビリのお世話になっている。加齢は先ず脚に出るとは聞いていたけれど、無理せず根気強く症状に付き合うしかなさそうだ。それでも歩かずにはいられない。本日の更新は、表紙の写真(東村山市の空堀川縁に咲くハナミズキ満開)とこのページの写真(青紅葉)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 "Green maple leaves are tremendously beautiful," said a friend of mine. They really are! We certainly appreciate the maple leaves which turn red in autumn, but the young leaves are extremely refreshing, too. I wish I could walk as far as I can under the young leaves; however, I've been suffering from"spinal canal stenosis" recently. My legs ache. I've heard that aging phenomena come out in legs first. It seems true with me. I guess I should take time and wait for the effects of Chinese herbal medicine and physiotherapy patiently. Yet, I can't help walking! Today's update: the photo in the index page (white flowering dogwood by the River Karabori-gawa in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and the photo here (Green maple leaves). Thank you for your visit. April 12, 2023 新緑の萌え出る季節になった。街には鮮やかな黄色のモッコウバラが茂る生垣、白や紅色のハナミズキ、小手鞠やスズランの可憐な白、何処も色彩豊かな百花繚乱の時を迎えた。どれほどこの時を待っていたことか。山野を歩けばきっと多種多様な植物が個性を競いあっていることだろう。草花の名前を知ればこの饗宴もさらに輝きを増すはずだ。丹念に山野草を見分け、正確な分類を行い、誰でも鑑賞できるよう工夫されたサイトを見るたびに、畏敬の念に打たれる。見出されてこそ存在する植物、昆虫、そして山岳美。直接感想を述べることもお礼を言うことも出来ないけれど、長い年月にわたってサイトを維持管理し、将来へ繋ぐ営みに心からの賞賛を!本日の更新は「新作エッセイ」のページに「散策思索 31 "Ars longa, vita brevis."」です。大江健三郎、坂本龍一両氏逝去の報に触れ、その後鑑賞した、カズオ・イシグロの脚本で制作されたイギリス映画『生きる LIVING』(2022)と、黒澤明監督作品『生きる』(1952)の感想をまとめたエッセイです。混沌としていますが、ご笑覧いただければ幸いです。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 The season of fresh green foliage has come! In town, fences covered with glorious banksia rose, white and pink flowering dogwood, pure white Reeves' spirea and "lily of the valley" are blooming. It's the time of leaves and flowers. How long have we all waited this season! In mountains and valleys, perhaps more and more plants are blooming now. If we know their names, I'm sure our pleasure will be much greater. I know a website where plants in mountains are correctly classified, given names, and well organized for visitors to appreciate. I'm always awe-struck whenever I visit the website. Plants, insects, and the beauty of mountains exist when they are found by keen observers. Although I can’t express my gratitude directly to the creators of the website; however, I would really like to give my greatest applause to those who have been maintaining the website with awesome efforts and inspiration. The site will be a wonderful archive of plants in Japan for nature lovers in the future. Today's upgrade: a new essay on "LIVING", a movie-remade from Kurosawa Akira's "Ikiru." The screenplay was written by Kazuo Ishiguro, the Japanese-born British Novelist, a Nobel laureate. His respect to Kurosawa shows in every detail of the new movie. I discuss the film work with other two Japanese artists, who deceased recently, Oe Kenzaburo and Sakamoto Ryuichi. As the title of the essay, I quoted a Latin axiom "Ars longa, vita brevis." which Sakamoto loved. Sorry, the essay is only in Japanese for now. Thank you for your visit. April 7, 2023 今年の桜は早かった。咲くのも散るのも。晴れた日には緑がまぶしい。雨もよく降る。おかげでいつもは水量の少ない近所の川も滔々と流れている。子どもたちは水遊びをし、水鳥は餌をついばむ。3年ぶりに80名を超える規模の懇親会が開かれたり、親戚の集まりがあったり、「今学期から授業は全て対面で」等という知らせが届いたり。気が付けばマスクを外して歓談する人々の姿がそこここに。「いいのかな、本当に?」と私はまだ少し懐疑的ではあるけれど、時は流れる。恐れているより踏み出す方が良い時期なのかもしれない。この短い人生を思えば。本日の更新は表紙の写真(晴天の日の川辺)とこのページの写真(餌をついばむ水鳥達)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 Cherry blossoms bloomed and fell out much earlier this year than usual. In sunny days, green grass is shining and also it rains quite often. The river which has usually low water is running thanks to the abundant spring rain. Children enjoy playing in the river, ducks and herons busily feed in water. After 3 years a party with over 80 participants was held, gatherings of relatives and friends are starting, and there is an announcement that all the classes will be conducted face-to-face, no longer online. I've found that people are talking without wearing masks here and there. I am still hesitating to join them; yet, time passes so fast. I guess it's time for us to step forward now remembering "vita brevis." Today's update: a photo in the index page (a sunny day at a riverside) and the one here (waterfowls feeding). Thank you for your visit. April 4, 2023 4月になったら始めようと思っていたことがいくつかある。その一つは、ラジオのハングル講座に入門すること。自分は何故、最も近い隣国の言語を知らないのだろうとずっと思っていた。「もし10万円持っていて1週休暇があったらどう使うか」という題で英語の作文を書くように言うと、韓国へ旅行したいという学生が必ずいる。第二外国語にハングルを選択する学生も増えている。ドラマやアイドルがその動機である場合が多い。そして、「行きやすい」「食べ物やショッピングが楽しみ」と続く。歴史・政治上の日韓関係を持ち出す学生は皆無だ。文法構造が似ているとか、音が似ている等と「飛び込みやすさ」が強調されるけれど、いざ始めてみると文字の書き方と音を組み合わせて覚える段階でそんなに単純なものではないとすぐ分かる。昨日覚えたはずのことが今日はもうあやふやで、またテキストの1ページ目に逆戻り。あ、でもそれは私が18歳でないからだけなのかもしれない。記憶力に問題ありなのだろう。3年くらい勉強して、韓国を訪問してみようか。「何を寝ぼけたこと!」と韓国通の友人たちには笑われそうだ。「行くなら明日よ!」と。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I have a few things that I've been willing to start when April comes. One of them is to start learning Koran with a radio course. I've been wondering why I don't know the language of the closest neighboring country. Some students write they want to travel to Korea when I let them write in English "What would you like to do if you have 100,000 yen and 1 week holiday?" There are more students than before who wish to take Korean as the second foreign language. The highest motivations for them are their love of Korean TV dramas and K-pop musicians, of course. They point out the attractiveness of the food and shopping over there. Nobody mentions their interest in the historical / political relationship between Korea and Japan. It is often mentioned that Korean and Japanese languages have similar grammatical construction and sound system. Yet, that's not true with beginners who have just started. Actually, I can't remember what I learned yesterday as for the combination of letters and sounds. Oh, is it because I am no longer 18? My memory must be the problem. I wonder if I could travel to Korea after learning the language at least for 3 years. "What a nonsense are you talking about?" My friends who know better would say, "Go tomorrow!" Today's update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. March 29, 2023 一ヶ月ぶりに横浜へ。友人宅を訪問する途上、本牧港を見晴らす「山頂公園」を歩いた。久しぶりの晴れ間に、海のかけらを眺める。今年になって初めて見る海だ。たとえ遥か彼方でも正真正銘の春の海。貨物船がゆったりと岸壁を離れていく。今では工業地帯となっている本牧港も埋め立てられる前、1960年頃までは小学校の教室を飛び出すと浜辺だったというから大変な変わりようだ。それでも、海に開ける街は解放的だ。伸び伸びと枝を広げる公園の木々も、既に新緑をまとい涼風が吹き抜けていく。心の霧も吹き飛ばして、さあ歩き出そうという気力が湧いてくる。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(横浜山手の「山頂公園」から眺める本牧港)とこのページの写真(「山頂公園」の新緑)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It has been a month since I visited Yokohama last time. On my way to my friend's house, I walked in Sancho Park (literally, "the summit park") looking down at Honmoku Bay. I caught a glimpse of the sea under the clearing sky after the rainy days. It was really a view of the spring sea! I saw a cargo ship slowly leaving the quay. Before reclaiming, the industrial district today was once a beach where children played jumping out of their classrooms in 1960s. What a dramatic change the coast line has undergone! Yet, the town open to the ocean gives us the liberating air. Trees with spreading branches wear fresh green leaves and the cool wind is likely to clear our sinking heart. Oh, let us go on! Today's update: the photo in the index page (a glimpse of Honmoku Bay) and the photo in this page (a tree wearing fresh leaves in the summit park). Thank you for your visit. March 28, 2023 やわらかな雨が降る。菜種梅雨なら慈雨だから降るに任せておくほかはない。満開になった桜も雨に打たれて項垂れる。間もなく4月。例年なら新学期の準備にあたふたしている時期だ。けれど今年から授業は僅か二つだけとなり、どのように暮らそうか思案している。これまで忙しさにかまけて先送りしてきた数多に取り組む好機到来と計画を練るか、心身のメンテナンスに勤しんで健康志向に邁進するか、それともゆったりのんびりのその日暮らしを決め込むか。終活を始めた友人もいる。(それはちょっと人生100年時代に早急ではないか?)徹底的に趣味を追及する人もいる。(あっぱれ!)引退という言葉は辞書にないとばかり組織の重責を担い続ける人もいる。(流石だ!)私は、色々なことを引きずりながら四方八方をながめ、どこかでひょいと何かを始めそうな気がする。それが何かは実のところ皆目見当もつかないのだけれど。引き続きここに書いていくことは間違いない。(「私流加齢の記録」?「カレーのレシピ」?やれやれ、何のことやら...。)本日の更新は、短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's been raining softly. As it is the fruitful rain in spring, let it just go on! Cherry blossoms in full bloom drop their heads. April will come soon. In previous years, I was busily preparing for the new semester in this season; however, I will have only two classes a week from the new semester. I do have to think of how to live from now. Shall I start making plans to do what I've been neglecting for so many busy years? Should I take care of myself to maintain my soul and body for well-being? Or shall I live leisurely day after day? Actually, one of my friends has started her "final activity" for clearing her residence. (Isn't it too early for her to do such an activity at 70 in the era of the 100-year lifespan ? ) Another friend of mine devotes herself concentrating in her hobby. (Great!) There is a person who goes on bearing a heavy responsibility of an organization as an executive. (Awesome!) As for me, it seems I would do something new to me when a chance comes. I don't know what that is yet, but let me write about myself continuously here anyway! (Will it be "My Aging Diary"? What am I going to write?) Today's update: only this short note. Thanks for your visit. March 25, 2023 今月は二度にわたる白内障の手術を受けたことで、心身両面にわたってこれまでにない変化を経験しつつある。眼球にメスが入るのは、思っていた以上の衝撃だった。僅か数時間とはいえ、半日の入院時には車椅子で移動し、いつも押す側だったのが押してもらう側に回って、視線の位置や前進・後退・回転時の身体への負担など、全く意識していなかったことを改めて実感した。(私は乱暴だったと思う。)片目ずつ眼帯が取れて、鮮やかな光が視界に漲る。瞳孔を開く目薬のせいで、焦点がぼやけたり足元がふらついたり。視力が定まるまでに2ヶ月程度かかるとのこと。手術したからと言って一気に回復するわけではなさそうだ。洗顔も洗髪も化粧もしない生活を最低10日間。いつしか傲慢な暮らし方をしていた自分が不自由という枠の中で、取りこぼしていた大切なものを一つずつ振り返る機会を得ている。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 In March, I got the cataract surgeries on both of my eyes. I should say I've been getting physical and mental disturbances. It was unexpectedly shocking to have the eyeballs taken the scalpel in spite of a local anesthetic. When I was hospitalized for half a day for each operation, I was carried by a wheelchair. The change of the position from one who pushes it to the one who is pushed in it was a great difference. I found how I was rough when I was handling the wheelchair, pushing it forward, backward, and turning it round. When eyepatches were removed, brilliant light rushed into my eyesight; but due to the medicine to expand the pupils, my focus was not fixed properly and I was not able to walk steadily. I was told that it would take a few months before my visual acuity becomes stable. The two operations do not confirm the recovery of my vision immediately. At first, I have to endure 10 days without washing my face, hair nor putting make-up. I admit that I am looking back on my arrogant life so far, in inconveniences. Today's update: only this note. Thank you for your visit. March 21, 2023 昨日墓参しがてら、高尾にある「森林総合研究所 多摩森林科学園」へサクラ保存林を見に行ってきた。広大な敷地に8ヘクタールの保存林が含まれており、年間を通して日本全国から集められたサクラの花を見ることができる。かつて一度あてどもなく山歩きをしたが、桜の季節に訪ねるのはこれが初めてだ。未だ全山満開と言うには程遠く(もっとも多種類の桜木は必ずしも同時に咲くわけではない)、咲いているいる樹を探しながら歩くのが愉しかった。自然は放置しておくだけでは豊かに育たないし、ましてや保存しようという意思を持たなくてはヒトは自然と共生できない。植物や動物の多様性を丹念に観察し、育てていこうというこの研究施設に大いに啓発されるお彼岸となった。本日の更新は「散策」中、「郊外散策」の欄に『多摩森林科学園 サクラ保存林』です。併せて表紙の写真(サクラ保存林の景色)と今年最初の菫(同所)です。街にもいよいよサクラサク季節のピークが来た。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Yesterday I visited my family grave in Takao for we are now on equinoctial week. On the way back, I dropped in Tama Forest Science Garden to see cherry trees. There is an institute which collects, preserves, and researches more than 500 kinds, of over 1800 Japanese cherry trees in the forest covering 8 hectares. Not all the cherry trees were in full bloom but I enjoyed walking in the forest to find beautiful blossoms here and there. I think I learned that the nature can hardly be left alone if we want it to keep rich and productive in many ways. I was very much inspired by the institute which eagerly studies the variety of plants, animals, and landscapes. Today's update: Tama Forest Science Garden in Walking in the Suburbs of Tokyo, Walking. The photo in the index page and the one here are from that page. Thank you for your visit. March 17, 2023 桜が咲くほど暖かい日があるかと思えば、再び冬に逆戻りする日もある。「彼岸まで」は気が抜けない。彼岸過ぎにさえ寒の戻りはありうる。そんな折、外出先でマスクをつける義務はなくなり、COVID-19によって強いられていた不自由の枷が外れていく。しかしそれは我々がCOVID-19から解放されたことを意味するものではない。感染のリスクを個人の判断で避けながら、思うようにふるまうことが可能だという合意に過ぎない。感染すればそれは自己責任。2年間もオンラインのみで仕事をしていた日々を思い出すと、あれは失われた歳月だったのかそれとも厚く保護された日々だったのか、既に判別しがたくなっている。今はもうCOVID-19を、そしてマスクを、隠れ蓑にできなくなったことだけは確かだ。本日の更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 One day it's warm enough to expect the blooming of cherry blossoms, and on the other day it's cold like in winter. As usual, we can hardly feel safe until the equinoctial week is over. Even on the week, we sometimes have snow! Now we can go out without wearing masks, getting freedom of activities eventually. Yet, it does not mean we are totally free from COVID-19. It's rather that we can behave as we like as long as we know we are responsible for our own health. Remembering the days when I worked online at home remote from workplaces for full two years, I'm not sure if I had a right choice to do so. Was I too timid in fear of infection or just self-indulgent? It's clear that we can no longer hide behind the masks and the pandemic for excuse of performance. Today's update: this memo only. Thanks for your visit. March 16. 2023 東京にも桜の開花宣言が出たとはいえ、西郊では未だほころび始めたばかり。開花直前の模様を眺めに行ってみた。狭山丘陵の一角、八国山を背景にする北山公園のベニシダレザクラ「三春桜」もちらほらと。毎年この季節には目覚めかけた里山の風景に心が躍る。満開の桜はどこへ見に行こうか。名所が良いか、名もなき路傍の花にしようか。満開の桜を追って南から北へと旅する人もいると聞く。一年、一年を愛おしむのに、桜は何と相応しい祝祭を用意してくれることか。私は人込みが苦手なので、やはり人気のない散歩道をてくてくたどることになるのだろう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都東村山市八国山)とこのページの写真(咲き初めるベニシダレザクラ)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。よき春を! Reportedly the cherry blossoms have started to bloom in Tokyo. In its western suburbs, however, only a few flowers are coming out. I took a walk in my neighborhood to check how cherry trees are doing. At a corner of Sayama Hills, you can see a "Miharu Sakura"(beni-shidare sakura) (literally, crimson weeping cherry tree) in Kitayama Park, in front of Hachikoku-yama, Higashimurayama, Tokyo. It is actually starting to bloom. Every year in this season, I come here to enjoy the view of the village forest Hachikoku-yama. Where shall I go to see cherry blossoms in full bloom? To famous view spots, or to nameless promenades? I've heard that some people travel following the blossoms from the south to the north. What suitable feasts cherry trees prepare for people to celebrate the preciousness of each year! As I am not keen to join the crowd of people, maybe I would walk alone along isolated trails. Today's update: a photo in the index page (Hachikoku-yama forest) and the one here in this page ("Miharu Sakura"-crimson weeping cherry tree in Kitayama Park). Thanks for your visit. I wish you wonderful spring days! March 15, 2023 ここ数年間、動静を伝える記事が出ず全集の出版ばかりが報じられていたので、病床にあるのかと想像していた作家、大江健三郎の訃報に接した。88歳での老衰死と聞けば天寿を全うしたと納得するしかない。おそらく支持者と反支持者が最も明確に分かれる日本の現代作家の一人だったのではないか。彼は1994年のノーベル文学賞受賞をひとつのピークとして既に大御所扱いされ、ゆるぎない地位を文学史上に確立していた。しかし社会活動家としては毀誉褒貶にさらされ、この「戦後民主義者」は万人を味方につけるとは言い難かった。それでも、現実の社会や政治状況に関わり続けるという姿勢を貫き、書斎に引きこもり続ける人ではなかった。脳に障害を持って誕生した長男の光氏が作曲家として認められるまでの物語は、大きな感動をもって読者に受け入れられてきた。私自身は、高校一年生で『死者の奢り』に出会った時に、自分の中のナイーヴな文学少女が吹き飛び、言葉と切り結ぶ芸術の存在を知った。これから大江最晩年の作品群を読み、多くの神話的作品を再読しようと思う。大江健三郎が欧米や南米の(古今の)作家たちから得ていたインスピレーションを改めて辿るという課題もある。難解なようでいて、キッチリと日本語を突き詰めた文体に再び酩酊することになるはずだ。膨大な作品を残した作家に命の終わりはないような気がする。 Oe Kenzaburo passed away. Since I hadn't heard of him for years, I'd thought he might have been ill in bed. When I heard he died of age at 88, I took it in peaceful mind. I understand he was one of the Japanese contemporary authors who had clearly both enemies and supporters. He was treated as the established writer in the history of world literature especially since he won Nobel Prize in 1994. Yet, as a social activist, he was not necessarily that eminent although he kept working against reactionary conservatism. He was not closeted in his study only. His stories about his eldest son Hikari, who was born with a handicap in brain, and grew up to be a music composer, have greatly impressed numerous readers. I myself met Oe for the first time, through Lavish Are the Dead, when I was a high school student. A naive literature-lover teenager was blown away then. I realized that there existed the art of language. From now on, I would read Oe's latest works and reread his mythical works as well. I know I will have to follow his steps how he was inspired by authors new and old of world literature. I'm sure I will be intoxicated by his profound styles which pursue the boundaries of our language. I feel there is no death for an author who left enormous works behind. March 12, 2023 コブシの花が満開になると、ああ春だと思う。ここから一気に花々の開花が続き、瞬く間に百花繚乱の季節に突入する。まだかまだかと待っていたのが嘘のように、野も街も明るい色に染め上げられる。そうなると、植物の生命力の逞しさについていけない人間はふと春憂に襲われたりするから厄介だ。素直に命のほとばしりを寿げばよいのに。訳も分からず訪れる胸の高まりや、得体の知れぬ胸騒ぎを誰かに語り掛けてみたくなるのもこの季節だ。それは年齢に関係ない。春には人の心も再生するのではないか。だから、私は宛名の無い手紙をここに書く。受け止める人がいてもいなくても。春ですね。生きていきましょう、と。本日の更新は表紙の写真(満開の辛夷・東京都小平市)とこのページの写真(都電荒川線「面影橋停車場」付近)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 When I find a tree of northern Japanese magnolia in bloom, I'm convinced that spring has come finally. This is the turning point that variety of flowers start blooming all at once. Unbelievably fields and towns as well are tintied with various kinds of colors all together. Then, strange enough, some people feel depressed, unable to follow the feast of the nature. Come on! Enjoy the sprash of life! It's also in this season when I'm eager to talk to someone about my heart's excitement and the disturbance. It has nothing to do with the age. Spring revitalizes us regardless of the age, doesn't it? Therefore, I write my message (to who?-it doesn't matter) here. "Hi! Spring has come. Let's survive." Today's update: a photo in the index page (a northern Japanese magnolia in full bloom, Kodaira City, Tokyo) and one here in this page (a streetcar near "Omokage-bashi" station, Shinjyuku, Tokyo). Thanks for your visit. March 6, 2023 私にはこのところミスが多い。大切な原稿を提出した後で、肝心かなめの言葉が誤字だったのに気付き、慌てて訂正版を再送信する。誤りに気付いていながら未だ訂正できていないものもある。漢字・数字・記憶違い等、まさかこんなことを!が頻発する。もともとうっかり屋ではあったけれど、我ながら情けない。何もかも「歳のせい」にはしたくない。どこかで致命傷の地雷を踏んだら大変。気を付けよう。本日の更新は新作エッセイ、散策思索 30 「GIFTを受け取って」です。先日(February 26, 2023)書いた羽生結弦東京ドーム公演トピックの拡大版です。よろしければご笑覧ください。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 Recently I often make mistakes in writing. Usually, I realize my mistakes after I sent the typescript and send the revised version in a hurry. I know I haven't got the chance to correct my mistakes yet in Kanji, numbers, misunderstandings etc. How often I say to myself, "Oh, no way!" I don't want to explain them as the result of aging. I'm afraid of stepping on a lethal landmine. Watch out! Today's update: a new essay on GIFT which I wrote in The Llatest Note on February 26, 2023: my review on GIFT, Yuduru Hanyu's ice-skating show at Tokyo Dome on February 26, 2023. Sorry, it's only in Japanese. Thank you for your visit. March 4, 2023 東京都東大和市を流れる野火止用水路が浅い清流となって、蛍の生育地として整備されるあたり、流れの畔にあるカフェ。中央に大きなストーブのある内装は山小屋風で、壁には大小の絵画がかかるギャラリーとなっており、専門のコーヒーはもちろん、英国製のポットで出る紅茶やルイボスティーも味わい深い。店の正面には溢れんばかりの草花の鉢が置かれ、店内の(主に欧州旅行土産と思しい)工芸コレクションと共に目を楽しませてくれる。時折音楽やアートイベントも開かれる。私がこの店に出会ったのは、例によって足の向くまま近隣を歩き回っていたある日、思い切って飛び込んだら年配のご婦人が、まるで自宅を訪れた客をもてなすようにコーヒーを淹れてくれた。何度か訪れるうちコロナ禍が襲い、休業が続いたものの、昨年後半からどうやら通常の営業が再開された。近隣の人たちが集まる場所になっているらしく、客の出入りが絶えない。本日は屋外のテラス席でランチを。流れの向こうには変電所の鉄塔が林立し、その先には電車が走る。静かで穏やかな場所なので、長居ができる。来し方行く末を思いながら、ゆっくりお茶を味わう、春先ならではの贅沢な週末。本日の更新は表紙の写真(野火止用水が流れる雑木林)とこのページの写真(カフェ、テラス席からの眺め)です。ご訪問に感謝いたします。 There is a cafe with a terrace by the stream of Nobidome Yosui Canal in Higashiyamato City, Tokyo. Fireflies are raised in the stream. The interior of the cafe is built like a mountain lodge with a large stove in the center. On the walls, there are pictures large and small to make the place like a gallery. Coffee is very tasty and tea is served in a large pot of bone China. (Most of the cups and saucers, dishes and bowls are made in England.) In front of the cafe variety of flowers and grasses are growing to please visitors, as well as the large miniature collection of European crafts do. Once in a while music and art events are held here. I happened to find this cafe for the first time a few years ago while I was taking a walk freely. When I jumped in, a senior lady served me a wonderful cup of coffee as if I had been a house guest. Then due to COVID19 the shop was closed for a few years. Only recently, it has come to open as before. As the cafe seems to be a place where neighbors come to get together, the business is quite busy. Today I had lunch at the terrace. Beyond the stream steel towers of an electrical substation can be seen and trains are going in the distance. Yet the cafe is quiet enough to relax. Today I enjoyed lunch and tea luxuriously thanks to the warm spring weekend. I was in a pensive mood looking back and forth forgetting time. Today's update: a photo in the index page (Nobidome Yosui Canal through the woods in Higashiyamato City) and the one here in this page (the terrace of the cafe). Thank you very much for your visit. March 3, 2023 一昨日、右目の白内障の手術を受けた。眼帯が取れると、喧伝されていた通り、光が押し寄せて世界が明るくなった。10日間は洗顔、洗髪、化粧禁止を言い渡されている。開けたままの右目を手術する間中、万華鏡のような模様が絶えず変化するのを見つめ続け、医師の実況解説を耳にしていた。「濁った水晶体を取り除きます。」「レンズを入れます。」「はい、順調ですよ。」と声をかけられると、「痛い!」とは言い出せなかった。「白内障の手術なんて痛くも痒くもない、あっという間に終わる」と豪語していた先輩たちのことばは事実とは違う。「我慢しなくては」とずっと握りこぶしを固めていた。次回左目は月末に。なまじ手術の実情を知った今となっては、恐ろしい。術後に開ける視界の鮮明さを思うと「どんと来い!」という気分になるのは確かだけれど。(が、今までよく見えていなかった鏡の中の自分と対面することの方がよほど怖い。)医療従事者の皆様に心よりの感謝を! The day before yesterday, I got the cataract surgery on my right eye. After the eye bandage was removed, the world has turned to be brighter, full of pure light. I'm forbidden to wash my face, wash hair, and make up for ten days. With my eye made wide open, I went through the surgery, watching the colorful patterns like kaleidoscope, and listening to the surgeon talking to me. She said, "I'll get rid of your murky crystalline lens." "I'll replace it with a brand-new lens." "Everything is going very well," etc. How could I say, "It hurts!" Those who had experienced it before, used to say arrogantly, "The cataract surgery is not painful at all. It finishes in a moment." That's not true. I had a hard time clenching my fist to resist the uncomfortable pain and terror. Next, the surgery for the left eye waits at the end of this month. Now that I know the reality, I'm horrified. But when I think of the brightness and the clarity of the vision, I'd like to say, "Come on, I'm not afraid at all!" (The horror is in the mirror where I can see clearly the reality of myself.") My heartfelt thanks to the health-care professionals! February 26, 2023 初めて東京ドームに入った。野球観戦ではなく、一夜限りのアイススケートショーを見るために。ドーム内にリンクが設営され、映像とライティング、フルオーケストラとビッグバンドによる音楽演奏の渦巻く中で、プロスケーター羽生結弦が"GIFT"と銘打つソロ公演を行った。観客数3,5000人。"ICE STORY"なる自らの来し方を語る彼の独白は瑞々しくも拙く、滑舌も良くない。だがこれまでの競技会で披露したプログラムを織り交ぜ、新曲やロック調のナンバーで滑る羽生結弦の圧倒的なスケーティングは批評を封殺するような威力を発揮した。優れたアスリートが競技生活を終えた後、どうやって生きていくかを問う実験劇場にも見えた。修練を重ねて前人未踏の成果を世に問い続け、どんなに称賛と顕彰を重ねても、「僕は一人だ」という彼の呟きが耳に残った。妙技というGIFT(贈り物)を観客に差し出す彼が、天からGIFT(才能)を授かった人間の歓喜と苦悩から逃れられないことを体現していたと思う。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(東京ドーム前でアイススケートショーの開幕を待つ人たち)とこのページの写真(ドーム内の特設リンク)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I entered Tokyo Dome for the first time, not to see a baseball game, but to enjoy an ice-skating show. An ice-skating rink was settled especially for this occasion. A professional ice skater Yuzuru Hanyu gave a one-night solo performance under the title of "Gift." Its subtitle was "Ice Story 2023," in which Hanyu's monologue described how he grew up by devoting himself to the physical art of ice-skating. His words were unsophisticated and he was not articulate enough, but his outstanding skating was likely to dispel any kind of criticism. The show included prominent numbers he had demonstrated so far and new rocking ones as well. The show was almost like an experimental theater where an excellent athlete could create his new career after retirement from his life of competitions (Olympic games as the summit.) He has practiced incessantly .to prove his capability, attained praises and medals, but he says, "I'm all alone." Hanyu presents GIFT to the audience, but as an individual who has been given the GIFT, he can never get away from his glory and agony.Today's update: a photo in the index page (people waitng for the show at Tokyo Dome) and the one here (the ice-skating rink inside Tokyo Dome). Thank you for your visit. February 25, 2023 日常生活の様々な場面で人工知能AI (artificial intelligence)が活躍の場を広げていることが盛んに語られる。ものすごく卑近な例で言うと掃除ロボット(人気機種で言えば「ルンバ」など)が登場して既に久しい。機械の動きを観察していて面白いのは、スムーズに動くところより逡巡している場面だ。音声案内が「Xボットは充電に戻ります」と宣言した後、機械は一直線に充電ポートに戻らない。一気に動きが緩慢になり、右へ左へウロウロしながら、ああでもないこうでもないと迷いつつ、漸く方向を定めて動き始める。途中で障害物に阻まれたりしながら、目指す場所を見つけると近くまで行って、最後の直線コースでスローに慎重に「着岸」する。機械の内部で人工頭脳が忙しく計算を行っているのだろう。人間はどうしてもそれを擬人化して解釈する。そしてあたかも「思案するかのように」ぎこちなく動くところに親近感を覚える。(少なくとも私は。)だが飛躍的に洗練されたAIがいずれ感情を持つようになるのだろうかという議論がまことしやかに行われている。文学作品がこれと無縁でいられるわけがない。どんな作品が生み出されることになるのか興味深い。本日の更新はこのページの写真(掃除ロボットと猫)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 People talk a lot about AI as it spreads its activity in various fields. Talking about AI in our daily life, the cleaning robot such as Roomba has been very popular. It's very interesting to see the robot move hesitatingly, not smoothly, when it goes back to the charging port. Right after the voice announces its return to the port the robot can't decide which way to go immediately. It moves here and there as if it can't see which way to go. Then it decides its direction and starts moving slowly, often blocked by some obstacles, and finally finds its port. In the final direct course, the movement looks very deliberate. Evidently inside the machine the artificial intelligence is calculating the route. People tend to observe it in humanistic way: "Look, the machine is thinking and judging which way to go!" (At least I do and have the sense of affinity at its bewilderedness.) Today the discussion over the possibility of AI's having feeling. Literature can't be indifferent to the topic. What kind of works will be possible? Today's update: only this note. February 21, 2023 都立小平霊園北口を出て新青梅街道を渡ったところに前々からちょっと気になる入口があった。思い切って入ってみると、そこは「黒目川上流域」という遊歩道へのスタート地点だった。小平霊園の中にある(普段は枯れている)「さいかち窪」を源流とし、流れ下って新河岸川に合流する荒川水系の川なのだという。鬱蒼とした樹木に囲まれた水路はうねうねと続き、やがて開けた大きな団地(東久留米西住宅)の敷地を貫く。そこで流れは「しんやま親水広場」になり、再び細い水路に戻る。流石に歩いて戻る自信が無かったので団地を出た交差点付近でバスに乗り、最寄りの私鉄路線の駅に出た。自然の景観としては余りにもささやかなものではあるけれど、多摩地区の雑木林の風情は良く残している。団地内の桜並木は花の盛りに訪ねたらさぞ見事だろう。現在は河津桜が満開だった。滅多に人とすれ違うこともなく、自分が東京の中でも辺鄙なところにいるのを実感する。地図は後から確かめてみるのも面白い。変な趣味だ。本日の更新は表紙の写真とこのページの写真(いずれも黒目川しんやま親水広場付近)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I have known there is an entrance into a lane at the point where I went across Shin Ome Kaido Avenue in front of the North Gate of Tokyo Metropolitan Kodaira Cemetery. I ventured to turn into the entrance and found it was the starting point of a promenade along Kurome River. The water source of the river is a dip named Saikachi Kubo in the cemetery. The tiny stream runs through deep bushes all along to an open space in a large housing complex (Higashikurume Nishi Jyutaku), and forms "Shinyama Waterfront Plaza." Then it goes back to an ordinary stream again. Well, I didn't know how to walk back, and so I caught a bus bound for a railway station. The promenade is not so remarkable as a path in the nature, but it maintains the familiar forest view of Musashino Area. I seldom met people, which reminded me of the fact that I'm living in a very local isolated place for Tokyo Metropolis. It's interesting to check the map after walking. What a weird hobby I have! Today's update: photos in the index page and here (both are the views in Waterfront Plaza of Kurome River). Thank you for your visit. February 18, 2023 先日92歳で逝去した伯母の家へ弔問に行き久々に従妹達と語り合った。その後私は近隣の「哲学堂公園」を訪ねた。昔から祖父や叔父たちが「テツガクドウ」と言うのを何のことだろうと不思議な思いで聞いていた。漢字を当てはめられるようになってからは、行ってみたいと思いながらその界隈から次第に足が遠のき、ついぞ行く機会がなかった。この日は既に陽が傾き始めていたため、園内をくまなく探索することは出来なかったものの、「時空間」と名付けられた古建築物のある一角をぐるりと歩いてみた。朱塗りの印象的な塔は「六賢台」。中国・インド・日本の哲学者を祀る。白い建物は「絶対城(図書館遺構)」。この庭を歩くことで哲学的思索を実践することができるという。仏教哲学者井上円了(1858-1919)の創設。妙正寺川の畔、公園の全体は新宿区と中野区にまたがる広々とした緑地だった。是非再訪したい。本日の更新は表紙の写真(「六賢台」)とこのページの写真(「絶対城(図書館遺構)」前にある石碑)です。ご訪問、ありがとうございます。 I paid a condolence visit to my late aunt's house (she recently passed away at the age of 92) where I had a chance to meet and talk with my cousins. After the visit, I went to Tetugaku-do Koen (The Temple Garden of Philosophy) nearby. When I was a small child, I used to hear my grandfather and uncles talk about "Tetugaku-do," which was a puzzling term to me. Later I learned to apply Chinese characters to the sound, I wished to visit the place. However, I stopped visiting the area gradually and couldn't venture to go there. Today when I finally made it, the sun was already starting to set and I was not able to explore the park thoroughly. All I could do was just to walk about the inner garden with old architectures named "Space of Time" There are old architectures including an impressive red tower "Rokken-dai" (literally meaning "The Tower of 6 Sages" where 6 philosophers of China, India and Japan are enshrined and a white building which was once a library and was called "Zettai-jyou" (literally meaning "The Castle of Absoluteness." The garden was constructed so that people can devote themselves in philosophical thought by walking about the place. The garden was created by Inoue Enryou (1858-1919), a Buddhist philosopher. The vast greenery park is located by Myoushouji River, at the border of Shinjyuku Ward and Nakano Ward. I would really like to revisit the park. Today's update: a photo in the index page ("The Tower of 6 Sages") and the one here (a stone monument in front of "The Castle of Absoluteness.") Thank you very much for your visit. February 15, 2023 既に2月も半ばとなり、強風の一日だった。太陽が出るとどうしても歩かずにいられない。ほんの小一時間のつもりが、たいてい大幅に超過する。「逍遥学派」よろしく散策と思索は相性が良い―なんてわけはなく、まさに「下手の考え休むに似たり」(よく皮肉屋の義父に言われたものだ)。足の向くまま気の向くまま歩いていると、どこで切り上げるかが問題になる。「行きはよいよい帰りは怖い」の歌詞の通りだが、思いがけないところへ出たりして発見もある。これからますます徘徊癖に拍車がかかるのだろう。せめて「俳諧」と行きたいものだが。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都東村山市の空堀川沿いで見かけた樹木)とこのページの写真(保存された郵便局―東京都小平市「小平ふるさと村」)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It's already the middle of February. It was a windy day. I can't help going out for a walk in a sunny day. I mean to walk for an hour, but usually I go on and on to find myself wandering in unexpected places. Pretending to be like a disciple of Peripatetic school, I say to myself, "Walking is good for thinking." No way! I should say "idle thinking is just wasting time." (This is what my father-in-law used to say ironically.! ) While I am walking as I like, I have to decide when to return. Outward journey is good but homeward journey is tiresome. However, sometimes I luckily happen to come across something interesting. I'm afraid I might fall in poriomania when I grow older. Let me be more poetic! Today's update: a photo in the index page (a tree by the river Karabori-gawa in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and the one here (a preserved historical post office in Kodaira City, Tokyo). Thank you for your visit. February 14, 2023 バレンタインデー。いつの頃からか、チョコレート商戦の日になってしまった。でも、本当は甘くて苦い愛を伝え合う日だったはず。愛の奥深さをチョコレートが帳消しにしませんように。本日の更新は別ページにて、バレンタインメッセージをどうぞ。 It's St. Valentine's Day today. Recently it has become a day for the chocolate business. But fundamentally, it's a day to share love with your special people. I hope chocolate won't blur the real taste of love. Today's update: my Valentine message to you in a different page. Thanks for clicking! February 12, 2023 4月並みの陽気に誘われ、思い切って薄着で外へ出た。小一時間も歩くと、汗ばんできて、手袋もマフラーも要らない。人間だけではなく様々な犬たちも散歩道を行く。彼らの殆どが衣服を着せられている。飼い主がヨタヨタしていると、大抵犬の方もヨタヨタしている。歩くのが不自由な犬は手押し車に乗せられて進む。すれ違う犬たちの種類は多種多様だ。真っ白なスピッツ、目張りも鮮やかなシベリアンハスキー、オシャレに毛を刈られたプードル、買い物袋を咥えたラブラドールなどなど、いやはや犬の品評会。ベンチの上にミニブルドッグが座り、隣に飼い主が座り、その人は片手で足元に来た野良猫を撫でている。太った猫はその犬と同じくらいの大きさ。犬と猫は互いに無関心。天気の回復と共に人も動物も外をうろつきたがる。遠くへ行く当てがなくともごく狭い範囲をぶらつくだけで、少し気が晴れるのは人も犬も同じ。飼い猫は年がら年中家の中にいて、特段文句も言わない。猫のように暮らしたいという人もいる。自足して生きたいということか?本日の更新は短信のみにて。 It was exceptionally warm for February today. I went out or a walk without a heavy coat. After walking for an hour, I felt so hot that I took off my gloves and scarf. Not only human beings but also dogs were walking along the promenade. Most of the dogs were in their nice coat. Dogs with doddering wo/men were doddering along. Dogs hard to walk were put in a cart to go. Variety of dogs were walking. A snow white spitz, a Siberian husky dog with clear eyeliners, a fashionably trimmed miniature poodle, a Labrador retriever holding a shopping bag in its mouth etc. They were like in a competitive show! I saw a miniature bulldog sitting beside a woman who was petting a big fat stray cat at her feet (as big as the dog). Neither the dog nor the cat paid attention to each other. When the weather is good, both human beings and dogs want to go out for a walk. They satisfy themselves just hanging about in the neighborhood. Cats at home never complain of being kept in a house. Some people say they want to live like cats. Do they mean to live a self-sufficient life? Today's update: this short note only. February 10, 2023 予報通り関東地方でも雪が降った。(東京北西部)朝方は微かな粉雪だったものが昼過ぎからは牡丹雪に変わり、夕刻には霙、そして雨となった。かなり解け始めてはいるものの、通りはシャーベット状の雪で覆われている。明朝までにどれくらい消えるか、それとも夜中に凍結してしまうのか。おそらく、明日は三寒四温で道路もいずれカラリと乾くのだろう。今なお雪深い土地の方々には合わせる顔がないような俄か雪だった。本日の更新は短信のみにて。雪解け道にご用心! Just as the weather report had warned, it snowed in Kanto Area today. In the northern west part of Tokyo, a sort of powder snow was falling in the morning, it turned to flat flakes in the afternoon, and in the evening, it went to sleet and finally to rain. The snow is melting but it covers the pavement like sherbet. I wonder how much will melt by tomorrow morning. Or will it be frozen during the night? Hopefully, however, the snow will melt rapidly tomorrow in warmth and the pavement will be dried up again. I feel sorry for those who live under the heavy snow yet. Ours was the sudden brief shower-like snow. Today's update: only this note. Please be careful not to slip on the road with melting snow anyway! February 9, 2023 明日は関東地方にも降雪の予報が出ている。日中も快晴ながら冷たい風が吹いていた。とは言え立春を過ぎてからの光は益々まぶしい。近所の庭先で梅や桃が咲き競うのを眺めながら歩く。春遠からじを実感する。本日の更新は「新作エッセイ」に散策思索29『動と静の間で―映画鑑賞記』を載せました。前回「更新・短信」で走り書きしたアイルランド映画と、もう一つ最近見たインド映画RRRを並べてあります。映画レビューというには主観的な感想文ですが、ご笑覧いただければ幸いです。それから表紙の写真(近所の枝垂れ白梅)とこのページの写真(同じく近所の紅梅)です。ご訪問、ありがとうございます。 The weather report says it will snow in Kanto Area tomorrow. during the day, it was sunny but the wind was quite chilly. However, the light has been so bright since the beginning of spring in our traditional calendar. I feel the real spring is approaching when I took a walk in my neighborhood watching garden flowers. Today's update: a new essay on movies I saw recently, Irish The Banshees of Inisherin and Indian RRR. Sorry, the essay is only in Japanese. Another update is a photo in the index page (Japanese weeping white plum in blossom) and the one here (red Japanese plum in bloom). Thank you very much for your visit. February 5, 2023 『イニシェリン島の精霊』という映画を見に行った。アイルランドの西の果て、アラン島を舞台にした人間と動物と「精霊」の物語だ。1920年代のアイルランド内戦の砲弾を遠く本島に聞く、何もない孤島で繰り広げられるささやかな、しかし壮絶な二人の男の諍いと、それを取り巻く人々の確執を描く。余りにもミニマムな、同時に精神と魂を鷲掴みにするような根源的な対立を、どう捉えたらよいのか観客は否応なく「渦中」に巻き込まれる。人に寄り添うロバや馬や犬の存在が、どこかユーモラスで人の世の猛々しさの毒を抜く。背景となる島の景観の恐ろしいまでの美しさはどうだろう。結論があるわけではない。それぞれの観客が持ち帰らなくてはならない幕切れに、どこか爽快な「やられた」感が付きまとう。アラン島へは私も行ったことがある。本島のゴールウェイからフェリーで一時間余り。荒海に乗客は皆船酔いした。航海の途中で海の中にかかる虹をくぐった。よくまあ一人であんなところまで行ったものだ。だからこそ見逃せない映画で、見る価値のある作品だった。本日の更新は、このページの写真(湯島天神の白梅)です。ご訪問、ありがとうございます。 I went out to see a movie, The Banshees of Inisherin. The story develops in Aran Islands in the far west of Ireland. Briefly, it's a story about human beings, animals, and banshees. In 1920s, people of the islands hear gunfire of Irish civil war from the mainland, but are not seriously concerned about the fight. Their life is quiet and monotonous. Meanwhile, two men there got confronted with each other for unclear reasons: it's such a minimal conflict but affects the small society drastically. (We the audience also cannot help getting involved mentally in their war.) Animals such as horses, a donkey and a dog, on the other hand make us relax and detox the entangling human relationship with a sort of humor. The terrible beauty of the background natural scenery is awesome. There is no clear conclusion in the story. Each audience is supposed to bring back the ambiguous ending. It's a sensation of unexpected knock-out. Actually, I've been to Aran Island long time before. It took us more than an hour from Galway in the mainland by a ferry to the island; It was a rough sailing which made almost all the passengers sea-sick. But suddenly I remember we went through under a rainbow over the ocean. How dare I went so far on my own! That's why the movie was special to me and really worth watching. Today's update: a photo in this page (white Japanese plum in blossom at Yushima Tenjin Shrine, Tokyo). Thank you for your visit. February 3, 2023 今日は節分。本郷へロッカーの片付けに行った帰り、近隣の湯島天神と神田明神に詣でた。天神様では「梅まつり」が始まっていたものの、凍えそうな曇天の下、未だ蕾が殆どで賑わいも今ひとつ。受験生らしい生徒たちが神妙にお参りしていた。神田明神の方は境内に舞台が設けられ、豆まきの真っ最中。私が見た回は、地元の芸者さんと思しき御姉様方が日本髪も艶やかに、にこやかに、手を伸ばす人たちに向かって豆を放り投げる。背後では赤と青のコスチュームを着た鬼たちがおどけていた。賑やかではあるが(これもCOVID-19のせいか)豆まきの規模は小さく、押すな押すなの大盛況というには些か寂しかった。人が群れ集うことを忌避してきたこの年月、イベントが行われるだけでも進歩というべきか。街では海外からの観光客の一団が物珍しそうな表情で一列になって歩いていた。こちらも皆寒そうだった。それから、私は暫く聖橋の上に佇んだ。地上に出てきた地下鉄丸ノ内線が神田川を渡るところを眺めるために。若かった頃と同じように。本日の更新は表紙の写真(聖橋から眺めた神田川)とこのページの写真(神田明神の節分会)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 It was the end of winter season today by our traditional calendar. On my way back fromthe campus where I cleared all my belongings from a tiny locker of mine, I walked to nearby shrines. At Yushima Tenjin Shrine, Plum Blossom Festival was going on, but it was too early for the full bloom. There were not so many people in the grounds of the shrine, with groups of junior high school students praying for their successful results of entrance exams. On the other hand, at Kanda Myoujin Shrine, it was bustling with people gathering for bean throwing, a customary event for driving demons away and welcoming fortunes. I watched some geisha ladies, in kimono with their hair beautifully tied up in an old Japanese fashion, throwing beans to those who were pushing their hands up for fortune. Behind the ladies, were tow comedians in red and blue demon costumes playing around. The event was fun but (perhaps due to COVID-19) the gathering of audience was not so large. However, I should say it was good they were able to hold the event at all after repetitive cancels. In town, I saw a group of foreign tourists. They looked curious but feeling cold. Welcome to Japan, anyway! I walked to Hijiri-bashi Bridge and stood there watching the Marunouchi Subway Line appear and go across the River Kanda, as I used to do when I was young. Today's update: A photo in the index page (a view from Hijiri-bashi Bridge over the River Kanda) and the one here (a bean throwing event at Kanda Myoujin Shrine). Thank you very much for your visit. February, 1, 2023 学期末の仕事に追われていた。試験、採点、成績登録。長年の主な勤め先が今年度で終了となり、僅かな所持品の処分をしなくてはならない。退職後の数年間は、非常勤をした。今度こそ全部撤収である。足掛け37年間、東京都文京区本郷の地に通った。勤務先も女子短期大学から共学の4年制大学に変わり、終戦直後に建てられた校舎は正面のモザイク壁画をそのままに、背の高いビルになった。大学の敷地面積に厳しい規制があった頃は、千葉県流山市のキャンパスに学生も教員も通ったものだ。子育て時期、家族の介護・看病の時期を含めて、寛容な職場だったことに感謝している。今日から二月。厳寒の中にも、時折柔らかな光が差す。契約に基づく仕事は「これでお終い」でも、人生はまだまだ続く(と思いたい)。そして、書きたいことはいくらでもある(はずだ)。本日の更新は表紙の写真(都立外山公園の花壇)とこのページの写真(河津桜)です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 I was busy with the job at the end of a semester as usual: giving examinations, marking them, and registering students' academic results. This is virtually the very final semester for me at the university where I have worked for over 37 years. I need to clear all my belongings as soon as possible. Since I officially retired from the university, I've been working as a part-time instructor. Hongo, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo has been the place I really engaged in. The workplace changed from a women's junior college into a coed 4-year university. The old apres-guerre building was rebuilt into a tall smart one, with the legendary mosaic facade. While the regulations of campus area was vey strict, both students and teachers went to another campus in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture to demonstrate we were utilizing both of the campuses. During the periods when I was hectic with child-care and family care of all kinds, the institute was quite generous and understanding, thanks! Well, it's already February. Even in the severe coldness, we are gifted with occasional soft and bright light. Although the contract of my job is over, my life will, hopefully, go on and I believe I have a lot more to write! Today's update: a photo in the index page (pansy in Toyama Park) and the one here (Kawazu cherry blossoms). Thank you for your visit! January 27, 2023 私は朦朧としながらその人の話を聴いていた。「コロナはそんなに凶悪な感染症ではありません。」「致死率から言ったら、肺炎の方がずっと高いです。」「後遺症のことがまことしやかに語られていますが、どんな病でも完全に回復するまでには時間がかかります、風邪でもインフルエンザでも、同じことでしょう。」「いつまでもマスクをしているのは日本ばかりです。もう二年くらい前から、マスクを外して暮らしている国の方がずっと多い。ワールドカップの後のアルゼンチンの大群衆を見たでしょう?誰もマスクなんかしていませんでしたよね。」「満員電車で空気感染する人もいるでしょうが、電車を降りた後酒を飲んだとしたら、酒場ばかりが糾弾される。」「あんなアクリル板に感染防止効果のあるわけがない。」「換気のためだとして今も電車の窓が少し開けられている。隙間から吹き込む風、寒くないですか?私はできるだけ閉めます。」終わらない話だった。おっしゃる通りのような気もするが、抗弁も反論も出来ない自分がふがいなかった。「コロナを長引かせたい人々がいるはずです」との一言には慄然とした。逐一論拠は?と質すわけにもゆかず。しかし逆さまの話を聴いてもやはり、私は何も言えないかもしれない。身近で見聞きした事例を上げるのがせいぜいだろう。私には大局的な見地から展開できる「持論」が何もないことに気付く。直接的な議論に身をさらさずに今日まで来たことの証かもしれない。そのことが一番まずい。本日リハビリ中の一場面でした。 I was listening in the foggy brain to the man talking. He said, "Talking of fatality, COVID-19 is not an infectious disease so evil as it is considered to be. Pneumonia is much worse." " People are inclined to emphasize the seriousness of aftereffects, but it takes time to recover perfectly no matter what kind of disease you suffered, such as normal cold or flu." "Japan is the only country where it is obligatory to wear masks. In most of other countries people have been living without masks for more than two years. Remember the big crowd of people right after World Cup in Argentina. How many were wearing masks there? None!" "You may perhaps get virus in a crowded train, but if you go to a pub after you get out of the train, pub is accused as the cause of COVID-19." "How can such a plastic partition prevent the infection?" "Just for ventilation, windows are not shut perfectly in a train. Isn't it cold in the train now? I dare close them as much as I can." His talk continued endlessly. I felt very often he was right but I was irritated by myself not being able to refute nor say anything back to him. When he said, "There should be a party who don't want to stop COVID-19," I was appalled. I should have said, "What is your evidence?" To my shame, I might behave similarly if I listen to the other side of the discussion. All I could do might be just to give some cases I know firsthand. I’ve found myself armless to any kind of discussion. I guess the main cause of it is that I have not exposed myself to any direct discussion over the matter so far. That's the biggest issue in me. This was a scene when I was getting rehabilitation from a PT. January 25, 2023 僅かばかりの空き時間に、箱根山に登った。もちろん神奈川県と静岡県にまたがる本物の箱根山ではなく、東京都新宿区にある標高44.6メートルの、江戸時代に造られた築山である。高田馬場界隈に通うようになって数年が経ち、いずれはあたりを散策してみたいと思っていた。地下鉄東西線の早稲田駅を出ると、先ず目の前に「穴八幡宮」。本殿までは急な階段を上る。「一陽来復」のお札を受けに来た人たちの長蛇の列に驚いた。お宮のある交差点を南に行くと、都立外山公園「箱根山地区」にぶつかる。鬱蒼とした雑木林があり、山道が続く。山頂まで上り詰めると息が切れた。冬枯れの木立の彼方に副都心のビル群が遠望できる!新宿区にも多彩な場所があるものだ。尾張徳川家の江戸下屋敷跡地とのこと。歴史のダイナミズムを体感した。相変わらず街歩きは面白い。本日の更新は、表紙の写真(穴八幡宮鳥居)とこのページの写真(箱根山登り口)です。寒波襲来の折、皆様ご自愛ください。 In my spare time, I climbed Mt. Hakone; not the one in Kanagawa and Shizuoka Prefecture, but the one in Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo. It was artificially built in Edo Period. Since I started commuting to Takadanobaba, I've been willing to take a walk in this area. Today I and got out of Subway Tozai Line at Waseda Station. There I found a brilliant crimson gate of Ana-Hachiman Shrine. I climbed the steep stairs to the main building to offer prayers. Amazingly so many people were making lines to get the sacred paper charm. I turned the corner beside the shrine to south and walked to the foot of Mt. Hakone in Toyama Park. In the bush I found the path to the top of the mountain (in fact a small hilltop). It was breathtaking to walk to the summit, where beyond the bare branches of the trees, I could have a look at the skyscrapers of the subcenter of Tokyo. Wow, I was impressed to find such a landscape of Tokyo! The mountain was the remnant of the huge estate of Owari Tokugawa Family. The place made me feel a dynamic history of Edo Period. It's still very interesting to take a walk in Tokyo. Today's updte: a photo in the index page (the entrance gate to Ana-Hachimangu Shrine) and the photo in this page (a path to the summit of Mt. Hakone, in Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo.) Thanks for your isit. It's extremely cold. Please take care of yourself! January 22, 2023 年が明けると厳寒の中にも、待ちかねた花が開き始める。紅梅、河津桜、そしてロウバイ。近隣の公園へ行ってみたら、たくさん咲いていた。どこでも見かける花とはいえ、今年最初の花盛りに出会うのは嬉しい。赤や桃色とはまた別の色香が漂う。百花繚乱の季節はまだまだ先のこと。荒野の中に灯が点ったように咲く花は、希望の化身か。特に目覚ましいことは何もないけれど、少しはいいこともある。小さな「いいこと」を大切に守っていたら、幸いに満たされるかもしれない。花は、寒さで縮こまっている心身への自然の恵み。ロウバイの芳香を深呼吸しよう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(枯野となった東村山中央公園)とこのページの写真(ロウバイ)、それから短信です。ご訪問ありがとうございます。 In the new year, in the very middle of winter, flowers start blooming. The rose plum, Kawazu cherry trees, and wintersweet! I walked to a nearby park to find flowers of wintersweet. There they are! They are common trees we find here and there, but what a joy it is to find the full bloom in such a cold season. The yellow flowers demonstrate special color and fragrance. The flowering season is still far away. Wintersweet looks lights lit in the bleak field. like an image of hope. Although there is nothing particularly amazing in my daily life, something good happens day by day. If I cherish "something good", maybe I'll be filled with real happiness. Flowers are the gift of nature which warm my soul and body in the bottom of coldness and darkness. Oh, let mee breathe the fragrance of wintersweet deeply. Today's update: a photo in the index page and the one here in this page, plus this note. Thanks for your visit. January 17, 2023 これまでに読んできた旅行記(小説)のうち、日本人作家の中で特に印象深いのは沢木耕太郎の『深夜特急』だ。26歳だった青年が香港から東南アジアの国々を経てインドに至り、そこで生死観を根底から覆すような衝撃を受け、周辺諸国・中東経由でにヨーロッパに向かう。読者も彼と旅路を共にする。舞台となった70年代に、そのような長い旅をした若者はどのくらいいたのだろう。私も1979年の一人旅の途上、バックパッカーたちと出会った記憶は今も鮮明だ。私の場合は予め帰る日程もしっかり組んだ旅だったが、一人旅の孤独と緊張と高揚はその後の自分に大きな影響を及ぼしたと思う。1947年生まれの沢木の旅への情熱(作家自身はそれを「病」と呼んでいる)は衰えることを知らない。最新作『天路の旅人』を手に入れた。戦時中の「諜報員」の破天荒な旅を題材とするルポ(?)だが、読み応えがありそうだ。読書という旅への期待が高まる。 Among the travel books that I have ever read, Sawaki Koutarou's Midnight Express might be the most impressive one to me so far. A man of 26 years old went on a travel starting from Hong Kong, through south eastern countries into India, where he experienced fundamental changes in his view of life and death; then he continued his travel through Middle East bound for Europe. Readers inevitably share his travel while reading throughout the books. I wonder how many young people traveled the world like he did in 1970s? I remember meeting many backpackers while I was traveling alone in England and Ireland in 1979. In my case, I had decided my schedule back home but still I felt extreme loneliness, nervousness and excitement of traveling on my own. I think the travel affected my life greatly. Sawaki's passion for traveling has never ceased, which he calls "an illness." I've got his latest work on an intelligence person: a story following the man's extreme journey during World War II and days after that for 8 years. The volume looks worth reading. I expect an exciting journey in the book. January 15, 2023 母方の叔母(母の長兄の妻)の訃報が届いた。コロナ禍では家族葬が定番になっているため、親戚も事後報告となる。伯母はずっと自宅で娘一家と暮らしていた。亡くなる3日前から食べなくなり最後は搬送先の病院で苦しむこともなく逝ったという。生まれた時から可愛がってくれた伯母なので寂しく悲しい。随分頑張っていた昭和一けた世代も、こうして消えてゆく。本日も更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問に感謝します。 One of my aunts (spouse of my mother's elder brother) passed away. Due to COVID-19, only her closest family attended the funeral. Other relatives were informed of the news when the funeral was over. The aunt was living with her eldest daughter's family. She stopped eating three days before her death. She was brought to a nearby hospital and deceased peacefully. As she was very kind and good to me since I was born, I’m really sad and lonely. It's quite depressing to see off the generation of 1930's. Today's update: the latest note only. Thanks for your visit. January 14, 2023 止まったままの時計があった。近所の時計屋は店仕舞いしてしまい修理に出す当てもなく私は部屋の片隅におきっ放しにしていた。それが年初から突然動き始め、今では何事もなかったかのように時を刻んでいる。「止まっていた時が動き出す」という比喩のようで可笑しい。捨てなくてよかった。物を溜め込み、優柔不断な私は「ほらね、こんなこともあるんだから」と自己弁護のように独り言ちている。本日も更新は短信のみにて。ご訪問に感謝します。 January 12, 2023 一昨日カセットテープのことを書いた。偶然遠縁の人が秘蔵のレコードを往年のプレイヤーで毎日聴いていることを知った。団塊の世代は(若い頃)なけなしの金をはたいてでも欲しいものを手に入れたようだと改めて知る。コレクションしたはいいが、聴く暇がなくて押し入れに突っ込んでおいたのを漸く時間ができた現在、引っ張り出して聴きまくっているそうだ。「案外保存が良くて、デジタル音源とは違う味わいがある」などと蘊蓄を傾ける。そういうスノッブなところも団塊世代の特徴か。一足先に彼岸に行ってしまった団塊世代をとっ捕まえて語り合えたらと、私は甲斐ない願いを抱くこともある。 The day before yesterday, I wrote about a cassette tape. I happened to know that one of my relatives enjoys listening to analogue records with his old-fashioned player day after day. He belongs to the baby boomer generation. Many of his generation seem to have paid from their light purse to get what they really wanted. My relative person managed to buy precious records but didn't have time to listen to them while he was young. Only recently he pulled out his secret collection from the closet and started listening to them in his slow life. "Records give me sounds quite different from digital resource" says he. I feel some of the baby boomers tend to be quite snobbish to lecture on their interests to others with relish. I long to talk to one of the baby boomers who has already gone to the other world and ask him his opinion. I know well it is an impossible wish for ever. January 10, 2023 今時カセットテープを使う人がいるだろうか。フロッピーディスクが消えて久しく、ミニディスクもどこかへ行った。CDで音楽を聴く人も激減している。最近は共用のPCにUSBメモリースティックを使ってファイルを開くことも(場所によっては)禁じられている。急速なディバイスの変化に追いつけなかったら社会生活からシャットアウトされかねない。先日市役所にマイナンバーカードと保険証を合体させに行ったら、「指導員」が手取り足取り登録方法を教えてくれた。自分で個人情報を入力する段になって初めてキーを打ったら、「あらっ、パソコン御存じだったんですね?」と言われた。キー入力も出来ない人だと思われていたらしい。さもありなん。私は今時「ラジカセ」を買う人間だ。テープにしか音源の無い資料を使うために、どうしても必要になった。あらビックリ!レトロもアナログも何でもありのネットショップ。最近レコードマニアも多いようだし、歴史は繰り返すのでしょう。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東村山市野火止用水縁の水仙の一群れ)とこのページの写真(野原の一本の木)です。晴れている日の昼間は底抜けに明るい関東地方。ご訪問に感謝します。 Are there still those who use cassette tape today? Floppy disks have gone years before. We seldom see MD (mini-disks) nowadays. Less and less people buy CDs for listening to music reportedly. Recently we are prohibited to use USB memory sticks with a PC connected to the internet for fear of the infection of virus. If we cannot catch up with the latest digital devices, we are likely to be shut out of the current social activities so easily. A few months ago, I went to the city hall to unite my personal number card with the health insurance card, an instructor at the office kindly helped me go through the procedure. Only when I started typing my personal data, she was astonished to say, "Well, you know how to use a computer, aren't you?" She seemed to regard me as someone who knew nothing about a computer. She's reasonable. I am a person who buys a cassette tape recorder today. There was no way to use one for listening to the sound source only available in the style of a cassette tape. I was impressed to find the recorder at a shopping site! They sell almost anything including analogue and retrospective appliances! Yes, there are people who love the old-fashioned records so much! History repeats itself indeed. Today's update: a photo in the index page (narcissus on the bank of Nobidome-Yousui canal in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (a tree in a field). On a sunny day, the world is very bright in Kanto Area. Thanks for your visit! January 08, 2023 私が義母を介護していた頃、週一回PT (physical therapist―理学療法士) が我が家を訪問し、リハビリをしてくれた。義母は立ったり座ったり、四肢を動かしたり、(可能だった頃は)近隣を歩いたり、淡々と単純な動作を繰り返していた。運動能力を高めるためというより、持っている運動機能の低下を押さえるために。数年間のうちにできることが徐々に減っていき、やがてPTとのコミュニケーションも覚束なくなった。そして特別養護老人ホームから順番待ちの呼び出しが来たわけだけれど、義母は何故施設に行かなくてはならないか、理解できなかった。施設に移って約3ヶ月後に義母は亡くなった。もし存命なら現在丁度100歳だった。6年前のこと。義母と私は30歳違い。先日初めて私は整形外科でリハビリを経験した。疲労蓄積で固まっていた(らしい)身体の要所をほぐしてもらうのは快感だった。そうか、こんな風にして人は加齢による不調と向き合うのかと妙に納得。「平気、平気!」と我が身を顧みず負荷をかけ続けてきた結果なのかと大いに反省も。しきりに義母のことを思い出す。 When I was taking care of my mother-in-law, a physical therapist visited our home to give her a rehabilitation exercise once a week. She walked with him in the neighborhood while she could, stood up and sat down repeatedly, and moved her limbs diligently under his instruction. It was not to promote her physical abilities but to keep what she was able to do as much as possible. Gradually she could do less and less; then one day a special nursing home decided to accept her, when she could hardly communicate with the physical therapist. My mother-in-law did not understand why she had to leave her own home and enter the institute. About three months later, she passed away. It was six years ago. If she were still alive, she would have been 100 now. She was exactly 30 years elder than I was. BTW, I experienced my first rehabilitation of orthopedic surgery last week. I got a pleasant sensation when hardened points of my body were relaxed by the hands of the therapist. I somehow understood how people face the discomforts caused by aging. Clearly, the discomforts come from my own negligence of my own body. All this reminds me of my late mother-in-law. January 06, 2023 あっという間に三が日が明け、松の内も明け、おそらく一月も文字通り行ってしまうのだろう。本日から授業再開。残り少ない秋学期の締めの季節だ。ここから最終試験が始まり(社会全般を見渡せば入学試験間近)、ある意味ではストレスフルな時期となる。もっともそれは学窓に於いてのこと。キャンパスを離れてしまえば関係ない。ギリギリ引っかかっている私は、やはりそのスケジュールに翻弄されている。だんだんこういう季節労働から遠ざかて行くのであろうが。(入試にタッチしなくなっただけでも数年前までとは大違い。)ヒマになったかと思いきや、年始早々身体のあちこちが黄色信号を点し、病院通いも始まった。もう立派な高齢者。えへん!本日の更新は【更新・短信】のみにて。ご訪問に感謝します。 The first three days of the new year have passed swiftly, and so have the seven days (which we call the days of pine trees, meaning the sacred period of time at the beginning of a new year has come to an end). I started to teach in classes today. The remaining time of the autumn semester is very short. Generally speaking, entrance examinations of all levels of educational institutes will start very soon. In other words, it's a very stressful season as long as you are related to schools of some kinds here in Japan. If you are out of campus, the stress has nothing to do with you. I still have a little bit of myself related to it. Probably I will be soon away form that kind of seasonal labors. Now that I am no longer a part of the crew in charge of entrance exams, I am far more liberated than before. However, I need to spend time for going to various hospitals. I am matured enough to be called a senior citizen. Aha! Today's update: the latest notes only. Thanks for your visit. January 02, 2023 新しい年!色々な変化の予感がする。古希を迎えた私は未知の領域に踏み込んだようだ。嘗ては抽象概念だった「加齢」が手応えある実感となり、一つ一つの選択を疎かにできない場面が増えてゆく。恐れを押さえて微笑みつつ、そろりそろりと踏み出すことになるのだろう。スリルがある!本日の更新は当【更新・短信】ページ刷新、表紙の写真(山口湖畔)、このページの写真(多摩川水源地の山々―鷹ノ巣山1737m, 雲取山2017m)です。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A new year has started! I expect a lot of changes in my life. Now that I'm 70 years-old, evidently, I have stepped in a new field. Once "aging" was an abstract concept, but it is reality to me; I have to choose every step carefully. Hiding my fear and smiling, I will find my way deliberately. It's thrilling indeed. Today's update: a renewal of "The Latest Notes" page, a photo of the index page (Lake Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture), and a photo in this page (some peaks observed beyond Lake Tama-Mt. Takanosu 1737m and Mt. Kumotori 2017m). Thank you for visiting this website. Looking forward to meeting you here again and again this year.
The Latest Notes 21 (3/1/2022-12/29/2022) |
The Latest Notes 11 (1/1/2007-23/12/2007) |
The Latest Notes 20 (1/1/2021-2/28/2022) | The Latest Notes 10 (1/1/2006-27/12/2006) |
The Latest Notes 19 (2/1/2020-12/19/2020) | The Latest Notes 9 (4/1/2005 - 30/12/2005) |
The Latest Notes 18 (6/11/2018-12/11/2019) | The Latest Notes 8 (1/9/2004 - 31/12/2004) |
The latest Notes 17 (6/28/2013-8/18/2013) | The Latest Notes 7 (1/5/2004 - 31/8/2004) |
The latest Notes 17 (6/28/2013-8/18/2013) | The Latest Notes 6 (2/1/2004 - 25/4/2004) |
The Latest Notes 16 (1/3/2012-12/4/2012) | The Latest Notes 5 (1/9/2003 - 29/12/2003) |
The Latest Notes 15 (2/25/2011-10/26/2011) | The Latest Notes 4 (1/1/2003 - 8/31/2003) |
The Latest Notes 14 (1/3/2010-10/11/2010) | The Latest Notes 3 (9/22/ 2002 - 12/23/2002) |
The Latest Notes 13 (1/1/2009-12/11/2009) | The Latest Notes 2 (4/14/ 2002 - 9/5/2002) |
The Latest Notes 12 (1/1/2008-29/12/2008) | The Latest Notes 1 (11/1/ 2001 - 4/13/2002) |